12 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of CPS-ALM Model in Enhancing Statistical Literacy Ability and Self Concept of Elementary School Student Teacher

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    The focus of this study is to examine comprehensively statistical literacy and self- concept enhancement of elementary school student teacher through CPS-BML model in which this enhancement is measured through N-gain.  The result of study indicate that the use of Collaborative Problem Solving Model assisted by literacy media (CPS-ALM) model contribute to student’s statistical literacy enhancement better than expository learning (EL).  It is identified also that there is difference in student’s self- concept enhancement between CPS-ALM group and EL group.  CPS-ALM group achieve enhancement in medium category with N-gain average is 0.33, while EL group achieve enhancement in low category with N-gain is 0.16.  One way which trigger enhancement of student’s statistical literacy and self concept is the use collaborative mode.  Indicators of statistical literacy and self concept are identified to experience enhancement when collaborating, in which students are demanded to have confidence toward statistic ability they have when delivering creative ideas.  Exploration done by students toward self ability need a belief toward their ideas in Statistic Education course. Keywords: Statistical literacy, Self concept, CPS-ALM Model, Elementary School Student Teache

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IV SD Kristen Belso A2 Ambon dengan Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Double Loop Problem Solving pada Materi Pengukuran Panjang dan Berat

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    This study aims to determine whether there is an increase in students' learning outcomes taught using Double Loop Problem Solving (DLPS) on the measurement material. The design of this study was a pre-experimental design with one group pre test post test design. The research sample was sixth grades which amounted to 24 people. The research techniques used were test and non-test techniques. Analysis of student learning outcomes data descriptively obtained from the results of percentages and average students while to determine the increase in student learning outcomes, we used the N-gain test formula. The results showed that using of the Double Loop Problem Solving (DLPS) learning model could improve student learning outcomes in the measurement material. This is supported by a pre-test and post-test analysis that uses normalized N-gain values where 21% of students are in the N-gain category with a High category, 58% of students are in the moderate category and 21% are in the low categor

    Theological Analysis of the Use of Clothes for Women in the Church Based on 1 timothy 2:9-10

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    In this study the author tried to examine the use of clothing which is suitable for use by women in the Church based on the principle in 1 Timothy 2: 9-10. Simplyput, this study was based on four indicators of discussion, namely: Definition ofdressing with modesty 1 Timothy 2:9; The notion of dressing withshamefacedness according to 1 Timothy 2:9; The notion of dressing up by notbraiding hair by 1 Timothy 2:9; and the meaning of costly attire in the context of 1Timothy 2:9. The notion of dressing up appropriately on the basis of 1 Timothy2: 9 means that women should wear clothing that does not invite sexual desire tothose who look at it, and should also wear conservative attire. The notion ofdressing up modestly according to 1 Timothy 2: 9 is that women will dressthemselves respectfully; thus, will not wear impolite clothing. One of them is anarrow garment that will show body parts. The notion of dressing with no braidsbased on 1 Timothy 2: 9 is that women should not be busy spending time just todecorate their hair, and should not show any striking hairstyles. The notion of themeaning of costly attire in the context of 1 Timothy 2: 9 is a garment bought witha personal motive to boast


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    In this research, writer did a research about the interpretation of “144.000 people”based on Revelation 7 and 14. This research includes 3 parts, those are: (1) Literallyor symbolically, which in this case there are two different comprehensions based ontwo theories about who the 144.000 is. Many experts stated that the 144.000 isphysical Israel and others stated that it is spiritual Israel. About the number, manyexperts said that it is the literal number and others said it is just a symbol; (2) Thesymbol of the characteristics of the 144.000; (3) The fulfillment of sealing of the144.000. Writer divided the research into two parts. They are theory research andfield research. The result of the theory research about the group of 144.000 foundout that 144.000 in Revelation 7 and 14 is perceived as symbolical. The group of144.000 is spiritual Israel proved by no tribe of Dan in the group and because it issymbolical, the number then perceived also to be symbolical. The Characteristics ofthis group are: They follow the Lamb wherever the Lamb goes illustrate that theyhave a loyalty to the truth of God and to God itself, they are virgin show that theyhave purity in character, the ones who don’t defile their faith; the group is notinvolved in the falsification and the spiritual adultery. This group stays faithful toGod and to the God’s truth. The fulfillment of the 144.000 before second coming ofChrist. The Result of the field research, through questionnaires distributed to 45members of Cimindi Raya Bandung Seventh-Day Adventist Church, contains 19points of statement and divided in three indicators founded the Statement of 6, 10, 12and 14 church members still undecided


