281 research outputs found

    Expression of lymphocyte activation markers of preterm neonates is associated with perinatal complications

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    BACKGROUND: Inappropriate activation of T lymphocytes plays an important role in perinatal complications. However, data on T lymphocyte activation markers of preterm infants is scarce. We investigated the association between gender, gestational and postnatal age, preeclampsia (PE), premature rupture of membranes (PROM) as well as prenatal steroid treatment (PS) and the frequency of activated T lymphocyte subsets (HLA-DR+, CD69+, CD25+, CD62L+) and major T lymphocyte subpopulations (CD4, CD8, Th1, Th2, naive, memory) in peripheral blood during the first postnatal week in preterm infants. RESULTS: Cord blood and peripheral blood samples were collected from 43 preterm infants on the 1st, 3rd, and 7th days of life. We assessed the frequency of the above T lymphocyte subsets using flow cytometry. The 'mixed effect model' was used to analyze the effects of clinical parameters on T lymphocyte markers. The frequency of CD25+ T lymphocytes was higher in PROM. The frequency of CD4+ and CD8+ cells and the CD4+/CD8+ cell ratio was decreased in PE. The frequency of CD62L+ T lymphocytes was higher in male compared with female infants. PS did not affect the frequency of the investigated markers. CD4+ CD25+ cells had a lower frequency at birth than on day 7. Th2 lymphocytes had a lower frequency on postnatal days 1 and 3 when compared to day 7. CONCLUSIONS: Our observations indicate that alterations affecting the expression of T lymphocyte activation markers are associated with the above factors and may play a role in the development of perinatal complications

    KoraszĂŒlöttek perinatĂĄlis szövƑdmĂ©nyeinek elƑrejelzĂ©se: limfocita-aktivĂĄciĂł Ă©s biomarkerek = Prediction of perinatal complications in preterm infants: lymphocyte activation and biomarkers

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    KoraszĂŒlötteken elĂ©rt eredmĂ©nyeink jelzik, hogy a veleszĂŒletett Ă©s szerzett immunitĂĄst szĂĄmos, a koraszĂŒlöttsĂ©ggel jĂĄrĂł tĂ©nyezƑ befolyĂĄsolja. A citokinvĂĄlaszt befolyĂĄsolĂł legfontosabb tĂ©nyezƑ a magzati korban fennĂĄllĂł gyulladĂĄs (chorioamnionitis, CA). CA hiĂĄnyĂĄban a citokinek jellegzetes mĂłdon fluktuĂĄlnak; ezt a jelensĂ©get figyelembe kell venni akkor, ha a perinatalis citokinszintekkel kapcsolatosan vizsgĂĄlatokra kerĂŒl sor. A fluktuĂĄciĂł CA jelenlĂ©tĂ©ben teljes mĂ©rtĂ©kben megszƱnik. A citokinektƑl eltĂ©rƑen az adaptĂ­v immunvĂĄlasz szabĂĄlyozĂĄsĂĄban kulcsszerepet jĂĄtszĂł CD4 Ă©s CD8 sejtek szĂĄmĂĄt a CA nem befolyĂĄsolja. Ezzel szemben a mellĂ©kvese mƱködĂ©se, valamint a postnatalis Ă©s a gesztĂĄciĂłs kor egyarĂĄnt alapvetƑ hatĂĄst gyakorol ezekre a sejtekre. A veleszĂŒletett immunitĂĄsĂ©rt felelƑs sejtek esetĂ©ben a postnatalis kor a fƑ meghatĂĄrozĂł. Érdekes mĂłdon a vizsgĂĄlt tĂ©nyezƑk közĂŒl a magzatnĂĄl a tĂŒdƑ Ă©rĂ©s Ă©rdekĂ©ben adott anyai szteroidkezelĂ©s nem hatott az immunrendszerre. A pĂĄlyĂĄzat idƑtartama alatt több Ășj mĂłdszert vezettĂŒnk be az immunsejtek mƱködĂ©sĂ©nek a vizsgĂĄlatĂĄra. Ezek segĂ­tsĂ©gĂ©vel egyĂ©b, az immunrendszer mƱködĂ©si zavarĂĄval jĂĄrĂł betegsĂ©gek kutatĂĄsĂĄban is fontos eredmĂ©nyeket Ă©rtĂŒnk el. | These results obtained in preterm neonates clearly indicate that the investigated elements of adaptive and innate immunity including cytokines and cellular players are influenced by a number of factors inherent with the premature birth. The major factor having a large impact on cytokine response is chorioamnionitis (CA). In the neonates without CA the measured cytokines presented a characteristic fluctuation. One should emphasize that there is some ’physiologic’ kinetics of postnatal cytokine expression in the preterm neonate that is masked in the presence of CA. This ’physiologic’ kinetics should be taken into account when any investigation on perinatal inflammation is performed. In contrast with cytokines CD4 and CD8 cells governing the adaptive immune responses of the neonates are not affected by CA. Instead, the prevalence of some subpopulations of CD4 and CD8 cells correlated with neonatal cortisol levels, and with postnatal and gestational age. The major determinant of the prevalence of innate immune cells is the postnatal age emphasizing that that the timing of postnatal blood sampling is essential when the innate immune response of a neonate is analyzed. Interestingly, maternal steroid therapy has no effect the neonate’s immune system. During the proposal we also made several achievements in different conditions where the immune dysregulation is dominantly present

