127 research outputs found

    Unique composition of the preprotein translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane from plants

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    Transport of most nuclear encoded mitochondrial proteins into mitochondria is mediated by heteropolymeric translocases in the membranes of the organelles. The translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane (TOM) was characterized in fungi, and it was shown that TOM from yeast comprises nine different subunits. This publication is the first report on the preparation of the TOM complex from plant mitochondria. The protein complex from potato was purified by (a) blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and (b) by immunoaffinity chromatography. On blue native gels, the potato TOM complex runs close to cytochrome c oxidase at 230 kDa and hence only comprises about half of the size of fungal TOM complexes. Analysis of the TOM complex from potato by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis allows separation of seven different subunits of 70, 36, 23, 9, 8, 7, and 6 kDa. The 23-kDa protein is identical to the previously characterized potato TOM20 receptor, as shown by in vitro assembly of this protein into the 230kDa complex, by immunoblotting and by direct protein sequencing. Partial amino acid sequence data of the other subunits allowed us to identify sequence similarity between the 36-kDa protein and fungal TOM40. Sequence analysis of cDNAs encoding the 7-kDa protein revealed significant sequence hornology of this protein to TOM7 from yeast. However, potato TOM7 has a N-terminal extension, which is very rich in basic amino acids. Counterparts to the TOM22 and TOM37 proteins from yeast seem to be absent in the potato TOM complex, whereas an additional low molecular mass subunit occurs. Functional implications of these findings are discussed

    Activity-Based Protein Profiling Identifies Protein Disulfide-Isomerases as Target Proteins of the Volatile Salinilactones

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    The salinilactones, volatile marine natural products secreted from Salinispora arenicola, feature a unique [3.1.0]-lactone ring system and cytotoxic activities through a hitherto unknown mechanism. To find their molecular target, an activity-based protein profiling with a salinilactone-derived probe is applied that disclosed the protein disulfide-isomerases (PDIs) as the dominant mammalian targets of salinilactones, and thioredoxin (TRX1) as secondary target. The inhibition of protein disulfide-isomerase A1 (PDIA1) and TRX1 is confirmed by biochemical assays with recombinant proteins, showing that (1S,5R)-salinilactone B is more potent than its (1R,5S)-configured enantiomer. The salinilactones bound covalently to C53 and C397, the catalytically active cysteines of the isoform PDIA1 according to tandem mass spectrometry. Reactions with a model substrate demonstrated that the cyclopropyl group is opened by an attack of the thiol at C6. Fluorophore labeling experiments showed the cell permeability of a salinilactone-BODIPY (dipyrrometheneboron difluoride) conjugate and its co-localization with PDIs in the endoplasmic reticulum. The study is one of the first to pinpoint a molecular target for a volatile microbial natural product, and it demonstrates that salinilactones can achieve high selectivity despite their small size and intrinsic reactivity

    The guanine-nucleotide exchange factor CalDAG GEFI fine-tunes functional properties of regulatory T cells

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    Using quantitative phosphopeptide sequencing of unstimulated versus stimulated primary murine Foxp3(+) regulatory and Foxp3(-) conventional T cells (Tregs and Tconv, respectively), we detected a novel and differentially regulated tyrosine phosphorylation site within the C1 domain of the guanine-nucleotide exchange factor CalDAG GEFI. We hypothesized that the Treg-specific and activation-dependent reduced phosphorylation at Y523 allows binding of CalDAG GEFI to diacylglycerol, thereby impacting the formation of a Treg-specific immunological synapse. However, diacylglycerol binding assays of phosphomutant C1 domains of CalDAG GEFI could not confirm this hypothesis. Moreover, CalDAG GEFI(-/-) mice displayed normal Treg numbers in thymus and secondary lymphoid organs, and CalDAG GEFI(-/-) Tregs showed unaltered in vitro suppressive capacity when compared to CalDAG GEFI(+/+) Tregs. Interestingly, when tested in vivo, CalDAG GEFI(-/-) Tregs displayed a slightly reduced suppressive ability in the transfer colitis model when compared to CalDAG GEFI(+/+) Tregs. Additionally, CRISPR-Cas9-generated CalDAG GEFI(-/-) Jurkat T cell clones showed reduced adhesion to ICAM-1 and fibronectin when compared to CalDAG GEFI-competent Jurkat T cells. Therefore, we speculate that deficiency in CalDAG GEFI impairs adherence of Tregs to antigen-presenting cells, thereby impeding formation of a fully functional immunological synapse, which finally results in a reduced suppressive potential

    Pleiotropic Clostridioides difficile Cyclophilin PpiB Controls Cysteine-Tolerance, Toxin Production, the Central Metabolism and Multiple Stress Responses

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    The Gram-positive pathogen Clostridioides difficile is the main bacterial agent of nosocomial antibiotic associated diarrhea. Bacterial peptidyl-prolyl-cis/trans-isomerases (PPIases) are well established modulators of virulence that influence the outcome of human pathologies during infections. Here, we present the first interactomic network of the sole cyclophilin-type PPIase of C. difficile (CdPpiB) and show that it has diverse interaction partners including major enzymes of the amino acid-dependent energy (LdhA, EtfAB, Had, Acd) and the glucose-derived (Fba, GapA, Pfo, Pyk, Pyc) central metabolism. Proteins of the general (UspA), oxidative (Rbr1,2,3, Dsr), alkaline (YloU, YphY) and cold shock (CspB) response were found bound to CdPpiB. The transcriptional (Lrp), translational (InfC, RFF) and folding (GroS, DnaK) control proteins were also found attached. For a crucial enzyme of cysteine metabolism, O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase (CysK), the global transcription regulator Lrp and the flagellar subunit FliC, these interactions were independently confirmed using a bacterial two hybrid system. The active site residues F50, F109, and F110 of CdPpiB were shown to be important for the interaction with the residue P87 of Lrp. CysK activity after heat denaturation was restored by interaction with CdPpiB. In accordance, tolerance toward cell wall stress caused by the exposure to amoxicillin was reduced. In the absence of CdPpiB, C. difficile was more susceptible toward L-cysteine. At the same time, the cysteine-mediated suppression of toxin production ceased resulting in higher cytotoxicity. In summary, the cyclophilin-type PPIase of C. difficile (CdPpiB) coordinates major cellular processes via its interaction with major regulators of transcription, translation, protein folding, stress response and the central metabolism

    The Role of Neutral Sphingomyelinase-2 (NSM2) in the Control of Neutral Lipid Storage in T Cells

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    The accumulation of lipid droplets (LDs) and ceramides (Cer) is linked to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), regularly co-existing with type 2 diabetes and decreased immune function. Chronic inflammation and increased disease severity in viral infections are the hallmarks of the obesity-related immunopathology. The upregulation of neutral sphingomyelinase-2 (NSM2) has shown to be associated with the pathology of obesity in tissues. Nevertheless, the role of sphingolipids and specifically of NSM2 in the regulation of immune cell response to a fatty acid (FA) rich environment is poorly studied. Here, we identified the presence of the LD marker protein perilipin 3 (PLIN3) in the intracellular nano-environment of NSM2 using the ascorbate peroxidase APEX2-catalyzed proximity-dependent biotin labeling method. In line with this, super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (SIM) shows NSM2 and PLIN3 co-localization in LD organelles in the presence of increased extracellular concentrations of oleic acid (OA). Furthermore, the association of enzymatically active NSM2 with isolated LDs correlates with increased Cer levels in these lipid storage organelles. NSM2 enzymatic activity is not required for NSM2 association with LDs, but negatively affects the LD numbers and cellular accumulation of long-chain unsaturated triacylglycerol (TAG) species. Concurrently, NSM2 expression promotes mitochondrial respiration and fatty acid oxidation (FAO) in response to increased OA levels, thereby shifting cells to a high energetic state. Importantly, endogenous NSM2 activity is crucial for primary human CD4+ T cell survival and proliferation in a FA rich environment. To conclude, our study shows a novel NSM2 intracellular localization to LDs and the role of enzymatically active NSM2 in metabolic response to enhanced FA concentrations in T cells

    Pleiotropic Clostridioides difficile Cyclophilin PpiB Controls Cysteine-Tolerance, Toxin Production, the Central Metabolism and Multiple Stress Responses

