209 research outputs found

    Nondestructive characterization of Antarctic micrometeorites collected at the Dome Fuji Station by synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence analysis

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    The bulk trace element composition (Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Ni Cu, Zn, Ge, Se, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Mo) of eighty-three Antarctic micrometeorites was nondestructively analyzed using synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence analysis (SR-XRF), and these elements were characterized in terms of their abundance ratio relative to Murchison matrix composition. The relationship between heating history and chemical composition is also examined. We found a complementary relationship among I-type, S-type and unmelted AMMs in the micrometeorites\u27 elemental abundance, which is consistent with the hypothesis that I-type and S-type spherules were separated from chondritic meteoroids

    Local instability signatures in ALMA observations of dense gas in NGC7469

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    We present an unprecedented measurement of the disc stability and local instability scales in the luminous infrared Seyfert 1 host, NGC7469, based on ALMA observations of dense gas tracers and with a synthesized beam of 165 x 132 pc. While we confirm that non-circular motions are not significant in redistributing the dense interstellar gas in this galaxy, we find compelling evidence that the dense gas is a suitable tracer for studying the origin of its intensely high-mass star forming ring-like structure. Our derived disc stability parameter accounts for a thick disc structure and its value falls below unity at the radii in which intense star formation is found. Furthermore, we derive the characteristic instability scale and find a striking agreement between our measured scale of ~ 180 pc, and the typical sizes of individual complexes of young and massive star clusters seen in high-resolution images.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    ALMA follows streaming of dense gas down to 40 pc from the supermassive black hole in NGC1097

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    We present a kinematic analysis of the dense molecular gas in the central 200 parsecs of the nearby galaxy NGC1097, based on Cycle 0 observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA). We use the HCN(4-3) line to trace the densest interstellar molecular gas, and quantify its kinematics, and estimate an inflow rate for the molecular gas. We find a striking similarity between the ALMA kinematic data and the analytic spiral inflow model that we have previously constructed based on ionized gas velocity fields on larger scales. We are able to follow dense gas streaming down to 40 pc distance from the supermassive black hole in this Seyfert 1 galaxy. In order to fulfill marginal stability, we deduce that the dense gas is confined to a very thin disc, and we derive a dense gas inflow rate of 0.09 Msun/yr at 40 pc radius. Combined with previous values from the Ha and CO gas, we calculate a combined molecular and ionized gas inflow rate of 0.2 Msun/yr at 40 pc distance from the central supermassive black hole of NGC1097.Comment: Accepted for Publication in the ApJ Letter

    Integrin α5β1 expression on dopaminergic neurons is involved in dopaminergic neurite outgrowth on striatal neurons

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    神経突起が標的神経細胞と相互作用して伸長する仕組みを解明 : 神経細胞移植の治療効果向上に期待. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2017-02-09.During development, dopaminergic neurons born in the substantia nigra extend their axons toward the striatum. However, the mechanisms by which the dopaminergic axons extend the striatum to innervate their targets remain unclear. We previously showed that paired-cultivation of mesencephalic cells containing dopaminergic neurons with striatal cells leads to the extension of dopaminergic neurites from the mesencephalic cell region to the striatal cell region. The present study shows that dopaminergic neurites extended along striatal neurons in the paired-cultures of mesencephalic cells with striatal cells. The extension of dopaminergic neurites was suppressed by the pharmacological inhibition of integrin α5β1. Using lentiviral vectors, short hairpin RNA (shRNA)-mediated knockdown of integrin α5 in dopaminergic neurons suppressed the neurite outgrowth to the striatal cell region. In contrast, the knockdown of integrin α5 in non-dopaminergic mesencephalic and striatal cells had no effect. Furthermore, overexpression of integrin α5 in dopaminergic neurons differentiated from embryonic stem cells enhanced their neurite outgrowth on striatal cells. These results indicate that integrin α5β1 expression on dopaminergic neurons plays an important role in the dopaminergic neurite outgrowth on striatal neurons

    Submillimeter ALMA Observations of the Dense Gas in the Low-Luminosity Type-1 Active Nucleus of NGC 1097

