105 research outputs found

    Modeled energetics of bacterial communities in ancient subzero brines

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    Cryopeg brines are isolated volumes of hypersaline water in subzero permafrost. The cryopeg system at Utqiaġvik, Alaska, is estimated to date back to 40 ka BP or earlier, a remnant of a late Pleistocene Ocean. Surprisingly, the cryopeg brines contain high concentrations of organic carbon, including extracellular polysaccharides, and high densities of bacteria. How can these physiologically extreme, old, and geologically isolated systems support such an ecosystem? This study addresses this question by examining the energetics of the Utqiaġvik cryopeg brine ecosystem. Using literature-derived assumptions and new measurements on archived borehole materials, we first estimated the quantity of organic carbon when the system formed. We then considered two bacterial growth trajectories to calculate the lower and upper bounds of the cell-specific metabolic rate of these communities. These bounds represent the first community estimates of metabolic rate in a subzero hypersaline environment. To assess the plausibility of the different growth trajectories, we developed a model of the organic carbon cycle and applied it to three borehole scenarios. We also used dissolved inorganic carbon and nitrogen measurements to independently estimate the metabolic rate. The model reconstructs the growth trajectory of the microbial community and predicts the present-day cell density and organic carbon content. Model input included measured rates of the in-situ enzymatic conversion of particulate to dissolved organic carbon under subzero brine conditions. A sensitivity analysis of model parameters was performed, revealing an interplay between growth rate, cell-specific metabolic rate, and extracellular enzyme activity. This approach allowed us to identify plausible growth trajectories consistent with the observed bacterial densities in the cryopeg brines. We found that the cell-specific metabolic rate in this system is relatively high compared to marine sediments. We attribute this finding to the need to invest energy in the production of extracellular enzymes, for generating bioavailable carbon from particulate organic carbon, and the production of extracellular polysaccharides for cryoprotection and osmoprotection. These results may be relevant to other isolated systems in the polar regions of Earth and to possible ice-bound brines on worlds such as Europa, Enceladus, and Mars

    A post-labeling method for multiplexed and multicolored genotyping analysis of SSR, indel and SNP markers in single tube with bar-coded split tag (BStag)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genotyping analysis using capillary DNA sequencing with fluorescently labeled primer pairs obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is widely used, but is expensive. The post-PCR labeling method using fluorescently labeled short oligonucleotides and nested PCR of the amplified product obtained from unlabeled primer pairs is a simple and inexpensive alternative. However, previously reported protocols often produced spurious peaks or inconsistent amplification under multiplexed analysis as a result of simultaneous progress of both the amplification and labeling reactions and local homology of the attached tag sequence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A set of 16 bp-long oligonucleotide sequences termed bar-coded split tag (BStag), comprising a common basal region, a three-nucleotide 'bar-code' sequence, and a mismatched nucleotide at the middle position were designed for selective post-PCR labeling. The BStag was attached at the 5' end of the forward primer of interest. The melting temperature of the BStag was low enough to separate the labeling reaction from initial PCR amplification, and each sequence was minimally divergent but maintained maximum selectivity. Post-PCR labeling of the amplified product was achieved by extending for three cycles at a lower annealing temperature after the conventional amplification program with the appropriate fluorescently labeled BStag primer. No amplification was confirmed with BStag primers for 12 plant species. The electropherogram of the labeled product obtained using this method was consistent with that of prelabeled primer, except for their apparent size.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>BStag enabled multiplexed post-PCR labeling of simple sequence repeat or insertion/deletion markers with different dyes in a single tube. BStag in conjunction with locus specific oligo and allele specific oligo was also useful for single nucleotide polymorphism analysis. The labeling protocol was simple and no additional operation was required. Single-tube multiplexed post-PCR labeling is useful for a wide variety of genotyping studies with maximal flexibility and minimal costs.</p

    SNP analysis of the inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor family heavy chain-related protein (IHRP) gene by a fluorescence-adapted SSCP method