    SĂșlyos keringĂ©si elĂ©gtelensĂ©ggel jĂĄrĂł neonatalis hyperthyreosis = Severe circulatory insufficiency in a patient with neonatal hyperthyroidism

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    A szerzƑk egy Basedow–Graves-kĂłr miatt korĂĄbban thyreoidectomiĂĄn ĂĄtesett, kezeletlen anya koraszĂŒlöttjĂ©nek esetĂ©t ismertetik. Gondozatlan terhessĂ©gbƑl magzati tachycardia, fenyegetƑ intrauterin asphyxia miatt sĂŒrgƑs csĂĄszĂĄrmetszĂ©ssel szĂŒletett a 33. hĂ©tnek megfelelƑ Ă©rettsĂ©gƱ, 1350 gramm sĂșlyĂș, dysmaturus (testsĂșlypercentil 180/perc), cardialis decompensatio miatt bĂ©ta-blokkolĂł, digoxin- Ă©s dobutaminterĂĄpiĂĄt igĂ©nyelt. KivizsgĂĄlĂĄsa sorĂĄn cardiomegalia, pericardialis folyadĂ©kgyĂŒlem, sĂșlyos tĂŒdƑhypoplasia, mitralis Ă©s tricuspidalis insufficientia, hepatosplenomegalia igazolĂłdott. A pajzsmirigy-szabadhormonok szintje többszörösen meghaladta a referenciaĂ©rtĂ©ket (fT4: > 6 ng/dl, fT3: > 30 pg/ml), a TSH-szint ugyanakkor 0 volt. LĂ©gzĂ©stĂĄmogatĂĄst 7, keringĂ©stĂĄmogatĂĄst 10 napig igĂ©nyelt, propranolol- mellett K-jodid-kezelĂ©sben rĂ©szesĂŒlt. TachycardiĂĄja mĂ©rsĂ©klƑdött, a bĂ©ta-blokkolĂł kezelĂ©st csökkentett adagban kapta tovĂĄbb, pajzsmirigyhormonszintjei fokozatosan a normĂĄlis tartomĂĄnyba kerĂŒltek. A szerzƑk felhĂ­vjĂĄk a figyelmet arra, hogy a Basedow–Graves-kĂłrban szenvedƑ anya ĂșjszĂŒlöttjĂ©nĂ©l jelentƑs sĂșlybeli, növekedĂ©sbeli elmaradĂĄs, sĂșlyos keringĂ©si elĂ©gtelensĂ©g, thyreotoxicosis tĂŒnetei alakulhatnak ki, Ă©s hangsĂșlyozzĂĄk az anyai hormon-, valamint antitestszintek nyomon követĂ©sĂ©nek jelentƑsĂ©gĂ©t. | Authors describe a case of a premature infant whose mother had a history of thyroidectomy due to Graves’ disease and her hormonal status was not controlled during pregnancy. She did not receive prenatal care and on 33rd week the premature infant was delivered by emergency cesarean section because of fetal tachycardia and imminent intrauterine asphyxia. The infant with a weight of 1350 gram (percentile 180/min) and cardiac decompensation. Further examinations proved cardiomegaly, pericardial fluid, severe pulmonary hypoplasia, mitral- and tricuspid insufficiency and hepatosplenomegaly. The level of free thyroid hormones was several times higher than normal (fT4: > 6 ng/dl, fT3 > 30 pg/ml), while TSH level was 0. Respiratory support was required for 7 days, inotropic support for 10 days; at the same time propranolol and K-iodide were administered. Eventually, the tachycardia settled and beta-blocker therapy was continued with reduced doses. Finally, the thyroid hormone levels became normal. Authors emphasize that newborns of women suffering from Graves’ disease can significantly lag behind in weight increase, may have severe circulatory insufficiency and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. We also emphasize the importance of the monitoring maternal hormone levels and antibody titers

