70 research outputs found

    The duration of pregnancy in ecologically-challenged area. The effects of environmental pollution with aromatic hydrocarbons on the angiogenesis and elements of the mesenchymal tissue of the human placenta

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    Introduction: The literature presents only few reports regarding the effects of elevated levels of aromatic hydrocarbons (AH) on the functions of the human placenta. The effects of environmental contamination with AH (including phenol and 1-hydroxypyrene) have certain negative effects on parenchymal organs such as human placenta. Objective: The paper aimed to assess the effects of elevated levels of AH on the placental angiogenesis and elements of the mesenchymal tissue of the placenta. Material and methods: Tissue material from 50 afterbirths from Płock constituted a study group, whereas 50 afterbirths from Kutno constituted a control group. Immunohistochemical reactions with the peroxidase method using LSAB kits (DAKO) were performed. The extent and intensity of reactions were analysed. The levels of phenols and 1-hydroxypyrene in the excreted urine of pregnant women (undergoing delivery) were detected using gas chromatography and colorimetry. Results: The levels of phenol and 1-hydroxypyrene in the excreted urine were demonstrated to be statistically significantly higher in patients living in the area of Płock. Statistically significantly higher expression of antibodies indicating placental angiogenesis was observed in the placentas in the Płock group (p < 0.01). Moreover, lower expression of vimentin indicating reactions with proteins in mesenchymal cells was observed in the Kutno group (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Pregnancy in the environment with elevated levels of aromatic hydrocarbons has detrimental effects on the human placenta. The foetus is protected by activation of adaptation and compensation mechanisms that are manifested as significant angiogenesis and greater development and differentiation of mesenchymal cells compared to the control group

    Prostate cancer in patients from rural and suburban areas : PSA value, Gleason score and presence of metastases in bone scan

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    Introduction. Prostate cancer is the second most common neoplasm among men both worldwide and in Poland. In prostate cancer, bone metastasis is related to a poorer prognosis. A diagnosis of metastatic bone disease is important in prostate cancer patients prior to therapy. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) serum value is used both as a screening tool and for staging of prostate cancer. Aim. To evaluate whether there is a link between symptoms presented by patients, pain in particular, and the presence, number and location of bone metastases as assessed by bone scan scintigraphy in concordance with PSA values and Gleason scores. Material. A group of 186 patients (aged: 68.38±6.16) diagnosed with prostate cancer, from rural and suburban areas of Małopolska province, that was directed for bone scan scintigraphy to the Nuclear Medicine Dept, John Paul II Hospital in Kraków. Methods. Analysis of all laboratory findings (including PSA value) and a biopsy were performed. Then, bone scan scintigraphy was done with the use of methylene disphosphonate (MDP) labeled with Tc-99m. Results. In patients with a Gleason value ≤7 and a PSA value ≤20 ng/ml, the cutoff value for a negative bone scan with a confidence interval of 0.95 was established at a PSA value below 10 ng/ml (p<0.01). Correlations were established between PSA value and presence of metastases in bone scan (r=0.45, p=0.05), the number of metastases (r=0.66, p<0.01), and their presence in particular body regions. Conclusions. The correlation between PSA value and both presence and number of metastases confirms the usefulness of bone scan scintigraphy in prostate cancer staging. The cutoff value for negative bone scan with a 95% confidence interval was established at PSA = 10 ng/ml

    Salt caves as simulation of natural environment and significance of halotherapy

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    Introduction. Human activity usually leads to a deterioration in air quality; therefore, searching for places that simulate an environment without pollution is important. Artificial salt caves play crucial role, as a kind of therapy, known as halotherapy, based on treatment in a controlled air medium that simulates a natural salt cave microclimate. Objective. Evaluation of awareness about the existence of salt caves, basic knowledge about the purpose for their presence among people who bought salt caves sessions, and checking their subjective estimation of salt caves influence on their well-being. Material & Methods. 303 inhabitants (18–51-years-old) of 3 randomly chosen cities of southern Poland were surveyed using a validated author’s questionnaire. Both genders were represented in comparable numbers. Results. It was be observed that knowledge about the existence of salt-caves is common – 94% of respondents. 96 persons bought at least 3 salt caves sessions. The majority of women, did this for therapeutic reasons (57%), and men for both therapeutic and relaxation reasons (both 39%). Both among women and men, the dysfunctions intended to be cured by sessions included problems with throat, larynx or sinus. Depression as a reason for buying sessions was mentioned only by women. In general, those who attended felt better after sessions in salt caves. Conclusion. Besides the health benefits, people do not have free time for rest and activities in clean air; moreover, stress is inseparable from everyday life, and for that reasons salt caves become places that help to support a proper lifestyle

    Gestational diabetes mellitus/hyperglycaemia during pregnancy in Poland in the years 2010–2012 based on the data from the National Health Fund

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    Objectives: The incidence of gestational diabetes varies depending on a country and it is extremely difficult to analyse. The aim of the study was to assess the incidence of gestational diabetes in Polish population. Material and methods: Based on the data from the National Health Fund (NHF) the authors analysed reports regarding deliveries performed and then, determined the rates of gestational diabetes/hyperglycaemia during pregnancy and pregestational diabetes in Poland in the years 2010–2012. Results and conclusions: In Poland, the incidence of gestational diabetes was estimated to be 4.665% in 2010, 6.918% in 2011 and 7.489% in 2012. The incidence of pregestational diabetes was 1.067% in 2010, 1.116% in 2011 and 0.932% in 2012

    Cardiac rehabilitation : a good measure to improve quality of life in peri- and postmenopausal women with microvascular angina

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    Cardiac Syndrome X (CSX) was considered a stable coronary syndrome, yet due to its nature, CSX symptoms often have a great impact on patients’ Quality of Life (QoL). According to ESC 2013 stable coronary artery disease criteria, CSX was replaced by Microvascular Angina (MA).Unfortunately, most CSX or MA patients, after classical angina (involving main coronary vessels) has been ruled out, often do not receive proper treatment. Indications for pharmacological treatment of MA patients were introduced only recently. Another problematic issue is that scientists describing the pathophysiology of both CSX and MA stress a lack of a deeper insight into the multifactorial etiology of the source of pain associated with this disease. In the presented article we have attempted to study the influence of cardiac rehabilitation (3 months programme) on the QoL of patients recognized as suffering from MA, as well as to check if changes in myocardial perfusion in these patients at baseline and after completion of cardiac rehabilitation match changes in their QoL. Therefore, after screening 436 women for MA, we studied 55 of them who were confirmed as having MA and who agreed to participate in the study. Exercise tests, Myocardial Perfusion Imaging, and QoL questionnaires were studied at baseline and after completing 3 months period of cardiac rehabilitation. Results were subsequently compared, which showed a link between improved perfusion score in SPECT study and improved overall physical capacity, on one hand, and improved QoL score on the other. These results confirm that cardiac rehabilitation is a very useful treatment option for MA patients. It seems that training during cardiac rehabilitation is a very important factor (improved physical efficiency –&amp;amp;gt; increase in self-belief), and that taking into consideration the multifactor pathophysiology of pain, it is connected with a better quality of life for MA patients

    Modele funkcji poznawczych względem wybranych parametrów stanu funkcjonalnego tarczycy u kobiet po menopauzie

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    Introduction: The objective of the study was the development of models of cognitive functions in a group of post-menopausal women, according to the concentration of the selected laboratory parameters evaluating the functional state of the thyroid gland. Material and methods: The study was conducted during 2012–2014, and covered women aged 50–65 years, minimum two years after the last menstruation, without chronic diseases, cancerous diseases, mental disorders, addiction to drugs or alcohol, and who did not use hormone replacement therapy. At the stage of qualification, a brief MoCA test was performed; 383 women were qualified for the study. Blood was collected for the determination of such parameters as: TSH, TT4, fT4, anti-TPO, anti-Tg, and AB-TSHR. Assessment of cognitive functions was performed using the diagnostic instrument Central Nervous System — Vital Signs (CNS-VS) (Polish version). The results were statistically analysed. Results: The mean age of the women in the study was 56.4 ± 3.4; the mean TSH was 1.91 ± 1.35 mU/L, fT4 14.76 ± 2.34 pmol/L, and TT4 99.12 ± 16.98 nmol/L. Mean values were: 64.74 IU/L for anti-TPO, 100.69 IU/L for anti-Tg, and 1.40 IU/L for AB-TSHR. The examined women obtained the neurocognitive index (NCI) on the level of 84.4 scores, on average. The lowest results were obtained in tests assessing cognitive flexibility (mean 78.64 scores), processing speed (mean 79.25 scores), and executive functions (mean 79.75 scores). In the tests evaluating complex attention, the mean values were 82.24 scores, psychomotor speed — mean 83.42 scores, and reaction time — mean 86.87 scores. The women examined obtained the best results in tests assessing memory (mean 90.15 scores), including verbal (mean 91.22 scores), and visual (mean 93.37 scores). The NCI and cognitive function models were assessed from the aspect of thyroid gland examinations in post-menopausal women. Based on the analyses performed, the following conclusions were drawn: The developed models of cognitive functions indicate a considerable effect of TSH, fT4, AB-TSHR, and anti-TPO, as well as TT4 and anti-Tg, on the level of cognitive functions after menopause in the group examined. The conducted study suggests the need for examination of the functional state of the thyroid gland in post-menopausal women who show cognitive function disorders.Wstęp: Celem pracy było opracowanie modeli funkcji poznawczych w grupie kobiet po menopauzie w zależności od stężenia wybranych parametrów laboratoryjnych oceniających stan funkcjonalny tarczycy. Materiał i metody: Badanie przeprowadzono w latach 2012–2014. Zbadano kobiety w wieku 50–65 lat; minimum 2 lata od ostatniej miesiączki, bez chorób przewlekłych, chorób nowotworowych, chorób psychicznych, uzależnień od leków i alkoholu oraz nieprzyjmujące hormonalnej terapii zastępczej. Na etapie kwalifikacji przeprowadzono krótki test MoCA. Do badania zakwalifikowano 383 kobiety. Badanym pobrano krew do oznaczeń takich parametrów, jak: TSH, TT4, fT4, anty-TPO, anty-Tg, AB-TSHR. Ocenę funkcji poznawczych przeprowadzono na podstawie aparatury diagnostycznej funkcji poznawczych CNS-VS (wersja polska). Wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej. Wyniki: Średnia wieku badanych kobiet wynosiła 56,4 ± 3,4 roku. Badane miały TSH średnio 1,91 ± 1,35 mU/l, fT4 14,76 ± 2,34 pmol/l i TT4 99,12 ± 16,98 nmol/l. Średnie wartości wynosiły 64,74 IU/l dla anty-TPO, 100,69 IU/l dla anty-Tg i 1,40 IU/l dla AB-TSHR. Badane kobiety uzyskały indeks neurokognitywny (NCI) średnio na poziomie 84,4 pkt. Najniższe wyniki uzyskały w testach oceniających plastyczność poznawczą (średnio 78,64 pkt.), szybkość przetwarzania (średnio 79,25 pkt.) i funkcje wykonawcze (średnio 79,75 pkt.). Wyniki w testach oceniających skupianie uwagi wynosiły średnio 82,24 pkt., szybkość psychomotoryczną — średnio 83,42 pkt. oraz czas reakcji — średnio 86,87 pkt. Najlepiej wypadły badane kobiety w testach oceniających pamięć (średnio 90,15 pkt.), w tym werbalną (średnio 91,22 pkt.) i wzrokową (średnio 93,37 pkt.). Wnioski: Oszacowano modele NCI i funkcji poznawczych względem badań tarczycowych u kobiet po menopauzie. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz wyciągnięto wnioski: Opracowane modele funkcji poznawczych wskazują na znaczny wpływ TSH, FT4, AB-TSHR i anty-TPO, jak również TT4 i anty-Tg na poziom funkcji poznawczych po menopauzie w badanej grupie. Przeprowadzone badanie sugeruje potrzebę badania stanu funkcjonalnego tarczycy u kobiet po menopauzie wykazujących zaburzenia funkcji poznawczych

    Superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activity in pregnancy complicated by diabetes

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    The objective of the study was determination of the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in blood and placental tissues of pregnant women with pregnancy complicated by diabetes, pregnant women with physiological pregnancy, and non-pregnant women, as well as a comparative analysis of blood and placental tissue parameters in the groups of women examined. The material for the study was blood and placental tissue from 50 pregnant women who received treatment due to insulin-dependent diabetes (PD). For the control group, 50 pregnant women without diabetes (HP), and 30 non-pregnant women (NP) were selected. SOD activity in erythrocytes was evaluated by the method of spectrophotometry with the use of RANSOD kit (RANDOX Laboratories Ltd., UK). The activity of GPx activity in erythrocytes was determined according to the method by Paglia and Valentine using RANSEL kit (RANDOX Laboratories Ltd). The results were subject to statistical analysis. Insulin-dependent diabetes in pregnancy affects the activity of anti-oxidative enzymes. In the blood of women with pregnancy complicated by diabetes, the activity of anti-oxidative enzymes – SOD and GPx is higher than in the blood of women with physiological pregnancy and the control group. In the placental tissue from pregnancy complicated by diabetes, the activity of SOD significantly decreases, while the activity of GPx increases, compared to women in physiological pregnancy

    Impact of spinal pain on daily living activities in postmenopausal women working in agriculture

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    Introduction and objective Postmenopausal women working in agriculture suffer from spinal pain for two overlapping reasons, the first is related to the menopause and the second to the specificity of rural work, which includes lifting heavy objects and changing weather conditions. Spinal pain affects the daily life of women as well as their ability to work. The objective of the study was to analyse the impact of spinal pain on activities of daily life in Polish postmenopausal women performing agricultural work. Material and Methods The study was conducted in 2016 in Poland and included 1,119 post-menopausal women living in rural areas and working in agriculture. The women assessed the severity of spinal pain in 3 sections: neck, thorax and lumbar. Neck Disability Index (NDI) and Oswestry Low Back Disability Index (ODI) questionnaires were used to assess the impact of spinal pain on daily life activities. Generalized linear models were estimated in statistical analyses. Results Postmenopausal women working in agriculture suffered most often from pain in the lumbar spine, less frequently in the neck, and the least in the thoracic. The most common was an isolated pain in only one section of the spine. Spinal pain disturbed the most the women’s rest, standing, lifting objects, while sleep, concentration, and walking the least. The impact of spinal pain on the activities of daily life, on average, was moderate, and increased with greater pain severity, the earlier the age the pain started, the higher the body weight, the lower education level and if there was a co-existing pain in any of the other spine sections. The impact of spinal pain on daily life activities did not depend on age between 45–65, WHR, age at last menstruation, parity, and number and types of births. Conclusions The impact of spinal pain on daily life activities in postmenopausal women working in agriculture was assessed as moderate, on average, and depended mainly on spinal pain-related characteristics, such as severity, age at onset and co-existence of pain in any other spinal section

    Standards for thyroid laboratory testing, and cognitive functions after menopause

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    Introduction: The aim of the study is to analyze the relationship between normative and non-normative thyroid tests (TSH, TT4, TT3, FT3, FT4, anti-TPO, anti-Tg, AB-TSHR) and the level of cognitive functions in postmenopausal women. Material and methods: The study group consisted of 383 women from south-eastern Poland, aged 50-65 years. The cognitive functions were evaluated using a diagnostic instrument - Central Nervous System - Vital Signs (CNS-VS). Blood was collected for determination of the following parameters: TSH, TT4, TT3, FT3, FT4, anti-TPO, anti-Tg, AB-TSHR. Results: There were significant differences in NCI, executive functions, psychomotor speed, reaction time, complex attention and cognitive flexibility, depending on the normative and non-normative level of TSH. Women whose level of FT3 was at the lower limit of the normal range obtained poorer results in psychomotor speed, while subjects with levels of FT4 below the standard achieved significantly lower scores for this function. The relationship between NCI and cognitive functions, and the normative and non-normative anti-TPO results, showed significant differences in verbal memory, visual memory, processing speed and reaction time. The level of AB-TSHR reported as normal or above the norm significantly differentiated from the results of NCI, processing speed, executive functions, psychomotor speed, complex attention and cognitive flexibility. Conclusions: Concentrations of laboratory parameters assessing the thyroid function located within the upper limits of the normal range showed a different relationship with the cognitive performance than concentrations located within the lower limits of the standard