24 research outputs found

    The role of Emotion within Political Discourse : An Analysis of the Spanish left-wing populist party “Podemos”

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    The use of emotion is becoming increasingly relevant in the fields of international relations and political communication. While new research has been attentive to the use and dissemination of emotion, it has failed to establish emotion as an individual category of study, thus mostly neglecting its role within political discourses. This thesis argues that emotion is key to understanding why some discourses are more appealing than others, using the theories of Ernesto Laclau, Jacques Lacan and Simon Koschut as theoretical framework. By combining the qualitative methods of Emotion Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics of Emotive Communication, this thesis studies how emotion is embedded within the Manifesto “The Programme of Change”, published by Podemos at the beginning of 2015 with the objective of inspiring the political campaigns of the multiple elections that were going to take place that year. My analysis is specifically focused on two topics. First, it aims to understand how emotions were used within the Manifesto to create the antagonistic groups “the people” and “the elite”. Second, it aims to expose the new feeling rules that the party proposed to challenge the narrative of the status quo. The results of my analysis show that Podemos created an image of a corrupted, self-serving and extravagant elite, while defining the people as a group of honest, trustworthy and capable citizens. The antagonism between both groups is sustained by a sense of unfairness and humiliation of the latter towards the former and it is built through a political discourse that puts forward five new feeling rules that challenge the elite’s power. The first feeling rule appeals to unfairness, turning it into anger towards the elite. The second appeals to anxiety, stressing the need for a quick change. The third evokes frustration, converting it into strength to gain power. The fourth relies on hope to draw and image of an optimistic future. The last evokes self-awareness to create a new order where ordinary people feel recognised and represented. The findings of this thesis add value to existing literature on Podemos, while also proving that emotion needs to be considered a valid unit of analysis in discourse analytical methodologies. It defines emotion as key to uncovering patterns in international relations, and it defends its role in sustaining and challenging structures of power

    La construcció de la “normalitat” en la conducta infantil. Una anàlisi etnogràfica a partir d’un grup de pares.

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    Treballs Finals de Grau Antropologia Social i Cultural, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: Julio ZinoEls individus no viuen aïlladament, la cultura actua com a intermediària en les experiències dels individus, és a dir, preestableix algunes categories bàsiques per a tots els individus que operen com a esquemes d’apreciació, percepció i acció. La idea de normalitat, construcció cultural, no és en absolut estàtica, sinó que és definida i redefinida pels individus d’una societat de manera permanent. A través de l’observació i la posterior anàlisi d’un grup de pares com a una situació social, aquest article pretén mostrar el com es crea, al voltant de la conducta dels infants, una definició compartida de normalitat entre els membres del grup. Definició lligada a l’ordre institucional d’una societat que es manté a través de processos de socialització i transmissió cultural que permeten la incorporació d’uns valors específics

    Anàlisi dialectològica d'uns parlars del Solsonès

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    Primer premi en la modalitat de llengua - Segona Edició del Premi FilCat.UB [2015]. Centre: Institut Francesc RibaltaDurant l’estiu del 2013, ja començava a pensar en el treball de recerca, però no tenia res en ment. Des de petita que sempre m’ha agradat molt sentir com parla la gent de les Illes Balears, de Lleida, de Girona, de València, del País Basc, d’Andalusia... Era un tema que m’atreia i vaig començar per aquí. Sabia perfectament que no podia fer un treball de recerca de les diferents maneres de parlar de tot Catalunya, m’hagués agradat molt fer-lo, però era molt complex i molt llarg, a més de costós. Els motius pels quals em vaig centrar en el Solsonès van venir determinats per la meva motivació personal i per logística

    Seguint les regles del joc: El discurs terapèutic de la normalitat i els Trastorns de Conducta

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    Màster Oficial en Antropologia i Etnografia, Departament d'Antropologia, Facultat Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017, Director: Julio Zino TorrazzaQuan es tracta de l’educació dels infants, existeix una gran controvèrsia sobre el que és millor per aquests, sobre quina és la fórmula per aconseguir que els infants es transformin en adults decents, productius i feliços, a la vegada que moltes expectatives perquè aquests creixin i desenvolupin les seves possibilitats i capacitats al màxim1. Una aproximació a la temàtica a partir d’un recull de premsa, revela un clar interès per part de la població sobre la recerca d’una millor educació pels nens i nenes, la creació d’entorns favorables pel seu desenvolupament i, al mateix temps, una certa preocupació pels problemes que apareixen en el desenvolupament dels infants2. Què està passant? D’entrada es podria dir que cada cop ens preocupem més –o donem més importància– per les condicions i factors que poden afectar directa o indirectament al desenvolupament dels infants, en aquest sentit, la infància es troba actualment en el punt de mira de cada cop més estudis i/o investigacions. La infància s’ha convertit en l’etapa idònia de la vida dels individus per intervenir, per modelar-los i “ajudar-los” a desenvolupar-se favorablement en la nostra societat. Al·legant la permeabilitat dels infants, sembla que tots els problemes que té una societat puguin ser solucionats a través d’una “bona educació” –per abolir el racisme, la LGBT fòbia, el Bullying a les escoles, la violència de gènere i molts altres problemes socials, s’ha de començar per educar als infants–

    Análisis de la dimensión social y económica de la relación de la comunidad de Cumbe con el manglar y los impactos de la industria camaronera

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    Aquest projecte està relacionat amb el titulat "Evaluación ambiental de la acuicultura de camarón sobre el ecosistema manglar en el tramo bajo del río Jaguaribe", de Sara García Betorz i Aïda Tapia Mercader.En los últimos años la industria camaronera ha adquirido mucha importancia en Brasil y genera presiones sobre ecosistemas y comunidades tradicionales que viven en equilibrio con su entorno. En Cumbe, una comunidad tradicional del municipio de Aracati, Ceará, Brasil, el ecosistema que rodea a su población es el manglar. Debido a esta fuerte presión, tanto el manglar como los servicios ambientales que la población local se beneficia, están transformándose. En este trabajo, la población local de Cumbe identifica, valora y caracteriza los servicios ambientales que les proporciona el manglar dándole así una vital importancia, que puede servir de precedente para una posible protección. Por otra parte, se hace una aproximación en términos económicos de la pesca artesanal y las granjas de camarón para discutir a corto y a largo plazo cuál es el modelo más sostenible a seguir.Ens els últims anys la indústria camaronera està agafant molta importància al Brasil i genera pressions sobre ecosistemes i comunitats tradicionals que viuen en equilibri amb el seu entorn. A Cumbe, una comunitat tradicional del municipi d'Aracati, Cearà, Brasil, l'ecosistema que envolta a la seva població és el manglar. A causa d'aquesta forta pressió, tant el manglar com els serveis ambientals els quals la població local es beneficia, estan en transformació. En aquesta investigació, la població local de Cumbe identifica, valora i caracteritza els serveis ambientals que els proporciona el manglar donant-li així una vital importància, que pot servir de precedent per una possible protecció. Per altra banda, es fa una aproximació en termes econòmics de la pesca artesanal i les granges de camarón per discutir a curt i a llarg termini quin és el model més sostenible a seguir.Nos últimos anos, a indústria do camarão está ficando muito importante no Brasil e gera pressões sobre os ecossistemas e as comunidades tradicionais que vivem em equilíbrio com seu meio ambiente. Em Cumbe, uma comunidade tradicional no município de Aracati, Ceará, Brasil, o ecossistema que envolve a cidade é o mangue. Devido a essa forte pressão, o mangue e os serviços ambientais que beneficiem a população local, estão em transformação. Na investigação, a população local de Cumbe identifica, avalia e caracteriza os serviços ambientais prestados pelos manguezais estão dando-lhe uma importância vital, que pode servir como precedente para a proteção possível. Além disso, é uma abordagem em termos econômicos das pescarias artesanais e fazendas de camarão para discutir curto e longo prazo o que é o modelo sustentável a seguir.In recent years the shrimp industry has become of huge importance in Brazil but it has also created pressures on the ecosystems and traditional communities that used to live in harmony with their environment. Cumbe, a traditional community in the municipality of Aracati, Ceara, Brazil, is surrounded by the ecosystem of mangrove. Due to this pressure, both the mangrove and the environmental services which the local population benefits from are in a transformation process. In the investigation, the local population of Cumbe identifies, defines and values the environmental services provided by the mangrove, and this is the reason why they consider it of vital importance and that it can be used to set a precedent for a possible protection. Aside from that, we have elaborated an economic estimate on artisanal fishing and shrimp farms to discuss, in the short and long term, which is the most sustainable model to follow

    Efecto de la fragilidad en el consumo de recursos sanitarios en ancianos con cáncer

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of frailty on health resource use in aged population with cancer. Method: Population -based cohort study with retrospective data collection and follow-up from January 2018 to December 2019 in people >= 65 years with cancer. Results: Overall, 996 individuals were included, with a prevalence of frailty of 22.1%. Mortality at 2 years was 14.1% in the frail and 9.0% in the non-frail (p = 0.028). Independently of age and sex, frailty increased the number of urgent hospitalizations (168%) and planned hospitalizations (64%), visits to the emergency room (111%), outpatient consultations (59%), day hospital sessions (30%) and visits to primary care (114%). Conclusions: Frailty is more prevalent, determines a poorer prognostic and is associated with higher health resource use in aged population with cancer. (c) 2024 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espan similar to a, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY -NC -ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    The impact of psychopathology on academic performance in school-age children and adolescents

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    Anxiety; Depression; Psychiatric disordersAnsiedad; Depresión; Desórdenes psiquiátricosAnsietat; Depressió; Trastorns psiquiàtricsPsychiatric symptoms have consistently been associated with negative educational outcomes. However, possible confounding variables, such as comorbid mental and environmental conditions, have not been well addressed. This study examined whether mental health problems were significantly linked to academic performance in a Spanish school-based sample, after adjustment for co-occurring psychiatric symptoms and multiple contextual factors. Parents completed a questionnaire regarding child’s sociodemographic characteristics (i.e., gender, age, type of school, socioeconomic status, ethnicity), stressful events (i.e., adoption, parental divorce/separation, grade retention) and lifestyle (i.e., diet, sleep, screen time), along with the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Academic performance was obtained from school records. The sample comprised 7036 students aged 5–17 with full data on the CBCL. Mixed-effects ordinal logistic regression analyses were conducted to investigate the association between psychopathology and academic achievement, controlling for potential confounders. When examined separately, higher scores on the CBCL scales were related to lower grades, regardless of sociodemographic factors. However, after controlling for the presence of other psychiatric symptoms, we found that students who reported more anxious/depressed and thought problems were less likely to perform poorly, while those with increased levels of attention problems and delinquent behavior had higher risk for academic underachievement. These associations remained mainly the same once stressful events and lifestyle were taken into account. This investigation demonstrates that anxious/depressed symptoms, thought problems, attention problems, and delinquent behavior are independently associated with academic performance, which emphasize the need for preventive and treatment interventions targeted at students’ mental health to improve their psychological well-being and functioning at school.This work was funded by “la Caixa” Banking Foundation, Diputació de Barcelona, Diputació de Lleida, and Ministry of Health of Generalitat de Catalunya

    The impact of psychopathology on academic performance in school-age children and adolescents

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    Psychiatric symptoms have consistently been associated with negative educational outcomes. However, possible confounding variables, such as comorbid mental and environmental conditions, have not been well addressed. This study examined whether mental health problems were significantly linked to academic performance in a Spanish school-based sample, after adjustment for co-occurring psychiatric symptoms and multiple contextual factors. Parents completed a questionnaire regarding child's sociodemographic characteristics (i.e., gender, age, type of school, socioeconomic status, ethnicity), stressful events (i.e., adoption, parental divorce/separation, grade retention) and lifestyle (i.e., diet, sleep, screen time), along with the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Academic performance was obtained from school records. The sample comprised 7036 students aged 5-17 with full data on the CBCL. Mixed-effects ordinal logistic regression analyses were conducted to investigate the association between psychopathology and academic achievement, controlling for potential confounders. When examined separately, higher scores on the CBCL scales were related to lower grades, regardless of sociodemographic factors. However, after controlling for the presence of other psychiatric symptoms, we found that students who reported more anxious/depressed and thought problems were less likely to perform poorly, while those with increased levels of attention problems and delinquent behavior had higher risk for academic underachievement. These associations remained mainly the same once stressful events and lifestyle were taken into account. This investigation demonstrates that anxious/depressed symptoms, thought problems, attention problems, and delinquent behavior are independently associated with academic performance, which emphasize the need for preventive and treatment interventions targeted at students' mental health to improve their psychological well-being and functioning at schoo

