21 research outputs found

    Application of Listening English Practice in Understanding Listening for Junior High School Students

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    The purpose of this study is to determine how effectively the Listen English Practice App at SMP Islam Ruhama improves students' understanding of listening. The population of this research is eight²-grade students, and the sample is 27 students. The method of this study is experimental research with a pre-experimental design that applies the pre-test and post-test. In this study, the researcher used one class as an experiment. Data has been analyzed using a t-test, data analysis shows the average value of the pre-test is 51.29 and the post-test is 80.74. Interpretation of data shows that there are some significant differences between listening skills using Listen English Practice App and not using Listen English Practice App. This shows that the Listen English Practice App is influential for eight²-grade students junior high school students of SMP Islam Ruhama. An option in learning media is the Listen English Practice Application; it has a positive impact on the research and can encourage students to study English

    The Use of Sundanese Mother Tongue in Learning English

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    The use of mother tongue in English class has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the function of the use of Sundanese language in learning English, as well as the views of students regarding the use of Sundanese language in English classes at MA Miftahussa'adah in grade 11 science and social studies. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Data collection techniques in this study through observation, and interviews. The results showed: 1) The function of the use of the Sundanese mother tongue in learning English is as an introduction, explanation, expressing feelings or emotions and providing motivation, 2) Students have positive  perception of the use of Sundanese in learning English. This study provides us with information about the use of mother tongue in the classroom. From the students we can see that the use of the mother tongue should not be completely eliminated but can only be minimized, this is to maintain the comfort of students in learning English. And so that students better understand well and easily the material taught by the teacher

    An Analysis of Content Feasibility from BSNP on “Bahasa Inggris” Textbook for the XI Grade

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    Based on the 2013 curriculum, this study analyzes an English textbook for senior high school students in the XI grade entitled "Bahasa Inggris." The assessment used a BSNP rubric, which is in accordance with the 2013 curriculum's core and basic competencies. An explanation-heavy descriptive qualitative methodology is used in this investigation. Using the BSNP assessment criteria, the researcher modified the textbook material to match the core competencies and basic competencies of the 2013 curriculum. Data were obtained by the researcher using document analysis. Secondly, because the researcher focused on the subject in the first semester, only four chapters were analyzed. According to the study's findings, 53% of the content is proof of concept. This indicates that the content used for the XI grade in the "Bahasa Inggris" textbook during the first semester is still acceptable

    Linguistic Awareness of Teenagers: How They Apply the Role of Punctuation in English Writing

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the students’ errors in using punctuation marks at Cakung East Jakarta. this research approach was descriptive quantitative method. In collecting the data, the researcher asked the students to rewrite the sentence with the right punctuation. The total population teenagers at Cakung and samples was 20 teenagers as the respondents. For the exam, The researcher discovers that the test's average score is 52.5, with 100 being the highest and 80 being the lowest possible scores. For the questioonnaire, the researcher finds the result of the questionnaire for the first statement always use a period to end statement sentence is 70% participant choose always, second statement use period in every sentence statement is 40% choose always, third statement use comma before writing a direct sentence is 35% choose sometimes, fourth statement use a comma in the middle of sentence is 40% choose often, fifth statement use quotation is 45% choose always, sixth statement exclamation point is 50% choose always, and the last use exclamation when showing a surprised expression is 45% choose always. The reason why they made erorr  is because they did not know the limitation and the role of the structure and context

    Analysis the Influence of Online Learning on Students' Learning Enthusiasm

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    This research was created to explain in detail how the objective conditions of decreased enthusiasm for learning experienced by students in online learning during the covid-19 pandemic. This research uses quantitative methods with survey techniques. This research was conducted by involving 10 high school or vocational high school students. The data collection technique used in this study was a survey technique with a Likert scale. The survey was created in Microsoft Word and then distributed via WhatsApp to make it easier to access. The data analysis technique used in this study was to calculate the percentage of data on each indicator, then interpret the presentation score and analyze each indicator in detail. The inal results of the study indicate that the decline in learning of high school or vocational high school students is considered to be less good, it is obtained from the percentage score which amounts to 45%. Hope this reseacrh can be an evaluation of various parties in implementing online learning, especially those involving motivation and enthusiasm for learning in it. In addition, it is hoped that it van be use as research material for other researchers in analyzing and developing students’ enthusiasm for learning in online learning during emergencies

    English Daily Conversation at Islamic Boarding School in Improving Speaking Skill of EFL Student

