5,029 research outputs found

    A Field-Induced Re-Entrant Novel Phase and A Ferroelectric-Magnetic Order Coupling in HoMnO3

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    A re-entrant novel phase has been observed in the hexagonal ferroelectric HoMnO3 in the presence of magnetic fields, in the temperature ranges defined by the plateau of the dielectric constant anomaly. The dielectric plateau evolves with fields from a narrow sharp dielectric peak at the Mn-spin rotation transition at 32.8 K in zero magnetic field. Such a field-induced dielectric plateau anomaly appears both in the temperature sweep at a constant field and in the field sweep at a constant temperature without detectable hysteresis. This is attributed to the indirect coupling between the ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic orders, arising from an antiferromagnetic domain wall effect, where the magnetic order parameter of the Mn subsystem has to change sign across the ferroelectric domain wall in the compound, that influences the ferroelectric domains via a local magnetostrictive effect

    High-precision spectroscopy of ultracold molecules in an optical lattice

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    The study of ultracold molecules tightly trapped in an optical lattice can expand the frontier of precision measurement and spectroscopy, and provide a deeper insight into molecular and fundamental physics. Here we create, probe, and image microkelvin 88^{88}Sr2_2 molecules in a lattice, and demonstrate precise measurements of molecular parameters as well as coherent control of molecular quantum states using optical fields. We discuss the sensitivity of the system to dimensional effects, a new bound-to-continuum spectroscopy technique for highly accurate binding energy measurements, and prospects for new physics with this rich experimental system.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Measurements of galactic cosmic ray shielding with the CRaTER instrument

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    [1] The Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) instrument aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been measuring energetic charged particles from the galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) and solar particle events in lunar orbit since 2009. CRaTER includes three pairs of silicon detectors, separated by pieces of tissue-equivalent plastic that shield two of the three pairs from particles incident at the zenith-facing end of the telescope. Heavy-ion beams studied in previous ground-based work have been shown to be reasonable proxies for the GCRs when their energies are sufficiently high. That work, which included GCR simulations, led to predictions for the amount of dose reduction that would be observed by CRaTER. Those predictions are compared to flight data obtained by CRaTER in 2010–2011


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    This paper introduces the updated plans for sensor calibration and product validation of the Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping (PRISM), which is to fly on the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) satellite that will be launched this Japanese fiscal year. PRISM is used to derive digital elevation models (DEMs) with very high spatial resolution, which is also one of the objectives of the ALOS mission. To achieve this objective, PRISM consists of three panchromatic radiometers for forward-, nadir-, and backward-looking in the along-track direction, and acquires the images in the same orbit and at almost the same time. The geometric calibration is important in generating a highly accurate DEM with high spatial resolution by using PRISM’s triplet images. Highly accurate ground control points (GCP) are necessary to calibrate the geometric accuracy and validate the generated DEM. Collecting GCP worldwide is difficult and hard work in spite of its importance. In this paper, we describe the current plans for calibrating and validating PRISM aboard the ALOS, and in particular, our strategies for preparing GCP with evaluation items for geometric calibration, including expected problem effects regarding geometric accuracy. 1

    Sensitive observations at 1.4 and 250 GHz of z > 5 QSOs

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    We present 1.4 and 5 GHz observations taken with the Very Large Array (VLA), and observations at 250 GHz obtained with the Max-Planck millimeter bolometer (MAMBO) at the IRAM 30~m telescope, of ten optically selected Quasi-stellar Objects (QSOs) at 5.0 < z < 6.28. Four sources are detected at 1.4 GHz two of which are radio loud and are also detected at 5 GHz. These results are roughly consistent with there being no evolution of the radio-loud QSO fraction out to z~6. Three sources have been detected at 250 GHz or 350 GHz at much higher levels than their 1.4 GHz flux densities suggesting that the observed mm emission is likely thermal emission from warm dust, although more exotic possibilities cannot be precluded. The highest redshift source in our sample (J1030+0524 at z=6.28) is not detected at 1.4 or 250 GHz, but four fairly bright radio sources (flux density at 1.4GHz > 0.2 mJy) are detected in a 2' field centered on the QSO, including an edge-brightened ('FRII') double radio source with an extent of about 1'. A similar over-density of radio sources is seen in the field of the highest redshift QSO J1148+5251. We speculate that these over-densities of radio sources may indicate clusters along the lines-of-sight, in which case gravitational lensing by the cluster could magnify the QSO emission by a factor 2 or so without giving rise to arcsecond-scale distortions in the optical images of the QSOs.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures. accepted by A

