289 research outputs found

    Peak Shaving Considering Streamflow Uncertainties

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    The main thrust of this paper is peak shaving with a Stochastic hydro model. In peak sharing, the amount of hydro energy scheduled may be a minimum but it serves to replace less efficient thermal units. The sample system is die Kainji hydro plant and the thermal units of the National Electric Power Authority. The random nature of the system load is re-organized by using a Markov load model. The results include a modification of the expected load to be served by the array of thermal units, and the optimum schedule for the economic operation of the plant as a peaking load.

    Electricity Pricing in Less Developed Countries: Incorporating Economic Efficiency and Equity Objectives

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    Electricity tariffs suffer heavy distortions in many developing countries because of undue government influence. However, in view of increasing financing constraints in recent times and the need for increased energy efficiency, private sector participation in the electric utility industry in these countries is crucial for the future success of the industry. Consequently, to encourage private sectors efforts, electricity tariffs must be adjusted to acceptable economic levels. This paper presents the use of expected system load duration curve (LDC) and power plant input-output function to establish the shadow price for electricity for a study period. The paper also examines how this marginal opportunity cost (MOC) may be adjusted to capture equity objectives. The use of LDC and actual generating unit production function offers the following advantages: better perception of price feedback effects and the ability to incorporate economic despatch into energy shadow prices. Furthermore, with the use of LDC and system generating unit capacity outage function, it is possible to establish price probabilities for the planning period

    The Need For a Contemporary Nigerian Philosophy to be Taught at Every Level of Nigeria’s Educational Programme

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    This paper while acknowledging the importance of an in-depth study of Western philosophy as well as African philosophy for students of philosophy department holds that this content will not bring about the ethical, socio-political and economic reengineering very much needed in Nigeria. It is the contention of this paper that there is great need for social value reorientation in Nigeria and philosophy should provide the hub for this reengineering of the Nigerian society. The paper argues that there is a big vacuum at the base of Nigeria’s educational system where the students lack any philosophical sense of direction and do not as much as know the philosophy that underlies the societal way of life. The paper employing a critical philosophical appraisal of the current state of affairs argues that philosophy should not only be merely introduced to university students as one of the general courses studied for one semester, it should be studied from the nursery/primary school level through the secondary school to the university level. The content according to this paper should be well articulated as Contemporary Nigerian Philosophy with emphasis on moral leadership training with focus to incorporate future leaders into national values as well as inculcate in them a sense of patriotism which will help address the current ethical, socio-political and economic problems confronting the present day Nigerian society. The paper concluded by advocating the philosophical formulation of a generally acceptable value design to be copied by every segment of the society which will be taught as Contemporary Nigerian Philosophy at all levels of the Nigerian educational program and for all students whether in public or private schools

    A Philosophical Appraisal of Miracle in the Light of Its Multiple Claims in the Contemporary Nigerian Society

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    A miracle is an extraordinary event in the physical world that apparently surpasses all known human or natural power and is beyond any natural or scientific explanation. The problem of the unending multiplicity of churches in the contemporary Nigerian society can be traced to the multiple claims of miracles by Christian religious ministers. This paper presents an unbiased philosophical assessment of the concept of miracle with particular reference to Christian religion so as to determine the veracity of these claims. Employing a critical expository method, the paper examines the concept miracle from its etymology to its exclusive and inclusive meanings. It also examines the criteria for accepting miracles in the strict sense as well as some philosophical positions on miracles including some denials of its possibility. In reviewing the many claims of miracles, both the frivolous claims and the authenticated instances that confirm its possibility, the paper equivocally affirmed the reality of miracles but decried the many false claims of it by some contemporary Nigerian religious ministers who stage-manage fake “miracles”. In conclusion the paper affirmed that most of the publicized apparently miraculous events in many contemporary Christian denominations in Nigeria are not miracles in the strict sense. Keywords: Miracle, Magic, Contemporary Nigerian Churches, Philosophical Appraisal

    The Socio-Ethical Principle of Subsidiarity: A Philosophical Appraisal of Its Relevance in the Contemporary World

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    This paper is a critical exposition of the socio-ethical principle of subsidiarity with a view to establishing its continued ethical, socio-political and economic viability in the contemporary world. The paper is prompted by the fact that the human society in its search for catalysts to propel its development and wellbeing is a victim of the propagation and application of many faulty theories and principles that offer only limited solutions both in scope and time. Employing the critical expository method the paper reviews the historical origin of this principle, its political and socio-ethical dimensions, its scope of application, its difference from other related principles as well as its effects and relevance in the present day world. In appraising the value of subsidiarity the paper presents it as a principle which advocates the recognition and employment of the freedom, creativity and industry of the individual and lesser social entities by the higher authorities for the accomplishment of the common good. In conclusion the paper holds that subsidiarity is not an outdated principle but a very potent one which is highly recommended for socio-political and economic development. Keywords: Subsidiarity, Socio-ethical principle, Philosophical appraisal,    Relevance, Contemporary world

    Unit Commitment: A New Truncated Method of Unit Combination

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    The utility industry can reduce its fuel cost by proper commitment of schedulable generating unit. In this paper, a new truncation of unit combinations is proposed which will greatly reduce the number of unit combinations to be considered for large systems. A dynamic programming optimization based digital computer program has been developed for this new approach.Data obtained from the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA) has been used to test the efficacy of this approach. The results indicate a significant reduction in cost over the method of just considering the first N possible unit combinations generated by binary powers

    Physicochemical equivalence of some brands of Nifedipine retard tablets available in Nigeria

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    This research evaluated the physicochemical equivalence of some samples of Nifedipine 20 mg Retard Tablets available in Nigeria. Seven samples were randomly procured from various zones of the country and standard protocols applied to evaluate their tablet weight uniformity, dimensions, hardness, disintegration time, content of active Ingredient and in vitro drug release profile. Results showed that all the samples tested were chemically, but not physically equivalent. Although within each sample,compendial requirement for tablet weight uniformity was met, there were significant differences in the mean tablet weights, diameters and thickness of the samples studied (p < 0.05). Furthermore, tablet hardness and disintegration time varied much among the samples, but not within each sample. All the samples met the compendial requirement for content of active ingredient and released more than 80% of the drug within 4 h. It is therefore pertinent that manufacturers of this product be advised toformulate tablets that are equivalent in size, as different tablet sizes may impart negative psychological effects on clinicians and their patients when the need arises for switch over from one product to another, since the availability of particular products is never guaranteed at all times in Nigeria, a largely import dependent nation

    Teaching for Creativity: Science Teachers to the Rescue

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    The paper examines the need to teach for creativity and how science teachers can feature prominently in the move. The aim is to ensure that students’ learning is creative, and students develop creative thinking abilities that will help them to be productive and outstanding at the end of their career. The paper conceptually discussed the need to teach for creativity, and how teaching could be done creatively. Some practical steps to creative teaching were discussed. Some of the factors that hinder development of creativity in both students and teachers were highlighted. The paper concluded that teaching creatively and for creativity will bring about the solution to our national economic problems. Therefore, efforts should be made by the government to provide enabling environment in schools,  for the promotion of creative teaching and learning. Keywords: Teaching, Creativity, Science, Teachers, Rescu

    Modulatory effect of high molecular weight polyethylene glycols on drug release from ibuprofen matrix tablets

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    The work aim at investigating the channeling or modulatory effects of polyethylene glycol (PEG) (MW 4000 and 6000) on drug release from ibuprofen sustained release formulation. Different batches of ibuprofen matrix granules and tablet were prepared by melt granulation using different concentrations of carnauba wax and PEG at different ratios. The granule flow properties and various tablets parameters were evaluated using standard procedures. Drug release kinetics and mechanisms from the tablets were investigated as well as DSC and FTIR drug-excipients compatibility. The granules showed increasingly close packing with increase in the amounts of PEG incorporated. All the tablets did not meet compendial specifications with regard to crushing strength and friability. The release rate and extent of release were found to be influenced by the amount of PEG used as well as the carnauba wax concentration. PEG combination of equal amounts produced the highest release of 91 % in the formulation prepared with 12.20 %w/w of carnauba wax while a 1:2 combination in tablets prepared with 24.40 %w/w of carnauba wax gave a maximum drug release of 83 %. Drug release kinetic and mechanism were most consistent with the Higuchi model hence the release was diffusion mediated. DSC and FTIR studies showed no interactions between ibuprofen and the excipients. Carnauba wax-PEG system can be used successfully as a matrix former to sustain the release of ibuprofen for over 6 h. The studies indicate that the proper balance between a matrix former and a channeling agent can produce a desired drug dissolution profile.Keywords: carnauba wax, PEG, granulation, release modifier, ibuprofen, tablet
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