
Cross-intersecting families of vectors


Given a sequence of positive integers p=(p1,...,pn)p = (p_1, . . ., p_n), let SpS_p denote the family of all sequences of positive integers x=(x1,...,xn)x = (x_1,...,x_n) such that xipix_i \le p_i for all ii. Two families of sequences (or vectors), A,BSpA,B \subseteq S_p, are said to be rr-cross-intersecting if no matter how we select xAx \in A and yBy \in B, there are at least rr distinct indices ii such that xi=yix_i = y_i. We determine the maximum value of AB|A|\cdot|B| over all pairs of rr- cross-intersecting families and characterize the extremal pairs for r1r \ge 1, provided that minpi>r+1\min p_i >r+1. The case minpir+1\min p_i \le r+1 is quite different. For this case, we have a conjecture, which we can verify under additional assumptions. Our results generalize and strengthen several previous results by Berge, Frankl, F\"uredi, Livingston, Moon, and Tokushige, and answers a question of Zhang

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