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    We present the first 100 pc scale view of the dense molecular gas in the central ~ 1.3 kpc region of the type-1 Seyfert NGC 1097 traced by HCN (J=4-3) and HCO+ (J=4-3) lines afforded with ALMA band 7. This galaxy shows significant HCN enhancement with respect to HCO+ and CO in the low-J transitions, which seems to be a common characteristic in AGN environments. Using the ALMA data, we study the characteristics of the dense gas around this AGN and search for the mechanism of HCN enhancement. We find a high HCN (J=4-3) to HCO+ (J=4-3) line ratio in the nucleus. The upper limit of the brightness temperature ratio of HCN (v2=1^{1f}, J=4-3) to HCN (J=4-3) is 0.08, which indicates that IR pumping does not significantly affect the pure rotational population in this nucleus. We also find a higher HCN (J=4-3) to CS (J=7-6) line ratio in NGC 1097 than in starburst galaxies, which is more than 12.7 on the brightness temperature scale. Combined from similar observations from other galaxies, we tentatively suggest that this ratio appears to be higher in AGN-host galaxies than in pure starburst ones similar to the widely used HCN to HCO+ ratio. LTE and non-LTE modeling of the observed HCN and HCO+ lines using J=4-3 and 1-0 data from ALMA, and J=3-2 data from SMA, reveals a high HCN to HCO+ abundance ratio (5 < [HCN]/[HCO+] < 20: non-LTE analysis) in the nucleus, and that the high-J lines (J=4-3 and 3-2) are emitted from dense (10^{4.5} < n_H2 [/cc] < 10^6), hot (70 < Tkin [K] < 550) regions. Finally we propose that the high temperature chemistry is more plausible to explain the observed enhanced HCN emission in NGC 1097 than the pure gas phase PDR/XDR chemistry.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures, 10 tables. Accepted to PAS

    A consortium study of Antarctic micrometeorites recovered from the Dome Fuji Station

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    Deposits in the water tank at the Dome Fuji Station were collected by the 37th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition team in 1996. We recovered 233 micrometeorites from the deposits. A consortium study was started in late 1998 to investigate mineralogy, petrology, bulk chemistry, and isotopic compositions of the micrometeorites. This is the first case of an organized study of micrometeorites in Japan, in order to establish the methods to investigate micrometeorites routinely. Consortium results on mineralogy, petrology, minor and trace element compositions, isotopic compositions of noble gases of the micrometeorites are reported in this volume. We also found a sequence of mineralogical and compositional changes of micrometeorites experienced from frictional heating during atmospheric entry. INAA and ion probe studies are now in progress

    ALMA Observations of the Submillimeter Dense Molecular Gas Tracers in the Luminous Type-1 Active Nucleus of NGC 7469

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    We present ALMA Cycle 1 observations of the central kpc region of the luminous type-1 Seyfert galaxy NGC 7469 with unprecedented high resolution (0.5"" ×\times 0.4"" = 165 pc ×\times 132 pc) at submillimeter wavelengths. Utilizing the wide-bandwidth of ALMA, we simultaneously obtained HCN(4-3), HCO+^+(4-3), CS(7-6), and partially CO(3-2) line maps, as well as the 860 μ\mum continuum. The region consists of the central \sim 1"" component and the surrounding starburst ring with a radius of \sim 1.5""-2.5"". Several structures connect these components. Except for CO(3-2), these dense gas tracers are significantly concentrated towards the central \sim 1"", suggesting their suitability to probe the nuclear regions of galaxies. Their spatial distribution resembles well those of centimeter and mid-infrared continuum emissions, but it is anti-correlated with the optical one, indicating the existence of dust obscured star formation. The integrated intensity ratios of HCN(4-3)/HCO+^+(4-3) and HCN(4-3)/CS(7-6) are higher at the AGN position than at the starburst ring, which is consistent to our previous findings (submm-HCN enhancement). However, the HCN(4-3)/HCO+^+(4-3) ratio at the AGN position of NGC 7469 (1.11±\pm0.06) is almost half of the corresponding value of the low-luminosity type-1 Seyfert galaxy NGC 1097 (2.0±\pm0.2), despite the more than two orders of magnitude higher X-ray luminosity of NGC 7469. But the ratio is comparable to that of the close vicinity of the AGN of NGC 1068 (\sim 1.5). Based on these results, we speculate that some other heating mechanisms than X-ray (e.g., mechanical heating due to AGN jet) can contribute significantly for shaping the chemical composition in NGC 1097.Comment: Fixed typos in the title. 15 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables: accepted for publication in ApJ. Comments welcom

    Antarctic micrometeorites collected at the Dome Fuji Station

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    Antarctic micrometeorites (AMMs) were found among the precipitated fine particles recovered from a water tank in the Dome Fuji Station. These AMMs had been contained in the recent fallen snow around the station. Initial processing of the precipitated particles revealed that they were dominated by natural and artificial terrestrial materials, thus a series of processes were developed to separate AMMs from terrestrial particles. The recovery rate of AMMs by the processes was approximately 45% in weight, which was determined from a weight ratio of recovered/accreted AMMs. The micro-morphology and major-element concentration of the recovered AMMs were characterized. They appear to have been heated upon atmospheric entry to varying temperatures and can be classified into two major types based on the degree of heating : (1) fine-grained, irregular-shaped, partial-melted micrometeorites with chondritic composition, and (2) total-melted spherical micrometeorites with chondritic composition except for volatile elements. A digital catalog for the AMMs identified in this study was established on the web site [URL : http : //dust. cc. gakushuin. ac. jp/], in which optical characteristics, high-resolution images, and chemical compositions of individual AMMs are presented. The AMMs listed in the catalog are the first Japanese collection of extraterrestrial dust. The criterion and techniques developed for the selection and initial analysis of AMMs are applicable for the dust samples that are being collected by the 39th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition team