31 research outputs found

    survPresmooth: An R Package for Presmoothed Estimation in Survival Analysis

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    The survPresmooth package for R implements nonparametric presmoothed estimators of the main functions studied in survival analysis (survival, density, hazard and cumulative hazard functions). Presmoothed versions of the classical nonparametric estimators have been shown to increase efficiency if the presmoothing bandwidth is suitably chosen. The survPresmooth package provides plug-in and bootstrap bandwidth selectors, also allowing the possibility of using fixed bandwidths

    Una visión crítica sobre los estereotipos de género en la literatura infantil y cómo trabajarlos en el aula

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    The construction of children's identity starts at an early age. Literature, in addition to its educational function, has an important role in this process through its psychological, social and emotional influence. Books have a social function; they transmit knowledge, values, attitudes, gender roles and behavioral models. Stories contain simplified and normative messages that represent reality subjectively, from a patriarchal perspective that promotes gender inequality and male and female roles and sexist stereotypes. Books are an educational resource through which you can promote gender equality and address various issues from an equity perspective. Because of the potential that literature has for transmission, it can be used as an educational resource to foster critical thinking against sexism and gender stereotypes in books. Included are a series of activities and proposals to critically take into consideration the contents of gender, making the students agents of change and protagonists of a more equitable social model, avoiding that literature be a tool for perpetuating gender stereotypes and sexism. It's necessary to create an innovative literary proposal that addresses gender issues, breaks the rules of traditional characters and stereotypes, and reveals a respectful and equitable approach that reflects current reality.La construcción de la identidad de los niños comienza desde temprana edad. La literatura además de su función educativa, tiene un rol importante dentro de dicho proceso por su influencia psicológica, social y emocional. Los libros tienen una función social, por medio de éstos se transmiten conocimientos, valores, actitudes, roles de género y modelos conductuales. Los cuentos contienen mensajes simplificados y normativos que representan la realidad subjetivamente, desde una perspectiva patriarcal que fomenta la desigualdad entre sexos y los roles femeninos y masculinos estereotipados y sexistas. Los libros son un recurso educativo a través del cual se puede promover la equidad de género y abordar temáticas diversas desde una perspectiva de equidad. Debido al potencial de transmisión de la literatura, ésta puede emplearse como un recurso educativo que fomente el pensamiento crítico frente a los contenidos sexistas y los estereotipos de género presentes en los libros. Se incluye una serie de actividades y propuestas para trabajar críticamente los contenidos de género, haciendo de los individuos protagonistas de un modelo social más equitativo, evitando que la literatura sea una herramienta de perpetuación de los estereotipos de género y el sexismo. Es necesaria la creación de una propuesta literaria innovadora que contemple las temáticas de género, rompa los cánones de los personajes tradicionales y los estereotipos, partiendo de un enfoque respetuoso y equitativo que refleje la realidad actual

    Nonparametric Inference for Mixture Cure Model When Cure Information Is Partially Available

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    Presented at the 4th XoveTIC Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 7–8 October 2021.[Abstract] We introduce nonparametric estimators to estimate the conditional survival function, cure probability and latency function in the setting of a mixture cure model when the cure status is partially known. For the sake of illustration, we present an application concerning patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Galicia (Spain) during the first outbreak of the epidemic.This work has been supported by MINECO grant MTM2017-82724-R and the Xunta de Galicia (Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C-2016-014) and we wish to acknowledge the support received from the Centro de Investigación de Galicia “CITIC” funded by Xunta de Galicia and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund Galicia 2014–2020 Program) by grant ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431C-2016-014Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    npcure: An R Package for Nonparametric Inference in Mixture Cure Models

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    [Abstract] Mixture cure models have been widely used to analyze survival data with a cure fraction. They assume that a subgroup of the individuals under study will never experience the event (cured subjects). So, the goal is twofold: to study both the cure probability and the failure time of the uncured individuals through a proper survival function (latency). The R package npcure implements a completely nonparametric approach for estimating these functions in mixture cure models, considering right-censored survival times. Nonparametric estimators for the cure probability and the latency as functions of a covariate are provided. Bootstrap bandwidth selectors for the estimators are included. The package also implements a nonparametric covariate significance test for the cure probability, which can be applied with a continuous, discrete, or qualitative covariate. © 2021. All Rights Reserved.The first author’s research was sponsored by the Beatriz Galindo Junior Spanish Grant from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN) with reference BGP18/00154. All the authors acknowledge partial support by the MICINN Grant MTM2017-82724-R (EU ERDF support included), and by Xunta de Galicia (Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia accreditation ED431G/01 2016-2019 and Grupos de Referencia Competitiva CN2012/130 and ED431C2016-015) and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund - ERDF)Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01 2016-2019Xunta de Galicia; CN2012/130Xunta de Galicia; ED431C2016-01

    Changes in excitability at the level of M1, spinal cord and muscle during 3 minutes of finger tapping at the maximal possible rate

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    [Abstract] Linear mixed effects models were used to describe the dynamics of M1, spinal and muscle excitability during index finger tapping at the maximal possible rate, for 3 min. Our results show that tapping rate and amplitude decreased, following a triphasic pattern that seems to evolve parallel to changes in excitability measured by transcranial magnetic stimulation and electrical stimulation along the cortico-muscular axis.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; DEP2017-87601-

    Estimating Lengths-Of-Stay of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients Using a Non-parametric Model: A Case Study in Galicia (Spain)

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    [Abstract:] Estimating the lengths-of-stay (LoS) of hospitalised COVID-19 patients is key for predicting the hospital beds’ demand and planning mitigation strategies, as overwhelming the healthcare systems has critical consequences for disease mortality. However, accurately mapping the time-to-event of hospital outcomes, such as the LoS in the intensive care unit (ICU), requires understanding patient trajectories while adjusting for covariates and observation bias, such as incomplete data. Standard methods, such as the Kaplan-Meier estimator, require prior assumptions that are untenable given current knowledge. Using real-time surveillance data from the first weeks of the COVID-19 epidemic in Galicia (Spain), we aimed to model the time-to-event and event probabilities of patients’ hospitalised, without parametric priors and adjusting for individual covariates. We applied a non-parametric mixture cure model and compared its performance in estimating hospital ward (HW)/ICU LoS to the performances of commonly used methods to estimate survival. We showed that the proposed model outperformed standard approaches, providing more accurate ICU and HW LoS estimates. Finally, we applied our model estimates to simulate COVID-19 hospital demand using a Monte Carlo algorithm. We provided evidence that adjusting for sex, generally overlooked in prediction models, together with age is key for accurately forecasting HW and ICU occupancy, as well as discharge or death outcomes.ALC was sponsored by the BEATRIZ GALINDO JUNIOR Spanish from MICINN (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades) with reference BGP18/00154. ALC, MAJ and RC acknowledge partial support by the MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) Grant MTM2014-52876-R (EU ERDF support included) and the MICINN Grant MTM2017-82724-R (EU ERDF support included) and partial support of Xunta de Galicia (Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia accreditation ED431G 2019/01 and Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C-2020-14 and ED431C2016-015) and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund - ERDF). PMD is a current recipient of the Grant of Excellence for postdoctoral studies by the Ramón Areces FoundationXunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/14Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016/01

    Effects on venous flow of transcutaneous electrical stimulation, neuromuscular stimulation, and sham stimulation on soleus muscle: a randomized crossover study in healthy subjects

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    [Abstract] Background: Activation of venous flow has been shown with different types of electrical stimulation. The aim of this study is to compare the hemodynamic effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), and sham stimulation on healthy young people. Methods: This randomized crossover study was conducted during June 2018 in the Faculty of Physical Therapy of A Coruña (Spain). Twenty-four university students (50% male) received in a randomized order 5 Hz-TENS, NMES, and sham stimulation on soleus muscle. Flow volume (FV) and peak velocity (PV) from popliteal vein were recorded via Doppler ultrasound, and relative changes from baseline were determined. Discomfort among the 3 stimulations was also compared. Results: The differences among the 3 stimulations were assessed using the ANOVA for repeated measured, the Friedman test and the Kendall tau test, according to the type of measurement to be compared. FV (mL/min) and PV (cm/s) increased significantly after NMES (percentual increase 37.2 ± 62.0%, P = .002; 264.4 ± 152.2%, P < .001, respectively) and TENS (226.2 ± 190.3%, P < .001; 202.7 ± 144.6%, P < .001, respectively). These percentual changes from basal level in hemodynamics were statistically different to those after placebo, which was ineffective enhancing hemodynamics. The improvements in FV were statistically higher with TENS than with NMES (P < .001), but there was no statistical difference in PV (P = .531). Despite NMES was applied at a significantly lower amplitude than TENS (P < .001), NMES protocol was the worst tolerated, though the differences in discomfort were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Both active electrical protocols but not sham stimulation increased hemodynamics in healthy people. TENS obtained higher flow volume increase from baseline than NMES, considered globally at not only in its on-time.Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital (España); MTM2014-52876-RXunta de Galicia; ED431C-2016-015Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    Validity and reliability of an offline ultrasound measurement of bladder base displacement in women