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    BACKGROUND: Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are considered to be useful polymorphic markers for genetic studies of polygenic traits. Single-stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis has been widely applied to detect SNPs, including point mutations in cancer and congenital diseases. In this study, we describe an application of the fluorescent labeling of PCR fragments using a fluorescent-adapted primer for SSCP analysis as a novel method. METHODS: Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor family heavy chain-related protein (IHRP) gene were analyzed using a fluorescence-adapted SSCP method. The method was constructed from two procedures: 1) a fluorescent labeling reaction of PCR fragments using fluorescence-adapted primers in a single tube, and 2) electrophoresis on a non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel. RESULTS: This method was more economical and convenient than the single-stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) methods previously reported in the detection of the labeled fragments obtained. In this study, eight SNPs of the IHRP gene were detected by the fluorescence-adapted SSCP. One of the SNPs was a new SNP resulting in an amino acid substitution, while the other SNPs have already been reported in the public databases. Six SNPs of the IHRP were associated with two haplotypes. CONCLUSIONS: The fluorescence-adapted SSCP was useful for detecting and genotyping SNPs

    Anthracyclines, proteasome activity and multi-drug-resistance

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    BACKGROUND: P-glycoprotein is responsible for the ATP-dependent export of certain structurally unrelated compounds including many chemotherapeutic drugs. Amplification of P-glycoprotein activity can result in multi-drug resistance and is a common cause of chemotherapy treatment failure. Therefore, there is an ongoing search for inhibitors of P-glycoprotein. Observations that cyclosporin A, and certain other substances, inhibit both the proteasome and P-glycoprotein led us to investigate whether anthracyclines, well known substrates of P-gp, also inhibit the function of the proteasome. METHODS: Proteasome function was measured in cell lysates from ECV304 cells incubated with different doses of verapamil, doxorubicin, daunorubicin, idarubicin, epirubicin, topotecan, mitomycin C, and gemcitabine using a fluorogenic peptide assay. Proteasome function in living cells was monitored using ECV304 cells stably transfected with the gene for an ubiquitin/green fluorescent protein fusion protein. The ability of the proteasome inhibitor MG-132 to affect P-glycoprotein function was monitored by fluorescence due to accumulation of daunorubicin in P-glycoprotein overexpressing KB 8-5 cells. RESULTS: Verapamil, daunorubicin, doxorubicin, idarubicin, and epirubicin inhibited 26S chymotrypsin-like function in ECV304 extracts in a dose-dependent fashion. With the exception of daunorubicin, 20S proteasome function was also suppressed. The proteasome inhibitor MG-132 caused a dose-dependent accumulation of daunorubicin in KB 8-5 cells that overexpress P-glycoprotein, suggesting that it blocked P-glycoprotein function. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that anthracyclines inhibit the 26S proteasome as well as P-glycoprotein. Use of inhibitors of either pathway in cancer therapy should take this into consideration and perhaps use it to advantage, for example during chemosensitization by proteasome inhibitors

    Soluble ST2 Levels Are Associated with Bleeding in Patients with Severe Leptospirosis

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    Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that is mainly spread by rodents and other small mammals. Transmission frequently occurs in (sub-) tropical countries, where environmental circumstances are most favourable. Severe leptospirosis can cause bleeding and vital organ dysfunction. An exaggerated immune response is thought to play an important role in the pathophysiology of leptospirosis. Soluble ST2 (sST2) is thought to inhibit negative regulatory pathways of this response. Soluble ST2 is produced by cells that surround, for example, blood vessels, and several of these blood cells play an important part in the host immune response. In an observational study, we measured the extent of sST2 release in patients suffering from severe leptospirosis. We found that patients that died from leptospirosis displayed higher levels of sST2. Moreover, from this study we have seen that sST2 levels were associated with bleeding, whereas other markers of infection were not. In an experiment, we showed that (white) blood cells did not seem to be the source of sST2 production. Damage to blood vessels is likely to cause bleeding in leptospirosis patients, exposing sST2 producing cells like fibroblasts to the blood stream. Hence, we believe that sST2 may be used as a marker for tissue damage in patients suffering from severe leptospirosis

    Lithium Impacts on the Amplitude and Period of the Molecular Circadian Clockwork

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    Lithium salt has been widely used in treatment of Bipolar Disorder, a mental disturbance associated with circadian rhythm disruptions. Lithium mildly but consistently lengthens circadian period of behavioural rhythms in multiple organisms. To systematically address the impacts of lithium on circadian pacemaking and the underlying mechanisms, we measured locomotor activity in mice in vivo following chronic lithium treatment, and also tracked clock protein dynamics (PER2::Luciferase) in vitro in lithium-treated tissue slices/cells. Lithium lengthens period of both the locomotor activity rhythms, as well as the molecular oscillations in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, lung tissues and fibroblast cells. In addition, we also identified significantly elevated PER2::LUC expression and oscillation amplitude in both central and peripheral pacemakers. Elevation of PER2::LUC by lithium was not associated with changes in protein stabilities of PER2, but instead with increased transcription of Per2 gene. Although lithium and GSK3 inhibition showed opposing effects on clock period, they acted in a similar fashion to up-regulate PER2 expression and oscillation amplitude. Collectively, our data have identified a novel amplitude-enhancing effect of lithium on the PER2 protein rhythms in the central and peripheral circadian clockwork, which may involve a GSK3-mediated signalling pathway. These findings may advance our understanding of the therapeutic actions of lithium in Bipolar Disorder or other psychiatric diseases that involve circadian rhythm disruptions

