8 research outputs found

    A Non-Parametric Approach to the Women Employment Through Microcredit Financing

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    The empowerment of women as a priority of economic development is a crucial issue for all economies, particularly for developing ones. Supporting employment is an inevitable aspect of women empowerment which enhances the socioeconomic conditions, nominately for the ones being a member of low-income households. As a developing country Turkey also tackles with the trouble of low labor force participation rate of women. More clearly, in 2018, the regarding rate was % 34 which is far more behind the developed economies. Furthermore, the rate of women entrepreneurship is low as well, that corresponds to around % 1.5 of employed women. Therefore, within the scope of gender equality, measures supporting the employment and entrepreneurship of women become the focus of economy and social policies. Regardingly, microcredit financing emerges as a policy solution for employment and other socio-economic struggle areas of women. In this context, this study aims to analyze the efficiency of microcredit schemes provided via Turkish Grameen Microfinance Program by employing a non-parametric approach, that is data envelopment analysis. The methodology enables to provide an efficiency ranking on the basis of input and output variables among the selected provinces of Turkey. The findings indicate that the microcredit programs in the East region of Turkey are implemented so as to ensure higher efficiency scores compared with others

    Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımlar Kadın İstihdamını Artırır mı? Türkiye’de Hizmetler Sektörüne Yakından Bakış

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    The aim of this study is to investigate of the relationship between foreign direct investment and women employment. Focusing on services sector with the highest rate of women employment, we empirically attest whether foreign direct investment creates job opportunities for women and decrease the gender inequality for women in terms of employment. Propensity Score Matching techniques and Difference-in-Difference techniques are employed to firm level data for Turkish services industry over 2003-2012. The results of the study suggest that foreign direct investment increase women employment and create good jobs for women

    Is there a non-linear relationship between trade and growth? A panel threshold analysis for Central and Eastern European countries

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    It is suggested that international trade has a positive effect on the growth rate of economies. Although a vast literature has illustrated that open or more liberalised economies grow faster, the specific factors that promote this process have only recently begun to be investigated. We belive that there is a non-linear relationship between trade and growth, with the impact depending on a number of macroeconomic factors, i.e. the magnitude and even the direction of the effect of trade on economic performance might depend on other macroeconomic variables. Within this framework, our study aims to investigate the possible non-linearity in the trade-growth relationship, with a special focus on the financial deepening level for the selected Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. Unlike the existing empirical literature on trade-growth nexus for the CEE economies, we utilise threshold regression techniques, where we allow the size and direction of the impact of trade on growth to differ between regimes, conditioning on the financial deepening level of these countries. Regarding credit growth and investment/credit ratio as thresholds, the countries in the upper regime benefit significantly more from trade

    Nonlinear effects of income inequality on economic growth: A comparative analysis of selected countries

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    Purpose - The paper queries the impacts of income inequality on economic growth in selected advanced and emerging market economies by adopting nonlinearity and endogeneity.Methods - This research analysis is based on a balanced panel from 1996 to 2018 and employs the dynamic panel threshold analysis after baseline estimations with the fixed-effect, system Generalized Method of Moments, and difference Generalized Method of Moments.Findings - This study finds a nonlinearity between income inequality and economic growth. Income inequality has a significant threshold effect on the growth of both panels. Besides, the threshold effect of emerging market countries is higher than the level for advanced countries. This means emerging market economies are negatively affected above the estimated threshold value according to the advanced economies.Originality - This paper contributes to the literature by focusing on the nonlinear effects of income inequality and different aspects of economic growth above or below the estimated threshold value, thereby providing cross-country comparability and endogeneity

    Factors to escape the middle-income trap?

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    Çalışmamızda çeşitli teknolojik, makro-ekonomik ve kurumsal değişkenlerin orta gelirli ülkelerin kişi başı gelirlerindeki ortalama büyüme oranından daha yüksek büyüme performansı sergileme, diğer bir ifadeyle daha yüksek bir gelir grubuna geçiş olasılıkları üzerindeki etkisini analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktayız. Analizlerimiz Türkiyenin de içinde bulunduğu 56 orta gelirli ülke için 1990-2013 dönemini kapsamaktadır. Analiz sonuçları orta gelir tuzağından çıkış için beşeri sermayedeki ve teknolojideki iyileşmenin, kurumsal kalitedeki artışın ve sağlıklı makro göstergelerin önemini ortaya koymaktadır.We aim to examine the effects of various macroeconomic, technological and institutional variables on the probability of high growth performance for middle- income countries exceeding their average gdp per capita growth rate, in other words the probability of transition to a higher income group. Our analyses cover 56 middle-income countries including Turkey for the period of 1990-2013. The results of the study suggest the importance of improvements in human capital, technology, institutional quality and sound macroeconomic indicators to avoid the middle income trap

    Financial Performance and Risk Areas of University Training and Research Hospital Revolving Funds

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    Döner sermayeli işletmeler mali yönetim sistemimiz ve kurumsal performans üzerindeki etkileri nedeniyle kamu maliyesi açısından önemli kurumsal yapılar haline gelmiştir. Çalışmamızda 42 üniversite döner sermaye hastanesinin gelir, gider, borç yapısı 20092015 dönemi için panel veri analiziyle incelenmektedir. Analiz sonuçları döner sermaye gelir ve gider yapısındaki değişimin, döner sermaye açıkları ve borçları üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Üniversite döner sermayelerinde hizmet sunumu sürecinde gelirlerdeki artış yanında harcama yönetimini iyileştirmeye yönelik olmak üzere atılacak somut adımlar mali performansın iyileşmesine neden olacaktır. Mali yönetimin hastanelerde disiplinler arası çalışmalarla etkinlik odaklı olmak üzere iyileştirilmesi ve iç kontrol sisteminin kurumsallaşması mali performansın iyileşmesi ve sürdürülebilirlik açısından kaçınılmaz görülmektedir.Revolving funds have become critical institutions in terms of public finance due to our financial management system and the effects on corporate performance. In our study, the revenue, expenditure and debt structure of 42 university revolving fund hospitals are analyzed by panel data analysis for 2009-2015 period. The results of the analysis show us that change in the structure in income and expenses is a significant on revolving fund deficits and debts. The concrete steps to be taken to improve expenditure management beside increasing revenues in the university revolving funds will result in improving financial performance. The improvement of the fiscal management system based on the efficiency in the hospitals through interdisciplinary studies and the establishment of an effective internal control system are inevitable for ensuring better fiscal performance and financial sustainability