36 research outputs found

    Evaluation of tourist attractiveness and museum management in Sombor and Apatin (Serbia)

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    In the area of Sombor and Apatin there are a number of cultural institutions. The paper will cover the Museum of silk damask in Bezdan, Tobacco Museum in Telečka and the Ethnological Exhibition in Kupusina. The aim of this paper is to assess the market attractiveness, the sensitivity of cultural property, the state of repair, the existence of cultural property management plan, regular monitoring and maintenance, potential for ongoing investment, the possibility of a negative impact of a large number of visitors to the physical condition of cultural resources and the possibility of modifications as part of the product development

    Attitudes of local population in Sremska Mitrovica towards Sirmium cultural Tourism and heritage

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    Cultural tourism presents the movement of people caused by the cultural attractions outside their usual place of residence, with the intention to collect new information and experience in order to satisfy their cultural needs. As such, the cultural tourism is one of the selective types of tourism, and is directed to meeting the specific needs related to tourist culture. Sremska Mitrovica was built on the former site of Sirmium, one of the four capitals of the Roman Empire. This paper will be based on tourist movements of local people which are focused on the cultural sites and objects and historical heritage of their hometown. We assume that a small percentage of the local population visited sites and objects of cultural and historical heritage and cultural institutions in Sremska Mitrovica. The aim of the paper is to encourage local residents to visit museum, gallery, theater, more frequently, as well as other sites and objects of cultural and historical heritage in Sremska Mitrovica. The survey was conducted through an electronic survey. The research methodology is based on the descriptive and statistical processing and data analysis using SPSS 20 software

    Teachersā€™ views of inclusive education in Serbian schools

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    This study was conducted to determine the attitudes of teachers concerning inclusion in schools all over Serbia. The respondents were teachers of different subjects who were tasked to anonymously complete the provided closed-type questionnaire (970 respondents). Primary and secondary school teachers from urban and rural areas of the Republic of Serbia participated in the research. The results indicate that the teachers are supportive of inclusion. Despite significant differences in respondentsā€™ answers, the results of the research show that there are many similarities in teacher responses toward inclusive education. The results show that it is still necessary to work on the implementation of inclusive education in Serbia, especially to educate the teaching staff and involve experts in the planning and development of individual educational plans.Keywords: attitudes; inclusive education; Serbia; teacher

    Stavovi studenata prema primjeni mobilne proŔirene stvarnosti u visokom obrazovanju

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    Virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have emerged from the framework of academic and industrial laboratories and have acquired global attention. Currently, the focus shifted from the technologies themselves to finding adequate teaching and learning applications. In this paper, the students\u27 attitudes toward the application of mobile AR (MAR) in higher education (HE) were researched (with a focus on augmented textbooks). The results showed that the students have a mostly positive attitude, and it is concluded that there was no statistically significant difference between the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and non-STEM students\u27 opinions regarding this topic. Based on the results, the further research and integration of this technology into HE settings can be suggested.Virtualna i proÅ”irena stvarnost izaÅ”le su iz okvira akademskih i industrijskih laboratorija i stekle su globalnu pozornost. Trenutačno se fokus pomaknuo sa samih tehnologija prema pronalaženju odgovarajuće primjene u poučavanju i učenju. U ovom radu istraživani su stavovi studenata o primjeni mobilne proÅ”irene stvarnosti u visokom obrazovanju (s naglaskom na augmentiranim udžbenicima). Rezultati su pokazali da studenti imaju uglavnom pozitivan stav, a zaključeno je i da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u miÅ”ljenju između STEM (znanost, tehnologija, inženjerstvo i matematika) i ne-STEM studenata o ovoj temi. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja mogu se predložiti daljnja istraživanja i integracija ove tehnologije u postavke visokog obrazovanja

    Modeling the Geography Class through Problem-Based Teaching: a Case Study from Novi Sad, Serbia

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    The idea of problem-based teaching, i.e. learning through solving problems, is not a new one, but has been fairly neglected in the teaching process. The aim of this research is to consider the possibility of applying this learning model in teaching geography in primary and grammar schools. This teaching model was proposed for the presentation of the teaching unit Australia and Oceania, in the framework of the thematic unit Political/Geographic, Demographic and Economic/Geographic Features of Certain Parts of the World. The model implies group work. The expected successful outcome of the applied teaching model has been verified by the results of a survey and the scores achieved in the knowledge test. The study contains the entire course of the experimental teaching of the unit Australia and Oceania by applying problem-based teaching, and presents and analyzes the results achieved. The classes were modelled by relying on Hill-Slaterā€²s model. A t-test was used for the statistical analysis of data in order to test the hypothesis on differences in the arithmetic mean. The choice and application of the statistical mathematical procedure are determined by the nature of the phenomenon which is the subject of this research. The software packages Mathematica and Excel were used in order to statistically analyze data and to draw tables and graphs

