7 research outputs found

    Cytokinin signalling regulates two-stage inflorescence arrest in Arabidopsis.

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    To maximize reproductive success, flowering plants must correctly time entry and exit from the reproductive phase. While much is known about mechanisms that regulate initiation of flowering, end-of-flowering remains largely uncharacterized. End-of-flowering in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) consists of quasi-synchronous arrest of inflorescences, but it is unclear how arrest is correctly timed with respect to environmental stimuli and reproductive success. Here, we showed that Arabidopsis inflorescence arrest is a complex developmental phenomenon, which includes the arrest of the inflorescence meristem (IM), coupled with a separable "floral arrest" of all unopened floral primordia; these events occur well before visible inflorescence arrest. We showed that global inflorescence removal delays both IM and floral arrest, but that local fruit removal only delays floral arrest, emphasizing their separability. We tested whether cytokinin regulates inflorescence arrest, and found that cytokinin signaling dynamics mirror IM activity, while cytokinin treatment can delay both IM and floral arrest. We further showed that gain-of-function cytokinin receptor mutants can delay IM and floral arrest; conversely, loss-of-function mutants prevented the extension of flowering in response to inflorescence removal. Collectively, our data suggest that the dilution of cytokinin among an increasing number of sink organs leads to end-of-flowering in Arabidopsis by triggering IM and floral arrest.The phytohormone cytokinin regulates multiple distinct developmental events at the end of flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana

    Enhanced Secondary- and Hormone Metabolism in Leaves of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Medicago truncatula.

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) are the most common symbiotic associations between a plant's root compartment and fungi. They provide nutritional benefit (mostly inorganic phosphate [Pi]), leading to improved growth, and nonnutritional benefits, including defense responses to environmental cues throughout the host plant, which, in return, delivers carbohydrates to the symbiont. However, how transcriptional and metabolic changes occurring in leaves of AM plants differ from those induced by Pi fertilization is poorly understood. We investigated systemic changes in the leaves of mycorrhized Medicago truncatula in conditions with no improved Pi status and compared them with those induced by high-Pi treatment in nonmycorrhized plants. Microarray-based genome-wide profiling indicated up-regulation by mycorrhization of genes involved in flavonoid, terpenoid, jasmonic acid (JA), and abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis as well as enhanced expression of MYC2, the master regulator of JA-dependent responses. Accordingly, total anthocyanins and flavonoids increased, and most flavonoid species were enriched in AM leaves. Both the AM and Pi treatments corepressed iron homeostasis genes, resulting in lower levels of available iron in leaves. In addition, higher levels of cytokinins were found in leaves of AM- and Pi-treated plants, whereas the level of ABA was increased specifically in AM leaves. Foliar treatment of nonmycorrhized plants with either ABA or JA induced the up-regulation of MYC2, but only JA also induced the up-regulation of flavonoid and terpenoid biosynthetic genes. Based on these results, we propose that mycorrhization and Pi fertilization share cytokinin-mediated improved shoot growth, whereas enhanced ABA biosynthesis and JA-regulated flavonoid and terpenoid biosynthesis in leaves are specific to mycorrhization

    Auxin boosts energy generation pathways to fuel pollen maturation in barley

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    Summary Pollen grains become increasingly independent of the mother plant as they reach maturity through poorly understood developmental programs. We report that the hormone auxin is essential during barley pollen maturation to boost the expression of genes encoding almost every step of heterotrophic energy production pathways. Accordingly, auxin is necessary for the flux of sucrose and hexoses into glycolysis and to increase the levels of pyruvate and two tricarboxylic (TCA) cycle metabolites (citrate and succinate). Moreover, bioactive auxin is synthesized by the pollen-localized enzyme HvYUCCA4, supporting that pollen grains autonomously produce auxin to stimulate a specific cellular output, energy generation, that fuels maturation processes such as starch accumulation. Our results demonstrate that auxin can shift central carbon metabolism to drive plant cell development, which suggests a direct mechanism for auxin’s ability to promote growth and differentiation

    Flexure wood formation via growth reprogramming in hybrid aspen involves jasmonates and polyamines and transcriptional changes resembling tension wood development

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    Stem bending in trees induces flexure wood but its properties and development are poorly understood. Here, we investigated the effects of low-intensity multidirectional stem flexing on growth and wood properties of hybrid aspen, and on its transcriptomic and hormonal responses. Glasshouse-grown trees were either kept stationary or subjected to several daily shakes for 5 wk, after which the transcriptomes and hormones were analyzed in the cambial region and developing wood tissues, and the wood properties were analyzed by physical, chemical and microscopy techniques. Shaking increased primary and secondary growth and altered wood differentiation by stimulating gelatinous-fiber formation, reducing secondary wall thickness, changing matrix polysaccharides and increasing cellulose, G- and H-lignin contents, cell wall porosity and saccharification yields. Wood-forming tissues exhibited elevated jasmonate, polyamine, ethylene and brassinosteroids and reduced abscisic acid and gibberellin signaling. Transcriptional responses resembled those during tension wood formation but not opposite wood formation and revealed several thigmomorphogenesis-related genes as well as novel gene networks including FLA and XTH genes encoding plasma membrane-bound proteins. Low-intensity stem flexing stimulates growth and induces wood having improved biorefinery properties through molecular and hormonal pathways similar to thigmomorphogenesis in herbaceous plants and largely overlapping with the tension wood program of hardwoods