169 research outputs found

    Usability testing methods on e-learning environment

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    At the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) in the Institute of Applied Pedagogy and Psychology (APPI) we started to use Moodle open source course management system in 2006. Formerly we served the curricula by using workbooks, multimedia CD-s, course-books, but due to the fast change of curricula it was a hard task to keep the hard copy of learning materials up-to-date. Later students could download learning materials with the help of using Internet, they could resort to the help of tutors instead of visiting the lessons. Blended-learning method is one of the most effective form from a number of our full-time gradual courses. Today we are using Moodle 1.9 version to support learning and training activities. Nowadays, we use questionnaires to evaluate users´ satisfaction. These deliverances take an important place in the development of the content and appearance of our e-courses and curricula. We implement web usage mining as an appropriate tool for uncovering those parts of the user activiti es that cannot be told by the user personally. With the analysis of the collected web server log files we can track users´ actions and by identifying typical student behaviour and matching these data with the given grades, successful learning strategies can be identified. Our first results show that qualitative and quantitative approach should be used parallel and with the help of data mining methods we can reveal more insights about the quality and usability of e-learning systems as we could before

    Napoléon et son image dans la "presse corse"

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    Az utolsó vers s az utolsó golyó : [elbeszélés]

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    L'expédition d'Egypte: rêve napoléonien ou étape pondéré de l'extension française dans la Méditerranée?

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    Chlamydia trachomatis D-K szerovariáns által okozott genitourethrális fertőzések.

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    Sexually transmitted infections of the urogenital tract are most commonly caused by the intracellular bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis worldwide, resulting the clinical picture of acute urethritis in men as well as urethritis and endocervicitis in women. As women often present with few symptoms only or a completely symptom-free disease course, one of the most important long-term complications is chronic pelvic inflammatory disease often followed by the development of infertility caused by chronic scar formation. Well-organized screening programs are considered to have a leading role in the prevention of disease spreading and long lasting unwanted complications. Antibiotic treatment options are often influenced by special circumstances, such as pregnancy and several complicated clinical forms. The aims of the authors are to give a concise review on the current knowledge regarding Chlamydia trachomatis infections and summarize typical clinical signs, modern diagnostic techniques as well as accepted treatment protocols and basic aspects of screening

    La Corse et les Cent Jours

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    La Corse et les Cent Jour [! Cent-Jour]

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