21 research outputs found
Student opinions of the efficacy of select methods of external recruitment with special focus on online methods
PURPOSE: This research aimed to assess the efficacy of select methods of external recruitment,
with a special focus on online methods, as viewed through the opinions of students.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Studies were conducted in April 2019 using the diagnostic
poll method and a questionnaire as the tool of the survey research technique. The verification
of the posed hypotheses was conducted with a statistical analysis using the IBM SPSS Statistics
25 suite. The suite served to analyse basic descriptive statistics, Student’s t-test for independent
samples and a chi-squared test of independence.FINDINGS: The results revealed that job-seekers predominantly conduct their searching on the
Internet. As the respondents indicate, this is also the most effective method.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The effectiveness of selected methods of external recruitment determined
in the research may facilitate their proper selection. This, in turn, would allow to select an
appropriate group of potential job candidates. At the same time, the dynamics of changes in
the labor market requires constant monitoring of the usefulness of recruitment methods.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Acquaintance with modern methods of recruiting employees is necessary
to obtain candidates meeting the employer’s expectations. From this point of view, it becomes
extremely important to assess the effectiveness of selected methods of external recruitment.peer-reviewe
Podnoszenie kwalifikacji pracowników gminnych placówek oświatowych
Local government formed in Poland after 1989, aimed not only to increase the empowerment of citizens but also the efficient use of resources at the disposal of the state at each level of the public structure management. The decentralization process based on the principle of subsidiarity, in its assumption, concentrated mainly on improving the skills and strengthening the intellectual potential of society. Thus, the education at preschool, primary and middle school level was assigned as the sole task of municipal governments, secondary – counties’ (poviats’), colleges – provinces’ (voivodeships’). With the decentralization of educational tasks, the municipalities were obliged to create a consistent and efficient system of education based on qualified teachers and other employees of the educational administration. The research problem in the study relates to the qualifications and, particularly, to the possibility of raising them by the municipal educational staff. The aim is to evaluate the level of qualifications of the municipal educational employees and to propose activities that may raise their qualifications.
Conducted qualitative research showed that only half of the respondents assessed that their skills have improved, whereas the remaining municipal education workers of the Warmia and Mazury region have no knowledge of the matter or are convinced that the qualifications have not improved.System samorządu terytorialnego, ukształtowany w Polsce po 1989 roku, zmierzał nie
tylko do upodmiotowienia obywateli, ale też do podniesienia efektywności wykorzystania zasobów pozostających w dyspozycji państwa na każdym szczeblu w strukturze zarządzania publicznego. Proces decentralizacji, opierający się na zasadzie subsydiarności, z założenia zmierzał przede wszystkim do podniesienia kwalifikacji i wzmocnienia potencjału intelektualnego społeczeństwa.
To dlatego oświatę w jej wymiarze przedszkolnym i podstawowym, a następnie gimnazjalnym przypisano, jako zadanie własne, samorządom gminnym, powiatom zaś szkoły średnie, a samorządom województw państwowe wyższe szkoły zawodowe. Wraz z decentralizacją zadań oświatowych na gminy nałożono obowiązek stworzenia spójnego i sprawnego systemu kształcenia opierającego się na wykwalifikowanej kadrze nauczycieli i pracowników administracji oświatowej. Problem badawczy w opracowaniu odniesiono do kwalifikacji, a szczególnie możliwości ich podnoszenia przez pracowników gminnej oświaty. Jako cel przyjęto ocenę stanu kwalifikacji pracowników gminnej oświaty i zaproponowanie działań sprzyjających podniesieniu kwalifikacji pracowników lokalnej oświaty. Przeprowadzone badania jakościowe dowiodły, że w ocenie tylko połowy badanych pracownicy oświaty gminnej na Warmii i Mazurach podnoszą swoje kwalifikacje, a pozostali badani albo nie mają wiedzy na ten temat, albo twierdzą, że kwalifikacje te nie poprawiają się
Management of Commune’s Financial Resources Under Conditions of Debt Bondage
Background. A commune local government is formed by inhabitants holding power through their representatives selected to the commune council and to positions of the executive body. Successful local growth is ensured by collaboration among all entities while fulfilling tasks specified by the state law and arising from inhabitants needs. In this paper an entity refers to inhabitants because this choice stems from the conviction that inhabitants co-participate in performing tasks and thus bear the consequences of management which, in the case of finance management, may lead to ill-considered expenditures and excessive indebtedness. Therefore, the research investigates inhabitant’s knowledge about financial economy, specifically the scale of the commune’s debt and related ramifications. Research aim. The aim of the studies conducted is to propose a model for finance man-agement in the commune local government, including management under conditions of debt bondage, where local potentials are used for acquiring larger financial resources from the commune local government’s members. Method. The research method used for the studies was a diagnostic survey. The survey rested on the method of questionnaire surveys and interview. The fragment of extensive empirical research carried out in all 118 communes across Warmia and Mazury Region was harnessed in the paper. Direct questionnaire surveys and interviews covered more than 5,000 persons, including councillors, officials, and principally inhabitants. 215 persons were randomly selected out of the whole base of questionnaires. Key finding. The research subject outlined reveals a primary research problem addressed in the studies. This refers to the knowledge among the commune local government’s members about the magnitude of debt in the commune, knowledge about individuals responsible for this indebtedness and, finally, implications of the debt for inhabitants
Reconversion as an aspect of the professional activation of soldiers on the civilian labor market
Na współczesnym rynku pracy miejsce znajdują pracownicy o różnych zawodach, a więc specyficznej wiedzy, odmiennych umiejętnościach, doświadczeniu, a także mentalności społecznej. Specyficzną grupę zawodową stanowią żołnierze zawodowi, których kwalifikacje a także przyzwyczajenia ze służby wojskowej nie są specjalnie poszukiwane na rynku pracy. Swoiste cechy wymagają odpowiedniego podejścia do nich, jako do pracowników i stosowania właściwie ukierunkowanych rozwiązań mających na celu zagospodarowanie tego potencjału. Wychodząc naprzeciw oczekiwaniom żołnierzy, ustawodawca przewidział rekonwersję, czyli pomoc udzielaną żołnierzom zawodowym, którzy odchodzą ze służby wojskowej. Podjęty w opracowaniu problem rekonwersji w korpusie zawodowej służby wojskowej i jej wpływ na pracę zawodową po ukończeniu służby jest zagadnieniem bardzo ważnym i mającym znaczenie nie tylko w obszarze służby wojskowej ale też poza nią w cywilnych obszarach gospodarki. Celem prezentowanych badań jest ocena działań rekonwersyjnych w środowisku żołnierzy zawodowych, które prowadzą do podejmowania zatrudnienia na cywilnym rynku pracy. Badania służące realizacji celu przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem techniki badań ankietowych i narzędzia jakim jest kwestionariusz ankietowy. Objęto nimi pracowników, którzy przeszli z czynnej służby zawodowej w wojsku do cywila.On the contemporary labour market, there are vacancies for employees representing various occupations, and, therefore, specific expertise, different abilities and experience, as well as social mentality. A specific professional group is constituted by professional soldiers, the qualifications, and also habits from the time of military service, of whom are not in a particular demand on the labour market. Peculiar qualities require an appropriate approach to these people as to employees, and the application of appropriately-directed solutions, the objective of which is to take advantage of that potential. Meeting the expectations of soldiers halfway, the legislator stipulated the possibility of reconversion, and that means assistance provided to professional soldiers who are ending the period of their military service. The question of the reconversion of the professional service soldiers and the influence exerted by it upon professional career after the end of military service is a very important issue, and the one of significance not only in the scope of military service, but also beyond it, in the civil areas of economy. The objective of the presented research is to assess reconversion activities in the milieu of professional soldiers which result in taking up jobs on the civil labour market. Research the purpose of which was to attain that objective was conducted with the application of the diagnostic survey method, using the survey technique and a survey questionnaire as a tool. The study group was composed of employees who completed their military service as professional service
Extra–Remuneration Motivational Factors in Public Administration Offices
Każda organizacja, bez względu na specyfikę czy sektor, w którym funkcjonuje, tworzy własny system motywacyjny, czyli system oddziaływania na zespoły pracownicze. Celem tego systemu jest zachęcanie pracowników do podejmowania działań pożądanych
i unikania zachowań niekorzystnych z punktu widzenia całej organizacji. System motywacyjny i składające się na niego czynniki motywujące są instrumentami, których wdrożenie wymaga wiedzy i umiejętności o roli człowieka w procesie pracy, a także o jego pozycji w otaczającym go świecie rzeczy i symboli (Penc, 1996, s. 139). System motywacyjny winien zmierzać do zbudowania organizacji opierającej się na wykwalifikowanej kadrze, która – szczególnie w sektorze publicznym i samorządzie terytorialnym – może wpłynąć na sukces w rodzącej się konkurencji w obrębie organizacji sektora publicznego.W artykule odniesiono się do problemu braku lub wadliwie funkcjonującego w obrębie samorządów gminnych systemu motywacyjnego na przykładzie pracowników urzędów. Na podstawie badań wśród urzędników podjęto próbę zdiagnozowania i oceny pozapłacowych czynników motywacyjnych – podstawą do tego był kwestionariusz ankiety przeprowadzony w urzędach samorządów gminnych Warmii i Mazur na przełomie 2013 i 2014 roku.Each and every organization, regardless of specifics or sector of operations, creates its own motivational scheme—a system influencing the employee team. The objective of this scheme is motivating employees to undertake desirable activities while refraining from behavior that is unfavorable from the point of view of the organization as a whole. The motivational scheme and its component motivational factors are instruments whose implementation necessitates knowledge and skills relating to the role of the person in the work process as well as the person’s position in the surrounding world of things and symbols (Penc, 1996, p. 136). The motivational scheme should strive to build an organization based on a qualified staff that, especially in the public sector and local government, can have an impact on success in competition emerging within the public sector organization.