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    In this study the author tries to examine the use of clothing which is suitablefor use by women in the Church based on the principle in 1 Timothy 2: 9-10. Simplyput, this study is based on four indicators of discussion, namely: Definition ofdressing with modesty 1 Timothy 2:9; The notion of dressing with shamefacednessaccording to 1 Timothy 2:9; The notion of dressing up by not braiding hair by 1Timothy 2:9; and the meaning of costly attire in the context of 1 Timothy 2:9. Thenotion of dressing up appropriately on the basis of 1 Timothy 2: 9 has the meaningthat women will wear clothing that does not invite sexual desire to those who look atit, and will also wear conservative attire. The notion of dressing up modestlyaccording to 1 Timothy 2: 9 is that women will dress themselves respectfully, thuswill not wear impolite clothing one of them is a narrow garment that will show bodyparts. The notion of dressing with no braids based on 1 Timothy 2: 9 is that womenwill not be busy spending time just to decorate their hair, and will not show anystriking hairstyles. The notion of the meaning of costly attire in the context of 1Timothy 2: 9 is a garment bought with a personal motive to boast


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    Abstract: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of collaborative problem solving models in improving self-concept science student teachers at one LPTK SD State in the city of Ambon in Maluku. This study used a quasi-experimental with nonequivalent protest- posttest control group design, where the group will study measured self-concept science students using CPS models. The study population was a student at one LPTK PGSD in Maluku province, while the study sample were students PGSD VII semester of 2015/2016 academic year course on the development of elementary science education amounted to 30 students. Type of data analyzed in the study is quantitative data includes; Pretest-posttest self-concept and self-concept, and N-gain that has been converted using the MSI, and analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results that the model of collaborative problem solving is very effective in improving self-concept science student teachers SD on one LPTK State in the city of Ambon, Maluku, both the results of Pre-SC and Post-SC obtained from the gain normalized or against each indicator self concept. Key words: model collaborative, problem solving, self concept sain


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    Conflict is not related with good or bad, rich or poor, educated or not educated.  Conflict is simply a fact of life.  Always felt and seen in every aspect of life.  Where does conflict begin?  Does it occur simultaneously with the creation of this world?  Does God create the conflict in this world?  The Bible clearly shows it all.  1. God never created the conflict.  2. The conflict originated in heaven through pride and jealousy an angel known as Lucifer against God.  3. This conflict also brought him into the world that is the work of God's creation.  4. As long as there is still sin in this world then the conflict will continue to exist


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    Permasalahan yang melatarbelakangi penelitian ini adalah materi segiempat dan segitiga menyumbangkan nilai rendah untuk siswa, sehingga diperlukan contoh konkrit dalam keseharian siswa agar siswa tertarik terhadap pembelajaran. Peneliti mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis etnomatematika pada budaya masyarakat Tulehu, sehingga siswa tertarik karena apa yang dipelajari ada dalam kegiatan kesehariannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis etnomatematika budaya masyarakat Negeri Tulehu pada materi segiempat dan segitiga di kelas VII MTs Negeri 1 Maluku Tengah. Dalam mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran, model pengembangan perangkat yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pengembangan 4-D (four-D) yang dikembangkan oleh Thiagarajan. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berbasis etnomatematika budaya masyarakat Negeri Tulehu adalah RPP, Bahan Ajar (BA) dan LKS. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dokumentasi, observasi, dan angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran berkatagori valid, praktis dan digunakan di lapangan dengan sedikit revisi sedangkan keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran ditinjau dari beberapa hal berikut. Keterlaksanaan sintaks dengan rata-rata keterlaksanaan (3,65), presentase keterlakasanaan 91,65% dikatagorikan efektif. Respons siswa positif, dan hasil belajar siswa dinyatakan tuntas 86% artinya siswa telah mencapai indikator kompetensi yang sudah ditetapkan sehingga dapat dikatakan perangkat pembelajaran efektif untuk digunaka