    Atributos químicos de um Latossolo Amarelo sob diferentes sistemas de manejo.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os atributos químicos de um Latossolo Amarelo sob diferentes sistemas de manejo do solo, no cerrado piauiense. Foram avaliados quatro sistemas de manejo: plantio convencional por três anos; plantio direto por três anos (PD3) e cinco anos (PD5), com uso de milheto como cultivo de cobertura; e plantio direto por nove anos (PD9), dos quais sete com uso de milheto e dois com forrageira. Utilizou-se área de cerrado nativo como referência. As amostras do solo foram coletadas em períodos chuvosos e secos, nas camadas 0,00?0,05, 0,05?0,10, 0,10?0,20 e 0,20?0,40 m, para determinação de pH, Al3+, H+Al, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, P disponível, carbono orgânico total (COT), soma de bases (SB), capacidade de troca de cátions efetiva (t) e potencial (T), e saturação por bases (V) e por alumínio (m%). O sistema PD9 apresentou maiores valores de pH e menores de Al3+, H+Al e m%. Observaram-se maiores valores de Ca2+, K+, SB, t, T, V e P sob PD5 e PD9, até 0,20 m. Os maiores valores de COT foram verificados sob PD5 e PD9, exceto na camada de 0,00?0,05 m. O acúmulo de material orgânico associado ao uso de forrageira em PD favorece o aumento dos teores de COT nas camadas mais profundas do solo, no período seco

    Atributos químicos de um Latossolo Amarelo sob diferentes sistemas de manejo.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os atributos químicos de um Latossolo Amarelo sob diferentes sistemas de manejo do solo, no cerrado piauiense. Foram avaliados quatro sistemas de manejo: plantio convencional por três anos; plantio direto por três anos (PD3) e cinco anos (PD5), com uso de milheto como cultivo de cobertura; e plantio direto por nove anos (PD9), dos quais sete com uso de milheto e dois com forrageira. Utilizou-se área de cerrado nativo como referência. As amostras do solo foram coletadas em períodos chuvosos e secos, nas camadas 0,00?0,05, 0,05?0,10, 0,10?0,20 e 0,20?0,40 m, para determinação de pH, Al3+, H+Al, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, P disponível, carbono orgânico total (COT), soma de bases (SB), capacidade de troca de cátions efetiva (t) e potencial (T), e saturação por bases (V) e por alumínio (m%). O sistema PD9 apresentou maiores valores de pH e menores de Al3+, H+Al e m%. Observaram-se maiores valores de Ca2+, K+, SB, t, T, V e P sob PD5 e PD9, até 0,20 m. Os maiores valores de COT foram verificados sob PD5 e PD9, exceto na camada de 0,00?0,05 m. O acúmulo de material orgânico associado ao uso de forrageira em PD favorece o aumento dos teores de COT nas camadas mais profundas do solo, no período seco.201

    Adiabatic Domain Wall Motion and Landau-Lifshitz Damping

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    Recent theory and measurements of the velocity of current-driven domain walls in magnetic nanowires have re-opened the unresolved question of whether Landau-Lifshitz damping or Gilbert damping provides the more natural description of dissipative magnetization dynamics. In this paper, we argue that (as in the past) experiment cannot distinguish the two, but that Landau-Lifshitz damping nevertheless provides the most physically sensible interpretation of the equation of motion. From this perspective, (i) adiabatic spin-transfer torque dominates the dynamics with small corrections from non-adiabatic effects; (ii) the damping always decreases the magnetic free energy, and (iii) microscopic calculations of damping become consistent with general statistical and thermodynamic considerations

    Photometric Properties of Kiso Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies in the Lynx-Ursa Major Region

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    We have performed a systematic study of several regions in the sky where the number of galaxies exhibiting star formation (SF) activity is greater than average. We used Kiso ultraviolet-excess galaxies (KUGs) as our SF-enhanced sample. By statistically comparing the KUG and non-KUG distributions, we discovered four KUG-rich regions with a size of 10×10\sim 10^\circ \times 10^\circ. One of these regions corresponds spatially to a filament of length 60h1\sim 60 h^{-1} Mpc in the Lynx-Ursa Major region (α9h10h,δ4248\alpha \sim 9^{\rm h} - 10^{\rm h}, \delta \sim 42^\circ - 48^\circ). We call this ``the Lynx-Ursa Major (LUM) filament''. We obtained V(RI)CV(RI)_{\rm C} surface photometry of 11 of the KUGs in the LUM filament and used these to investigate the integrated colors, distribution of SF regions, morphologies, and local environments. We found that these KUGs consist of distorted spiral galaxies and compact galaxies with blue colors. Their star formation occurs in the entire disk, and is not confined to just the central regions. The colors of the SF regions imply that active star formation in the spiral galaxies occurred 107810^{7 - 8} yr ago, while that of the compact objects occurred 106710^{6-7} yr ago. Though the photometric characteristics of these KUGs are similar to those of interacting galaxies or mergers, most of these KUGs do not show direct evidence of merger processes.Comment: 39 pages LaTeX, using aasms4.sty, 20 figures, ApJS accepted. The Title of the previous one was truncated by the author's mistake, and is corrected. Main body of the paper is unchange