1,055 research outputs found

    Ontwikkeling en implementatie van geĂŻntegreerde bestrijding in zomerbloemen : toepassing van beschikbare producten en ontwikkeling van nieuwe natuurlijke vijanden

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    In 2008 en 2009 werden loslatingen verricht van de roofmijten Neoseiulus cucumeris en Amblyseius andersoni, soms aangevuld met Phytoseiulus persimilis, in de zomerbloemen rozenbottel, chrysant, Veronica, Alchemilla en Delphinium. Hierbij bleek dat roofmijten zich niet in alle gewassen in gelijke mate vestigen. In Alchemilla en Delphinium bleek al spontaan Neoseiulus cucumeris voor te kunnen komen. Als in deze gewassen nog geen roofmijten voorkomen, zal introductie van N. cucumeris zeker slagen, mits er geen breedwerkende middelen worden toegepast. Vooral Alchemilla bleek een goede roofmijtenplant te zijn. Behalve Neoseiulus cucumeris werden ook andere soorten gevonden. Roofmijten die in de handel zijn tegen spint, Phytoseiulus persimilis en Neoseiulus californicus, vestigen zich eveneens goed in dit gewas, in tegenstelling tot Amblyseius andersoni. Verder kunnen spontaan andere natuurlijke vijanden van plagen voorkomen: roofwantsen, gaasvliegen en galmuggen. Trips nam in beide jaren af gedurende de teelt of bleef op een laag niveau. Neoseiulus alpinus is een roofmijt, die eerder is verzameld van Alchemilla en in kweek genomen. Een loslating van deze roofmijt in Alchemilla slaagde in 2008 niet, maar in 2009 wel. In Delphinium was in 2008 vanaf het begin van de waarnemingen Neoseiulus cucumeris in het gewas aanwezig. Na introductie van Amblyseius andersoni werd ook deze soort teruggevonden. Spint kwam in 2008 niet tot ontwikkeling. Buiten de proef kwam plaatselijk cyclamenmijt voor. In 2009 werd in Delphinium zwavel verdampt tegen echte meeldauw. Er was geen goede vestiging van roofmijten in het gewas, ook niet van de roofmijt Phytoseiulus persimilis, waardoor chemische bestrijding van spint noodzakelijk was. In Veronica, chrysant en rozenbottel kwamen in vergelijking met Alchemilla en Delphinium minder roofmijten voor. Trips en spint waren in 2008 en 2009 geen probleem in Veronica, chrysant en rozenbottel. Op rozenbottel kwam zonder introductie Neoseiulus cucumeris voor. Andere soorten roofmijten, die soms spontaan optraden waren Neoseiulus reductus in Delphinium, Amblyseius graminis in Alchemilla en chrysant, en roofmijten die tot een andere groep (Bdelloidea) behoren, met name op chrysant en Veronica

    Development after Displacement: Evaluating the Utility of OpenStreetMap Data for Monitoring Sustainable Development Goal Progress in Refugee Settlements

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    In 2015, 193 countries declared their commitment to “leave no one behind” in pursuit of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the world’s refugees have been routinely excluded from national censuses and representative surveys, and, as a result, have broadly been overlooked in SDG evaluations. In this study, we examine the potential of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data for monitoring SDG progress in refugee settlements. We collected all available OSM data in 28 refugee and 26 nearby non-refugee settlements in the major refugee-hosting country of Uganda. We created a novel SDG-OSM data model, measured the spatial and temporal coverages of SDG-relevant OSM data across refugee settlements, and compared these results to non-refugee settlements. We found 11 different SDGs represented across 92% (21,950) of OSM data in refugee settlements, compared to 78% (1919 nodes) in non-refugee settlements. However, most data were created three years after refugee arrival, and 81% of OSM data in refugee settlements were never edited, both of which limit the potential for long-term monitoring of SDG progress. In light of our findings, we offer suggestions for improving OSM-driven SDG monitoring in refugee settlements that have relevance for development and humanitarian practitioners and research communities alike

    Influenza in long-term Dutch travelers in the tropics: symptoms and infections

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    Influenza is a common infection among travelers, and attack rates are well documented in short-term travelers and holiday makers. Little data exists on long-term, non-expatriate travelers. This was a prospective mono-centre study of immunocompetent, Dutch travelers aged ≥18 to 64 years. It was conducted at the Public Health Service travel clinic in Amsterdam from December 2008 to September 2011, and included all travelers intending to travel to a tropical or sub-tropical country. Among 602 Dutch long-term travelers to tropical regions, 82 % had protective influenza antibody titres pre-travel. The influenza attack rate of serologically confirmed infection during travel was 15 %, and of symptomatic infection was 6.3 % (fever alone) and 2 % (ILI), respectively. The attack rate in this study is similar to seasonal rates of infection in the general population. Influenza vaccination pre-travel is therefore most important for people at risk of medical complications due to influenz

