176 research outputs found

    Institutional quality and the effectiveness of EU funds for innovation in Italy

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    Treballs Finals del Màster d'Economia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2020-2022, Tutor: Enrique López BazoInnovation has been shown to be a crucial determinant for growth and convergence, motivating the EU to devote massive spendings towards the promotion of innovation in the European regions. In the case of Italy, especially the South has been targeted for co-financing of innovation projects with EU money. Several papers have emphasized the relevance of institutional quality at the local level for the effectiveness of EU funds. In this paper, I will test whether institutions have had a role for funds to affect the innovation target by measuring innovation output with patents. In doing so, I will use the NUTS 2 - and NUTS 3 - regions in Italy as geographical units, as Italy has been a large recipient of funds in the past, including the two programming periods under analysis, 2007-2013 and 2014-2020. Controlling for spatial spillovers and addressing endogeneity, findings indicate a limited role for EU funds to promote innovation in Italy. Institutions seem to play a role only in the short-term and under certain assumptions about the time lag of the effect, with high-quality institutions being able to amplify EU funds’ impact on patents

    Critical Evaluation of Specific Efficacy of Preparations Produced According to European Pharmacopeia Monograph 2371.

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    European Pharmacopoeia monograph 2371 describes the production of homeopathic preparations. A specific efficacy of these preparations in high dilution levels is questionable in view of basic scientific principles. There is empirical evidence for such effects, for example in a Lemna-intoxication bioassay published 2010. To test the replicability and robustness of this bioassay, we conducted two experimental series (five independent blinded and randomised experiments each). The specimen of Lemna gibba L., clone-number 9352, were stressed in arsenic solution for 48 h (158 mg/L AsNa2HO4 (250 mg/L in series 2)), then grew in either As2O3 preparations produced according to Eu. Pharm. Monogr. 2371 or control solution. Comparing the area-related relative growth rate of day 3-9 (rgr 3-9) between treatment and control groups for each series showed differences that were not significant in series 1 (p = 0.10), significant in series 2 (p = 0.04) and significant in the pooled data of both series (p < 0.01). The effect direction (rgr 3-9 increase) was comparable to experiments of 2010, but the effect size was smaller, likely due to a changed light cycle. These results are not compatible with the hypothesis that the application of European Pharmacopoeia monograph 2371 results in pharmaceutical preparations without specific effects. Further studies are needed to investigate a potential mode of action explaining these effects

    Future of the automobile industry. Summary

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    Electromobility is currently fuelling hopes worldwide for a more sustainable development of the transport sector. The TAB report analyses ecological, economic and social aspects of electromobility for Germany and compares them with those of conventional automobiles. The ecological balance is particularly in favour of electromobility when low- or zero-CO2 energy sources are used, because in addition to greenhouse gases, other pollutant emissions are also significantly reduced. The economic analysis examines economic efficiency, implications for the automotive value chain and jobs, and the supply of critical raw materials. With a future stronger diffusion of electromobility in Germany, slightly positive effects on the employment situation and the development of GDP are expected. The social implications are examined on the basis of acceptance, user behaviour, traffic noise and accidents. The report shows that a positive user acceptance can be achieved with a wider range of models while complying with common quality and comfort standards as well as extended test possibilities, but also by reducing acquisition costs, a wider range of user-friendly mobility and business models and, last but not least, a transparent positive environmental balance. On the basis of the analyses, critical aspects and potentials of electric mobility are discussed, leading to policy-relevant conclusions and options for action

    Soil respiratory quotient determined via barometric process separation combined with nitrogen-15 labeling

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    The barometric process separation (BaPS) and ¹⁵N dilution techniques were used to determine gross nitrification rates on the same soil cores from an old grassland soil. The BaPS-technique separates the O₂ consumption into that from nitrification and that from soil organic matter (SOM) respiration. The most sensitive parameter for the calculations via the BaPS technique is the respiratory quotient (RQ = ∆CO₂/∆O₂) for SOM turnover (RQSOM). Combining both methods (BaPS–¹⁵N ) allowed the determination of the RQSOM. The RQ value determined in such a way is adjusted for the influence of nitrification and denitrification, which are both characterized by totally different RQ values. The results for the grassland soil showed that 6 to 10% of O₂ was consumed by nitrification when incubated at 20°C and 0.49 g H₂O g⁻¹ soil. A set of BaPS measurements with the same soil at various temperature and moisture contents showed that up to 49% of the total O₂ consumption was due to nitrification. The calculated RQSOM values via the BaPS–¹⁵N technique presented here are more closely associated with the overall SOM turnover than the usual net RQ reported in the literature. Furthermore, the RQSOM value provides an overall indication of the decomposability and chemical characteristics of the respired organic material. Hence, it has the potential to serve as a single state index for SOM quality and therefore be a useful index for SOM turnover models based on substrate quality

    Zukunft der Automobilindustrie. Endbericht zum TA-Projekt

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    Die deutsche Automobilindustrie ist eine Branche mit hoher wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung sowohl auf nationaler Ebene als auch im internationalen Wettbewerb. Ihre Märkte werden sich in den nächsten 20 Jahren deutlich wandeln. Die Absatzmärkte der Industrieländer für privat genutzte Automobile werden kleiner, die Märkte der Schwellenländer werden weiterhin wachsen, und für innovative Mobilitätskonzepte eröffnen sich weltweit neue Marktchancen. Zugleich erfordern der Klimaschutz und Preissteigerungen fossiler Energieträger effizientere Fahrzeuge und den Umstieg auf nichtfossil betriebene Antriebe. Der TAB-Bericht analysiert die Potenziale der deutschen Automobilindustrie zur Gestaltung des Wandels der globalen Märkte und zur Einführung neuer Mobilitätskonzepte. Er beschreibt mögliche Diversifizierungsstrategien bei Antrieben, Material und Fahrzeugkonzepten sowie zur Entwicklung der Branche vom reinen Produktanbieter zum Anbieter von Mobilitätsdienstleistungen. Anhand von drei internationalen Marktentwicklungsszenarien werden die Folgen auf nationale Wertschöpfung und Beschäftigung der Branche abgeschätzt. Chancen und Herausforderungen für die deutsche Automobilindustrie vor allem in Bezug auf Marktstrategien, die Entwicklung alternativer Antriebe und bei der Einführung innovativer Mobilitätskonzepte werden beschrieben. Darauf aufbauend werden Strategie optionen der Industrie und Handlungsoptionen zur politischen Rahmensetzung abgeleitet, um das wirtschaftliche Potenzial der Branche zu erhalten und den weitgreifenden Herausforderungen – auch in ökologischer und sozialer Hinsicht – gerecht zu werden. INHALT ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 5 I. EINLEITUNG 21 1. Zentrale Herausforderungen in der Automobilindustrie 22 2. Zielsetzung und Aufbau des Innovationsreports 29 II. DER DEUTSCHE AUTOMOBILMARKT 33 1. Zahlen und Fakten 33 1.1 Gesamtwirtschaftliche Bedeutung der deutschen Automobilindustrie 34 1.2 Akteure der deutschen Automobilindustrie 36 1.3 Pkw-Absatzmarkt in Deutschland 39 2. Politische Rahmenbedingungen 41 III. INTERNATIONALE AUFSTELLUNG DER DEUTSCHEN AUTOMOBILINDUSTRIE, BEDEUTUNG DER AUSLANDSMÄRKTE FÜR DEN STANDORT DEUTSCHLAND 45 1. Methodisches Vorgehen 45 1.1 Rahmendaten der Primärerhebung 47 1.2 Definition Automobilzulieferer 47 1.3 Erhebungsverlauf 49 1.4 Datensatz 50 2. Internationale Aufstellung deutscher Automobilhersteller 51 2.1 Marktstellung deutscher Automobilhersteller in ausgewählten Leadmärkten 51 2.2 Produktionsaktivitäten deutscher Automobilhersteller im In- und Ausland 59 2.3 Die Bedeutung des Exports für deutsche Automobilhersteller 70 2.4 Überkapazitäten in der Automobilproduktion 73 3. Internationale Aufstellung deutscher Automobilzulieferer 79 3.1 Heutige und zukünftige Absatzmärkte 80 3.2 Heutige und zukünftige Produktionsstandorte 82 3.3 Heutige und zukünftige FuE-Standorte 90 4. Zwischenfazit zur Marktstruktur 94 IV. POTENZIELLE DIVERSIFIZIERUNG UND STRUKTURWANDEL IN DER AUTOMOBILINDUSTRIE 97 1. Technologische Ausdifferenzierung der Produkte 97 1.1 Innovationspfade im Bereich Antriebskonzepte 97 1.2 Innovationspfade im Bereich Leichtbaumaterialien 107 1.3 Technologiestrategien der deutschen Automobilzulieferer – Ergebnisse einer Primärbefragung 124 2. Ausdifferenzierung der Produktportfolios 136 2.1 Strategien der Automobilhersteller 137 2.2 Produktstrategien der deutschen Automobil- zulieferer – Ergebnisse einer Primärerhebung 145 3. Ergänzung des Produktportfolios durch neue Mobilitätskonzepte 150 3.1 Mobilitätskonzepte als Antwort auf verändertes Mobilitätsverhalten 151 3.2 Mögliche Strategien der Automobilhersteller 160 V. GLOBALE ENTWICKLUNG DER AUTOMOBILMÄRKTE 163 1. Modellbasierte Nachfrageprognose für den weltweiten Automobilmarkt 164 2. Rahmenbedingungen der internationalen Märkte 167 2.1 Absatzmärkte in den Triade-Staaten 168 2.2 Absatzmärkte in den BRICS-Staaten 170 3. Pkw-Nachfrageszenarien und Ergebnisse 173 3.1 Ergebnisse Szenario 1: Konservativ 175 3.2 Ergebnisse Szenario 2: Technologiebruch 177 3.3 Ergebnisse Szenario 3: Mobilitätskonzepte 179 3.4 Prognoseergebnisse im Kontext globaler Erwartungen 181 VI. WERTSCHÖPFUNGS- UND ARBEITSPLATZSZENARIEN 183 1. Methodisches Vorgehen 183 1.1 Berechnung der Wertschöpfungseffekte 183 1.2 Berechnung der Beschäftigungspotenziale 186 2. Szenario 1: Konservativ 189 2.1 Zentrale Bestimmungsparameter 189 2.2 Wertschöpfungspotenziale 191 2.3 Arbeitsplatzpotenziale 195 3. Szenario 2: Technologiebruch 197 3.1 Zentrale Bestimmungsparameter 197 3.2 Wertschöpfungspotenziale 199 3.3 Arbeitsplatzpotenziale 204 4. Szenario 3: Mobilitätskonzepte 206 4.1 Zentrale Bestimmungsparameter 206 4.2 Wertschöpfungspotenziale 208 4.3 Arbeitsplatzpotenziale 212 5. Zwischenfazit der Wertschöpfungsszenarien 215 VII. SYNTHESE 217 1. Sieben Herausforderungen für die Automobilindustrie 218 2. SWOT-Analyse der deutschen Automobilindustrie 226 2.1 Stärken 227 2.2 Schwächen 227 2.3 Chancen 228 2.4 Risiken 228 VIII. HANDLUNGSOPTIONEN 231 LITERATUR 233 ANHANG 243 1. Tabellenverzeichnis 243 2. Abbildungsverzeichnis 245 3. Abkürzungen 248 4. Glossar 24

    A phase II study for metabolic in vivo response monitoring with sequential 18FDG-PET-CT during treatment with the EGFR-monoclonal-antibody cetuximab in metastatic colorectal cancer: the Heidelberg REMOTUX trial

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    BACKGROUND: The epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody cetuximab has proven activity in metastatic colorectal cancer. To date, the mechanisms of action are not completely understood. Especially the impact on tumor glucose metabolism, or tumor vascularization remains largely unclear. The understanding of mechanisms such as early changes in tumor metabolism is of clinical importance since there may be a substantial influence on choice and sequence of drug combinations. Early signals of response to cetuximab may prove useful to identify patients having a relevant clinical treatment benefit. The objective of this trial is to evaluate the predictive relevance of the relative change in (18 )F-Fluorodeoxyglucose tumor uptake for early clinical response during short-term single agent treatment with cetuximab. Early clinical response will be routinely measured according to the response evaluation criteria in solid tumors. Accompanying research includes cytokine immune monitoring and analysis of tumor proteins and tumor genes. METHODS/DESIGN: The REMOTUX trial is an investigator-initiated, prospective, open-label, single-arm, single-center early exploratory predictive study. The first (18 )F-FDG PET-CT is conducted at baseline followed by the run-in phase with cetuximab at days 1 and 8. At day 14, the second (18 )F-FDG PET-CT is performed. Subsequently, patients are treated according to the Folfiri-cetuximab regimen as an active and approved first-line regimen for metastatic colorectal carcinoma. At day 56, clinical response is evaluated with a CT-scan compared to the baseline analysis. Tracer uptake is assessed using standardized uptake values (SUVs). The main hypothesis to be tested in the primary analysis is whether or not the relative change in the SUV from baseline to day 14 has any predictive relevance for early clinical response determined at day 56. Patients are followed until death from any cause or until 24 months after the last patient has ended trial treatment. DISCUSSION: The aim of this trial is to evaluate metabolic changes in metastatic colorectal cancer during short-term single agent treatment with cetuximab and to analyse their potential of predicting early clinical response. This could be helpful to answer the question if early identification of patients not responding to cetuximab is possible. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT200811021020; EudraCT 20090132792

    Recent Results from the FASTSUM Collaboration

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    The FASTSUM Collaboration has developed a comprehensive research programme in thermal QCD using 2+1 flavour, anisotropic ensembles. In this talk, we summarise some of our recent results including thermal hadron spectrum calculations using our ``Generation 2L'' ensembles which have pion masses of 239(1) MeV. These include open charm mesons and charm baryons. We also summarise our work using the Backus Gilbert approach to determining the spectral function of the NRQCD bottomonium system. Finally, we review our determination of the interquark potential in the same system, but using our ``Generation 2'' ensembles which have heavier pion masses of 384(4) MeV.Comment: 9 pages, Contribution to the 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field theory (LATTICE2022),8th-13th August, 2022, Bonn, German