    A decade of remotely sensed observations highlight complex processes linked to coastal permafrost bluff erosion in the Arctic

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    Eroding permafrost coasts are likely indicators and integrators of changes in the Arctic System as they are susceptible to the combined effects of declining sea ice extent, increases in open water duration, more frequent and impactful storms, sea-level rise, and warming permafrost. However, few observation sites in the Arctic have yet to link decadal-scale erosion rates with changing environmental conditions due to temporal data gaps. This study increases the temporal fidelity of coastal permafrost bluff observations using near-annual high spatial resolution (<1 m) satellite imagery acquired between 2008–2017 for a 9 km segment of coastline at Drew Point, Beaufort Sea coast, Alaska. Our results show that mean annual erosion for the 2007–2016 decade was 17.2 m yr−1, which is 2.5 times faster than historic rates, indicating that bluff erosion at this site is likely responding to changes in the Arctic System. In spite of a sustained increase in decadal-scale mean annual erosion rates, mean open water season erosion varied from 6.7 m yr−1 in 2010 to more than 22.0 m yr−1 in 2007, 2012, and 2016. This variability provided a range of coastal responses through which we explored the different roles of potential environmental drivers. The lack of significant correlations between mean open water season erosion and the environmental variables compiled in this study indicates that we may not be adequately capturing the environmental forcing factors, that the system is conditioned by long-term transient effects or extreme weather events rather than annual variability, or that other not yet considered factors may be responsible for the increased erosion occurring at Drew Point. Our results highlight an increase in erosion at Drew Point in the 21st century as well as the complexities associated with unraveling the factors responsible for changing coastal permafrost bluffs in the Arctic

    Analysis of the effects of sex hormone background on the rat choroid plexus transcriptome by cDNA microarrays

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    The choroid plexus (CP) are highly vascularized branched structures that protrude into the ventricles of the brain, and form a unique interface between the blood and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the blood-CSF barrier, that are the main site of production and secretion of CSF. Sex hormones are widely recognized as neuroprotective agents against several neurodegenerative diseases, and the presence of sex hormones cognate receptors suggest that it may be a target for these hormones. In an effort to provide further insight into the neuroprotective mechanisms triggered by sex hormones we analyzed gene expression differences in the CP of female and male rats subjected to gonadectomy, using microarray technology. In gonadectomized female and male animals, 3045 genes were differentially expressed by 1.5-fold change, compared to sham controls. Analysis of the CP transcriptome showed that the top-five pathways significantly regulated by the sex hormone background are olfactory transduction, taste transduction, metabolism, steroid hormone biosynthesis and circadian rhythm pathways. These results represent the first overview of global expression changes in CP of female and male rats induced by gonadectomy and suggest that sex hormones are implicated in pathways with central roles in CP functions and CSF homeostasis

    The chicken IL-1 family: evolution in the context of the studied vertebrate lineage

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    The interleukin-1 gene family encodes a group of related proteins that exhibit a remarkable pleiotropy in the context of health and disease. The set of indispensable functions they control suggests that these genes should be found in all eukaryotic species. The ligands and receptors of this family have been primarily characterised in man and mouse. The genomes of most non-mammalian animal species sequenced so far possess all of the IL-1 receptor genes found in mammals. Yet, strikingly, very few of the ligands are identifiable in non-mammalian genomes. Our recent identification of two further IL-1 ligands in the chicken warranted a critical reappraisal of the evolution of this vitally important cytokine family. This review presents substantial data gathered across multiple, divergent metazoan genomes to unambiguously trace the origin of these genes. With the hypothesis that all of these genes, both ligands and receptors, were formed in a single ancient ancestor, extensive database mining revealed sufficient evidence to confirm this. It therefore suggests that the emergence of mammals is unrelated to the expansion of the IL-1 family. A thorough review of this cytokine family in the chicken, the most extensively studied amongst non-mammalian species, is also presented. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00251-014-0780-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users