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    The Gram-positive pathogen Clostridioides difficile is the main bacterial agent of nosocomial antibiotic associated diarrhea. Bacterial peptidyl-prolyl-cis/trans-isomerases (PPIases) are well established modulators of virulence that influence the outcome of human pathologies during infections. Here, we present the first interactomic network of the sole cyclophilin-type PPIase of C. difficile (CdPpiB) and show that it has diverse interaction partners including major enzymes of the amino acid-dependent energy (LdhA, EtfAB, Had, Acd) and the glucose-derived (Fba, GapA, Pfo, Pyk, Pyc) central metabolism. Proteins of the general (UspA), oxidative (Rbr1,2,3, Dsr), alkaline (YloU, YphY) and cold shock (CspB) response were found bound to CdPpiB. The transcriptional (Lrp), translational (InfC, RFF) and folding (GroS, DnaK) control proteins were also found attached. For a crucial enzyme of cysteine metabolism, O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase (CysK), the global transcription regulator Lrp and the flagellar subunit FliC, these interactions were independently confirmed using a bacterial two hybrid system. The active site residues F50, F109, and F110 of CdPpiB were shown to be important for the interaction with the residue P87 of Lrp. CysK activity after heat denaturation was restored by interaction with CdPpiB. In accordance, tolerance toward cell wall stress caused by the exposure to amoxicillin was reduced. In the absence of CdPpiB, C. difficile was more susceptible toward L-cysteine. At the same time, the cysteinemediated suppression of toxin production ceased resulting in higher cytotoxicity. In summary, the cyclophilin-type PPIase of C. difficile (CdPpiB) coordinates major cellular processes via its interaction with major regulators of transcription, translation, protein folding, stress response and the central metabolism

    Moonlighting chaperone activity of the enzyme PqsE contributes to RhlR-controlled virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a major cause of nosocomial infections and also leads to severe exacerbations in cystic fibrosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Three intertwined quorum sensing systems control virulence of P. aeruginosa, with the rhl circuit playing the leading role in late and chronic infections. The majority of traits controlled by rhl transcription factor RhlR depend on PqsE, a dispensable thioesterase in Pseudomonas Quinolone Signal (PQS) biosynthesis that interferes with RhlR through an enigmatic mechanism likely involving direct interaction of both proteins. Here we show that PqsE and RhlR form a 2:2 protein complex that, together with RhlR agonist N-butanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (C4-HSL), solubilizes RhlR and thereby renders the otherwise insoluble transcription factor active. We determine crystal structures of the complex and identify residues essential for the interaction. To corroborate the chaperone-like activity of PqsE, we design stability-optimized variants of RhlR that bypass the need for C4-HSL and PqsE in activating PqsE/RhlR-controlled processes of P. aeruginosa. Together, our data provide insight into the unique regulatory role of PqsE and lay groundwork for developing new P. aeruginosa-specific pharmaceuticals

    ProdoNet: identification and visualization of prokaryotic gene regulatory and metabolic networks

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    ProdoNet is a web-based application for the mapping of prokaryotic genes and the corresponding proteins to common gene regulatory and metabolic networks. For a given list of genes, the system detects shared operons, identifies co-expressed genes and deduces joint regulators. In addition, the contribution to shared metabolic pathways becomes visible on KEGG maps. Furthermore, the co-occurrence of genes of interest in gene expression profiles can be added to the visualization of the global network. In this way, ProdoNet provides the basis for functional genomics approaches and for the interpretation of transcriptomics and proteomics data. As an example, we present an investigation of an experimental membrane subproteome analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with ProdoNet. The ProdoNet dataset on transcriptional regulation is based on the PRODORIC Prokaryotic Database of Gene Regulation and the Virtual Footprint tool. ProdoNet is accessible at http://www.prodonet.tu-bs.de

    Proteomic analysis of the U1 snRNP of Schizosaccharomyces pombe reveals three essential organism-specific proteins

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    Characterization of spliceosomal complexes in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe revealed particles sedimenting in the range of 30–60S, exclusively containing U1 snRNA. Here, we report the tandem affinity purification (TAP) of U1-specific protein complexes. The components of the complexes were identified using (LC-MS/MS) mass spectrometry. The fission yeast U1 snRNP contains 16 proteins, including the 7 Sm snRNP core proteins. In both fission and budding yeast, the U1 snRNP contains 9 and 10 U1 specific proteins, respectively, whereas the U1 particle found in mammalian cells contains only 3. Among the U1-specific proteins in S. pombe, three are homolog to the mammalian and six to the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae U1-specific proteins, whereas three, called U1H, U1J and U1L, are proteins specific to S. pombe. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the homolog of U1-70K and the three proteins specific to S. pombe are essential for growth. We will discuss the differences between the U1 snRNPs with respect to the organism-specific proteins found in the two yeasts and the resulting effect it has on pre-mRNA splicing
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