755 research outputs found

    Impulse zur Verbesserung der Spätsommerversorgung der Honigbiene durch Kulturmaßnahmen im Ökologischen Landbau

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    In order to overcome the late summer gap in costume for honey bees and increase the winter stock we investigated in two independent field trials the attractiveness of different legumes for honeybees and the effect of a terminated flowering event on its winter stock of honey and pollen. The attractiveness for honeybees was depending on the legume species. The flowering event resulted in a very good pollen stock which pushed the development of the bee colonies

    A First Perspective on Requirements of New-Generation Managers for Collaboration Technology to be Integrated into Management Support Systems

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    Companies today are mostly populated by new-generation managers—consisting of digital natives and digital immi­grants. New-generation managers have expanded their role in operations and have to make decisions faster than in the past. Management support systems (MSS) serve as mana­gers’ central, hands-on, day-to-day source of information. Thus, the present situation is favorable for redesigning MSS in two respects: On the one hand, new-generation mana­gers’ faster decision making is driving a new demand for self-service MSS. Unlike earlier MSS, self-service MSS accommodate individual user preferences and increasingly enable managers to operate MSS themselves. On the other hand, as companies become larger and more dispersed, face-to-face meetings and even telephone calls become less prac­tical, but new collaboration technology is becoming in­creasingly important. Subject to these considerations, we examine collaboration technology—technology assisting people working towards the same goals—suitable to be incorporated into MSS for new-generation managers’ self service


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    Over the last years managers have expanded their role in operations and nowadays they make decisions faster than in the past. Collaboration technology promises to support managers in doing so. Hence, the present situation is favorable for a redesign of management support systems (MSS) incorporating collaboration technology. To examine such technology, we consider analyst - and consumer -type managers´ perspectives and cover collaboration technology for different devices. Based on findings from a literature review and arguments validated in structured manager interviews, we propose four initial design guidelines facilitating collaboration for managers: (1) Coordination: MSS should indicate the availability of other users, send read confirmations, and provide document sharing. (2) Communication: MSS should enable on-topic annotations and sending them to other users at the push of a button. (3) Cooperation: MSS should provide a comprehensive managerial self-service search function. (4) Devices: For shared documents and textual annotations tablets have become managers most wanted smart device type

    Im Schatten der Rose: Ernst Reden, Schöngeist und Lyriker - ein kurzes jungenschaftliches Leben

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    Die Arbeit untersucht Leben und Wirkung des Kölner Kaufmannssohnes Ernst Reden. Seine Persönlichkeit und sein Einfluss werden in zweierlei Hinsicht eingeordnet. Zum einen soll mit dieser Arbeit seine enge Verbindung zum und seine Stellung innerhalb des weitgehend oppositionell eingestellten Personenkreises der 'bündischen Szene' nachgewiesen werden. Zum anderen soll die Bedeutung geklärt werden, die ihm zukommt durch seine Freundschaft zu den Geschwistern Scholl. Damit trägt die Untersuchung bei zu zwei Forschungsbereichen. Sie ergänzt gleichermaßen die Forschung zur 'bündischen Jugend' wie auch die Forschung zur Widerstandsgruppe der 'Weißen Rose'. Darüber hinaus wirft sie einen Blick auf das lyrische, bisher unentdeckte Schaffen Ernst Redens

    Im Schatten der Rose: Ernst reden, Schöngeist und Lyriker - ein kurzes, jungenschaftliches Leben -

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    Die Arbeit untersucht Leben und Wirkung des Kölner Kaufmannssohnes Ernst Reden. Seine Persönlichkeit und sein Einfluss werden in zweierlei Hinsicht eingeordnet. Zum einen soll mit dieser Arbeit seine enge Verbindung zum und seine Stellung innerhalb des weitgehend oppositionell eingestellten Personenkreises der 'bündischen Szene' nachgewiesen werden. Zum anderen soll die Bedeutung geklärt werden, die ihm zukommt durch seine Freundschaft zu den Geschwistern Scholl. Damit trägt die Untersuchung bei zu zwei Forschungsbereichen. Sie ergänzt gleichermaßen die Forschung zur 'bündischen Jugend' wie auch die Forschung zur Widerstandsgruppe der 'Weißen Rose'. Darüber hinaus wirft sie einen Blick auf das lyrische, bisher unentdeckte Schaffen Ernst Redens