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    This research aims to know the effect of English daily conversation program in improving students’ speaking skill. The method used in this study was Quantitative method with Pre Experimental research design by using both Pre-Test and Post-Test as the instruments of collecting the data. The research was conducted at Nurul Ilmi Darunnajah 14 Islamic Boarding School, Serang-Banten. The sample technique used was Purposive Sampling, in which one class of 7th E grade were choosen as the sample. The data was analyzed statistically by using t-test. The result of this study showed; the mean of students’ Pre-test was 59.85, while the mean of students’ Post-Test was 7.2. the statistic calculation revealed that the result of t-calculation (tcal)>t-table (tt), in which t-calculation (t-cal) obtained was 4.03 while t-table (tt) was 2.093 with a significant (0.05) which means that t-cal was higher than tt. Thus, alternative hyphothesis (H1) was accepted and the null hyphothesis (H0) was rejected. Based on these results it can be concluded that English Daily Conversation Program improved students’ speaking skill

    Online Based Innovative Education (VOA Learning English) to Build English Students’ Listening Skills

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    The previous research identified students’ listening and using the media is a way to enhance it, one of the media is the VOA Learning English website. The objective of the study is to find out and explain VOA learning English website as media can build English student listening skills. This study used quantitative research in this investigation. Moreover, this study used a pre-experimental design employed in the investigation. Based on quantitative research techniques, the writer was given the correlation between independent factors and population-dependent variables in this study. Pre-experimental design. The research was conducted at SMA PGRI 117 Tangerang. The pre-test and post-test scores revealed significant (2-tailed) findings of 0.077 a (0.05), where the significance score was higher than 0.05, based on the calculation table data normality. It indicates that the pre-test and post-test data are both normal. As a result, the data used in this study are normal, allowing for a smooth transition to the subsequent statistical test. Based on the statistical calculation, there is a positive influence between teaching listening skills by VOA Learning English website and without VOA Learning English website. The result shows that the value of the tscore (15.412) is higher than the ttable (1.714) at the significance degree of 5%. Thus that the Hypothesis (H1) is rejected and the Alternative Hypothesis (H0) is accepted. Hence, VOA Learning English website can build English students’ listening skills of class tenth-grade students of SMA PGRI 117 Tangerang

    Developing English Vocabulary Through The Busuu App

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of English learning using the Busuu application. This study used a quantitative method and the design used in this quantitative method was pre-experimental using one group pre-test and post-test. The samples in this study were 31 students of class 10th Ipa SMA Al-Mukhlisin Ciseeng Bogor in the academic year 2019-2020. The mean value of the pre-test results was 43.39 and the post-test 89.19. The results of the t-test calculation can be concluded that the Busuu application has a significant effect on students' vocabulary skills. Evidenced by getting 1.345 for the Pre-test and 2.765 for Post-test. The means for the pre-test were 43.39 and 89.19 for the post-tests. The result of the t.calculation score of 12,492 was higher than the t.table score of 2,042 at the 5% significance level. This means that the Busuu application improves the vocabulary skills of grade X SMA Al-Mukhlisin students

    The Use of Squid Game Simulation for Challenging Students' Vocabulary Mastery

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    Applying Squid game simulation is one of the effective techniques for English teachers who want to allow their students practice in the target language. This game allows students not only to practice English forms that they already acquired, but also allow them to improve new vocabularies and English structures. Therefore, this study aims to determine the improvement of students' vocabulary mastery skills in English lessons using a squid game simulation, namely Ddakji game simulation, and Green light Red Light game simulation. The game simulation is designed to enhance students’ vocabulary mastery at elementary schools. The subject of this research is a second grader at SDN Pondok Benda 01 at the academic year 2021/2022 consisting of 30 students. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with classroom practice. The results of this study indicate that there is an increase in students' vocabulary mastery skills. The achievements in the practice class are effective, students feel happy and feel challenged to want to learn more English. The squid game simulation improves the vocabulary mastery of students in second grade at SDN Pondok Benda 01

    Teaching Writing through Canva Application

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    This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of using Canva application media to enhance students’ writing skills. This research was conducted in July-August at Mts Al-Islamiyah, Ciledug. Researchers used a quantitative method which is pre-experimental research design by applying pre-test and post-test. Writing tests were employed in collecting students’ achievement as instruments of this study. Researchers used one class in class IX-1 MTs Al-Islamiyah Ciledug as research samples. Determining samples of this study used the random sampling technique. To analyze the research data, researcher applied t-test. Based on the research analysis, the mean score of students’ writing test on the post-test was 70.83, and the pre-test was 64.73. The results also showed that the T-cal value (9,585) was higher than the Ttable (2.021), at the 5% significance level. If the result t-test was higher than t-table. It indicated that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted, and (H0) was rejected. Based on the results of the t-test calculation, this current study can be concluded that the Canva Application is an effective media to facilitate students to improve their writing performance. For further studies, English teachers can imitate the basic theory of this study as consideration to teach writing skills