80 research outputs found
Pathways of the Modified Atlantic Water across the Strait of Sicily
The purpose of this study is to study the medium-scale dynamics, as well as the dynamics of the sub-basin scale in the Central Mediterranean, and to elucidate the routes of the Atlantic waters in this region using a high-resolution numerical model of the eddy-resolving simplest equation. The seasonal variability of the two streams of modified Atlantic waters crossing the Sicilian Strait varies considerably. The main stream along the coast of Tunisia, giving rise to the Atlantic Tunisian current, is stronger than the Atlantic Ionian stream (AIP) from autumn to spring. The Atlantic Tunisian current, which, apparently, is present throughout the year, is characterized by high spatial and temporal variability from the simulation results. The high-resolution model is capable of well reproducing the flow and variability of AIP, including such associating characteristic structures as the Advent Benk Vortex, Moltis Channel Cross, Ionian Benc Vortex and the outflow to the northern Ionian Sea
Pathways of the Modified Atlantic Water across the Strait of Sicily
Цель данного исследования — изучение среднемасштабной динамики, а также динамики суббассейнового масштаба в Центральном Средиземноморье и выяснение маршрутов атлантических вод в этой области при помощи высокоразрешающей численной модели вихреразрешающего простейшего уравнения. Сезонная изменчивость двух потоков модифицированных атлантических вод, пересекающих Сицилийский пролив, существенно различается. Главный поток вдоль побережья Туниса, дающий начало Атлантическому тунисскому течению, сильнее, чем Атлантический ионийский поток (АИП) с осени до весны. Атлантическое тунисское течение, которое, по-видимому, присутствует в течение года, по результатам моделирования характеризуется высокой пространственной и временной изменчивостью. Высокоразрешающая модель способна хорошо воспроизводить течение и изменчивость АИП, включая такие ассоциирующие характерные структуры, как Эдвенче Бенк Вортекс, Молтиз Ченнел Крест, Иониан Бенк Вортекс и выброс в северную часть Ионического моря.Мета цього дослідження — вивчення середньомасштабної динаміки, а також динаміки суббасейнового масштабу в Центральному Середземномор’ї та з’ясування маршрутів атлантичних вод в цій області за допомогою високодозвільної чисельної моделі вихорораздільного простого рівняння. Сезонна мінливість двох потоків модифікованих атлантичних вод, що перетинають Сицилійську протоку, істотно розрізняється. Головний потік уздовж узбережжя Тунісу, що дає початок Атлантичній туніській течії, сильніше, ніж Атлантичний іонійський потік (АІП) з осені до весни. Атлантична туніська течія, яка, мабуть, присутня впродовж року, за результатами моделювання характеризується високою просторовою і тимчасовою мінливістю. Високороздільна модель здатна добре відтворювати течію і мінливість АІП, включаючи такі асоціюючи характерні структури, як Едвенче Бенк Вортекс, Молтіз Ченнел Крест, Іоніан Бенк Вортекс і викид в північну частину Іонічного моря
Confluence Modulo Equivalence in Constraint Handling Rules
Previous results on proving confluence for Constraint Handling Rules are
extended in two ways in order to allow a larger and more realistic class of CHR
programs to be considered confluent. Firstly, we introduce the relaxed notion
of confluence modulo equivalence into the context of CHR: while confluence for
a terminating program means that all alternative derivations for a query lead
to the exact same final state, confluence modulo equivalence only requires the
final states to be equivalent with respect to an equivalence relation tailored
for the given program. Secondly, we allow non-logical built-in predicates such
as var/1 and incomplete ones such as is/2, that are ignored in previous work on
To this end, a new operational semantics for CHR is developed which includes
such predicates. In addition, this semantics differs from earlier approaches by
its simplicity without loss of generality, and it may also be recommended for
future studies of CHR.
For the purely logical subset of CHR, proofs can be expressed in first-order
logic, that we show is not sufficient in the present case. We have introduced a
formal meta-language that allows reasoning about abstract states and
derivations with meta-level restrictions that reflect the non-logical and
incomplete predicates. This language represents subproofs as diagrams, which
facilitates a systematic enumeration of proof cases, pointing forward to a
mechanical support for such proofs
Confluence and Convergence in Probabilistically Terminating Reduction Systems
Convergence of an abstract reduction system (ARS) is the property that any
derivation from an initial state will end in the same final state, a.k.a.
normal form. We generalize this for probabilistic ARS as almost-sure
convergence, meaning that the normal form is reached with probability one, even
if diverging derivations may exist. We show and exemplify properties that can
be used for proving almost-sure convergence of probabilistic ARS, generalizing
known results from ARS.Comment: Pre-proceedings paper presented at the 27th International Symposium
on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2017), Namur,
Belgium, 10-12 October 2017 (arXiv:1708.07854
Prognostic DNA methylation markers for sporadic colorectal cancer: a systematic review
Background Biomarkers that can predict the prognosis of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients and that can stratify high-risk early stage patients from low-risk early stage patients are urgently needed for better management of CRC. During the last decades, a large variety of prognostic DNA methylation markers has been published in the literature. However, to date, none of these markers are used in clinical practice. Methods To obtain an overview of the number of published prognostic methylation markers for CRC, the number of markers that was validated independently, and the current level of evidence (LoE), we conducted a systematic review of PubMed, EMBASE, and MEDLINE. In addition, we scored studies based on the REMARK guidelines that were established in order to attain more transparency and complete reporting of prognostic biomarker studies. Eighty-three studies reporting on 123 methylation markers fulfilled the study entry criteria and were scored according to REMARK. Results Sixty-three studies investigated single methylation markers, whereas 20 studies reported combinations of methylation markers. We observed substantial variation regarding the reporting of sample sizes and patient characteristics, statistical analyses, and methodology. The median (range) REMARK score for the studies was 10.7 points (4.5 to 17.5) out of a maximum of 20 possible points. The median REMARK score was lower in studies, which reported a p value below 0.05 versus those, which did not (p = 0.005). A borderline statistically significant association was observed between the reported p value of the survival analysis and the size of the study population (p = 0.051). Only 23 out of 123 markers (17%) were investigated in two or more study series. For 12 markers, and two multimarker panels, consistent results were reported in two or more study series. For four markers, the current LoE is level II, for all other markers, the LoE is lower. Conclusion This systematic review reflects that adequate reporting according to REMARK and validation of prognostic methylation markers is absent in the majority of CRC methylation marker studies. However, this systematic review provides a comprehensive overview of published prognostic methylation markers for CRC and highlights the most promising markers that have been published in the last two decades
An experimental study of the deformation rate sensitivity of PM aluminium foams
This paper presents an experimental study using a new testing device based on a nylon Hopkinson bar system with 60 mm diameter, which provides a solution for both the impedance match and the problem of reasonable specimen size when testing metal foams. PM aluminium foams cylinders with closed outer skins 45 mm diameter and 60 mm length were tested in both the standard SHPB configuration specimen between two nylon bars , and the block bar configuration specimen in front of input bar to obtain a higher loading rate. Despite unavoidable scatter for this kind of materials, the slight rate sensitivity could be observed. In addition, tests with strain rate jumps on the same specimen were carried out static loading after a dynamic loading or dynamic loading after static one . A discontinuity of stress strain curve is found for the two cases. This gives another proof that this foam is rate sensitive in this range of loading rat
Pathways of the Modified Atlantic Water across the Strait of Sicily
The purpose of this study is to study the medium-scale dynamics, as well as the dynamics of the sub-basin scale in the Central Mediterranean, and to elucidate the routes of the Atlantic waters in this region using a high-resolution numerical model of the eddy-resolving simplest equation. The seasonal variability of the two streams of modified Atlantic waters crossing the Sicilian Strait varies considerably. The main stream along the coast of Tunisia, giving rise to the Atlantic Tunisian current, is stronger than the Atlantic Ionian stream (AIP) from autumn to spring. The Atlantic Tunisian current, which, apparently, is present throughout the year, is characterized by high spatial and temporal variability from the simulation results. The high-resolution model is capable of well reproducing the flow and variability of AIP, including such associating characteristic structures as the Advent Benk Vortex, Moltis Channel Cross, Ionian Benc Vortex and the outflow to the northern Ionian Sea
A linear-logic semantics for constraint handling rules
One of the attractive features of the Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) programming language is its declarative semantics where rules are read as formulae in first-order predicate logic. However, the more CHR is used as a general-purpose programming language, the more the limitations of that kind of declarative semantics in modelling change become apparent. We propose an alternative declarative semantics based on (intuitionistic) linear logic, establishing strong theorems on both soundness and completeness of the new declarative semantics w.r.t. operational semantics
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