    How Psychiatry Journals Support the Unbiased Translation of Clinical Research. A Cross-Sectional Study of Editorial Policies

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    Introduction: Reporting guidelines (e. g. CONSORT) have been developed as tools to improve quality and reduce bias in reporting research findings. Trial registration has been recommended for countering selective publication. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) encourages the implementation of reporting guidelines and trial registration as uniform requirements (URM). For the last two decades, however, biased reporting and insufficient registration of clinical trials has been identified in several literature reviews and other investigations. No study has so far investigated the extent to which author instructions in psychiatry journals encourage following reporting guidelines and trial registration. Method: Psychiatry Journals were identified from the 2011 Journal Citation Report. Information given in the author instructions and during the submission procedure of all journals was assessed on whether major reporting guidelines, trial registration and the ICMJE's URM in general were mentioned and adherence recommended. Results: We included 123 psychiatry journals (English and German language) in our analysis. A minority recommend or require 1) following the URM (21%), 2) adherence to reporting guidelines such as CONSORT, PRISMA, STROBE (23%, 7%, 4%), or 3) registration of clinical trials (34%). The subsample of the top-10 psychiatry journals (ranked by impact factor) provided much better but still improvable rates. For example, 70% of the top-10 psychiatry journals do not ask for the specific trial registration number. Discussion: Under the assumption that better reported and better registered clinical research that does not lack substantial information will improve the understanding, credibility, and unbiased translation of clinical research findings, several stakeholders including readers (physicians, patients), authors, reviewers, and editors might benefit from improved author instructions in psychiatry journals. A first step of improvement would consist in requiring adherence to the broadly accepted reporting guidelines and to trial registration

    Seltene Sandspezialisten: Steppenrüssler in Brandenburg

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    Die Rüsselkäfer des Tribus Cleonini sind überwiegend groß, attraktiv gefärbt – und dennoch bestens getarnt. Viele von ihnen leben in steppenartigen Biotopen. Mehrere Gattungen aus dieser Gruppe tragen folglich die deutsche Bezeichnung „Steppenrüssler“. Sie werden selten gefunden und sind zum Teil stark gefährdet. Der Heide-Steppenrüssler (Coniocleonus nebulosus) wurde im August 2020 in Sielmanns Naturlandschaft Kyritz-Ruppiner Heide erstmals seit Jahrzehnten wieder in Brandenburg entdeckt. Mit dem Sand-Steppenrüssler (Coniocleonus hollbergii) und dem Gefleckten Langrüssler (Cyphocleonus dealbatus) zählen mindestens zwei weitere Cleonini sogar zu den Charakterarten der Sandheiden und Bergbaufolgelandschaften Brandenburgs

    Beaconless Position-Based Routing for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Existing position-based unicast routing algorithms, where packets are forwarded in the geographic direction of the destination, require that the forwarding node knows the positions of all neighbors in its transmission range. This information on direct neighbors is gained by observing beacon messages each node sends out periodically. The transmission of beacons and the storage of neighbor information consumes resources. Due to mobility, collected neighbor information can quickly get outdated which in turn can lead to packet drops. In this paper, we propose a mechanism to perform position-based forwarding without the help of beacons or the maintenance of neighbor tables. In our contention-based forwarding scheme(CBF) the next hop is selected through a distributed contention process using biased timers. To avoid packet duplication, the first node that is selected suppresses the selection of further nodes. We propose three suppression strategies which vary with respect to forwarding efficiency and suppression characteristics. We analyze the behavior of CBF with all three suppression strategies and compare it to an existing greedy routing approach by means of simulation with ns-2. Our results demonstrate that CBF is a promising strategy for position-based routing