849 research outputs found

    The features of the good and bad functioning closed inner courtyards – trough a Hungarian example

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    The UN in the World Urbanization Prospects The Revision 2014 titled report calls attention that the a growing part of the world’s population lives in cities. And this trend is also true to those countries which population is decreasing. Because in spite of all this more and more people moving to the cities. Therefore the cities of the future will have to face significant demographic and sociological problems. Due to this the role of the public spaces will be more prominent than currently. Because the public spaces are those areas where in the cities living people independently from gender, age, religion, qualification, etc. could meet with each other. However the sizes of the public spaces resulting from their nature are bounded, therefore in the case of the cities the alternative routes providing possibilities for their expansion. Such an alternative route could be functioning the buildings with inner courtyard. Because the inner courtyards similar to the squares could have street furniture or playgrounds. But stores or restaurants also could operate inside there, as around the larger urban squares. However it raises the question that this is true in any cases to the inner courtyards? Or which criteria must be taken into account that an inner courtyard will be used by the pedestrians? Is it count at all, that where is located such a courtyard in the city? This study I’m looking for the answers to these questions through the example of two inner courtyards located in the downtown of Győr. During my research I have made traffic count in both courtyards and with the VISSIM program pedestrian simulations. From the results clearly turned out, that the traffic of the inner courtyards depends not only from their size, but their location in the city, from the traffic of the surrounding public spaces, and the there located stores, functions, and street furniture also

    Versenytársak együttműködésének hatása a regionális gazdasági fejlődésre

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    A tanulmány bemutatja, hogy a versenytársak együttműködése (koopetitíció) miként határozza meg a regionális gazdasági növekedést. Koopetícióról akkor beszélünk, amikor rivális vállalatok egyszerre versenyeznek és kooperálnak egymással profitjuk maximalizálásáért, s ezáltal hálózatot alkotnak. A koopetitív hálózat a regionális gazdasági fejlődés egyik kulcseleme, ezért az írás hálózatelméleti és térökonometriai eljárások kombinálásával elemzi a gazdasági növekedést. Empirikus vizsgálatok szerint a koopetitív hálózatokban a bizalmi szint alacsony, mégis sikeresen működnek, mert létezik a hálózatban egy központi szereplő, akiben mindenki megbízik. Ez a szereplő hidat alkot, közvetít a versenytársak között, a hálózatban ő szervezi a koopetitív interakciót. A szerző a koopetitív hálózatok gazdasági hatásának mérésére általa kidolgozott modellt is vázolja. Ez a komplex modell szintetizálja az úgynevezett fogékony–fertőzött-modellt és a helyiaggregátum-modellt, így alkalmas a koopetitív hálózati hatások és externáliák regionális terjedésének szemléltésére.* Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: D62, F12, L14, L24, P13, R11

    Sjúkraþjálfun parkinsonssjúklinga á Æfingastöð styrktarfélags lamaðra og fatlaðra

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenParkinsonsveiki er taugasjúkdómur sem greinist hjá fólki að öllu jöfnu eftir fimmtugt. Helstu einkenni eru hreyfitregða, vöðvastífni og skjálfti. Allir hafa þörf fyrir reglulega hreyfingu til að viðhalda góðri heilsu og færni, en rannsóknir hafa sýnt að Parkinsonssjúklingar eru minna virkir en heilbrigðir jafnaldrar. Rannsóknir sýna að regluleg hreyfing er til góðs og að hægt er að bæta hreyfifærni Parkinsons-sjúklinga með æfingum. Með því að þjálfa líkamann léttum við einnig lundina. Á Æfingastöð SLF er hópþjálfun fyrir Parkinsonssjúklinga, leiðbeinendur eru sjúkraþjálfarar. Þjálfun fer fram bæði í æfingasal og í laug. Lögð er áhersla á þætti eins og líkamsstöðu, liðleika, færni við athafnir daglegs lífs, vöðvastyrk, þrek og úthald, jafnvægi, samhæfingu, snerpu og raddstyrk. Nýlegar rannsóknir benda til að regluleg hreyfing geti hægt á sjúkdómsferlinu og einnig hugsanlega haft fyrirbyggjandi áhrif, samkvæmt rannsóknum í Pittsburgh, Harvard School of Public Health og víðar

    Inner Courtyards as Public Open Spaces

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    Over the years more and more researches proved, major part of the world’s population moving back to the cities and in the future even more people will live there. All this is due to that in the metropolitan regions high level economic activity is taking place and their services getting better quality. Besides of that the cities are not only information and service nodes but also varied cultural and educational centers which providing a lot of opportunities for occupational change or to learn new professions which could be attractive to the high qualified people too. Therefore the cities of the future will have to face significant demographic and sociological problems because besides moving into the city various ethnic and religious groups according to the characteristic of the western countries the urban population shows an aging trend. And in addition the increasing number of the disabled people whose mobility even in a crowded city must be ensured. Therefore the public spaces will play an even more significant role in the cities life because this is the “space” in every city where regardless of gender, age, religion, qualification, etc. all social classes can be found. This is especially true for the public squares and parks where people can not only meet with each other from the different social groups but they can dialogue with each other as well; actively or passively relaxing, having fun, etc. All of this can significantly contribute so that these groups could get know each other. However the public spaces of the cities including the squares and parks looking at their size are bounded. All for this could provide solution for example the opening of the inner courtyards to the pedestrians. Because the inner courtyards similar to the public spaces providing opportunities not only for relaxation and conversation but for buying and entertainment also because the ground floor part of the inner courtyards offering the possibility for the creation of shops, offices, coffee shops and restaurants. Therefore in my presentation I would like to show what is needed to an inner courtyard could become a successful public space

    Alternate Pedestrian Routes in the Cities

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    In 2014 the UN World Urbanization Prospects The Revision report has presented that 54% of the world’s population has lived in cities. And accorting to the forecast made in the report in 2050, this rate will be 66%. So the cities of the future will have to face significant demographic and sociological problems because besides moving into the city various ethnic and religious groups according to the characteristic of the western countries the urban population shows an aging trend. And in addition the increasing number of the disabled people whose mobility even in a crowded city must be ensured. Therefore the public spaces will play an even more significant role in the cities life because this is the “space” in every city where regardless of gender, age, religion, qualification, etc. all social classes can be found. This is especially true for the public squares and parks where people can not only meet with each other from the different social groups but they can dialogue with each other as well; actively or passively relaxing, having fun, etc. All of this can significantly contribute so that these groups could get know each other (Thompson, 2002). However the public spaces of the cities including the squares and parks looking at their size are bounded. So for the expansion of the public spaces alternative routes could serve as opportunity. Therefore it’s not accidental, that the National Development and Regional Development Concept 2030 of Hungary counts with the increasing of the alternative routes roles. According to the concept with the variability and rapidity of globalization processes, the transport infrastructure networks – because of their bounded nature – primarly with the alternative routes and with the ensuring of different modes of transport are they able to compete. However there is a question what pedestrians mean under alternative route? Are they using such a route and if yes for what purpose

    Clinical experiences in Hodgkin lymphoma in particular with regard to pulmonary complications

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    A Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) a nyirokrendszer daganatos megbetegedése, mely tipikus klinikai és morfológiai jellemzőkkel bír. A Hodgkin/ Reed-Sternberg (HRS) sejtek B-sejtes eredete ma már nyilvánvaló, a HL egyértelmű oka azonban továbbra sem tisztázott. A HRS sejtek patogenezisében és túlélésében az aberráns jelátviteli útvonalak és a különböző mutációk mellett a megfelelő mikrokörnyezetnek is jelentős szerepe van. A HL a hematológia sikertörténetei közé tartozik, a kezdetben halálos betegségben szenvedők mostanra több mint 80%-a tartósan túlél. Azon relabáló/ refrakter betegek kezelése azonban – akik az autológ transzplantáció után esnek vissza – komoly kihívást jelent. Számukra ma már a monometil auristatin E-vel (MMAE) konjugált anti-CD30 antitest brentuximab vedotin, PD-1 gátló szerek használata, valamint a haploidentikus allogén transzplantáció jelenthet túlélési esélyt. A jelenleg és a közelmúltban első vonalban használt bleomycin tartalmú polikemoterápiák és a mellkast érintő IFRT potenciálisan tüdőkárosító hatású lehet. Vizsgálatunkban a hosszú távú tüdőkárosodást 21 és 45% köztinek találtuk vizsgálómódszertől függően és összefüggést találtunk a dohányzással, a betegek életkorával, és a kumulatív bleomycin dózissal, míg a mellkast érintő irradiáció additív tüdőkárosító hatása nem volt igazolható. A bleomycint inaktiváló enzim, a bleomycin hydroláz (BLMH) génjének polimorfizmusa egy lehetséges tényező lehet, amely befolyásolhatja a bleomycint kapó betegek hosszútávú tüdőfunkcióját. Jelen vizsgálatunkban a BLMH gén A1450G SNP polimorfizmusa szignifikáns különbségeket mutatott korábban ABVD-vel kezelt HL-s betegek hosszú távú pulmonális funkciós vizsgálatainak felmérésekor. A kuratív eredményeség fenntartása mellett javasoljuk bleomycin tartalmú kemoterápiák ciklusszámának csökkentését, illetve felmerül többszörös pulmonális rizikófaktorok fennállása esetén a bleomycin helyettesítése célzott terápiás lehetőségekkel. Hodgkin lymphoma is the malignant disease of the lymphatic system, which holds typical clinical and morphological features. Although the B-cell origin of Hodgkin/ Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells is now obvious, but the explicit reason of HL is still unknown. Aberrantly activated signaling pathways, several mutations and an appropriate microenvironment have major role in the pathogenesis and survival of HRS cells. HL represents one of the major success stories of hematology. The disease, which was fatal at the beginning, has nowadays 80% of survival rate nowadays. However, treatment of those relapsing/ refractory patients, who fail ASCT is challenging. For them anti-CD30 antibody conjugated with monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE) (brentuximab vedotin), PD-1 inhibitors and haploidentic allogenic transplantation can be the chance to survive. Currently and recently used bleomycin containing polychemotherapy and IFRT involving the chest may cause potential pulmonary toxicity. We found long-term pulmonary toxicity to be 21-45% according to test method, and we found correlation with smoking, age, cumulative bleomycin dose, while additive worsening effect of chest irradiation couldn’t be verified. Bleomycin hydrolase (BLMH), the enzyme inactivating bleomycin may be a possible factor that can affect long-term pulmonary function of patients receiving bleomycin. In the current study BLMH gene SNP A1450G polymorphism led to significant differences in the long term follow-up pulmonary test results of ABVD-treated HL patients. Decrease of bleomycin containing chemotherapy cycles is recommended while maintaining favourable survival rates. Bleomycin may be substituted by targeted therapeutic agents in case of multiple pulmonary risk factors.N