443 research outputs found

    Regional Development Perspectives of Production and Utilisation Renewable Fuels in Hungary

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    The main aim of the present article is to highlight the regional development perspectives of production and utilization renewable energy fuels in Hungary. Due to our model it is possible to examine the relations between the terms mentioned above. In the model area the most significant elements are highlighted in relation to renewable fuels and sustainability. It implies the importance of holistic approach that is crucial in these investigations. Only marginal attention is paid to the regional impacts of renewable fuels. Taking every result into account, this methodologically complex subject is possible to examine from the point of sustainability. Sustainable development can not be grasped easily, but the production and utilization of renewable fuels can be one of the tools to further the practical implementation of regional sustainability

    Mozartiana Hungarica

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    R3D3: A doubly opportunistic data structure for compressing and indexing massive data

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    Opportunistic data structures are used extensively in big data practice to break down the massive storage space requirements of processing large volumes of information. A data structure is called (singly) opportunistic if it takes advantage of the redundancy in the input in order to store it in informationtheoretically minimum space. Yet, efficient data processing requires a separate index alongside the data, whose size often substantially exceeds that of the compressed information. In this paper, we introduce doubly opportunistic data structures to not only attain best possible compression on the input data but also on the index. We present R3D3 that encodes a bitvector of length n and Shannon entropy H0 to nH0 bits and the accompanying index to nH0(1/2 + O(log C/C)) bits, thus attaining provably minimum space (up to small error terms) on both the data and the index, and supports a rich set of queries to arbitrary position in the compressed bitvector in O(C) time when C = o(log n). Our R3D3 prototype attains several times space reduction beyond known compression techniques on a wide range of synthetic and real data sets, while it supports operations on the compressed data at comparable speed

    Élet(ek) a betűk mögött – Egy dedikáció nyomában

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    A Brassói Lapok és a Népújság Ajándékregénytárának 1935. januári illetményköteteként látott napvilágot Erdélyi Ágnes: Kovácsék című kisregénye. A szerző Glatter Ágnesként (1914–1944) született Budapesten, és Radnóti Miklós féltestvére volt. Anyagi okokból kénytelen volt félbehagyni középiskolai tanulmányait, de írói-költői terveiről munkavállalóként sem mondott le. Első könyve, a Kovácsék kisméretű, egyszerűen kivitelezett könyvecske. Látszólag semmi különös nincs benne, még a bemutatott példány címlapján olvasható dedikáció sem tűnik annak: „Drága Janka nénémnek / és Ede bátyámnak / hálával és szeretettel / adom ezt az első könyvemet[.] / Ágnes / 1935. marcius hó”. Radnóti Gyermekkori emlék című versében említi Eduárd nevű rokonát. Az Ikrek hava, Radnótinak ez a kisterjedelmű, de az életmű legjobb verseivel egyenrangú, prózában írt remekműve szépirodalmi alkotás, azonban egyes elemei életrajzi szempontból is forrásértékűek. Ilyenek például a Radnóti húgára, nevelőanyjára (Molnár Ilona, 1885–1944) és utóbbi bátyjára, Molnár Eduárdra (1873–1938) vonatkozó részek. Molnár Eduárd a századfordulótól kb. két évtizeden át az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban élt, 1919 körül települt haza, feleségét Fischl Jankának hívták. Kettejüknek szól a Kovácsék most bemutatott példányának dedikációja. Az a kúria, amelyben a Magyarországra visszatelepült Molnár Eduárd és felesége nyaranta élt, és amelyben Radnóti is gyakran vendégeskedett, ma is áll Budapest központjától mintegy 30 km-re, a Bugyi nagyközséghez tartozó Felsőványon

    Narrowing the gap between smart metering and everyday life. Comfort, cleanliness and smart metering technologies in undergraduate students’ households.

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    Smart meters measure aggregate energy consumption for an entire building. Recent literature suggests that disaggregated information describing appliance-by-appliance electricity consumption is more effective than aggregate information (Kelly et al. 2016, Fisher 2008). The thesis therefore investigates the potential for aggregated and disaggregated energy metering data but takes a different angle by trying to understand how newly established student households use energy in their daily lives and whether this can be changed with smart electricity display meters. The interdisciplinary methodology involved video recorded guided tours, focus groups, semi-structured interviews, photographs, video diaries and metered energy data. The data was collected in three phases. Initially, a video recorded guided tour was carried out in each student household to find out how students are sensing their environments as they move inside the house and how they are maintaining these environments through the sensory aesthetic of the home. This was followed by focus group sessions and semi-structured interviews in each household to find out how electricity was implicated in everyday practices. Next, students received three different types of smart electricity display monitors, aimed at assessing the implication of disrupting practices by real-time metering feedback. The central finding of this work is that practices-that-consume energy cannot be reduced to attitudes or intentions. This finding is nuanced by an extended discussion on the relationship between practices and the temporal structuring of practices. The research identifies other types of feedback (such as social, material and sensory) that influence the energy use in practices or substitute practices for other non-energy using practices, suggesting that there are no simple technological or behavioural fixes. More profoundly, this thesis suggests that policy should focus on connection between practices, rather than technological performance or what consumers think about electricity display monitors. The thesis concludes by discussing a re-framing of policy expectations; identifying the ways in which smart metering data could target domestic practices and its influencing elements potentially constrain or catalyse a transition towards a more sustainable way of living

    Egyéni modellek a tartalékolásban

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