267 research outputs found

    The Puzzling Frequencies of CEMP and NEMP Stars

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    We present the results of binary population simulations of carbon- and nitrogen-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP and NEMP) stars. We show that the observed paucity of very nitrogen-rich stars puts strong constraints on possible modifications of the initial mass function at low metallicity.Comment: 3 pages, contribution to "The Origin of the Elements Heavier than Iron" in honor of the 70th birthday of Roberto Gallino, Torino, Italy, September 200

    The impact of binary-star yields on the spectra of galaxies

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    One of the complexities in modelling integrated spectra of stellar populations is the effect of interacting binary stars besides Type Ia supernovae (SNeIa). These include common envelope systems, cataclysmic variables, novae, and are usually ignored in models predicting the chemistry and spectral absorption line strengths in galaxies. In this paper, predictions of chemical yields from populations of single and binary stars are incorporated into a galactic chemical evolution model to explore the significance of the effects of these other binary yields. Effects on spectral line strengths from different progenitor channels of SNeIa are also explored. Small systematic effects are found when the yields from binaries, other than SNeIa, are included, for a given star formation history. These effects are, at present, within the observational uncertainties on the line strengths. More serious differences can arise in considering different types of SNIa models, their rates and contributions

    Binaries are the best single stars

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    Stellar models of massive single stars are still plagued by major uncertainties. Testing and calibrating against observations is essential for their reliability. For this purpose one preferably uses observed stars that have never experienced strong binary interaction, i.e. "true single stars". However, the binary fraction among massive stars is high and identifying "true single stars" is not straight forward. Binary interaction affects systems in such a way that the initially less massive star becomes, or appears to be, single. For example, mass transfer results in a widening of the orbit and a decrease of the luminosity of the donor star, which makes it very hard to detect. After a merger or disruption of the system by the supernova explosion, no companion will be present. The only unambiguous identification of "true single stars" is possible in detached binaries, which contain two main-sequence stars. For these systems we can exclude the occurrence of mass transfer since their birth. A further advantage is that binaries can often provide us with direct measurements of the fundamental stellar parameters. Therefore, we argue these binaries are worth the effort needed to observe and analyze them. They may provide the most stringent test cases for single stellar models.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, contribution to the proceedings of "The multi-wavelength view of hot, massive stars", 39th Li`ege Int. Astroph. Coll., 12-16 July 201

    Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars: a window on AGB nucleosynthesis and binary evolution. II. Statistical analysis of a sample of 67 CEMP-ss stars

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    Many observed CEMP stars are found in binary systems and show enhanced abundances of ss-elements. The origin of the chemical abundances of these CEMP-ss stars is believed to be accretion in the past of enriched material from a primary star in the AGB phase. We investigate the mechanism of mass transfer and the process of nucleosynthesis in low-metallicity AGB stars by modelling the binary systems in which the observed CEMP-ss stars were formed. For this purpose we compare a sample of 6767 CEMP-ss stars with a grid of binary stars generated by our binary evolution and nucleosynthesis model. We classify our sample CEMP-ss stars in three groups based on the observed abundance of europium. In CEMPs/r-s/r stars the europium-to-iron ratio is more than ten times higher than in the Sun, whereas it is lower than this threshold in CEMPs/nr-s/nr stars. No measurement of europium is currently available for CEMP-s/urs/ur stars. On average our models reproduce well the abundances observed in CEMP-s/nrs/nr stars, whereas in CEMP-s/rs/r stars and CEMP-s/urs/ur stars the abundances of the light-ss elements are systematically overpredicted by our models and in CEMP-s/rs/r stars the abundances of the heavy-ss elements are underestimated. In all stars our modelled abundances of sodium overestimate the observations. This discrepancy is reduced only in models that underestimate the abundances of most of the ss-elements. Furthermore, the abundance of lead is underpredicted in most of our model stars. These results point to the limitations of our AGB nucleosynthesis model, particularly in the predictions of the element-to-element ratios. Finally, in our models CEMP-ss stars are typically formed in wide systems with periods above 10000 days, while most of the observed CEMP-ss stars are found in relatively close orbits with periods below 5000 days.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Modelling the evolution and nucleosynthesis of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars

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    We present the results of binary population simulations of carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars. We show that nitrogen and fluorine are useful tracers of the origin of CEMP stars, and conclude that the observed paucity of very nitrogen-rich stars puts strong constraints on possible modifications of the initial mass function at low metallicity. The large number fraction of CEMP stars may instead require much more efficient dredge-up from low-metallicity asymptotic giant branch stars.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 252 "The Art of Modelling Stars in the 21st Century", April 6-11, 2008, Sanya, Chin

    Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars: a window on AGB nucleosynthesis and binary evolution. I. Detailed analysis of 15 binary stars with known orbital periods

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    AGB stars are responsible for producing a variety of elements, including carbon, nitrogen, and the heavy elements produced in the slow neutron-capture process (ss-elements). There are many uncertainties involved in modelling the evolution and nucleosynthesis of AGB stars, and this is especially the case at low metallicity, where most of the stars with high enough masses to enter the AGB have evolved to become white dwarfs and can no longer be observed. The stellar population in the Galactic halo is of low mass (0.85M\lesssim 0.85M_{\odot}) and only a few observed stars have evolved beyond the first giant branch. However, we have evidence that low-metallicity AGB stars in binary systems have interacted with their low-mass secondary companions in the past. The aim of this work is to investigate AGB nucleosynthesis at low metallicity by studying the surface abundances of chemically peculiar very metal-poor stars of the halo observed in binary systems. To this end we select a sample of 15 carbon- and ss-element-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP-ss) halo stars that are found in binary systems with measured orbital periods. With our model of binary evolution and AGB nucleosynthesis, we determine the binary configuration that best reproduces, at the same time, the observed orbital period and surface abundances of each star of the sample. The observed periods provide tight constraints on our model of wind mass transfer in binary stars, while the comparison with the observed abundances tests our model of AGB nucleosynthesis.Comment: 18 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    Hypervelocity runaways from the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We explore the possibility that the observed population of Galactic hypervelocity stars (HVSs) originate as runaway stars from the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Pairing a binary evolution code with an N-body simulation of the interaction of the LMC with the Milky Way, we predict the spatial distribution and kinematics of an LMC runaway population. We find that runaway stars from the LMC can contribute Galactic HVSs at a rate of 3×106  yr13 \times 10^{-6}\;\mathrm{yr}^{-1}. This is composed of stars at different points of stellar evolution, ranging from the main-sequence to those at the tip of the asymptotic giant branch. We find that the known B-type HVSs have kinematics which are consistent with an LMC origin. There is an additional population of hypervelocity white dwarfs whose progenitors were massive runaway stars. Runaways which are even more massive will themselves go supernova, producing a remnant whose velocity will be modulated by a supernova kick. This latter scenario has some exotic consequences, such as pulsars and supernovae far from star-forming regions, and a small rate of microlensing from compact sources around the halo of the LMC.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    The strange evolution of the Large Magellanic Cloud Cepheid OGLE-LMC-CEP1812

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    Classical Cepheids are key probes of both stellar astrophysics and cosmology as standard candles and pulsating variable stars. It is important to understand Cepheids in unprecedented detail in preparation for upcoming GAIA, JWST and extremely-large telescope observations. Cepheid eclipsing binary stars are ideal tools for achieving this goal, however there are currently only three known systems. One of those systems, OGLE-LMC-CEP1812, raises new questions about the evolution of classical Cepheids because of an apparent age discrepancy between the Cepheid and its red giant companion. We show that the Cepheid component is actually the product of a stellar merger of two main sequence stars that has since evolved across the Hertzsprung gap of the HR diagram. This post-merger product appears younger than the companion, hence the apparent age discrepancy is resolved. We discuss this idea and consequences for understanding Cepheid evolution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted to A&

    The s-process in stellar population synthesis: a new approach to understanding AGB stars

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    Thermally pulsating asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are the main producers of slow neutron capture (s-) process elements, but there are still large uncertainties associated with the formation of the main neutron source, 13C, and with the physics of these stars in general. Observations of s-process element enhancements in stars can be used as constraints on theoretical models. For the first time we apply stellar population synthesis to the problem of s-process nucleosynthesis in AGB stars, in order to derive constraints on free parameters describing the physics behind the third dredge-up and the properties of the neutron source. We utilize a rapid evolution and nucleosynthesis code to synthesize different populations of s-enhanced stars, and compare them to their observational counterparts to find out for which values of the free parameters in the code the synthetic populations fit best to the observed populations. These free parameters are the amount of third dredge-up, the minimum core mass for third dredge-up, the effectiveness of 13C as a source of neutrons and the size in mass of the 13C pocket. We find that galactic disk objects are reproduced by a spread of a factor of two in the effectiveness of the 13C neutron source. Lower metallicity objects can be reproduced only by lowering by at least a factor of 3 the average value of the effectiveness of the 13C neutron source needed for the galactic disk objects. Using observations of s-process elements in post-AGB stars as constraints we find that dredge-up has to start at a lower core mass than predicted by current theoretical models, that it has to be substantial (λ\lambda >~ 0.2) in stars with mass M <~ 1.5 M_sun and that the mass of the 13C pocket must be about 1/40 that of the intershell region.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic