15 research outputs found

    Financial feasibility analysis of the Reuse of Human Waste Business Model in the Cape Coast metropolis in Ghana.

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    The financial viability of waste management schemes in Ghana have been reported to be rare. Hence prior to upscaling the pilot reuse of human waste business model to a commercial phase, analysis of the viability of the up scaled business model is essential. Thus this study seeks to analyse the financial feasibility of upscaling the reuse of human waste business model in Ghana. Data originate from the pilot project in Accra, extended with expert elicitation. The NPV and IRR were used as decision criteria for Public Private Partnership (PPP) and Private Scenarios. The Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used to identify input variable which had most impact on NPV. Economic and simulation results reveal higher probability of financial feasibility in the PPP Scenario. Outcomes are useful for policy makers to jointly steer urban waste management and farmers’ needs in the area of sustainable soil management

    Investor perception towards small medium enterprises investment in Africa

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    This study seeks to examine investor perceptions towards investing in SMEs in Africa. Data was collected via an online survey sent to investors on the Venture Capital for Africa (VC4Africa) platform. The Kendall’s coefficient of concordance was used to determine the degree of agreement among investor perception towards the importance of venture and country characteristics in their investment decisions. A logistic regression model was used to determine the factors that influence investor decisions to invest in African SMEs. The results reveal that investors’ working experience in Africa and their perceived importance of the financial performance of a venture and availability of exit strategies are the factors which influence investment decision in African SMEs. Results stimulate further discussion in the services provided by venture capital and angel investor networks, which is beneficial to key stakeholders in the venture capital and private equity ecosystem

    Resilient Strategies and Sustainability in Agri-Food Supply Chains in the Face of High-Risk Events

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    [EN] Agri-food supply chains (AFSCs) are very vulnerable to high risks such as pandemics, causing economic and social impacts mainly on the most vulnerable population. Thus, it is a priority to implement resilient strategies that enable AFSCs to resist, respond and adapt to new market challenges. At the same time, implementing resilient strategies impact on the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability. The objective of this paper is twofold: analyze resilient strategies on AFSCs in the literature and identify how these resilient strategies applied in the face of high risks affect the achievement of sustainability dimensions. The analysis of the articles is carried out in three points: consequences faced by agri-food supply chains due to high risks, strategies applicable in AFSCs, and relationship between resilient strategies and the achievement of sustainability dimensions.Authors of this publication acknowledge the contribution of the Project 691249, RUC-APS "Enhancing and implementing Knowledge based ICT solutions within high Risk and Uncertain Conditions for Agriculture Production Systems" (www.ruc-aps.eu), funded by the European Union under their funding scheme H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015.Zavala-Alcívar, A.; Verdecho Sáez, MJ.; Alfaro Saiz, JJ. (2020). Resilient Strategies and Sustainability in Agri-Food Supply Chains in the Face of High-Risk Events. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 598:560-570. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62412-5_46S560570598Gray, R.: Agriculture, transportation, and the COVID-19 crisis. Can. J. Agric. 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    Higher dose corticosteroids in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 who are hypoxic but not requiring ventilatory support (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial

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    BACKGROUND: Low-dose corticosteroids have been shown to reduce mortality for patients with COVID-19 requiring oxygen or ventilatory support (non-invasive mechanical ventilation, invasive mechanical ventilation, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation). We evaluated the use of a higher dose of corticosteroids in this patient group. METHODS: This randomised, controlled, open-label platform trial (Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19 Therapy [RECOVERY]) is assessing multiple possible treatments in patients hospitalised for COVID-19. Eligible and consenting adult patients with clinical evidence of hypoxia (ie, receiving oxygen or with oxygen saturation <92% on room air) were randomly allocated (1:1) to either usual care with higher dose corticosteroids (dexamethasone 20 mg once daily for 5 days followed by 10 mg dexamethasone once daily for 5 days or until discharge if sooner) or usual standard of care alone (which included dexamethasone 6 mg once daily for 10 days or until discharge if sooner). The primary outcome was 28-day mortality among all randomised participants. On May 11, 2022, the independent data monitoring committee recommended stopping recruitment of patients receiving no oxygen or simple oxygen only due to safety concerns. We report the results for these participants only. Recruitment of patients receiving ventilatory support is ongoing. The RECOVERY trial is registered with ISRCTN (50189673) and ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT04381936). FINDINGS: Between May 25, 2021, and May 13, 2022, 1272 patients with COVID-19 and hypoxia receiving no oxygen (eight [1%]) or simple oxygen only (1264 [99%]) were randomly allocated to receive usual care plus higher dose corticosteroids (659 patients) versus usual care alone (613 patients, of whom 87% received low-dose corticosteroids during the follow-up period). Of those randomly assigned, 745 (59%) were in Asia, 512 (40%) in the UK, and 15 (1%) in Africa. 248 (19%) had diabetes and 769 (60%) were male. Overall, 123 (19%) of 659 patients allocated to higher dose corticosteroids versus 75 (12%) of 613 patients allocated to usual care died within 28 days (rate ratio 1·59 [95% CI 1·20–2·10]; p=0·0012). There was also an excess of pneumonia reported to be due to non-COVID infection (64 cases [10%] vs 37 cases [6%]; absolute difference 3·7% [95% CI 0·7–6·6]) and an increase in hyperglycaemia requiring increased insulin dose (142 [22%] vs 87 [14%]; absolute difference 7·4% [95% CI 3·2–11·5]). INTERPRETATION: In patients hospitalised for COVID-19 with clinical hypoxia who required either no oxygen or simple oxygen only, higher dose corticosteroids significantly increased the risk of death compared with usual care, which included low-dose corticosteroids. The RECOVERY trial continues to assess the effects of higher dose corticosteroids in patients hospitalised with COVID-19 who require non-invasive ventilation, invasive mechanical ventilation, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. FUNDING: UK Research and Innovation (Medical Research Council), National Institute of Health and Care Research, and Wellcome Trust

    Philanthropic wine firms and their CSR communication

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    Philanthropy involves voluntarily donating a business’s resources to others and is a growing practice in the wine industry. Wineries are motivated to engage in philanthropic activities for different reasons, and these motivations lead to decisions about how to communicate philanthropic activity to stakeholders, also referred to as corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication. This chapter reviews the literature pertaining to philanthropy and CSR communication. An examination of whether philanthropically active wine firms are communicating their actions to stakeholders, and if so, the media channels used, is discussed. Quantitative data was collected from wine firms in France, Spain, the USA, Australia and New Zealand using an online questionnaire

    Consumers use of quality cues for meat purchase: Research trends and future pathways

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    This paper aims to explore the trends in the research design used for assessing important quality cues in the meat industry and determine the most important quality cues that consumers use in their purchasing decisions. A Journal Article Network Analysis and non-parametric comparative analyses were used to collate the studies and analyse their findings respectively. Results indicate a predominate use of point-of-purchase surveys to collect data and consumers' stated preference to evaluate the important quality cues. At an aggregated analytical level, the five most important quality cues (country of origin, food safety certification, price, production system and quality certification labels) are extrinsic and relate to credence attributes. However, different rankings of important quality cues are obtained at a disaggregated analytical level based on meat type. The paper proposes that exploring the interconnection between meat quality cues and how they influence consumers in different market segments based on the value proposition of the retailer as a foreseeable future research pathway

    Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques for Detecting PLC Process Control Anomalies

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    The security of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) that control industrial systems is becoming increasingly critical due to the ubiquity of the Internet of Things technologies and increasingly nefarious cyber-attack activity. Conventional techniques for safeguarding PLCs are difficult due to their unique architectures. This work proposes a one-class support vector machine, one-class neural network interconnected in a feed-forward manner, and isolation forest approaches for verifying PLC process integrity by monitoring PLC memory addresses. A comprehensive experiment is conducted using an open-source PLC subjected to multiple attack scenarios. A new histogram-based approach is introduced to visualize anomaly detection algorithm performance and prediction confidence. Comparative performance analyses of the proposed algorithms using decision scores and prediction confidence are presented. Results show that isolation forest outperforms one-class neural network, one-class support vector machine, and previous work, in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score on seven attack scenarios considered. Statistical hypotheses tests involving analysis of variance and Tukey’s range test were used to validate the presented results

    Financial feasibility analysis of the fortifer business model in the Cape Coast Metropolis in Ghana

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    This study seeks to analyse the financial feasibility of upscaling the fortifer business model in Ghana. Data originate from the pilot project in Accra, extended with expert elicitation. The NPV and IRR were used as decision criteria for Public Private Partnership (PPP) and Private Scenarios. The Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used to identify input parameters which had most impact on NPV. Economic and simulation results reveal higher probability of financial feasibility in the PPP Scenario. Outcomes are useful for policy makers to jointly steer urban waste management and farmers’ needs in the area of sustainable soil management