197 research outputs found

    Trening kompetencji międzykulturowej na podstawie analizy podręcznika do nauki języka szwedzkiego dla uczniów na poziomie średniozaawansowanym Rivstart B1+ B2

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    The aim of the article is to reflect upon the conveying of cultural content in the foreign language classroom that contributes to the development of intercultural competence. It has been attempted to systematize the multitude of aspects which characterizes the use of cultural studies in language classes. It has been done by drawing attention to reasons for taking into consideration this sort of knowledge while preparing the lessons and teaching methods that are in favour of an insightful contact with a cultural content. Attention has been primarily drawn to the coursebook Rivstart B1+B2 that is intended for intermediate students of Swedish language. The coursebook has been subjected to a comprehensive analysis with regard to the cultural learning

    „Naziści bez granic”, czyli o postaci nazisty we współczesnym niemieckim dyskursie humorystycznym na podstawie wybranych filmów z kanału Browser Ballett

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    The article aims to show how the concept of Nazi is profiled in modern German humorous discourse. A vital role in the research is assigned to the linguistic worldview conception, as well as to SSTH and GTVH (especially the ideas of script opposition and logical mechanisms). The research also makes use of cognitive domains. The article deals with the construction of audiovisual satirical content by presenting a qualitative analysis of selected humorous clips from a popular YT channel Browser Ballett. Another objective is to pinpoint the most salient cultural and social aspects that could be found in humorous texts on Nazism.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest pokazanie, w jaki sposób profilowane jest pojęcie nazista we współczesnym niemieckim dyskursie humorystycznym. Przy użyciu SSTH i GTVH (m.in. opozycji skryptów i propozycji mechanizmów logicznych), a także paradygmatu kognitywnego (m.in. domeny kognitywne) oraz JOS autor stara się pokazać, w jaki sposób mogą być konstruowane audiowizualne teksty satyryczne. Analiza wybranych żartobliwych filmów z popularnego kanału Browser Ballett ma charakter jakościowy. Dalszym celem jest próba wskazania na najważniejsze aspekty kulturowospołeczne stanowiące podstawę treściową dla badanych satyrycznych wypowiedzi

    Distributed Transactions Modeling with the Use of Petri Nets

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    The attempt of using ordinary Petri Net to model and study Three-Phase Commit protocol (3PC) is presented. A brief overview of Petri Nets is introduced. The nature of typical and distributed transactions are explained. 3PC protocol actions are described. The Petri Net of 3PCprotocol followed by reachability analysis and study of the net properties is presented.Зроблено спробу використання простої мережі Петрі для моделювання й дослідження трифазного протоколу фіксації (ЗРС). Наведено короткий огляд мереж Петрі. Пояснено сутність звичайних і розподілених транзакцій. Дано опис кроків протоколу ЗРС. Проаналізовано доступність мережі Петрі з протоколом ЗРС і досліджено властивості запропонованої мережі

    „Pieśń o domu” / „Ein Lied über das Haus”

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    Tłumaczenie na język niemiecki, wykonane przez Kamila Iwaniaka i oryginalny tekst wiersza Marii Konopnickiej „Pieśń o domu”

    BIOPEP-PBIL alat za analizu biološki aktivnih motiva, izdvojenih iz proteina hrane

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    This work describes a flexible technique for the analysis of protein sequences as a source of motifs affecting bodily functions. The BIOPEP database, along with the Pôle Bioinformatique Lyonnais (PBIL) server, were applied to define which activities of peptides dominated in their protein precursors and which structure of the protein contained the most of the revealed activities. Such an approach could be helpful in finding some structural requirements for peptide(s) to be regarded as biologically active (bioactive). It was found that apart from the activities of peptides that commonly occur in the majority of proteins (e.g. ACE inhibitors), all analyzed proteins can be a source of motifs involved in e.g. activation of ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis. This could be important in designing diets for patients who suffer from neural diseases. The structure and bioactivity analyses revealed that if peptides were to be \u27bioactive\u27, it is essential that they assume the position of a coil (or combination of coil and a-helix) in the sequence of their protein precursors. However, it is recommended to consider the factors such as the length of peptide chains, the number of peptides in the database as well as the repeatability of the occurrence of characteristic amino acids, both in the peptide and in the protein when studying the bioactivity and structure of biomolecules.U radu je opisana prilagodljiva tehnika analize sekvencije proteina koji sadrže motive što utječu na funkcije organizma. BIOPEP baza podataka i Pôle Bioinformatique Lyonnais (PBIL) server upotrijebljeni su da bi se odredile aktivnosti peptida što prevladavaju u prekurzorima proteina, te koje strukture proteina imaju najveću aktivnost. Takav bi pristup mogao pomoći u otkrivanju strukturnih značajka koje pridonose biološkoj aktivnosti peptida. Utvrđeno je da ispitani proteini, osim što pokazuju aktivnost uobičajenu za većinu proteina (npr. inhibiraju acetilkolinesterazu), mogu sadržavati motive koji sudjeluju u ubikvitin-ovisnoj proteolizi. To bi moglo biti važno za određivanje prehrane bolesnika koji pate od neuroloških poremećaja. Analizom strukture i biološke aktivnosti uočeno je da bioaktivni peptidi moraju imati konformaciju uzvojnice (ili kombinaciju uzvojnice i α-ploče) u sekvencijama prekurzora proteina da bi imali to svojstvo. Međutim, pri proučavanju bioaktivnosti i strukture biomolekula treba uzeti u obzir i duljinu peptidnih lanaca, broj peptida u bazi podataka, te ponovljivost karakterističnih aminokiselina u peptidu i proteinu

    Analiza peptida iz hrane

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    The aim of this review is to discuss the definition of food peptidomics and highlight the role of this approach in food and nutrition sciences. Similar to living organisms, food peptidome may be defined as the whole peptide pool present in a food product or raw material. This definition also covers peptides obtained during technological processes and/or storage. The area of interest of food peptidomics covers research concerning the origin of peptidome, its dynamic changes during processing and/or storage, the influence of its presence, the composition and changes in the pool of peptides on the properties of food products or raw materials as well as the methods applied in research into this group of compounds. The area of interests of food peptidomics would include biological activity, functional properties, allergenicity, sensory properties and information on the product or resource authenticity and origin as well as its history and relationships. Research methods applied in food peptidomics, with special emphasis on computational methods, are also summarized.Ovaj revijalni prikaz razmatra definiciju pojma „food peptidomics“, tj. istraživanje peptida iz hrane i njihovu ulogu u prehrambenoj tehnologiji i nutricionizmu. Slično živim organizmima, „peptidome“ hrane obuhvaća sve peptide u prehrambenom proizvodu ili sirovini, a i one proizvedene tijekom prerade i/ili njihova skladištenja. Ova grana znanosti obuhvaća istraživanje podrijetla peptida, dinamičnosti njihove promjene pri preradi i/ili skladištenju, utjecaja peptida, njihova sastava i promjene sastava na svojstva prehrambenih proizvoda i sirovina, te metode istraživanja. To uključuje ispitivanje njihove biološke aktivnosti, funkcionalnih, alergenskih i senzorskih svojstava, informacije o autentičnosti i porijeklu proizvoda ili izvora, te povijesni razvoj i odnose. U radu su opisane metode istraživanja peptida, s posebnim naglaskom na računske metode

    In silico ispitivanje biljnih i životinjskih proteina kao prekurzora inhibitora angiotenzin konvertirajućeg enzima

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    This paper presents a modern in silico approach useful in the evaluation of proteins as a source of ACE inhibitors. All protein sequences analyzed were derived from the BIOPEP database. To determine the protein value, the following criteria of evaluation were applied: the profile of potential biological (ACE inhibitory) activity of a protein, the frequency of the occurrence of fragments with ACE inhibitory activity (A) and the potential biological activity of a protein (B). The results, based on a statistical analysis, indicate that milk proteins can be a better source of ACE inhibitors than wheat gliadins. Moreover, all analyzed gliadins possessed more potent ACE inhibitors than chicken meat proteins. No significant differences were observed when comparing A values between soy globulins and β-lactoglobulins. Although criteria such as the profile of potential biological activity of protein, as well as parameters A and B, can be suitable tools in protein evaluation, the proteolytic digestion of protein needs to be considered. Moreover, computerised methods of classifying proteins according to different algorithms are often subjective due to discretion in interpretation of the results.U ovom je radu prikazan suvremen in silico pristup ispitivanju proteinskih izvora inhibitora angiotenzin konvertirajućeg enzima (engl. angiotensin-converting enzyme - ACE). Sve ispitane sekvencije proteina izvađene su iz BIOPEP baze podataka, te procijenjene njihove vrijednosti prema ovim kriterijima: profil biološke aktivnosti proteina inhibitora ACE, učestalost pojave fragmenata koji inhibiraju ACE (A) i biološka aktivnost proteina (B). Rezultati dobiveni statističkom analizom pokazuju da su proteini mlijeka bolji izvor inhibitora ACE od glijadina pšenice. Svi ispitani glijadini sadrže jače inhibitore ACE od proteina piletine. Nije utvrđena značajna razlika između A vrijednosti globulina soje i β-laktoglobulina. Profil biološke aktivnosti te A i B vrijednosti mogu poslužiti kao alat za ispitivanje proteina, ali treba razmotriti i njihovu proteolitičku razgradnju. Valja imati na umu da kompjutorizirane metode klasifikacije proteina prema različitim algoritmima često mogu dati subjektivne rezultate

    Coloured Petri Net Model of Two-Phase Commit Protocol With Multiple Participants

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    In this work the usage of Coloured Petri Net for modeling and simulation of Two Phase Commit protocol with multiple cohorts is presented. Brief overview of Coloured Petri Nets is introduced. Two-Phase Commit protocol is briefly described than introduced as Coloured Petri Net model. By initial marking adaptation a few scenarios for 2PC protocol are presented with the use of the reachability analysis.Розглянуто застосування розфарбовуваних мереж Петрі для побудови моделей та подальшої імітації двофазного протоколу підтвердження розподілених транзакцій - 2PC (Two-phase commit) з багатьма учасниками. Надано опис основних понять розфарбовуваних мереж Петрі, що використовуються, а також дії двофазного протоколу підтвердження транзакцій для більш ніж одного учасника. За допомогою відповідного вибору початкових розміток проаналізовано досяжні стани для різних ситуацій, які можуть виникнути в процесі реалізації розподілених транзакцій із застосуванням протоколу 2PC