The article makes reference to the question of a lack of or a faulty motivational scheme functioning within local government using public administration officials as examples. It is on the basis of research into these officials that an attempt was made at diagnosing and assessing extra–remuneration motivational factors. This was based on a questionnaire conducted in the offices of the local government offices of the Warmia and Masuria Voivodeship at the turn of 2013 and 2014
Improving the Management of Storage Stock in the Tire Industry Using the Example of a Selected Company
In a well-organized company, stock levels are precisely planned. In order to optimize inventory, various analyses of inventory usage are carried out in terms of them quantity and status. The work presents research on improving the method of managing inventory in the tire industry using the example of a selected company. The company operates warehouses in which tires for passenger cars and vans are stored. Products stored in warehouses ensure high standards. The company focuses on individuality and has a strong market position. The paper presents the results of the ABC and XYZ analysis that allow grouping tires by demand, value and number. The criteria for choosing the ABC/XYZ method are a simple way of use and low financial outlays, in contrast to such methods as MRP or just in time. Furthermore, calculations of such standards as rotation ratios for individual seasons and optimal inventory were carried out. The rotation indicator allows determine which goods are sold quickly and which goods are selling poorly, and therefore the costs associated with their storage are probably higher than from the sale of profits. As a result of the analysis, improvements were made to the inventory management system. The implementation of the proposed methods and tools for inventory management allowed the company to eliminate unnecessary inventories, reduce storage costs and minimize inventory control
One of the most significant managerial functions is motivating which leads to the implementation of the particular organizational objectives, to shaping of engagement and loyalty of its members and, consequently, to the raising effectiveness of their actions. The properly constructed solutions in the area of employee motivating process may result in the several benefits for the organization, which is true also for the public institutions including the academic ones, which employ a specific group – academic teachers. The aim of the herein study was the identification of the factors which have an impact on the motivation of academic teachers employed in the higher education institution. The research was conducted with the questionnaire survey among the academic employees of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland. The conducted survey concludes that the motivation of employees is affected by various factors, mostly concerning the remuneration for work and also with the self-development possibilities, stability of employment, interpersonal relations, and effective communication. It is vital and worth to use the knowledge about them for improving the quality and efficiency of the organization.Motyvavimas tai viena svarbiausių valdymo funkcijų, kuri tinkamai įgyvendinama gali atnešti daug naudos organizacijai, padeda pasiekti jos tikslus, prisideda prie jos narių įsipareigojimų ir lojalumo kūrimo, o taip pat padidina jų veiklos efektyvumą. Efektyvių motyvacijos sprendimų kūrimo problematika svarbi kiekvienoje organizacijoje, tai taip pat liečia ir viešąsias organizacijas, kurioms priklauso universitetai, įdarbinantys konkrečią profesinę darbo grupę – dėstytojus. Pateikto tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti veiksnius, įtakojančius įdarbintų universitete dėstytojų motyvaciją. Tyrimai tikslui pasiekti buvo atlikti apklausos metodu Varmijos Mozūrų universitete Olštyne. Atlikti tyrimai rodo, kad dėstytojų motyvaciją įtakoja daug įvairių veiksnių, susijusių iš esmės su darbo atlyginimu ir profesinio tobulėjimo galimybe, o taip pat su įdarbinimo saugumu, darbo atmosfera ir sąlygomis ar informacijos srautu ir bendravimu universitete. Žinias apie juos verta panaudoti žmogiškųjų išteklių analizuojamoje organizacijoje kokybės ir efektyvumo pagerinimui
Motivating leads to implementation of particular organizational objectives, to shaping engage-ment and loyalty of its members and, consequently, to raising effectiveness of their actions. Properly constructed solutions in the area of employee motivating process may result in several benefits for an organization, which is also appropriate for public institutions, including the academic ones. The main goal of the research presented in this study was to assess factors shaping engagement of employees of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The research aimed at achieving the goal was carried out using questionnaire method among the group of workers who were not the academic teachers. The conducted research confirmed that motivation and commitment of employees are influenced by a variety of factors in such areas as: attitude to work and organization, learning and development, relations with superiors, communication and cooperation, work organization and also rewarding and motivating. In the surveyed organization, the last of the indicated areas was rated the most critically, which indicates the need to improve solutions in the scope of the incentive system, with particular emphasis on the employee remuneration system.Motyvavimas padeda organizacijai pasiekti konkrečių tikslų, skatina jos narius įsitraukti į veiklą, būti lojaliems, taip pat kelti savo paslaugų kokybę. Tinkamai suformuoti sprendimai susiję su darbuotojų motyvavimu gali atnešti daug naudos kiekvienai organizacijai. Tai susiję ir su viešosiomis instituci-jomis, kurioms priskiriamos ir aukštosios mokyklos. Pagrindinis šių tyrimų tikslas –darbuotojų aktyvaus veikimo formavimo veiksnių įvertinimas Varmijos-Mozūrijos universitete Olštyne, Lenkija. Tyrimas buvo atliktas naudojant anketas, kurios buvo išplatintos ne dėstytojams. Atlikti tyrimai patvirtino, kad darbuotojų motyvaciją ir aktyvią veiklą daro įtaką įvairiems veiksniams, tokiose srityse kaip: požiūris į darbą ir organizaciją, mokymasis ir tobulėjimas, santykiai su vadovais, bendravimas ir bendradarbiavi-mas, darbo organizavimas bei atlyginimas ir skatinimas. Tiriamoje organizacijoje kritiškiausiai buvo įvertinta paskutinioji iš nurodytų sričių, a tai rodo, kad būtina tobulinti skatinimo sistemos sprendimus, atkreipiant ypatingą dėmesį į darbuotojų atlyginimų sistemą
Security of Public Financial Resources and the Public Procurement Procedure – Analysis of Transparency and Characteristics of Procedures Based on Research
The subject of the study is an analysis of the procedures related to the selection of the most advantageous offer in the process defined in the public procurement law. Pointing out the essence of the problem in the area of public financial resources management, attention was paid first of all to legal solutions, their number of changes since the first act was passed in 1994, and to the essence of public financial resources management in the surrounding reality. Based on an analysis of Internet resources randomly selected from more than 50 local governments, mainly districts of large Polish cities, the transparency of public procurement procedures was assessed. Thus, with regard to a particular district, the methods of case study and expert analysis were used in scientific evaluation of the public procurement phenomenon. Then, on the basis of the literature and analysis of the surrounding reality, changes were indicated, the introduction of which will improve public procurement. The results of the research in particular boroughs were used to diagnose the research problem related to transparency in public procurement proceedings and to achieve the objective, which was to develop a state diagnosis and proposals of changes ensuring an increase in the level of utilisation of public financial resources. It was assumed in the study that proper management of public financial resources in the area of expenses, especially those covered by public procurement law, eliminates excessive debt and thus creates security in the area of local financial resources. At the end of the study, recommendations were presented to eliminate the identified shortcomings in the legal solutions and functioning public procurement procedures
Financial Security of the Public Sector and Citizens Versus Transparency of the Real Estate Tax Management
With the decentralisation of state management, decisions have been taken to strengthen the financial autonomy of public-law organisations. Decentralisation, together with the new area of competence of local governments, has become a very important element of the process of educating citizens in the area of finance, especially in the area of tax management. This article is devoted to the problem of proper use of real estate tax by the gmina self-government, hence its functionality in the context of the law in force and the use of this law by the inhabitants of the gminas and local authorities. Within the scope of decisions influencing the amount of income of the gmina self-government from the real estate tax, there are residents, who most often determine the taxable area they use. Next, the decision-making and executive bodies, acting jointly, decide on the subjective and material scope of the tax. It should also be noted that the functionality of this tax is strongly influenced by the residents who contact their representatives in the gmina authorities and officials who consistently perform their duties and control the properties of the area to be taxed. Citizens’ knowledge of public finances, especially of the rules determining the size of liabilities towards the state budget or public-law partnerships functioning within it, including budgets of local governments, translates into financial security not only of local budgets but also of household budgets. The study used research among taxpayers of this tax. It analysed the legal dimension and the income from this tax in a selected region of the Republic of Poland. The main objective of the study, apart from the assessment of the functionality of real estate tax, is to build a model of real estate tax management that takes into account, first of all, the principle of tax justice