    Growth of children with Langerhans cell histiocytosis

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    Conclusion: GH deficiency is not a common manifestation of LCH in childhood and GH provocation tests are only indicated when there is a poor or decelerating growth rate. In our patients the number of organs involved and/or the treatment modality did not influence the growth in all but one. Diseases in childhood have an impact on growth. The influence of Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) on growth has never been studied well. Recently a patient with LCH was treated with human growth hormone (GH) because of severe GH deficiency due to LCH involvement of both the hypothalamus and pituitary. This led us to review our charts from 1971 onward for evaluation of the growth patterns in patients with LCH. Here the long-term growth of 22 patients with LCH is reported, the median follow up being 7 years and 1 month. The height data were converted into standard deviation scores (SDS). At diagnosis the mean SDS of patients with isolated LCH at diagnosis was 0.04 and -0.37 in patients with disseminated LCH. Of the total group, 12 patients did not show any influence from the LCH or therapy on their growth. The remaining 10 patients reached, after a minimum of 3 years, a percentile clearly higher than that at diagnosis. However all the ten above mentioned patients, either isolated or disseminated LCH, had a lesion in the facial side of the skull

    Testing feasibility of scalar-tensor gravity by scale dependent mass and coupling to matter

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    We investigate whether there are any cosmological evidences for a scalar field with a mass and coupling to matter which change accordingly to the properties of the astrophysical system it "lives in", without directly focusing on the underlying mechanism that drives the scalar field scale-dependent properties. We assume a Yukawa type of coupling between the field and matter and also that the scalar field mass grows with density, in order to overcome all gravity constraints within the solar system. We analyse three different gravitational systems assumed as "cosmological indicators": supernovae type Ia, low surface brightness spiral galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Results show that: a) a quite good fit to the rotation curves of low surface brightness galaxies only using visible stellar and gas mass components is obtained; b) a scalar field can fairly well reproduce the matter profile in clusters of galaxies, estimated by X-ray observations and without the need of any additional dark matter; c) there is an intrinsic difficulty in extracting information about the possibility of a scale-dependent massive scalar field (or more generally about a varying gravitational constant) from supernovae type Ia.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Distance Dependence in the Solar Neighborhood Age-Metallicity Relation

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    The age-metallicity relation for F and G dwarf stars in the solar neighborhood, based on the stellar metallicity data of Edvardsson et al. (1993), shows an apparent scatter that is larger than expected considering the uncertainties in metallicities and ages. A number of theoretical models have been put forward to explain the large scatter. However, we present evidence, based on Edvardsson et al. (1993) data, along with Hipparcos parallaxes and new age estimates, that the scatter in the age-metallicity relation depends on the distance to the stars in the sample, such that stars within 30 pc of the Sun show significantly less scatter in [Fe/H]. Stars of intermediate age from the Edvardsson et al. sample at distances 30-80 pc from the Sun are systematically more metal-poor than those more nearby. We also find that the slope of the apparent age-metallicity relation is different for stars within 30 pc than for those stars more distant. These results are most likely an artifact of selection biases in the Edvardsson et al. star sample. We conclude that the intrinsic dispersion in metallicity at fixed age is < 0.15 dex, consistent with the < 0.1 dex scatter for Galactic open star clusters and the interstellar medium.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, uses AASTex aaspp4 style; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Informality, violence, and disaster risks: Coproducing inclusive early warning and response systems in urban informal settlements in Honduras

