21 research outputs found

    A Landau--Ginzburg mirror theorem without concavity

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    We provide a mirror symmetry theorem in a range of cases where the state-of-the-art techniques relying on concavity or convexity do not apply. More specifically, we work on a family of FJRW potentials named after Fan, Jarvis, Ruan, and Witten's quantum singularity theory and viewed as the counterpart of a non-convex Gromov--Witten potential via the physical LG/CY correspondence. The main result provides an explicit formula for Polishchuk and Vaintrob's virtual cycle in genus zero. In the non-concave case of the so-called chain invertible polynomials, it yields a compatibility theorem with the FJRW virtual cycle and a proof of mirror symmetry for FJRW theory.Comment: 50 pages (accepted in Duke Mathematical Journal

    Towards a description of the double ramification hierarchy for Witten's rr-spin class

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    The double ramification hierarchy is a new integrable hierarchy of hamiltonian PDEs introduced recently by the first author. It is associated to an arbitrary given cohomological field theory. In this paper we study the double ramification hierarchy associated to the cohomological field theory formed by Witten's rr-spin classes. Using the formula for the product of the top Chern class of the Hodge bundle with Witten's class, found by the second author, we present an effective method for a computation of the double ramification hierarchy. We do explicit computations for r=3,4,5r=3,4,5 and prove that the double ramification hierarchy is Miura equivalent to the corresponding Dubrovin--Zhang hierarchy. As an application, this result together with a recent work of the first author with Paolo Rossi gives a quantization of the rr-th Gelfand--Dickey hierarchy for r=3,4,5r=3,4,5.Comment: v3: 26 pages (accepted in Journal de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliqu\'ees

    Congruences on K-theoretic Gromov--Witten invariants

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    We study K-theoretic Gromov--Witten invariants of projective hypersurfaces using a virtual localization formula under finite group actions. In particular, it provides all K-theoretic Gromov--Witten invariants of the quintic threefold modulo 41, up to genus 19 and degree 40. As an illustration, we give an instance in genus one and degree one. Applying the same idea to a K-theoretic version of FJRW theory, we determine it modulo 41 for the quintic polynomial with minimal group and narrow insertions, in every genus.Comment: Subsection with an explicit computation adde

    Tau-Structure for the Double Ramification Hierarchies

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    In this paper we continue the study of the double ramification hierarchy of Buryak (Commun Math Phys 336(3):1085–1107, 2015). After showing that the DR hierarchy satisfies tau-symmetry we define its partition function as the (logarithm of the) tau-function of the string solution and show that it satisfies various properties (string, dilaton, and divisor equations plus some important degree constraints). We then formulate a stronger version of the conjecture from Buryak (2015): for any semisimple cohomological field theory, the Dubrovin–Zhang and double ramification hierarchies are related by a normal [i.e. preserving the tau-structure (Dubrovin et al. in Adv Math 293:382–435, 2016)] Miura transformation which we completely identify in terms of the partition function of the CohFT. In fact, using only the partition functions, the conjecture can be formulated even in the non-semisimple case (where the Dubrovin–Zhang hierarchy is not defined). We then prove this conjecture for various CohFTs (trivial CohFT, Hodge class, Gromov–Witten theory of CPÂč, 3-, 4- and 5-spin classes) and in genus 1 for any semisimple CohFT. Finally we prove that the higher genus part of the DR hierarchy is basically trivial for the Gromov–Witten theory of smooth varieties with non-positive first Chern class and their analogue in Fan–Jarvis–Ruan–Witten quantum singularity theory (Fan et al. in Ann Math 178(1):1–106, 2013)

    A generalization of the double ramification cycle via log-geometry

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    35 pagesWe give a log-geometric description of the space of twisted canonical divisors constructed by Farkas--Pandharipande. In particular, we introduce the notion of a principal rubber kk-log-canonical divisor, and we study its moduli space. It is a proper Deligne--Mumford stack admitting a perfect obstruction theory whose virtual fundamental cycle is of dimension 2g−3+n2g-3+n. In the so-called strictly meromorphic case with k=1k=1, the moduli space is of the expected dimension and the push-forward of its virtual fundamental cycle to the moduli space of stable curves equals the weighted fundamental class of the moduli space of twisted canonical divisors. Conjecturally, it yields a formula of Pixton generalizing the double ramification cycle in the moduli space of stable curves