    Safety and immunogenicity of the protein-based PHH-1V compared to BNT162b2 as a heterologous SARS-CoV-2 booster vaccine in adults vaccinated against COVID-19 : a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, non-inferiority phase IIb trial

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    A SARS-CoV-2 protein-based heterodimer vaccine, PHH-1V, has been shown to be safe and well-tolerated in healthy young adults in a first-in-human, Phase I/IIa study dose-escalation trial. Here, we report the interim results of the Phase IIb HH-2, where the immunogenicity and safety of a heterologous booster with PHH-1V is assessed versus a homologous booster with BNT162b2 at 14, 28 and 98 days after vaccine administration. The HH-2 study is an ongoing multicentre, randomised, active-controlled, double-blind, non-inferiority Phase IIb trial, where participants 18 years or older who had received two doses of BNT162b2 were randomly assigned in a 2:1 ratio to receive a booster dose of vaccine-either heterologous (PHH-1V group) or homologous (BNT162b2 group)-in 10 centres in Spain. Eligible subjects were allocated to treatment stratified by age group (18-64 versus ≥65 years) with approximately 10% of the sample enrolled in the older age group. The primary endpoints were humoral immunogenicity measured by changes in levels of neutralizing antibodies (PBNA) against the ancestral Wuhan-Hu-1 strain after the PHH-1V or the BNT162b2 boost, and the safety and tolerability of PHH-1V as a boost. The secondary endpoints were to compare changes in levels of neutralizing antibodies against different variants of SARS-CoV-2 and the T-cell responses towards the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein peptides. The exploratory endpoint was to assess the number of subjects with SARS-CoV-2 infections ≥14 days after PHH-1V booster. This study is ongoing and is registered with , . From 15 November 2021, 782 adults were randomly assigned to PHH-1V (n = 522) or BNT162b2 (n = 260) boost vaccine groups. The geometric mean titre (GMT) ratio of neutralizing antibodies on days 14, 28 and 98, shown as BNT162b2 active control versus PHH-1V, was, respectively, 1.68 (p < 0.0001), 1.31 (p = 0.0007) and 0.86 (p = 0.40) for the ancestral Wuhan-Hu-1 strain; 0.62 (p < 0.0001), 0.65 (p < 0.0001) and 0.56 (p = 0.003) for the Beta variant; 1.01 (p = 0.92), 0.88 (p = 0.11) and 0.52 (p = 0.0003) for the Delta variant; and 0.59 (p ≤ 0.0001), 0.66 (p < 0.0001) and 0.57 (p = 0.0028) for the Omicron BA.1 variant. Additionally, PHH-1V as a booster dose induced a significant increase of CD4 + and CD8 + T-cells expressing IFN-γ on day 14. There were 458 participants who experienced at least one adverse event (89.3%) in the PHH-1V and 238 (94.4%) in the BNT162b2 group. The most frequent adverse events were injection site pain (79.7% and 89.3%), fatigue (27.5% and 42.1%) and headache (31.2 and 40.1%) for the PHH-1V and the BNT162b2 groups, respectively. A total of 52 COVID-19 cases occurred from day 14 post-vaccination (10.14%) for the PHH-1V group and 30 (11.90%) for the BNT162b2 group (p = 0.45), and none of the subjects developed severe COVID-19. Our interim results from the Phase IIb HH-2 trial show that PHH-1V as a heterologous booster vaccine, when compared to BNT162b2, although it does not reach a non-inferior neutralizing antibody response against the Wuhan-Hu-1 strain at days 14 and 28 after vaccination, it does so at day 98. PHH-1V as a heterologous booster elicits a superior neutralizing antibody response against the previous circulating Beta and the currently circulating Omicron BA.1 SARS-CoV-2 variants in all time points assessed, and for the Delta variant on day 98 as well. Moreover, the PHH-1V boost also induces a strong and balanced T-cell response. Concerning the safety profile, subjects in the PHH-1V group report significantly fewer adverse events than those in the BNT162b2 group, most of mild intensity, and both vaccine groups present comparable COVID-19 breakthrough cases, none of them severe. HIPRA SCIENTIFIC, S.L.U