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    Anticipatory disaster risk reduction (DRR) is an essential human right for the ~1 billion people living in informal settlements who are disproportionately exposed to climate-related hazards due to their high vulnerability. Participatory approaches are recognized as being critical for effective and sustainable disaster prevention, mitigation, and preparation through to response, but research on how to coproduce anticipatory DRR with people living and working in informal settlements is scant. Their exclusion is even more pronounced in challenging contexts, such as those characterized by social-political fragility and violence. As a result, a significant portion of the global population is left behind in best practices tied to global DRR ambitions, with DRR actions working neither with nor for the people most at risk. The signal case of urban informal settlements controlled by territorial gangs in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, illustrates the need for new thinking on how to inclusively mitigate, prepare for, and respond to natural hazard-related disasters. Our research examines the coproduction of early warning systems linked with response capacities for floods and landslides through the case study of the international NGO GOAL's work across the city with a focus on nine urban informal settlements with high levels of territorial gang violence. We explore how GOAL navigated informality and violent conflict to support the early warning and response system as an inclusive social process rather than a technical exercise. We identify four cross-cutting strategies employed by GOAL in support of local vulnerability reduction and capacity building based on a local systems approach. This research breaks new ground in identifying how to bridge the gap between knowledge and action in designing inclusive and sustainable early warning and response systems together with the millions of people around the world affected by the intersection of informality, violence, and disaster risks

    The Evolutionary Status of Isolated Dwarf Irregular Galaxies II. Star Formation Histories and Gas Depletion

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    The results of UBV and H alpha imaging of a large sample of isolated dwarf irregular galaxies are interpreted in the context of composite stellar population models. The observed optical colors are best fit by composite stellar populations which have had approximately constant star formation rates for at least 10 Gyr. The galaxies span a range of central surface brightness, from 20.5 to 25.0 mag arcsec^{-2}; there is no correlation between surface brightness and star formation history. Although the current star formation rates are low, it is possible to reproduce the observed luminosities without a major starburst episode. The derived gas depletion timescales are long, typically ~20 Gyr. These results indicate that dwarf irregular galaxies will be able to continue with their slow, but constant, star formation activity for at least another Hubble time. The sample of isolated dIs is compared to a sample of star bursting dwarf galaxies taken from the literature. The star bursting dwarf galaxies have many similar properties; the main difference between these two types of gas-rich dwarf galaxies is that the current star formation is concentrated in the center of the star bursting systems while it is much more distributed in the quiescent dIs. This results in pronounced color gradients for the starbursting dwarf galaxies, while the majority of the quiescent dwarf irregular galaxies have minor or non-existent color gradients. Thus, the combination of low current star formation rates, blue colors, and the lack of significant color gradients indicates that star formation percolates slowly across the disk of normal dwarf galaxies in a quasi-continuous manner.Comment: 16 pages, uses emulateapj, to appear in The Astronomical Journal (April 2001

    Transarterial RAdioembolization versus ChemoEmbolization for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (TRACE) : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma is a primary malignant tumor of the liver that accounts for an important health problem worldwide. Only 10 to 15% of hepatocellular carcinoma patients are suitable candidates for treatment with curative intent, such as hepatic resection and liver transplantation. A majority of patients have locally advanced, liver restricted disease (Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging system intermediate stage). Transarterial loco regional treatment modalities offer palliative treatment options for these patients; transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) is the current standard treatment. During TACE, a catheter is advanced into the branches of the hepatic artery supplying the tumor, and a combination of embolic material and chemotherapeutics is delivered through the catheter directly into the tumor. Yttrium-90 radioembolization (Y-90-RE) involves the transarterial administration of minimally embolic microspheres loaded with Yttrium-90, a beta-emitting isotope, delivering selective internal radiation to the tumor. Y-90-RE is increasingly used in clinical practice for treatment of intermediate stage hepatocellular carcinoma, but its efficacy has never been prospectively compared to that of the standard treatment (TACE). In this study, we describe the protocol of a multicenter randomized controlled trial aimed at comparing the effectiveness of TACE and Y-90-RE for treatment of patients with unresectable (BCLC intermediate stage) hepatocellular carcinoma. Methods/design: In this pragmatic randomized controlled trial, 140 patients with unresectable (BCLC intermediate stage) hepatocellular carcinoma, with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0 to 1 and Child-Pugh A to B will be randomly assigned to either Y-90-RE or TACE with drug eluting beads. Patients assigned to Y-90-RE will first receive a diagnostic angiography, followed by the actual transarterial treatment, which can be divided into two sessions in case of bilobar disease. Patients assigned to TACE will receive a maximum of three consecutive transarterial treatment sessions. Patients will undergo structural follow-up for a timeframe of two years post treatment. Post procedural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) will be performed at one and three months post trial entry and at three-monthly intervals thereafter for two years to assess tumor response. Primary outcome will be time to progression. Secondary outcomes will be overall survival, tumor response according to the modified RECIST criteria, toxicities/adverse events, treatment related effect on total liver function, quality of life, treatment-related costs and cost-effectiveness
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