    Cantrell-pentalĂłgia: a praenatalis felismerĂ©s lehetƑsĂ©gei hat sajĂĄt eset kapcsĂĄn = Pentalogy of Cantrell: six new cases

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    A praenatalis ultrahangvizsgĂĄlatok elterjedĂ©se Ăłta szĂĄmos prĂłbĂĄlkozĂĄs törtĂ©nt a ritka Cantrell-pentalĂłgia (elĂŒlsƑ hasfali defektus, sternumdefektus, elĂŒlsƑ diaphragmahernia, pericardiumhiĂĄny Ă©s szĂ­vfejlƑdĂ©si rendellenessĂ©g) intrauterin felismerĂ©sĂ©re. CĂ©lkitƱzĂ©s Ă©s mĂłdszerek: IntĂ©zetĂŒnkben 1991. januĂĄr Ă©s 2009. jĂșnius között diagnosztizĂĄlt Cantrell-pentalĂłgiĂĄs magzatok praenatalis ultrahangvizsgĂĄlati eredmĂ©nyeit hasonlĂ­tottuk össze a boncolĂĄs sorĂĄn leĂ­rt fejlƑdĂ©si rendellenessĂ©geikkel. SajĂĄt Ă©s a nemzetközi szakirodalomban talĂĄlhatĂł Cantrell-pentalĂłgiĂĄs magzatok prae- Ă©s postnatalis leletei alapjĂĄn vizsgĂĄltuk a pentalĂłgia rĂ©szĂ©t kĂ©pezƑ malformatiĂłk Ă©s ectopia cordis elƑfordulĂĄsi gyakorisĂĄgĂĄt, Ă©s ezek praenatalis felismerĂ©si arĂĄnyĂĄt. EredmĂ©nyek: A fenti idƑszakban 6 Cantrell-pentalĂłgiĂĄs magzatot diagnosztizĂĄltunk. Praenatalisan 3 esetben multiplex, 3 esetben izolĂĄlt malformatiĂłt Ă©szleltĂŒnk. A boncolĂĄs sternumdefektust minden magzatban igazolt. Összesen 49 Cantrell-pentalĂłgiĂĄs eset adatainak elemzĂ©se azt mutatja, hogy a praenatalisan leggyakrabban felismert ectopia cordis (91%, 31/34) Ă©s hasfali defektus (83%, 38/46) mellett (prevalenciĂĄjuk 69%, 34/49 Ă©s 94%, 46/49) a pentalĂłgiĂĄs magzatok jelentƑs rĂ©szĂ©ben sternumdefektus (80%, 39/49) Ă©s elĂŒlsƑ diaphragmahernia (73%, 36/49) is megtalĂĄlhatĂł. KövetkeztetĂ©sek: A Cantrell-pentalĂłgia rĂ©szĂ©t kĂ©pezƑ, de izolĂĄltnak vĂ©lt malformatio praenatalis Ă©szlelĂ©sekor Ă©rdemes keresni a tĂŒnetegyĂŒttes tovĂĄbbi összetevƑit a pontos diagnĂłzis intrauterin felĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsa Ă©rdekĂ©ben. | Cantrell’s pentalogy is a rare multiple malformation syndrome consisting of supraumbilical abdominal wall defect, sternal defect, pericardial defect, anterior diaphragmatic defect and heart malformation. Aims and methods: Prenatal ultrasound findings and malformations described during autopsy of the Cantrell’s pentalogy cases diagnosed between January 1991 and June 2009 in our institute were reviewed. A literature research was conducted to analyze the prevalence and prenatal detection rate of the five previously described malformations and ectopia cordis in the Cantrell’s pentalogy cases. Results: Six cases of Cantrell’s pentalogy were diagnosed during the study period in our department. Sonography detected multiple malformations in 3 cases, and isolated malformation in 3 cases. Analyzing the data of 49 Cantrell’s pentalogy cases altogether showed that, beside abdominal wall defect and ectopia cordis which had the highest prenatal detection rate (83% and 91% with a prevalence of 94% and 69%, respectively), sternal defect and anterior diaphragmatic hernia were also present in a large number of the cases (80% and 73% respectively). Conclusion: Sonographic identification of the sternal defect or diaphragmatic hernia may help to differentiate Cantrell’s pentalogy from malformations part of the syndrome but occurring as isolated defects

