322 research outputs found

    Projects, participation and planning across boundaries in Göttingen

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    This paper explores efforts to coordinate strategies promoting sustainable development – with specific focus on mobility and transport in climate change mitigation – across administrative boundaries in the city and county of Göttingen, Germany. The paper questions the possibility to develop and align strategic objectives and implementation across administrative boundaries when relying on short-term project funds. The experiences of key stakeholders in Göttingen are presented, with reference to empirical data from a document and interview study. Results indicate that reliance on short-term, project-based funding from external sources offers both opportunities and challenges for locally and regionally integrated strategy formulation and implementation. Five factors shaping the strategy space of actors are used to frame the analysis, with findings suggesting the need for further research on how local authorities overcome capacity and resource limitations, particularly with respect to complex challenges such as climate change

    Numerical homogenisation of micromorphic media

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    Due to their underlying microtopology, cellular materials are known to show a complex mechanical behaviour. For the material modelling, the heterogeneous microcontinuum is commonly replaced by a homogeneous macrocontinuum involving extended kinematics. An appropriate homogenisation methodology will be introduced in order to replace a heterogeneous Cauchy microcontinuum by a homogeneous micromorphic macrocontinuum. For an artificial 2-D periodic microstructure, the present contribution draws a comparison between extended two-scale calculations on the one hand, and a reference solution as well as a first-order FE2 calculation on the other hand

    Local Causal States and Discrete Coherent Structures

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    Coherent structures form spontaneously in nonlinear spatiotemporal systems and are found at all spatial scales in natural phenomena from laboratory hydrodynamic flows and chemical reactions to ocean, atmosphere, and planetary climate dynamics. Phenomenologically, they appear as key components that organize the macroscopic behaviors in such systems. Despite a century of effort, they have eluded rigorous analysis and empirical prediction, with progress being made only recently. As a step in this, we present a formal theory of coherent structures in fully-discrete dynamical field theories. It builds on the notion of structure introduced by computational mechanics, generalizing it to a local spatiotemporal setting. The analysis' main tool employs the \localstates, which are used to uncover a system's hidden spatiotemporal symmetries and which identify coherent structures as spatially-localized deviations from those symmetries. The approach is behavior-driven in the sense that it does not rely on directly analyzing spatiotemporal equations of motion, rather it considers only the spatiotemporal fields a system generates. As such, it offers an unsupervised approach to discover and describe coherent structures. We illustrate the approach by analyzing coherent structures generated by elementary cellular automata, comparing the results with an earlier, dynamic-invariant-set approach that decomposes fields into domains, particles, and particle interactions.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/dcs.ht

    Fairness and transparency throughout a digital humanities workflow: Challenges and recommendations

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    How can we achieve sufficient levels of transparency and fairness for (humanities) research based on historical newspapers? Which concrete measures should be taken by data providers such as libraries, research projects and individual researchers? We approach these questions from the vantage point that digitised newspapers are complex sources with a high degree of heterogeneity caused by a long chain of processing steps, ranging, e.g., from digitisation policies, copyright restrictions to the evolving performance of tools for their enrichment such as OCR or article segmentation. Overall, we emphasise the need for careful documentation of data processing, research practices and the acknowledgement of support from institutions and collaborators

    Neoadjuvant letrozole in postmenopausal estrogen and/or progesterone receptor positive breast cancer: A phase IIb/III trial to investigate optimal duration of preoperative endocrine therapy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In recent years, preoperative volume reduction of locally advanced breast cancers, resulting in higher rates of breast-conserving surgery (BCS), has become increasingly important also in postmenopausal women. Clinical interest has come to center on the third-generation nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitors (AIs), including letrozole, for such neoadjuvant endocrine treatment. This usually lasts 3–4 months and has been extended to up to 12 months, but optimal treatment duration has not been fully established.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study was designed as a multicenter, open-label, single-arm, exploratory phase IIb/III clinical trial of letrozole 2.5 mg, one tablet daily, for 4–8 months. The primary objective was to investigate the effect of neoadjuvant treatment duration on tumor regression and BCS eligibility to identify optimal treatment duration. Tumor regression (by clinical examination, mammography, and ultrasound), shift towards BCS eligibility, and safety assessments were the main outcome measures. Standard parametric and nonparametric descriptive statistics were performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Letrozole treatment was received by 32 of the enrolled 33 postmenopausal women (median (range): 67.0 (56–85) years) with unilateral, initially BCS-ineligible primary breast cancer (clinical stage ≥ T2, N0, M0). Letrozole treatment duration in the modified intent-to-treat (ITT; required 4 months' letrozole treatment) analysis population (29 patients) was 4 months in 14 patients and > 4 months in 15 patients. The respective per-protocol (PP) subgroup sizes were 14 and 11. The majority of partial or complete responses were observed at 4 months, though some beneficial responses occurred during prolonged letrozole treatment. Compared with baseline, median tumor size in the ITT population was reduced by 62.5% at Month 4 and by 70.0% at final study visit (Individual End). Similarly, in the PP population, respective reductions were 64.0% and 67.0%. Whereas initially all patients were mastectomy candidates, letrozole treatment enabled BCS (lumpectomy) in 22 ITT (75.9%) and 18 PP (72.0%) patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Over half of patients become BCS-eligible within 4 months of preoperative letrozole treatment. While prolonged treatment for up to 8 months can result in further tumor volume reduction in some patients, there is no clear optimum for treatment duration. Letrozole has a favorable overall safety and tolerability profile.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT00535418.</p

    Molecular characterization of a novel ssRNA ourmia-like virus from the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae

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    In this study we characterize a novel positive and single stranded RNA (ssRNA) mycovirus isolated from the rice field isolate of Magnaporthe oryzae Guy11. The ssRNA contains a single open reading frame (ORF) of 2,373 nucleotides in length and encodes an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) closely related to ourmiaviruses (plant viruses) and ourmia-like mycoviruses. Accordingly, we name this virus Magnaporthe oryzae ourmia-like virus 1 (MOLV1). Although phylogenetic analysis suggests that MOLV1 is closely related to ourmia and ourmia-like viruses, it has some features never reported before within the Ourmiavirus genus. 3' RLM-RACE (RNA ligase-mediated rapid amplification of cDNA ends) and extension poly(A) tests (ePAT) suggest that the MOLV1 genome contains a poly(A) tail whereas the three cytosine and the three guanine residues present in 5' and 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) of ourmia viruses are not observed in the MOLV1 sequence. The discovery of this novel viral genome supports the hypothesis that plant pathogenic fungi may have acquired this type of viruses from their host plants

    Comparison of immunohistochemistry with immunoassay (ELISA) for the detection of components of the plasminogen activation system in human tumour tissue

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    Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods and immunohistochemistry (IHC) are techniques that provide information on protein expression in tissue samples. Both methods have been used to investigate the impact of the plasminogen activation (PA) system in cancer. In the present paper we first compared the expression levels of uPA, tPA, PAI-1 and uPAR in a compound group consisting of 33 cancer lesions of various origin (breast, lung, colon, cervix and melanoma) as quantitated by ELISA and semi-quantitated by IHC. Secondly, the same kind of comparison was performed on a group of 23 melanoma lesions and a group of 28 breast carcinoma lesions. The two techniques were applied to adjacent parts of the same frozen tissue sample, enabling the comparison of results obtained on material of almost identical composition. Spearman correlation coefficients between IHC results and ELISA results for uPA, tPA, PAI-1 and uPAR varied between 0.41 and 0.78, and were higher for the compound group and the breast cancer group than for the melanoma group. Although a higher IHC score category was always associated with an increased median ELISA value, there was an overlap of ELISA values from different scoring classes. Hence, for the individual tumour cases the relation between ELISA and IHC is ambiguous. This indicates that the two techniques are not directly interchangeable and that their value for clinical purposes may be different. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig