66 research outputs found

    A szegedi közlekedés okozta környezetterhelés hatásrendszere

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    The city and intercity traffic causes significant environmental load. This environmental load could be explained with a complex system of effects. This work illustrates, in a table, the essentials of the effect system of traffic based on 10 years of research. The city of Szeged currently performs an extensive traffic improvement what could help to create a more habitable city if the effects and results are well known

    Gépipari környezetkímélő megmunkálási eljárások vizsgálata, modellezése = Modelling and Examination of Machine Industrial Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing Procedures

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    Célunk a környezetkímélő "száraz", vagy minimális kenőanyag felhasználást alkalmazó forgácsoló megmunkálások elméletének vizsgálata, gyakorlatának kidolgozása volt. Megoldott feladatok: 1. Mechanikai modell felállítása, tribológiai modell készítése, végeselemes vizsgálatok a) Elméleti modellek felállítása A forgácsolási folyamat modellezése. A forgácsolási folyamat mechanikája (szabad forgácsolás, kötött forgácsolás esetén). A hűtő-kenő folyadék környezeti hatásának elemzése. b) Végeselemes vizsgálatok. A környezetkímélő eljárások forgácsolási modellezése esetén figyelembe kell venni a speciális feltételeket. Vizsgálatainknál cél a nagy alakváltozásokat tartalmazó végeselemes program vizsgálata, eredményeinek kiértékelése volt. 2. CCD kamerás vizsgálatok. A szerszámkopás vizsgálatának egy modern módszere a CCD kamerás vizsgálatok alkalmazása. 3. Kísérleti vizsgálatok. Az elméleti vizsgálatok kiegészítése céljából illetve a megalkotott modellek jóságának ellenőrzése végett kísérleti vizsgálatokat végeztünk. a) A forgácsoláshoz szükséges forgácsolóerő és nyomaték vizsgálata, tribológiai vizsgálatok, szerszámkopások elemzése. b) A megmunkált felület felületi érdességének vizsgálata. A kísérleti vizsgálatok előkészítéséhez, az eredmények kiértékeléséhez és megjelenítéséhez a faktoriális kísérlettervezés módszerét alkalmaztuk. | Our aim was to study the theory and practice of those type cutting technologies which are done by environmentally conscious way that is they are "dry" or "use of minimum volume of coolants and lubricants" Solved tasks: 1. Creations of mechanical models, tribological models, Finite Element Analyses a) Setting up theoretic models We have modelled the cutting processes. We have examined of mechanics of cutting processes (in case of orthogonal cutting, restricted cutting). We have analysed the effects of the coolants and lubricants. b) Finite Element Examinations. At the modelling of cutting of environmentally conscious procedures we hadto take into account special circumstances. Our aim was the analysing of Finite Element Method having large strains. We evaluated the calculated results. 2. CCD camera examinations. A new method of examination of cutting tool wear was the use of the up-to-date CCD cameras. 3. Experimental investigations. For completing of theoretical examinations, or checking the how proper the created models was, we have done experimental investigations. a) Examination cutting forces and torques necessary for cutting procedures. Tribological investigations, examinations of cutting tool wear. b) Examination of surface roughness of the machined surfaces. For preparing the experiments, for doing the experiments and for demonstrating the measured data we have used the effective method of Factorial Experiment Design

    Bogárközösségek (Coleoptera) vizsgálata pionir és rekultivált élőhelyen

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    The survey of Coleoptera assembledges living on the uranium waste-heap of Kővágószőlős (Baranya County) was carried out in 1994 and in 2001. This study presents the collected species before (14 families, 53 species) and after (19 families, 79 species) the re-cultivating process

    Az autópálya és a körgyűrű hatása a szegedi közlekedés környezetterhelésére

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    More than 3000 vehicles pass the important intersections of the city of Szeged. Before the opening of a new highway more than 150 of them were semi-trailer trucks. The air pollution, noise and crowd caused by the vehicles create local problems. Traffic counts and noise measurements were carried out before and after the opening of the E43 highway. Noise and air pollution maps were drawn based on the traffic database. We could confirm that the environmental load was reduced

    CCD kamerák helyzetének meghatározása szerszám pozícionálásához: Determining the position of CCD cameras for tool positioning

