103 research outputs found

    Verteilungsmuster der Mesofauna im hohen Ober-Hauterive Nordwestdeutschlands

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    The vertical distribution pattem of mesofaunal elements is described from clay-marl bedding rhythms from the Frielingen section (Hannover, NW Germany), which exposes latest Hau- terivian sediments (early Cretaceous). Some mesofaunal groups show a correlation with the pale- dark bedding rhythms. The pale, marly beds are chracterised by bryozoans. In addition remnants of crinoids, echinoids, asteroids, ophiuroids and holothuroids are more common in pale layers than in dark ones. Converseley, the relative abundance of serpulids, fish remains, bivalves and gastropods shows no relationship to the bedding rhythms.Aus dem Tagesaufschluß Frielingen (Hannover, NW-Deutschland), in dem rhythmisch gebankte Ton-/Mergelsteinwechselfolgen des höheren Hauterive (Unterkreide) anstehen, wird die Vertikalverteilung der Mesofauna beschrieben. Es wird eine Abhängigkeit einzelner Elemente der Mesofauna von der Hell-Dunkelbankung nachgewiesen. Für die hellen, mergeligen Bänke sind Bryozoen typisch. Weiterhin treten Crinoiden-, Echiniden-, Asteroiden-, Ophiuren- und Ho- lothurienreste stets häufiger in den hellen Bänken auf. Serpuliden, Fische, Krebse, Bivalven und Gastropoden zeigen andererseits keine Beziehung zur Hell-Dunkelbankung

    Die Unterkreide-Aufschlüsse (Valangin-Alb) im Raum Hannover-Braunschweig

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    14 outcrops of marine Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian-Albian) Sediments are described from the Hannover-Braunschweig area. The bio- and lithostratigraphy, flora, fauna, sedimentology, environments of deposition and geological Situation of these exposures arediscussed and illustrated. Where possible the sections were measured and examined with respect to their biostratigraphy. Finally an ecostratigraphical subdivision of the faunal assemblages is proposed for some of the sections from which conclusions are drawn regarding the conditions and environ- ment of Sedimentation.Ausgehend von 14 Tagesaufschlüssen aus dem Raum Hannover- Braunschweig, in denen Sedimente der marinen Unterkreide (Valangin-Alb) anstehen, werden Bio-Lithostratigraphie, Flora, Fauna, Sedimentologie, Ablagerungsmilieu und regionalgeologische Position dieser Aufschlüsse beschrieben und illustriert. Soweit diese noch zugänglich waren, wurden sie einer im wesentlichen biostratigraphisch orientierten Geländeaufnahme unterzogen. Weiterhin wird der Versuch unternommen, für einige dieser Profile eine ökostratigraphische Gliederung in Faunenabschnitte vorzunehmen, die ihrerseits Rückschlüsse auf die Sedimentationsbedingungen und das Milieu zulassen

    Ontogenie und Phylogenie der Belemnitenart Hibolites jaculoides SWINNERTON, 1937, aus dem Hauterivium (Unterkreide) von NW-Deutschland (Sarstedt) und NE England (Speeton)

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    The belemnite species Hibolites jaculoides Swinnerton, 1937 is redefined on the basis of a bed by bed collection of 2100 rostrums from the Upper Hauterivian (Cretaceous deposits of NW Germany and Yorkshire, England. According to the variate-statistical evaluation of the data gathered, definite phylotic changes are disdernible within the species. All characters measured indicate a definite tendency towards reduction in size. Large-sized, club-shaped specimens are typical for the stratigraphically older beds, delicate and slender-built forms dominate in the upper Upper Hauterivian. Comparison of the material from England and Germany yielded that three of the varieties described by Swinnerton are limited mainly to the lower Upper Hauterivian of England.Anhand von 2100 zumeist horizontiert gesammelten Rostren aus dem Ober-Hauterivium von NW-Deutschland und Yorkshire/England wird die Belemnitenart Hibolites jaculoides SWINNERTON, 1937 neu untersucht. Wie die variationsstatistische Auswertung des Materials zeigt, unterliegt die Art im Laufe der Phylogenie einer gerichteten Entwicklung. Alle vermessenen Merkmale zeigen eine deutliche Tendenz zur Verkleinerung ihrer Werte. Für die stratigraphisch älteren Bereiche sind großwüchsige, deutlich keulenförmige Exemplare typisch, im höheren Ober-Hauterivium überwiegen schlanke, zierliche Formen. Aus einem Vergleich des englischen und deutschen Materials ergibt sich, daß die 3 von SWINNERTON aufgestellten Variationen im wesentlichen auf das tiefe Ober-Hauterivium von England beschränkt sind

    Early Cretaceous chalks from the North Sea giving evidence for global change

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    Among calcareous nannofossils, important primary producers in Jurassic and Cretaceous oceans, nannoconids were carbonate rock-forming organisms. During the late Barremian and early Aptian (~126 to 122 million years ago), nannoconids went through a crisis culminating during the Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a. Here we present nannofossil and geochemical data from a section of early Barremian-early Aptian age from the North Sea, recording the earliest chalks ever known in the Boreal Realm. These middle-late Barremian chalks were generated by blooming of endemic nannoconids under relative warm and arid conditions. A subsequent decrease of nannoconids in the latest Barremian coincides with increased nutrient and clay input. This nannoconid decline, also detected at low latitudes, was associated with the Ontong Java Plateau emplacement. We conclude that nannoconids were rock forming also at high latitudes, under clear and oligotrophic waters. Their decline was related to increased continental runoff under reinforced greenhouse conditions

    Facies Distribution, Sequence Stratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy, and Diagenesis of the Middle-Late Triassic Al Aziziyah Formation, Jifarah Basin, NW Libya

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    This study presents the depositional facies, sequence stratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and diagenetic evolution of the Middle-Late Triassic Al Aziziyah Formation, Jifarah Basin northwest Libya. Eight measured sections were sampled and analyzed. High-resolution stable carbon isotope data were integrated with an outcrop-based sequence stratigraphic framework, to build the stratigraphic correlation, and to provide better age control of the Al Aziziyah Formation using thin section petrography, cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy, stable isotope, and trace element analyses. The Al Aziziyah Formation was deposited on a gently sloping carbonate ramp and consists of gray limestone, dolomite, and dolomitic limestone interbedded with rare shale. The Al Aziziyah Formation is predominantly a 2nd-order sequence (5-20 m.y. duration), with shallow marine sandstone and peritidal carbonate facies restricted to southernmost sections. Seven 3rd-order sequences were identified (S1-S7) within the type section. North of the Ghryan Dome section are three mainly subtidal sequences (S8-S10) that do not correlate to the south. Shallowing upward trends define 4th-5th order parasequences, but correlating these parasequences between sections is difficult due to unconformities. The carbon isotope correlation between the Ghryan Dome and Kaf Bates sections indicates five units of δ13C depletion and enrichment (sequences 3-7). The enrichment of δ13C values in certain intervals most likely reflects local withdrawal of 12C from the ocean due to increased productivity, as indicated by the deposition of organic-rich sediment, and/or whole rock sediment composed of calcite admixed with aragonite. The depletion of δ13C is clearly associated with exposure surfaces and with shallow carbonate facies. Heavier δ18O values are related to evaporetic enrichment of 18O, whereas depletion of δ18O is related to diagenesis due to freshwater input. Al Aziziyah Formation diagenetic events indicate: 1) initial meteoric and shallow burial; 2) three types of dolomite D1, D2 and D3 were most likely formed by microbial, seepage reflux and burial processes, respectively; and 3) diagenetic cements cannot be related to the arid, mega-monsoonal climate of the Triassic and most likely formed subsequently in a humid, meteoric setting

    Lower Cretaceous nannofossils of the northwestern Australian margin

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    Moderately to sparsely nannofossiliferous Neocomian siliciclastics and rich Aptian-Albian nannofossil chalks were cored at two Leg 123 sites on the abyssal plains off northwestern Australia. At Site 765, the basal 70 m of cored section yields questionable Tithonian and Berriasian to early Hauterivian assemblages of moderate diversity containing Cruelellipsis cuvillieri, Tegumentum striatum, Speetonia colligata, and Crucibiscutum salebrosum. The overlying Hauterivianlower Aptian is represented by 140 m of sediments barren of nannofossils. Above this, the remaining 80 m of the Lower Cretaceous section has been assigned to the Rhagodiscus angustus Zone (late Aptian-early Albian in age) and the Prediscosphaera columnata Zone (middle-late Albian in age). Common species include Rhagodiscus angustus, Prediscosphaera columnata, Eprolithus floralis, Eprolithus sp., Chiastozygus litterarius, Rucinolithus irregularis, and Flabellites biforaminis. At Site 766, the Neocomian, represented by 200 m of sediment, yields C. cuvillieri, T. striatum, S. colligata, and C. salebrosum. Within the overlying Aptian-Albian sequence of 80 m, the Rhagodiscus angustus, and P. columnata zones were recognized. The paleobiogeographic patterns and implications are discussed, with special emphasis paid to the bipolar high-latitude distribution pattern of C. salebrosum in the Valanginian-Hauterivian. Biostratigraphically important species are discussed and their occurrence in the Indian Ocean is compared with one from the Tethys and Boreal realms. Two new species, Serbiscutum gaultensis and Eprolithus bettenstaedtii, are described