3,397 research outputs found

    Fermion Condensate Model of Electroweak Interactions

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    A new dynamical symmetry breaking model of electroweak interactions is proposed based on interacting fermions. Two fermions of different SU_{L}(2) representations form a symmetry breaking condensate and generate the lepton and quark masses. The weak gauge bosons get their usual standard model masses from a gauge invariant Lagrangian of a doublet scalar field composed of the new fermion fields. The new fermion fields become massive by condensation. It is shown that the new charged fermions are produced at the next linear colliders in large number. The model is a low energy one which cannot be renormalized perturbatively. For the parameters of the model unitarity constraints are presented.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    An alternative model for the electroweak symmetry breaking sector and its signature in future e-gamma colliders

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    We perform a preliminary study of the deviations from the Standard Model prediction for the cross section for the process eγ→νeWγe \gamma \rightarrow \nu_e W \gamma. We work in the context of a higgsless chiral lagrangian model that includes an extra vector resonance VV and an anomalous γWV\gamma W V coupling. We find that this cross section can provide interesting constraints on the free parameters of the model once it is measured in future eγe \gamma colliders.Comment: LaTex , 14 pages, 5 figures not included but available as postscript files upon request, NUB-3086/94-T

    Is charm the key to understanding diffraction in DIS ?

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    This talk concerns the production of open charm in diffractive deep inelastic scattering. This has been calculated recently in the context of the semi-classical approach to diffraction. A comparison is made to approaches in which the diffractive exchange is modelled by the exchange of two gluons in the tt-channel. Two phenomenological test of the underlying partonic process are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, latex, 5 figures. Talk given at the diffractive working group of DIS '97, Chicago Il. The required AIP style files are provide

    Higgs and Heavy Quarks Diffractive Production

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    In this talk, given at "RunII QCD and weak boson WS", we give the highest of reasonable estimates for the value of cross section of the double Pomeron Higgs meson production and suggest a new mechanism for heavy quark diffractive production which will dominate at the Tevatron energies.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Factorization and Non-factorization in Diffractive Hard Scattering

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    Factorization, in the sense defined for inclusive hard scattering, is discussed for diffractive hard scattering. A factorization theorem similar to its inclusive counterpart is presented for diffractive DIS. For hadron-hadron diffractive hard scattering, in contrast to its inclusive counterpart, the expected breakdown of factorization is discussed. Cross section estimates are given from a simple field theory model for non-factorizing double-pomeron-exchange (DPE) dijet production with and without account for Sudakov suppression.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, DIS 97 tal
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