503 research outputs found

    Cross-intersecting families of vectors

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    Given a sequence of positive integers p=(p1,...,pn)p = (p_1, . . ., p_n), let SpS_p denote the family of all sequences of positive integers x=(x1,...,xn)x = (x_1,...,x_n) such that xipix_i \le p_i for all ii. Two families of sequences (or vectors), A,BSpA,B \subseteq S_p, are said to be rr-cross-intersecting if no matter how we select xAx \in A and yBy \in B, there are at least rr distinct indices ii such that xi=yix_i = y_i. We determine the maximum value of AB|A|\cdot|B| over all pairs of rr- cross-intersecting families and characterize the extremal pairs for r1r \ge 1, provided that minpi>r+1\min p_i >r+1. The case minpir+1\min p_i \le r+1 is quite different. For this case, we have a conjecture, which we can verify under additional assumptions. Our results generalize and strengthen several previous results by Berge, Frankl, F\"uredi, Livingston, Moon, and Tokushige, and answers a question of Zhang

    Decomposition of multiple packings with subquadratic union complexity

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    Suppose kk is a positive integer and X\mathcal{X} is a kk-fold packing of the plane by infinitely many arc-connected compact sets, which means that every point of the plane belongs to at most kk sets. Suppose there is a function f(n)=o(n2)f(n)=o(n^2) with the property that any nn members of X\mathcal{X} determine at most f(n)f(n) holes, which means that the complement of their union has at most f(n)f(n) bounded connected components. We use tools from extremal graph theory and the topological Helly theorem to prove that X\mathcal{X} can be decomposed into at most pp (11-fold) packings, where pp is a constant depending only on kk and ff.Comment: Small generalization of the main result, improvements in the proofs, minor correction

    Every graph admits an unambiguous bold drawing

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    Let r and w be fixed positive numbers, w < r. In a bold drawing of a graph, every vertex is represented by a disk of radius r, and every edge by a narrow rectangle of width w. We solve a problem of van Kreveld [10] by showing that every graph admits a bold drawing in which the region occupied by the union of the disks and rectangles representing the vertices and edges does not contain any disk of radius r other than the ones representing the vertices. © 2015, Brown University. All rights reserved

    On the Richter-Thomassen Conjecture about Pairwise Intersecting Closed Curves

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    A long standing conjecture of Richter and Thomassen states that the total number of intersection points between any nn simple closed Jordan curves in the plane, so that any pair of them intersect and no three curves pass through the same point, is at least (1o(1))n2(1-o(1))n^2. We confirm the above conjecture in several important cases, including the case (1) when all curves are convex, and (2) when the family of curves can be partitioned into two equal classes such that each curve from the first class is touching every curve from the second class. (Two curves are said to be touching if they have precisely one point in common, at which they do not properly cross.) An important ingredient of our proofs is the following statement: Let SS be a family of the graphs of nn continuous real functions defined on R\mathbb{R}, no three of which pass through the same point. If there are ntnt pairs of touching curves in SS, then the number of crossing points is Ω(ntlogt/loglogt)\Omega(nt\sqrt{\log t/\log\log t}).Comment: To appear in SODA 201