11 research outputs found

    Efecto de los compuestos fenólicos extraídos de semillas de girasol sobre la actividad lipoxigenasa nativa.

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    Extracts of lipoxygenase were obtained from sunflower seeds using 12 different extraction mixtures, and lipoxygenase activity and content of phenolic compounds in the extracts were determined. The content of phenolic compounds was determined as the ratio of optical densities at 320/280nm. Statistical analysis of the results for the extracts showed a significant correlation between the lipoxygenase activity and the OD320nm/OD280nm ratio with r = 0.619. However, after dialysis of the extracts, no correlation was found.Efecto de los compuestos fenólicos extraídos de semillas de girasol sobre la actividad lipoxigenasa nativa. Se obtuvieron extractos de lipoxigenasa de semillas de girasol usando 12 mezclas de extracción diferentes, y se determinó la actividad lipoxigenasa y el contenido en compuestos fenólicos. Este último se llevó a cabo mediante medida de la relación de absorbancias a 320/280nm. El análisis estadístico de los resultados para los extractos mostró una correlación entre la actividad lipoxigenasa y la relación OD320nm/OD280nm con r = 0,619. Sin embargo, después de la diálisis de los extractos, no se observó esta correlación

    Prenatal exposure to fine particles and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and birth outcomes : a two-pollutant approach

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    Background Previous epidemiologic studies have considered the effects of individual air pollutants on birth outcomes, whereas a multiple-pollutant approach is more relevant to public health policy. Objectives The present study compared the observed effect sizes of prenatal fine particulate matter ( PM2.5) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) (a component of PM2.5) exposures on birth outcome deficits, assessed by the single vs. two-pollutant approaches. Methods The study sample included 455 term infants born in Krakow to non-smoking mothers, among whom personal exposures to PM2.5 and PAH were monitored in the second trimester of pregnancy. The exposure effect estimates (unstandardized and standardized regression coefficients) on birth outcomes were determined using evant covariates. Results In the single-pollutant approach, each pollutant was inversely associated with all birth outcomes. The effect size of prenatal PAH exposure on birth weight and length was twice that of PM2.5, in terms of standardized coefficients. In the two-pollutant approach, the negative effect of PM2.5 on birth weight and length, adjusted for PAH exposure, lost its significance. The standardized effect of PAH on birth weight was 10-fold stronger (β\beta = -0.20, ρ\rho = 0.004) than that estimated for PM2.5 (β\beta = -0.02, ρ\rho = 0.757). Conclusion The results provide evidence that PAH had a greater impact on several measures of fetal development, especially birth weight, than PM2.5. Though in the singlepollutant models PM2.5 had a significant impact on birth outcomes, this effect appears to be mediated by PAH

    Immunoreactivity of acetylated and succinylated pea proteins

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    Proteins of pea variety Kwestor, grown in Poland, were modified with acetic or succinic anhydride (0.01–1.0 g/g anhydride/protein). Degree of acylation, electrophoretic properties (SDS-PAGE) and immunoreactivity (by ELISA) were studied. The study indicates that not only the degree of acylation but also the type of anhydrides affected the extent of changes in the immunoreactivity of individual pea proteins. The greatest reductions in the immunoreactivity of albumins and legumin were observed during acylation with 0.2 g anhydrides (by 91–99% and 79–97% during succinylation and acetylation, respectively). The lowest immunoreactivity of vicilin fraction was found when 1.0 g of anhydride was used (about 6% during succinylation and 14.7% during acetylation as compared to the immunoreactivity of vicilin in native pea proteins)

    Reduction of immunoreactive properties of pea globulins as the result of enzymatic modification

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    The possibilities of lowering the immunoreactive properties of hydrolysed pea globulins were examined in the presented work. The hydrolytic process with Alcalase, pepsin and trypsin was carried out at temperatures of 37 °C and 50 °C for 180 min. The highest degree of hydrolysis was obtained during hydrolysis with Alcalase (DH 25% at temperature of 50 °C). The highest reduction of immunoreactive properties of legumin and vicilin was observed after hydrolysis with trypsin (DH 12%) at 50 °C by 98% and 97.4%, respectively. Generally, the immunoreactivity of vicilin was reduced to a smaller extent than immunoreactivity of legumin during the hydrolysis processes analysed

    The reduction of cow milk proteins immunoreactivity by two-step enzymatic hydrolysis

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    Commercial sodium caseinate isolate (SCI) was hydrolysed with either protease Subtilisina carlsberg - Alcalase 2.4 FG (purchased from Novo Nordisk), pronase from Streptomyces griseus, and papain EC (both from Sigma) in a two-step process to determine the changes in the immunoreactivity of a-, ß- and ?-casein. Enzymatic hydrolysis of SCI was performed by pH-stat method. Hydrolysates were analysed using IEF, SDS-PAGE, 2D electrophoresis, FPLC-gel permeation chromatography. Immunoreactive properties of peptide fractions separated from the hydrolysates by FPLC were determined using dot-immunobinding and ELISA methods. The two-step process was observed to be effective in reduction of casein fractions immunoreactivity, however, allergenic epitopes were still present in all peptide fractions

    Induction of specific mucosal immune responses by viable or heat denatured probiotic bacteria of Lactobacillus strains

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    In recent years, research related to studying the effect of gut microflora on the human health has become of major economic importance. The main objective of our study was to examine whether or not the orally administered Lactobacillusstrains (LB) as an oral adjuvant can improve the mucosal immune protectionviaan enhanced IgA secretion to a co-administered marker antigen ovalbumin (OVA). We adapted a murine (BALB/c) model to demonstrate beneficial adjuvant effects of probiotic LB strains. Orally sensitised mice with OVA, which were prefed with native or heat denatured (HD) Lactobacillus salivarius (Ls) or Lactobacillus casei (Lc) responded better or with the same efficiency to a vaccination with antigen (OVA) than mice that had been sensitised only with OVA or not sensitised at all. Antibody (IgA) responses in the gut were increased in response to vaccination with OVA in mice that had been prefed with native or heat denatured Ls or Lc followed by Ls or Lc and OVA feeding. In prefed groups, the OVA feeding alone primed for specific immune response, while adjuvanted OVA has increased the immune exclusion potential of the gut

    Depressed height gain of children associated with intrauterine exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and heavy metals : the cohort prospective study

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    Fetal exposure to environmental toxicants may program the development of children and have long-lasting health impacts. The study tested the hypothesis that depressed height gain in childhood is associated with prenatal exposure to airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and heavy metals (lead and mercury). The study sample comprised 379 children born to non-smoking mothers among whom a total of 2011 height measurements were carried out over the 9-year follow-up period. Prenatal airborne PAH exposure was assessed by personal air monitoring of the mother in the second trimester of pregnancy and heavy metals were measured in cord blood. At the age of 3 residential air monitoring was done to evaluate the level of airborne PAH, and at the age 5 the levels of heavy metals were measured in capillary blood. The effect estimates of prenatal PAH exposure on height growth over the follow-up were adjusted in the General Estimated Equation (GEE) models for a wide set of relevant covariates. Prenatal exposure to airborne PAH showed a significant negative association with height growth, which was significantly decreased by 1.1 cm at PAH level above 34.7 ng/m(3) (coeff. = − 1.07, p = 0.040). While prenatal lead exposure was not significantly associated with height restriction, the effect of mercury was inversely related to cord blood mercury concentration above 1.2 ug/dL (coeff. = −1.21, p = 0.020), The observed negative impact of prenatal PAH exposure on height gain in childhood was mainly mediated by shorter birth length related to maternal PAH exposure during pregnancy. The height gain deficit associated with prenatal mercury exposure was not seen at birth, but the height growth was significantly slower at later age

    Prenatal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) exposure, antioxidant levels and behavioral development of children ages 6-9

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    PURPOSE: Prenatal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) exposure has been shown to increase DNA adduct levels and to affect neurodevelopment. Micronutrients may modify the adverse effect of PAH on neurodevelopment. Thus, we examined if micronutrient concentrations modified the association between PAH exposure and neurodevelopmental outcomes. METHODS: 151 children from a birth cohort who had micronutrient concentrations measured in cord blood and completed the Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL), between the ages of 6 and 9 years, were evaluated. Prenatal airborne PAH exposure was measured by personal air monitoring. The betas and 95% CI for the associations of antioxidant concentrations and PAH exposure with each of the outcomes of CBCL raw score and dichotomized standardized T-score (based on clinical cutpoints) were estimated, respectively, by multivariable poisson and logistic models. RESULTS: Children below the median for alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol concentrations, compared to those above, were more likely to have thought problems, aggressive behavior and externalizing problems (p<0.05). Lower carotenoid concentration was associated with more thought problems (MVβ=0.60, p<0.001) and externalizing problems (MVβ=0.13, p<0.05) for the same contrast. No statistically significant associations were observed between retinol concentrations and neurodevelopmental symptoms. Overall, no consistent patterns were observed when we examined the interaction between antioxidants (e.g., alpha-tocopherol) and PAH in relation to CBCL symptoms (e.g., internalizing and externalizing problems, p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Lower alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol and carotenoid levels may adversely affect healthy neurodevelopment, even after accounting for PAH exposure. Future research to confirm these findings are warranted given the importance of identifying modifiable factors for reducing harmful PAH effects