    Search for new phenomena in events with high jet multiplicity and low missing transverse momentum in proton–proton collisions at

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    A dedicated search is presented for new phenomena in inclusive 8- and 10-jet final states with low missing transverse momentum, with and without identification of jets originating from b quarks. The analysis is based on data from proton–proton collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb−1 collected with the CMS detector at the LHC at √s = 8 TeV. The dominant multijet background expectations are obtained from low jet multiplicity control samples. Data agree well with the standard model background predictions, and limits are set in several benchmark models. Colorons (axigluons) with masses between 0.6 and 0.75 (up to 1.15) TeV are excluded at 95% confidence level. Similar exclusion limits for gluinos in R-parity violating supersymmetric scenarios are from 0.6 up to 1.1 TeV. These results comprise the first experimental probe of the coloron and axigluon models in multijet final states. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY licenseL

    Design and selection of novel C1s inhibitors by in silico and in vitro approaches

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    The complement system is associated with various diseases such as inflammation or autoimmune diseases. Complement-targeted drugs could provide novel therapeutic intervention against the above diseases. C1s, a serine protease, plays an important role in the CS and could be an attractive target since it blocks the system at an early stage of the complement cascade. Designing C1 inhibitors is particularly challenging since known inhibitors are restricted to a narrow bioactive chemical space in addition selectivity over other serine proteases is an important requirement. The typical architecture of a small molecule inhibitor of C1s contains an amidine (or guanidine) residue, however, the discovery of non-amidine inhibitors might have high value, particularly if novel chemotypes and/or compounds displaying improved selectivity are identified. We applied various virtual screening approaches to identify C1s focused libraries that lack the amidine/guanidine functionalities, then the in silico generated libraries were evaluated by in vitro biological assays. While 3D structure-based methods were not suitable for virtual screening of C1s inhibitors, and a 2D similarity search did not lead to novel chemotypes, pharmacophore model generation allowed us to identify two novel chemotypes with submicromolar activities. In three screening rounds we tested altogether 89 compounds and identified 20 hit compounds (<10 ΌM activities; overall hit rate: 22.5%). The highest activity determined was 12 nM (1,2,4-triazole), while for the newly identified chemotypes (1,3-benzoxazin-4-one and thieno[2,3-d][1,3]oxazin-4-one) it was 241 nM and 549 nM, respectively. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Studies of dijet pseudorapidity distributions and transverse momentum balance in pPb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV

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    Dijet production has been measured in pPb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of- mass energy of 5.02 TeV. A data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35 nb−1 was collected using the Compact Muon Solenoid detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The dijet transverse momentum balance, azimuthal angle corre- lations, and pseudorapidity distributions are studied as a function of the transverse energy in the forward calorimeters (E4<|η|<5.2 T ). For pPb collisions, the dijet transverse momentum ratio and the width of the distribution of dijet azimuthal angle differ- ence are comparable to the same quantities obtained from a simulated pp reference and insensitive to E4<|η|<5.2 T . In contrast, the mean value of the dijet pseudorapidity is found to change monotonically with increasing E4<|η|<5.2 T , indicating a correlation between the energy emitted at large pseudorapidity and the longitudinal motion of the dijet frame. The pseudorapidity distribution of the dijet system in minimum bias pPb collisions is compared with next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD predictions obtained from both nucleon and nuclear parton distribution functions, and the data more closely match the latter