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    An important segment of tool geometry is the analysis of the relationship between edge geometry and surface quality. One of the aims of our research is to study the geometry of machining tools using CCD cameras, based on the knowledge of constructive descriptive geometry. In this paper, we described the method developed by us to determine the boundary conditions for cameras positioning for the setting of the tool and the testing of cutting edge wear.  Kivonat A szerszámgeometria kulcsfontosságú szegmense az élgeometria és a felületminőség kapcsolatának elemzése. Kutatómunkánk egyetlen kérdését egy megmunkáló szerszámok élgeometriájának CCD kamerákkal kapcsolatos vizsgálata és egy konstruktív ábrázoló geometria ismeretinek felhasználására használják. Írásunkban a szerszám beállítása és a vágás ellenőrzése érdekében a kamera ellenőrzésének célja, hogy a kimunkált módszert mutató mutatóval növelje

    Gelatin content governs hydration induced structural changes in silica-gelatin hybrid aerogels – Implications in drug delivery

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    Silica-gelatin hybrid aerogels of varying gelatin content (from 4 wt.% to 24 wt.%) can be conveniently impregnated with hydrophobic active agents (e.g. ibuprofen, ketoprofen) in supercritical CO2 and used as drug delivery systems. Contrast variation neutron scattering (SANS) experiments show the molecular level hybridization of the silica and the gelatin components of the aerogel carriers. The active agents are amorphous, and homogeneously dispersed in these porous, hybrid matrices. Importantly, both fast and retarded drug release can be achieved with silica-gelatin hybrid aerogels, and the kinetics of drug release is governed by the gelatin content of the carrier. In this paper, for the first time, a molecular level explanation is given for the strong correlation between the composition and the functionality of a family of aerogel based drug delivery systems. Characterization of the wet aerogels by SANS and by NMR diffusiometry, cryoporometry and relaxometry revealed that the different hydration mechanisms of the aerogels are responsible for the broad spectrum of release kinetics. Low-gelatin (4–11 wt.%) aerogels retain their open-porous structure in water, thus rapid matrix erosion dictates fast drug release from these carriers. In contrast to this, wet aerogels of high gelatin content (18–24 wt.%) show well pronounced hydrogel-like characteristics, and a wide gradual transition zone forms in the solid-liquid interface. The extensive swelling of the high-gelatin hybrid backbone results in the collapse of the open porous structure, that limits mass transport towards the release medium, resulting in slower, diffusion controlled drug release

    Bile acid- and ethanol-mediated activation of Orai1 damages pancreatic ductal secretion in acute pancreatitis

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    Sustained intracellular Ca2+ overload in pancreatic acinar and ductal cells is a hallmark of biliary and alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis, which leads to impaired ductal ion and fluid secretion. Orai1 is a plasma membrane Ca2+ channel that mediates extracellular Ca2+ influx upon endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ depletion. Our results showed that Orai1 is expressed on the luminal plasma membrane of the ductal cells and selective Orai1 inhibition impaired Stim1-dependent extracellular Ca2+ influx evoked by bile acids or ethanol combined with non-oxidative ethanol metabolites. The prevention of sustained extracellular Ca2+ influx protected ductal cell secretory functions in in vitro models and maintained exocrine pancreatic secretion in in vivo AP models. Orai1 inhibition prevents the bile acid-, and alcohol-induced damage of the pancreatic ductal secretion and holds the potential of improving the outcome of acute pancreatitis.Regardless of its etiology, sustained intracellular Ca2+ overload is a well-known hallmark of acute pancreatitis (AP). Toxic Ca2+ elevation induces pancreatic ductal cell damage characterized by impaired ion- and fluid secretion -essential to wash out the protein-rich fluid secreted by acinar cells while maintaining the alkaline intra-ductal pH under physiological conditions- and mitochondrial dysfunction. While prevention of ductal cell injury decreases the severity of AP, no specific drug target has yet been identified in the ductal cells. Although Orai1 -a store operated Ca2+ influx channel- is known to contribute to sustained Ca2+ overload in acinar cells, details concerning its expression and function in ductal cells are currently lacking. In this study, we demonstrate that functionally active Orai1 channels reside dominantly in the apical plasma membrane of pancreatic ductal cells. Selective CM5480-mediated Orai1 inhibition impairs Stim1-dependent extracellular Ca2+ influx evoked by bile acids or ethanol combined with non-oxidative ethanol metabolites. Furthermore, prevention of sustained extracellular Ca2+ influx protects ductal cell secretory function in vitro and decrease pancreatic ductal cell death. Finally, Orai1-inhibition partially restores and maintains proper exocrine pancreatic secretion in in vivo AP models. In conclusion, our results indicate that Orai1 inhibition prevents AP-related ductal cell function impairment and holds the potential of improving disease outcome. Abstract figure legend This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved