191 research outputs found

    SkredsĂžk ved bruk av magnetometer

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    En innledende teoretisk analyse viser at den beste metoden for Ä detektere begravde ferromagnetiske gjenstander er ved Ä bruke to magnetometre montert i en fast avstand og Ä bruke forskjellen i mÄleverdi (gradienten) som mÄlevariabel. SnÞdekket pÄvirker ikke magnetfeltet i mÄlbar grad. Praktiske forsÞk medbil harvist at en kan forvente en deteksjonsavstand opp til 15 meter med denne metoden. Styrken i mÄlesignalet er omvendt proporsjonal med avstanden i 4 grad. Ved mindre enn 5 meters avstand vil en derfor fÄ helt sikker deteksjon. Magnetometer kan utvikles til et praktisk mÄleinstrument som pÄ en enkel mÄte kan anvendestil Ä finne biler begravd i skredsnÞ.Hordaland vegkonto

    Effect of Extrusion Variables on the Hydrogen Cyanide and Haemagglutinin Content of Extruded Blends of Cassava Products and African Yam Bean

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    High quality cassava flour (CF) and African yam bean (AYB) flour  were blended together , also pregelatinized, shreaded cassava chips (Ighu) and AYB flour were blended separately using feed ratios of 0.54:99.46, 20:80, 50:50, 80:20, 99.46:0.54 (AYB/CF or AYB/Ighu) The extruder screw speed and the moisture content of the blends were also varied. The samples were extruded using a single screw extruder. Hydrogen cyanide content and haemagglutinin contents of the extrudates and the raw samples were determined. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using response surface methodology. The results obtained showed that there were no significant difference (p > 0.05) in the linear, quadratic and interaction for moisture content and screw speed, but there were significant difference in the linear and quadratic effects of feed composition on the hydrogen cyanide of the samples. The results also showed that extrusion cooking affected the hydrogen cyanide content of AYB/Ighu blends more than the cassava flour/AYB blends. The values obtained were below the Industrial Standard for cassava and cassava products. The residence time of the feed material had significant effect on the reduction of haemagglutinin content of the end products. The model for AYB/ Ighu was adequate more than that of AYB/CF. Keywords: Hydrogen cyanide, haemagglutinin, extrusion, cassava, African yam bea

    Undergraduate Usage of Mobile Phones and Its Implication of School Application

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    The study is a survey research intended to find out undergraduate usage of mobile phones and its implication of school application. The colloquium population is 27,650 at which two hundred and thirty eight undergraduate students were randomly selected from two universities in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. A questionnaire on “current trends in mobile phone usage among adolescents” was used for the study.  The instrument was validated and tested reliable.  Five research questions were formulated to guide the study.  The researcher as well as ten research assistants personally administered the questionnaire.  The questionnaire forms were collected on the spot and so there was a hundred percent rate of return.  It was discovered that nearly all the undergraduate students own mobile phones and majority consider it very useful.  Several reasons were advanced for owning a mobile phone by students.  These include; for mobility, emergency, e-mails and short message service, self assurance, improved social status, for fashion, loading information, social network and malpractice.  The features commonly used by students apart from  sending and receiving calls is the short message service.  The implications of mobile phone usage by students on school administration are: it is an object of distraction, encourage laziness as students now browse instead of going to the library, an object for examination malpractice and several other vices.  Recommendations were made to check the use of mobile phones by undergraduate students in Nigerian universities. Keywords: Mobile phone, Cellular technology, school administration

    The independent director and effective corporate governance

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    As a response to the rash of scandals in particularly USA and Europe in recent times, corporate governance has elicited a lot of interest worldwide. Today there is growing dialogue among the different stakeholders about corporate governance and how it should evolve to cope with the increasingly dynamic and global nature of our capital markets. Worldwide, corporate reforms and other initiatives are being taken as remedies to rebuild trust in corporate governance. Corporate reforms have led to the introduction in many countries of various codes or guidelines for best practices in corporate governance. Until now, probably the most important basic ingredient of these reform initiatives has been the emergence of the 'independent director'. The introduction of this concept of independent director is at the heart and soul of corporate governance. Although the relevance or otherwise of this class of director to corporate success has been the subject of robust discourse, it is generally accepted that a 'lack of monitoring by independent, disinterested non-executive directors has been a major cause for the various corporate scandals that we have witnessed'. The first section of this study attempts a comparative analysis of various definitions (taken from corporate governance codes of various countries) of the independent director, taking a look at his role within the corporate structure. The second part examines the rationale for including the viii viii independent director on the board, his effectiveness, and his relevance in relation to corporate performance

    Physico-chemical properties of wheat-yam flour composite bread

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    AbstractThis work investigated the effect of yam flour substitution on characteristics of wheat bread and also determined the functional properties of the experimental flour samples. Flours were obtained from three varieties of yam (Dioscorea rotundata, Dioscorea alata and Dioscorea bulbifera) and blended with wheat flour at 25, 50 and 75 percent levels of substitution for bread production. Wheat flour (WF) and each of the yam flours were used as the positive and negative controls respectively. The functional properties (bulk density, water/oil absorption capacities, emulsion activity) of the flour samples were determined while the proximate, physical and sensory characteristics of loaves were also determined. The functional properties of the flour samples ranged from 0.42g/ml to 0.67g/ml packed bulk density; 0.39g/ml to 0.47g/ml loose bulk density; 0.88ml/g to 2.10ml/g oil absorption capacity; 1.50ml/g to 3.90ml/g water absorption capacity and 43.75% to 49.37% emulsion activity. The proximate composition of the bread samples ranged from 26.82% to 38.90% moisture, 4.23% to 5.10% fat, 6.10% to 9.25% protein, 1.90% to 2.45% ash, 0.12% to 0.64% crude fiber and 46.43% to 56.71% carbohydrate. The volume, weight and specific volume of loaves varied from 200ml to 400ml, 142.6g to 170.2g and 1.18ml/g to 2.81ml/g respectively. The crack formation of bread samples showed that there were no cracks on wheat bread (WF) and 25% yam flour substituted breads while 100 percent yam flour breads had large cracks. The sensory properties of the 25% yam flour substituted breads were statistically (p>0.05) the same with the 100% wheat bread but differed from all the other bread samples. The mean score of the sensory attributes decreased as yam flour increased in the formulation. Sensory Evaluation of the bread samples showed that substitution level of 25% yam flour produced bread that was acceptable to the consumers whereas up to 50% and above were not acceptable. It is therefore recommended that substitution level of not more than 25% yam flour be used for yam/wheat composite bread production

    Fatty acid profile of pebbly fish, Alestes baremoze (Joannis, 1835) from Lake Albert, Uganda: Implications for its feed requirements

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    The objective of this study was to establish the fatty acid profile of Alestes baremoze, with a view of establishing its dietary fatty acid requirements. Fish samples from Lake Albert were categorized into four classes according to fork lengths (1–10 cm, 11–20 cm, 21–30 cm, and 31–40 cm), with each class comprising of six fish. In addition, eggs were collected from six sexually mature females. A total of 35 fatty acids were identified and categorized into saturated fatty acids (SFAs), monounsaturated acids (MUFAs), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). SFAs accounted for 5.07% to 37.05%, MUFAs and PUFAs constituted 20.65% to 53.78%, and 10.34% to 66.10% respectively, of total fatty acids in all studied fish size classes. The results from this study indicated that fatty acid composition in A. baremoze varied significantly with size classes. The findings may provide guidance on the fatty acid inclusions for diets formulated for this fish under culture conditions


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    In this study, we examine factor analysis as a multivariate statistical tool, starting from the origin of factor analysis with regards to Spearman’s approach of 1904 to the three phases of factor analysis. This is done with a view of determining the similarities and individual contributions of each of the three phases of factor analysis. This was achieved by examining the algorithms used in parameter estimations of the three phases of factor analysis. By inputting data into the algorithms and examining their outcomes and proffering recommendations based on the respective findings. Keywords: generalized linear models, factor analysis, EM algorithm, generalized linear latent variable models DOI: 10.7176/MTM/11-3-01 Publication date:May 31st 2021

    Effect of Different Particle Sizes on The Akara Making Potentials of Pigeon Pea Flour

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    The study evaluated the potentials of Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) flour in the production of akara (fried cake). The flour samples were produced by soaking the seeds in water, dehulled, oven dried and ground to flour and divided into 4 units. The flour was passed through sieve of different size while the control was not sieved. Physicochemical and sensory analyses were conducted for the flour and akara using standard methods and results were presented as mean ± standard deviation using ANOVA. Significance was accepted for p≀0.05 by Duncan multiple range test. Result of functional properties showed that the sieved pigeon pea bulk density, emulsion capacity and foam capacity increased with increase sieve aperture in the range 0.73 to 0.81(g/mg), 43.08 to 46.66, and 44.35 to 46.14 respectively, while wettability (1.53 to 1.88) and gelation capacity (11.10 to 11.17) decreased. The results of the proximate composition of the akara showed values for pigeon pea and cowpea flours in moisture content, ash, fibre, protein and carbohydrates. The Sensory evaluation results showed that all the sensory parameters evaluated increased with decreased sieve aperture and differed significantly with respect to overall acceptability. Keywords: proximate, sensory, quality, cowpe
