10 research outputs found

    Pop und die Ökonomie des Massenoriginals. Zur symbolischen Form der Globalisierung

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    Die Pornografie und die SexualitÀt der Gesellschaft

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    Lewandowski S. Die Pornografie und die SexualitĂ€t der Gesellschaft. In: Metelmann J, ed. Porno-Pop II. Im Erregungsdispositiv. Film - Medium - Diskurs. Vol 33. WĂŒrzburg: Königshausen & Neumann; 2010

    Irritation of Life: The Subversive Melodrama of Michael Haneke, David Lynch and Lars von Trier

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    ARRAY(0x5612909ba950) Irritation of Life explores the political and emotive potential of contemporary auteur cinema. Viewing the work of celebrated directors Michael Haneke, David Lynch and Lars von Trier through the film-historical lenses of melodrama and the avant-garde, Loren and Metelmann explain how convention and deviance interact to establish an aesthetics of irritation. Their densely illustrated readings of the three directors ultimately rehabilitate a question recurrent throughout the many discourses on the moving picture: what social impact might art forms like narrative film hope to achieve? This book suggests that subversive melodrama’s political work is characterized by processes of “empathetic unsettlement” (LaCapra), encouraging new perceptual cartographies in and beyond the cinema, or novel ways of seeing being. Exploration into these uncharted territories constitutes not an IMITATION OF LIFE but an Irritation of Life

    What’s the matter? race as res

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    Calling for a reconsideration of race in response to ‘post-race’ discourses, W.J.T. Mitchell’s inspiring address at the first congress of the International Association for Visual Culture Studies made at least three major claims.1 First, and perhaps most central to his argument, is that the power of deeply ingrained social ontologies is not to be underestimated. Notions that have served to organize and structure thoughts on the nature of being are neither easily nor quickly altered. Race, it must be recognized, is everywhere. Perception in and of the world is encoded, if often unconsciously or indirectly, through race. This leads to a second claim: that the notion of nature, or of second nature, stemming from the beginning of a critical left theory following Hegel and Marx up to Benjamin and Adorno/Horkheimer, needs to be revived. Cultural studies, indeed the greater portion of the humanities, has become so convinced of its social constructivist logic that it is in danger of neglecting nature – or something like it, a second nature – altogether. Mitchell argues that this is a mistake; that if we neglect the immovable truth of nature, or let’s say the tenacious tendencies of second nature, we run the risk of all-too-easily replacing one socially ontologizing concept with another. The point is well taken: paradigm shifts and social ontologies don’t change overnight, but are rather subject to long, uneasy processes. Following this logic, it is more and more often said that the tendency to prematurely hail the end of an era is a symptom of the time after modernism, and the eagerness to ‘post-’ an era, a logic, a paradigm, or an ontology often runs the risk of being counterproductive: thus we have Mitchell’s welcome call for a reconsideration of race

    Pasolini - Haneke: Filmische Ordnungen von Gewalt

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    Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter ist Herausgeber der Reihe und die Herausgeber der einzelnen Hefte sind renommierte Wissenschaftler und -innen aus dem In- und Ausland.Die in dieser Ausgabe veröffentlichten Texte, die auf eine Tagung an der UniversitĂ€t Siegen im Oktober 2012 zurĂŒckgehen, machen es sich zur Aufgabe, den sozio-politischen Ordnungen von Gewalt und deren Visualisierung im Körper und den Gesten der Protagonisten in den Filmen von Pier Paolo Pasolini und Michael Haneke nachzugehen