114 research outputs found

    Lorenz Population Monotonic Allocation Schemes for TU-games

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    Sprumont (1990) introduces Population Monotonic Allocation Scheme (PMAS) and proves that every assignment game with at least two sellers and two buyers, where each buyer-seller pair derives a positive gain from trade, lacks a PMAS. In particular glove games lacks PMAS. We propose a new cooperative TU-game concept, Lorenz-PMAS, which relaxes some population monotonicity conditions by requiring that the payoff vector of any coalition is Lorenz dominated by the corresponding restricted payoff vector of larger coalitions. We show that every TU-game having a Lorenz-PMAS is totally balanced, but the converse is not true in general. We obtain a class of games having a Lorenz-PMAS, but not PMAS in general. Furthermore, we prove the existence of Lorenz-PMAS for every glove game and for every assignment game with at most five players. Additionally, we also introduce two new notions, Lorenz-PMAS-extendability and Lorenz-PMAS-exactness,and discuss their relationships with the convexity of the game

    La arquitectura medieval en la Villa de Ágreda. Urbanismo, multiculturalidad y construcciones más representativas.

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado está dedicado a la arquitectura medieval de la Villa de Ágreda, localidad castellana ubicada en el extremo noreste de la provincia de Soria, en una zona fronteriza entre los reinos de Aragón, Castilla y Navarra. Ágreda cuenta en la actualidad con un extraordinario patrimonio histórico-artístico, fruto de su estratégica localización y de la convivencia en el lugar de musulmanes, cristianos y judíos, motivo por el cual también es conocida como Villa de las Tres Culturas. Concretamente, me ocuparé de las construcciones erigidas en época medieval, empezando por aquellas obras arquitectónicas realizadas por musulmanes, de mayor antigüedad. Después hablaré de lo que fue la ciudad medieval de Ágreda tras la reconquista cristiana, y analizaré sus edificios religiosos más representativos anteriores al s. XIII

    Role of G2-S16 Polyanionic Carbosilane Dendrimer in the Prevention of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection In Vitro and In Vivo in Mice

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    The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes respiratory infection and bronchiolitis, requiring hospitalization mainly in infants. The interaction between RSV, envelope glycoproteins G and F, and cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) is required for binding and entry into the host cells. A G2-S16 polyanionic carbosilane dendrimer was identified as a possible RSV inhibitor. We speculated that the G2-S16 dendrimer adheres to the host cell-surface HSPG, acts through binding to HS receptors, and prevents further RSV infection. The G2-S16 dendrimer was non-toxic when applied intranasally to Balb/c mice, and interestingly enough, this G2-S16 dendrimer inhibits 85% RSV. Therefore, our G2-S16 dendrimer could be a candidate for developing a new possible therapy against RSV infection.This work has been (partially) funded by the RD16/0025/0019, projects as part of Acción Estratégica en Salud, Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (2013–2016) and co-financed by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Subdirección General de Evaluación) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), RETIC PT17/0015/0042, Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria (FIS) (grant number PI19/01638) and EPIICAL project. CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&i Plan 2008–2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, the Consolider Program, and CIBER Actions and financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund. This work has been supported partially by the EUROPARTNER: Strengthening and spreading international partnership activities of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection for interdisciplinary research and innovation of the University of Lodz Programme: NAWA International Academic Partnership Programme. This article/publication is based upon work from COST Action CA 17140 “Cancer Nanomedicine from the Bench to the Bedside” supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).S

    Aprenentatge autònom de l'alumne i eines per al docent mitjançant l'ús de GeoGebra. Assignatures de Matemàtiques I i II dels Graus d’ADE i d’ECO de la Universitat de Barcelona

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    Línies d’innovació vinculades: 216231 - Moodle / 201995 - Avaluació formativa / 235623 - Project-based learning, PBL / 020691 - Estudi de casos / 025424 – SimulacionsL’objectiu del nostre projecte ha estat millorar la docència de les assignatures de Matemàtiques dels Graus d’Economia (ECO) i d’Administració i Direcció d’Empreses (ADE), introduint a la docència el software gratuït GeoGebra. El projecte va sorgir en el context de la implantació dels graus, en un moment en què vèiem que ja no podríem seguir fent les classes de pràctiques a les aules d’informàtica amb el programa Derive, que disposaríem de menys hores de docència i que a les aules només hi hauria un ordinador per al professor i un canó de projecció. En aquelles circumstàncies vam pensar que la capacitat de GeoGebra per donar vida a funcions i vectors podia ajudar-nos a explicar els conceptes teòrics de les assignatures de Matemàtiques d’una manera tan atractiva com intuïtiva. Hem elaborat un conjunt de materials (applets) per a les assignatures de Matemàtiques I i Matemàtiques II dels graus d’ADE i d’ECO. Gràcies a la plataforma Moodle hem pogut posar aquestes applets a disposició d’alumnes i professors

    Student’s autonomous learning and tools for teachers by means of the use of GeoGebra. Mathematics I and II subjects of the degrees in ADE and ECO of the University of Barcelona

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    The objective of our project has been to improve the teaching in mathematics subjects of the degrees in Economics (ECO) and Business management (ADE) by incorporating the GeoGebra free software. The project started when university degrees were being implemented. At that time, we realized that we could no longer use the Derive software because the practical lectures in the computer rooms were cancelled and only the teacher's computer attached to a projector remained. On the top of that, the time devoted to lectures was reduced. Under those constraints, we thought that the ability of GeoGebra to give functions and vectors life could help us in explaining the theoretical concepts of the mathematics subjects in an appealing and intuitive manner. We have created several applets for the subjects Mathematics I and Mathematics II of the degrees in ECO and ADE. Thanks to the Moodle platform we have been able to put these applets at students’ and teachers’ disposal

    TWEAK Activates the Non-Canonical NFκB Pathway in Murine Renal Tubular Cells: Modulation of CCL21

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    TWEAK is a member of the TNF superfamily of cytokines that contribute to kidney tubulointerstitial injury. It has previously been reported that TWEAK induces transient nuclear translocation of RelA and expression of RelA-dependent cytokines in renal tubular cells. Additionally, TWEAK induced long-lasting NFκB activation suggestive of engagement of the non-canonical NFκB pathway. We now explore TWEAK-induced activation of NFκB2 and RelB, as well as expression of CCL21, a T-cell chemotactic factor, in cultured murine tubular epithelial cells and in healthy kidneys in vivo. In cultured tubular cells, TWEAK and TNFα activated different DNA-binding NFκB complexes. TWEAK-induced sustained NFκB activation was associated with NFκB2 p100 processing to p52 via proteasome and nuclear translocation and DNA-binding of p52 and RelB. TWEAK, but not TNFα used as control), induced a delayed increase in CCL21a mRNA (3.5±1.22-fold over control) and CCL21 protein (2.5±0.8-fold over control), which was prevented by inhibition of the proteasome, or siRNA targeting of NIK or RelB, but not by RelA inhibition with parthenolide. A second NFκB2-dependent chemokine, CCL19, was upregulates by TWEAK, but not by TNFα. However, both cytokines promoted chemokine RANTES expression (3-fold mRNA at 24 h). In vivo, TWEAK induced nuclear NFκB2 and RelB translocation and CCL21a mRNA (1.5±0.3-fold over control) and CCL21 protein (1.6±0.5-fold over control) expression in normal kidney. Increased tubular nuclear RelB and tubular CCL21 expression in acute kidney injury were decreased by neutralization (2±0.9 vs 1.3±0.6-fold over healthy control) or deficiency of TWEAK (2±0.9 vs 0.8±0.6-fold over healthy control). Moreover, anti-TWEAK treatment prevented the recruitment of T cells to the kidney in this model (4.1±1.4 vs 1.8±1-fold over healthy control). Our results thus identify TWEAK as a regulator of non-canonical NFκB activation and CCL21 expression in tubular cells thus promoting lymphocyte recruitment to the kidney during acute injury

    Analysis of a superbolide from a Damocloid observed over Spain on July 13, 2012

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    A superbolide with an estimated absolute magnitude of-20±1was seen on 2012 July 13 over the centre and south of Spain. This extraordinary event, which was witnessed by numerous casual observers, was recorded in the framework of the continuous fireball monitoring and meteor spectroscopy campaign performed by the SPanish Meteor Network (SPMN). Thus, because of optimal weather conditions, the bolide was imaged from 10 meteor observing stations. Here we present the analysis of this magnificent event, which is the brightest fireball ever recorded by our team. The atmospheric trajectory of the bolide and the orbit in the Solar system of the parent meteoroid were obtained. The emission spectrum produced during the ablation of this particle is also discussed.We found that the meteoroid, which was following a Halley Type Comet orbit, was depleted in Na and had a tensile strength one order of magnitude higher than that corresponding to typical cometary materials. By means of orbital analysis tools we have investigated the likely parent body of this particle and the results suggest that the progenitor is a damocloid. The impact area of the hypothetical remnants of the meteoroid is also given and a search for meteorites was performed, but none was found.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AYA2009-13227 AYA2009-06330-E AYA2011-26522Junta de Andalucía P09-FQM-455

    Integration of the circular economy paradigm in companies from the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Over recent decades, Circular Economy (CE) has become a major topic when organizations try to develop their business amid the constrains of resource limitation and the desire to reduce their environmental impact. This study’s main purpose is to assess the integration of CE practices in public and private organizations in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Through an online survey distributed to 294 companies from the cited region, we assessed their perceptions on CE, including such aspects as the area(s) it was integrated in, why, with what difficulties or what was necessary to accomplish it, and how the impact of the implemented CE practices was measured. Results showed that companies associate CE mostly with “resource optimization”. “Entity’s vision and mission” was the main strategic area where CE was implemented. The main motivation why entities/organizations embraced CE was “environmental reasons”, while “lack of information and guidance” and “lack of financial resources” represented the main obstacles to CE implementation. Non-parametrical statistical tests were used to compare the answers of three groups of people with different positions within the company/entity (manager, executive, and technician), as well as to compare the answers of two activity sectors (industry and services).Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal POCTEP 2014-2020, European Commission, under ERDF (European Regional Development Fund). Project code: 0495_CIRCULAR_LABS_6_E. This article was also supported by the FCT/MCTES Project CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hepatitis A Outbreak Characteristics: A Comparison of Regions with Different Vaccination Strategies, Spain 2010-2018

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    We compared the cumulative incidence and characteristics of hepatitis A outbreaks in two groups of Spanish autonomous regions according to whether a universal or risk group vaccination strategy was followed. Outbreaks between 2010 and 2018 were analyzed. The cumulative incidence rate of outbreaks was estimated and compared by estimating the rate ratio (RR). The characteristics of the outbreaks and those of the first cases were compared. Adjusted OR (aOR) were calculated using a multivariate logistic regression model. Outbreak incidence was 16.04 per million persons in regions with universal vaccination and 20.76 in those with risk-group vaccination (RR 0.77; 95%CI 0.62-0.94). Imported outbreaks accounted for 65% in regions with universal vaccination and 28.7% in regions with risk-group vaccination (aOR 3.88; 95%CI 2.13-7.09). Adolescents and young adults aged 15-44 years and men who have sex with men were less frequently the first case of the outbreak in regions with a universal vaccination strategy (aOR 0.54; 95%CI 0.32-0.92 and 0.23; 95%CI 0.07-0.82, respectively). The cumulative incidence rate of outbreaks was lower in regions with universal vaccination. In all regions, independently of the vaccination strategy, activities to vaccinate persons belonging to high-risk groups for infection should be emphasized.This study was funded by the Programme of Prevention, Surveillance, and Control of Transmissible Diseases (PREVICET), CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid (Grant number ESPC07/2021).S

    Aprendizaje autónomo del alumno y herramientas para el docente mediante el uso de GeoGebra. Asignaturas de Matemáticas I y II de los Grados de ADE y de ECO de la Universidad de Barcelona

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    El objetivo de nuestro proyecto ha sido mejorar la docencia de las asignaturas de Matemáticas de los Grados de Economía (ECO) y de Administración y Dirección de Empresas (ADE), introduciendo en la docencia el software gratuito GeoGebra. El proyecto surgió en el contexto de la implantación de los grados, en un momento en que veíamos que ya no podríamos seguir impartiendo las clases de prácticas en las aulas de informática con el programa Derive, que dispondríamos de menos horas de docencia y que en las aulas solo habría un ordenador para el profesor y un cañón de proyección. En aquellas circunstancias pensamos que la capacidad de GeoGebra para dar vida a funciones y vectores podía ayudarnos a explicar los conceptos teóricos de las asignaturas de Matemáticas de una manera tan atractiva como intuitiva. Hemos elaborado un conjunto de materiales (applets) para las asignaturas de Matemáticas I y Matemáticas II de los grados de ADE y de ECO. Gracias a la plataforma Moodle hemos podido poner estas applets a disposición de alumnos y profesores