19 research outputs found

    Change of the precision of hand movements in young men after short-term (anaerobic) exercise

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    Background: Physical exercise causes disturbances of body homoeostasis resulting in fatigue. This affect the quality of motor activity, including precision of hand movement. The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of a short-term (anaerobic) physical exercise on hand movement in men in static and dynamic conditions. Materials &methods: The study group comprised of 52 young men aged 20.44±7.87 years old. Heartbeat frequency, systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured. Precision of hand movement was studied with the use of the MLS module from the Vienna Test System. Tests of precise hand movements were conduced in static and dynamic conditions. A number of errors committed was analysed. Tests were performed with a dominant hand, twice: before and after an anaerobic exercise. The exercise test was to perform a maximum number of arm flexes in frontal support (press-ups), until denied. Results: Comparison of test results before and after the exercise indicated a statistically significant increase of hand tremor in statics and no changes in dynamics after the exercise. This occurrence was manifested by a number of errors made. Using multiple regression, it was shown that hand tremor in statics is related to body built. Higher values of height and body mass correlated with a greater number of errors. A statistically significant impact of resting heartbeat frequency on a number of errors in statics was also observed. In dynamic conditions, a relationship between hand tremor and a volume of work performed and the resultant heartbeat frequency was detected. The increase in number of flexes by one causes the increase in number of errors by two. Conclusion: Physical exercise significantly affects hand precision in statics in the students studied. Impact of physical exercise on a greater number of errors committed in a dynamic test was not observed

    Late diagnosed necrotizing fasciitis as a cause of multiorgan dysfunction syndrome: A case report

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    Necrotizing fasciitis is a rapidly progressive, life-threatening soft tissue bacterial infection. We present a serious case of a 43-year-old male who suffered from necrotizing fasciitis of the left leg in whom a delayed diagnosis caused multiorgan dysfunction

    Mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke – Five years of experience in Poland

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    Objectives Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) is not reimbursed by the Polish public health system. We present a description of 5 years of experience with MT in acute stroke in Comprehensive Stroke Centers (CSCs) in Poland. Methods and results We retrospectively analyzed the results of a structured questionnaire from 23 out of 25 identified CSCs and 22 data sets that include 61 clinical, radiological and outcome measures. Results Most of the CSCs (74%) were founded at University Hospitals and most (65.2%) work round the clock. In 78.3% of them, the working teams are composed of neurologists and neuro-radiologists. All CSCs perform CT and angio-CT before MT. In total 586 patients were subjected to MT and data from 531 of them were analyzed. Mean time laps from stroke onset to groin puncture was 250±99min. 90.3% of the studied patients had MT within 6h from stroke onset; 59.3% of them were treated with IV rt-PA prior to MT; 15.1% had IA rt-PA during MT and 4.7% – emergent stenting of a large vessel. M1 of MCA was occluded in 47.8% of cases. The Solitaire device was used in 53% of cases. Successful recanalization (TICI2b–TICI3) was achieved in 64.6% of cases and 53.4% of patients did not experience hemorrhagic transformation. Clinical improvement on discharge was noticed in 53.7% of cases, futile recanalization – in 30.7%, mRS of 0–2 – in 31.4% and mRS of 6 in 22% of cases. Conclusion Our results can help harmonize standards for MT in Poland according to international guidelines

    Knowledge of pregnant women about breastfeeding and subsequent feeding problems.