    Slovenian national minorities and emigrants in selected primary school curricula and textbooks

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    The article analyses the curriculum of the primary school subjects Geography, History and Civic and Homeland Education and Ethics, along with some textbooks for these subjects. The purpose of the paper is to determine whether these subjects include material on Slovenian national minorities and emigrants and objectives closely related to such material, which content and objectives are included and to what extent. Pupils in Slovenian primary school address real issues concerning Slovenian national minorities and emigrants, while the message and quantitative representation differ, depending on the basic definition and purpose of the subject. In addition to curricula and textbooks, the behaviour and attitude of pupils to Slovenians abroad is influenced primarily by teachers and their knowledge of their own subject and other subjects, their understanding of the processes of knowledge construction and knowledge of the school vertical and the horizontal


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    In the 1980, tourism went through a relatively high degree of rise and it became an important factor of national economy, showing its vitality in the age of unstable economic and monetary movements, and in most part, it stood out as a part of economy that affects the economic activation of human resources to a large extent, so, in that way, it alleviated the unemployment problem. However, despite all claims that human capital is the biggest value of service sector, in reality that attitude is not supported enough. In this paper, there was an attempt to point to a number of problems connected to human resources in tourism, with a view of current state of tourism development and its effect on work contingent in Vojvodina, as one of developed trade and economic parts of Serbia. Exactly at the moment when tourism is becoming the leading service activity of the 21st century, with indications that it is one of the best ways for economic recovery of the country, in the first place an activating demographic factor, contradictory data appear, in the sense of negating positive effects of tourism through the fact that, besides all the tendencies, the number of employees in this activity is not rising, as it was expected

    Effects of PBL Implementation on Teaching of Geography in High School

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    Problem-Based Learning (PBL) represents a major development and change in educational practice that continues to have a large impact across subjects and disciplines worldwide. PBL is a successful teaching and learning strategy used to engage students in deep rather than surface learning and where the learning is student focused rather than teacher focused (Biggs,1999). The paper presents the comparison of PBL with traditional learning in the teaching of geography in high school. Comparative analysis of the results of the pedagogical experiment, which included three high schools, 14 classes with 339 students, is carried out. In the statistical analysis of data t-test was used to check the hypothesis on the differences of the arithmetic means. The results of the final test showed that there was a significant difference in the arithmetic means between the students who had taken a PBL course and the students who had taken a traditional course. It can be concluded that PBL has a positive impact on improving student achievement in the learning of geography in elementary and secondary schools

    Researching opinions of exhibitors and visitors of the event 'Spring of Novi Sad': By gender and educational level

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    'Spring of Novi Sad' is an event, which represents an important part of the event offer of Novi Sad, and on the baĀ­sis of classification of events on the tourism value, event is very significant on the province level too. The event has become more recognisable as environmentally friendly brand and according to its model, similar events are organized in several cities. 'Spring of Novi Sad' is known for interesting content in the fields of horticulture, landĀ­scape architecture, environmental protection, healthy nutrition and old crafts, which are designed for visitors with different interests and for all generations. The aim of this paper is to examine the opinions of exhibitors and visitors by gender and education level about organizational and other components of the event 'Spring of Novi Sad'. The sample taken for this research consists of 246 respondents - 184 visitors and 62 exhibitors. A survey can be used by the entire travel industry of Novi Sad and by tourism organizations (local, provincial and national). It is necessary to conduct surveys for visitors and participants of the city events in order to select base results of key events for the future promotion of Novi Sad

    Tourist valorization of roman imperial city Felix Romuliana

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    The tourism industry is a great potential for the development of Serbia. The main characteristics of the existing and potential tourist offer of Serbia are interesting and diverse natural resources and cultural and historical heritage. Felix Romuliana, established palace of the Roman emperor Galerius, is located in the valley of the Black Timok, near Zaječar and the village of Gamzigrad in eastern Serbia. The palace was built in the late third and early fourth century, as a testamentary construction. This is where the Roman emperor was buried and included among the gods. It is the best preserved example of Roman palatial architecture which in 2007 was added to the List of World Heritage of UNESCO. One of the key tasks of this paper is to point out ways of promoting and popularizing this tourism potential that can be used as a resource for the development of cultural tourism and as such strengthen the position of Serbia''s tourist offer in Europe. The aim of this paper is contained in the presentation of the site Felix Romuliana and extraction of the most important attractiveness through valorization, which on the bases of historical and cultural significance may be activated for tourism purposes. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176020