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    [Abstract] The effect of different exercises on the position of pelvic organs in women has not been sufficiently assessed. The objective was to analyze the validity and reliability of a new two-dimensional ultrasound algorithm to measure offline the displacement of the bladder base during abdominal exercises. This algorithm could be a useful method to future studies in determine the most appropriate exercises in sports and in rehabilitative program for the pelvic floor in women. All subjects were tested by transverse transabdominal ultrasound. The measurements were conducted offline using a customized code written in MATLAB (Ecolab) for image-processing, and manually on the ultrasound monitor using electronic calipers. The agreement was assessed with a paired t-test, Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient (r), the Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), the intraclass correlation coefficient ICC (A,2) and a Bland–Altman plot. The reliability was confirmed by the interdays intra-rater ICC coefficient. The results were that Ecolab and ultrasound transducer measures did not differ statistically (p = 0.246). Furthermore, both methods showed a very strong relationship, and the Ecolab demonstrated to be a valid and reliable method. We concluded that Ecolab seemed to be a valid and reliable tool to assess the effect of abdominal contractions in the female pelvic floor.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España); PID2020-113578RB-I00Xunta de Galicia; ED431C-2020/14Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    Of Fears and Budgets: Strategies of Control in Vespa velutina Invasion and Lessons for Best Management Practices

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    [Abstrat] Implementing management practices for the control of invasive species can be a complex task with multiple dimensions, where the identification of stakeholders and drivers of those practices is of paramount importance. The invasive hornet Vespa velutina has spread across Europe and Asia from its native range in SE Asia in recent years. A common control method is the removal and destruction of its nests on citizens’ request to call centers. In this paper we have explored the knowledge and main factors that influence the perceptions of the citizens on the species in an invaded municipality in NW Spain, as well as the management practices of the municipal emergency unit responsible for nest removal activities. Our analysis brings out multiple drivers of management practices that derive both from the citizens’ and practitioners’ knowledge, and highlights several points of conflict between both stakeholder groups connected to (1) the degree of service provided to the local population, (2) the risk of allergic reactions as a motive to urge removals, or (3) the quality of information provided by mass media. Our results support the crucial importance of environmental education programs that seek to increase the knowledge of the general public about the threats of invasive species. Such programs might be incorporated to implement and optimize management plans of V. velutina by enhancing communication between experts and local population

    Temporal Dynamics of Muscle, Spinal and Cortical Excitability and Their Association With Kinematics During Three Minutes of Maximal-Rate Finger Tapping

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    [Abstract] We tested peripheral, spinal and cortical excitability during 3 minutes of unresisted finger tapping at the maximal possible rate, which induced fatigue. Subsequently, we studied the temporal dynamics of muscle fatigue, expressed in the tapping movement profile, and its relationship to neural systems using mixed model analyses. The tapping rate decreased by 40% over the duration of the task. The change in the amplitude of the range of motion was not significant. The excitability of the flexor and extensor muscles of the index finger was tested via evoked potentials obtained with various types of stimulation at various levels of the motor system. The change in spinal excitability with time was evaluated considering the simultaneous changes in muscle excitability; we also considered how spinal excitability changed over time to evaluate cortical excitability. Excitability in the flexor and extensor muscles at the different levels tested changed significantly, but similar excitability levels were observed at notably different tapping rates. Our results showed that only 33% of the decrease in the tapping rate was explained by changes in the excitability of the structures tested in the present work.Pablo Arias is Principal Investigator- MINECO GRANT 2017. DEP2017-87601-R. Spanish Government Elena Madinabeitia has a PREDOC-GRANT-2015. Xunta de Galicia. Spai