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    Ochrona, propagowanie i wspieranie karmienia piersią jest nadrzędnym celem działań publicznej służby zdrowia. W chwili obecnej odsetek kobiet karmiących piersią jest niski, a te które próbują karmić, odstawiają dziecko od piersi zbyt wcześnie. Taka sytuacja pociąga za sobą poważne, negatywne konsekwencje zdrowotne i społeczne dla samych matek, ich dzieci, społeczeństwa i środowiska naturalnego. Wiąże się ze wzrostem wydatków publicznych na ochronę zdrowia i powiększa dysproporcje stanu zdrowia w społeczeństwie.Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu jaki ma poziom wiedzy kobiet na temat karmienia piersią, na późniejsze występowanie problemów z karmieniem i długość karmienia wyłącznie piersią.Przeprowadzono analizę danych na podstawie 3 kwestionariuszy ankiet. Pierwszą wypełniło 149 ciężarnych kobiet. Kolejną w miesiąc po urodzeniu tylko te kobiety, które zamierzały karmić wyłącznie piersią. Ostatnią ankietę wypełniały w czwartym miesiącu po urodzeniu, te z kobiet, które karmiły wyłącznie piersią po pierwszym miesiącu.Wyniki badań w niniejszej pracy wskazują, iż kobiety nie posiadają wystarczającej wiedzy na temat karmienia piersią. Największą wiedzę posiadają kobiety po 25 roku życia, z wyższym wykształceniem i kobiety posiadające już dzieci. Jedynie 35% kobiet z całej 149 osobowej grupy kobiet karmiło dziecko wyłącznie piersią w czwartym miesiącu życia. Były to zwykle kobiety, które charakteryzowały się dużą wiedzą na temat karmienia piersią. Ponad połowa ankietowanych kobiet uważa, że personel medyczny choć jest głównym źródłem wiedzy dla matek, to jednak nie angażuje się wystarczająco w pomoc kobietom w zakresie karmienia naturalnego.The protection, propagating and supporting the breast-feeding is an overarching objective of functionings of the public health service. At present the percentage of breast-feeding women is low, and the ones which they are trying to feed, are weaning the child too early. Such a situation is involving serious, health and social negative consequences for very mothers, their children, the society and the natural environment. He is connectedwith the rise in public expenses on the health care and is enlarging disproportions of the medical condition in the society.The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of which is the knowledge of women about breastfeeding, the later occurrence of problems with feeding and length of exclusive breastfeeding.An analysis of data from three questionnaires. The first completed the 149 pregnant women. Another one month after giving birth to only those women who intend to breast-feed exclusively. The final questionnaire was filled in the fourth month after birth, those of women who breast-fed exclusively after the first month.The results in this study suggest that women do not have enough knowledge about breastfeeding. The greatest expertise are women over 25 years of age, with higher education and women that already have children. Only 35% of women from across the 149 strong group of women was feeding children exclusively breastfed at four months of age. They were usually women who were characterized by high knowledge about breastfeeding. More than half of women surveyed believe that medical personnel while being the main source of information for mothers, it is not involved enough in helping women in the breast-feeding

    The phenomenon of the professionall burnout syndrome among nurses working in the District Hospital in Limanowa

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    Zjawisko wypalenia zawodowego dotyczy różnych grup zawodowych i specjalności. Wspólną cechą tych zawodów jest ich psychospołeczny charakter , który oznacza konieczność koncentracji na problemach innych osób. Niesie to ze sobą szereg niebezpieczeństw do których zaliczamy te, związane ze sferą fizyczną, psychiczną, emocjonalną, rodzinną i zawodowa. Celem pracy było zbadanie znajomości problematyki wypalenia zawodowego, przedstawienie jego przyczyn, a także porównanie skali występowania tego zjawiska wśród pielęgniarek pracujących w oddziałach zabiegowych i zachowawczych Szpitala Powiatowego w Limanowej. Narzędziem badawczym użytym do badań był kwestionariusz ankiety własnej konstrukcji złożony z 30 pytań zamkniętych oraz kwestionariusz wypalenia zawodowego Ch. Maslach. Badaniami objęto 124 pielęgniarki. Wśród pielęgniarek poziom wiedzy na temat wypalenia zawodowego należy uznać za wystarczający. Do czynników wywołujących poczucie braku satysfakcji i zadowolenia należy zaliczyć wyczerpanie emocjonalne oraz niski poziom wynagrodzenia. Występowanie zjawiska wypalenia zawodowego jest zróżnicowane w zależności od specyfiki oddziału.The phenomenon of the professional burnout syndrome concerns various occupational groups and specializations. The common feature of these occupations is their common socio-psychological character, which indicates the necessity of concentration on the other people’s problems. It carries a lot of dangers with itself, which includes those connected with physical, psychological, emotional, family and occupational spheres. The aim of the thesis was the research on the knowledge of the professional burnout syndrome, the presentations of their causes and also the comparison of the scale of this phenomenon among the nurses working in surgical and conservative wards of the District Hospital in Limanowa. The research tool used was the questionnaire consisting of 30 closed questions.which I prepared myself, and also the questionnaire of the professional burnout syndrome by Ch. Maslach. The research included 124 nurses. Among the nurses the level of knowledge of the professional burnout syndrome can be recognized as sufficient. To the factors causing the feeling of the lack of satisfaction and contentment we should include the emotional exhaustion and the low level of salaries. The occurrence of the professional burnout syndrome is differential and it depends on the specificity of the hospital ward

    Medycyna stylu życia jako prozdrowotny trend współczesnego prosumenta

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    The aim of this study is to present the profile of the modern prosumer and analyze their behavior on the health services market in the context of the latest health-promoting trend — lifestyle medicine. The patient’s participation in medical diagnostics was discussed. Attention was paid to the reasons for transformation of medical systems, among others due to changes in the patient’s needs. The theoretical aspects of lifestyle medicine, including evidence-based medicine (EBM), were discussed. Finally, an analysis of the lifestyle of Polish consumers was made based on the results of own study. Less than 20% of respondents are familiar with the term “lifestyle medicine”. Most respondents identify this term with a healthy lifestyle. The respondents’ declarations show that the modern consumer leads a healthy lifestyle, regularly engaging in sports and eating properly balanced meals. As an informed consumer, he or she reads the labels on the packaging and considers each purchase very carefully. He or she is also vulnerable to advertising and other marketing tools, and is aware of this. Nearly 61% of respondents do not know the term “prosumer”. For other people, a prosumer is the modern consumer who consciously and actively makes choices, is involved in co-creating the product and takes part in its promotion.The aim of this study is to present the profile of the modern prosumer and analyze their behavior on the health services market in the context of the latest health-promoting trend — lifestyle medicine. The patient’s participation in medical diagnostics was discussed. Attention was paid to the reasons for transformation of medical systems, among others due to changes in the patient’s needs. The theoretical aspects of lifestyle medicine, including evidence-based medicine (EBM), were discussed. Finally, an analysis of the lifestyle of Polish consumers was made based on the results of own study. Less than 20% of respondents are familiar with the term “lifestyle medicine”. Most respondents identify this term with a healthy lifestyle. The respondents’ declarations show that the modern consumer leads a healthy lifestyle, regularly engaging in sports and eating properly balanced meals. As an informed consumer, he or she reads the labels on the packaging and considers each purchase very carefully. He or she is also vulnerable to advertising and other marketing tools, and is aware of this. Nearly 61% of respondents do not know the term “prosumer”. For other people, a prosumer is the modern consumer who consciously and actively makes choices, is involved in co-creating the product and takes part in its promotion

    The role of Nrf2 in acute and chronic muscle injury

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    The nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is considered as a master cytoprotective factor regulating the expression of genes encoding anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying proteins. The role of Nrf2 in the pathophysiology of skeletal muscles has been evaluated in different experimental models, however, due to inconsistent data, we aimed to investigate how Nrf2 transcriptional deficiency (Nrf2(tKO)) affects muscle functions both in an acute and chronic injury. The acute muscle damage was induced in mice of two genotypes-WT and Nrf2(tKO) mice by cardiotoxin (CTX) injection. To investigate the role of Nrf2 in chronic muscle pathology, mdx mice that share genetic, biochemical, and histopathological features with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) were crossed with mice lacking transcriptionally active Nrf2 and double knockouts (mdx/Nrf2(tKO)) were generated. To worsen the dystrophic phenotype, the analysis of disease pathology was also performed in aggravated conditions, by applying a long-term treadmill test. We have observed slightly increased muscle damage in Nrf2(tKO) mice after CTX injection. Nevertheless, transcriptional ablation of Nrf2 in mdx mice did not significantly aggravate the most deleterious, pathological hallmarks of DMD related to degeneration, inflammation, fibrotic scar formation, angiogenesis, and the number and proliferation of satellite cells in non-exercised conditions. On the other hand, upon chronic exercises, the degeneration and inflammatory infiltration of the gastrocnemius muscle, but not the diaphragm, turned to be increased in Nrf2(tKO)mdx in comparison to mdx mice. In conclusion, the lack of transcriptionally active Nrf2 influences moderately muscle pathology in acute CTX-induced muscle injury and chronic DMD mouse model, without affecting muscle functionality. Hence, in general, we demonstrated that the deficiency of Nrf2 transcriptional activity has no profound impact on muscle pathology in various models of muscle injury