231 research outputs found


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    The method of restoration of historical events fixed in the mathematical structure of artifacts is considered in the paper. The logical sequence of mathematical operations leading to realization of a new mathematical method (the method of inverse problem in mathematical psychology as the generalization of the inverse scattering method in physics and other natural sciences) is reconstructed on the example of the Great Fermat Theorem - an intellectual artifact of itsera. The historical event of appearance of the Great Fermat Theorem is duplicated by appearance of the generalizing Beal’s Conjecture, which, like the Fermat theorem, discloses the meaning of inverse problems of modern and ancient mathematics

    Induced thermoluminescence study of experimentally shock-loaded oligoclase

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    Artificially induced thermoluminescence (TL) in oligoclase samples which were shock-loaded up to 27 GPa was measured. The essential increase of the TL sensitivity in relation to the total gamma-ray irradiation dose was observed only in samples at the 27 GPa pressure. This result can be explained by the initiation of additional radiation damages in the shocked oligoclace crystal lattice

    Evaluation methods basis of strategy development effectiveness of the enterprise

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    The urgency to study the problem is caused by the necessity to make management decisions in terms of reducing goods life cycle, reducing profitability of production, increasing speed of technological progress. In this context, this article aims to identify and elaborate the tools for integrated diagnostic of strategy efficiency, taking into account the relationship of parameters which characterize various spheres of enterprise activity, and to formulate integral indicator of strategic effectiveness, which can be accepted as the criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of strategic development. The leading approach to the study of this problem was the systems approach, used in the development of methods for efficiency evaluation of strategic development, it allows to identify priority factors of the strategic development of the company. The article substantiates the use of value approach to management as a methodical bases of diagnostics of the effectiveness of the strategic development of the industrial enterprises; the matrix tool was developed, supplementing the information-analytical foundation of management. The results of the research work may be useful for effectiveness evaluation of the strategic development of industrial enterprise and for identifying priority strategic development factors and making recommendations to improve the value of business. © 2016 Zotova et al

    Neural network analysis of hyperspectral images of soil

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    The article approaches to the classification of high-resolution hyperspectral images in the problem of classification of soil species is proposed. A spectral-spatial convolutional neural network with compensation for lighting variations is used as a classifier. The effectiveness of the proposed approach in the problem of classification of hyperspectral images of soils obtained by a scanning hyperspectral camera is shown. The essence of the developed method is to use binary classification together with multiclass, thereby improving the result of the latter

    Narrow-jet plasma technology – the way to new standards on welding production

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    Показана возможность изменения отраслевых стандартов на производство сварных соединений, так как качество сварных швов, полученных после плазменной резки по технологии узкоструйной плазмы без удаления зон термического влияния не уступает показателям, достигаемым после механической разделки.The possibility of changing the industry standards for the production of welded joints is shown, since the quality of welds obtained after plasma cutting using the technology of narrow-jet plasma without removing the zones of thermal influence is not inferior to the indicators achieved after mechanical cutting

    The use of IT technologies in the prevention of crimes

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    The importance of information technology in the fight against crime cannot be overestimated in the modern world. It is the use of computer software and appropriate technical means that have become the most effective measures to neutralize and eradicate offenses in practice. Of particular importance are analytical information systems, which can allow through information and communication technologies to solve the main problem, that is, in the disclosure and investigation of crimes. And the most important thing is that the problem of a lack of information is being solved, both about the attacker himself and about the circumstances of the commission of offenses, since all this data is stored in the computer’s memory. The comprehensive use of information support in criminal activities, on the one hand, and the use of various technologies for monitoring and managing information flows from the operational services, on the other, in the modern world inevitably moves to a new quality level. Significant advances in the fight against crime can be achieved with the use of modern information technologies and technical means of intelligence purposes. Such a term as “information war” today is filled with a new meaning, expressed in the confrontation between the criminal world and law enforcement agencies. This work is devoted to the study of the issues of large-scale application of information technologies in the field of combating crime in Russia. The problems faced by the Russian society in general and law enforcement agencies in particular are analyzed. Topical issues of the prospects for the effective use of digital technologies in the field of combating crime are considered

    Everything you always wanted to know about bitcoin modelling but were afraid to ask

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    Bitcoin is an open source decentralized digital currency and a payment system. It has raised a lot of attention and interest worldwide and an increasing number of articles are devoted to its operation, economics and financial viability. This article reviews the econometric and mathematical tools which have been proposed so far to model the bitcoin price and several related issues, highlighting advantages and limits. We discuss the methods employed to determine the main characteristics of bitcoin users, the models proposed to assess the bitcoin fundamental value, the econometric approaches suggested to model bitcoin price dynamics, the tests used for detecting the existence of financial bubbles in bitcoin prices and the methodologies suggested to study the price discovery at bitcoin exchanges