23 research outputs found

    Tilgjengelighet av spormetaller under forskjellig arealbruk på elveslettene rundt Danube i Kroatia

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    Soils are non-renewable resource of biological, chemical and physical properties. One of the ecological functions of the soil is its capacity to filter and buffer trace metals. Trace metals can pose a threat on the one hand, from toxicity and on the other hand, from deficiency (as some of them are essential micronutrients) point of view. Although availability of trace metals depends on soil properties, in the legislation of many countries, including Croatia, maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of trace metals are determined based on total metal concentration. Thus, recently an initiative has been taken in considering the influence of soil properties in determination of MPC. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the soils of Croatian main agricultural region, Osijek-Baranja County, as regards trace metal availability and soil properties controlling it. This main objective is achieved by several sub-objectives: i) Determine total and water extractable trace metal concentrations in Osijek-Baranja County (Eastern Croatia) and investigate the influence of different soil properties on solid-solution partitioning, ii) Develop regression models predicting trace metal solubility using soil properties and carry out metal speciation of soil solution using WHAM/Model VI, iii) Use the existing regression models predicting water extractable fraction of trace metals to estimate metal concentrations in wheat grain, iv) Use soil properties data to derive soil quality index (SQI) and examine the relationship between availability of trace metals and SQI. Based on pedological map, soil samples from surface layer (0-25 cm) were collected throughout the area from 74 sites. Different land uses (forest and agriculture) were also taken into account. Samples were analysed for total (HNO3 extractable), geochemical active (EDTA extractable) and soil solution (H2O extractable) fraction of trace metals. Various soil properties were also determined: pH, SOC, DOC, InC, TOT N, AL-P, AL-K, CEC, BD, soil texture. Total content of toxic and potentially toxic trace metals was below the governmental tolerance limits (MPC), and at the same time, total content of the micronutrients was above the deficiency levels. However, the results have shown that the fraction of trace metals in the soil solution, i.e. the fraction that is readily available is not dependent on the total content but rather on soil properties such as pH, DOC and CEC. Using these soil properties in regression models we were able to predict trace metal concentrations as well as free metal ion (FMI) concentrations and free ion activity (FIA) in the soil solution. Such regression models have been widely used by many authors. However, existing models were developed mainly on polluted and slightly polluted soils. By comparing these existing well-known models with our data from unpolluted agricultural and forest soils, the results have showed good correlation. However, the models did not follow the 1:1 line, indicating that in this case, they will be overestimating the predictions. Our study points out that modelling trace metal solubility and FMI concentration is area specific. Models developed on polluted, or even what is considered slightly polluted, soils cannot be directly applied on soils with low levels of trace metals. The optimization of regression models is necessary. In addition, we developed regression models predicting plant concentrations. Models developed by using soil properties improve prediction of plant uptake and as such are much better indicators of plant concentrations than single extraction by strong or weak acid alone. Furthermore, water extraction, FMI and FIA, predicted by regression models gave us better correlation with plant concentrations than the EDTA or total extraction alone. Soil solution concentrations appeared to be good indicators of uptake. However, soil pH seems to have the key role in determining soil solution concentrations, FMI and FIA. Thus, we can conclude that pH plays an important role in the solubility of trace metals and prediction of plant concentrations. Investigated soils had low total concentrations of trace metals, which probably increased the importance of pH. Therefore, in uncontaminated soils with low concentrations of trace elements pH is the driving force influencing metal solubility and thus metal availability. By controlling the pH, we also control the solubility of trace metals in the investigated area. Thus, possible toxicity or deficiency problems can be avoided by pH control. The results have also showed that soil properties as well as water extractable trace metal concentrations vary between land uses. Therefore, we can expect different uptake of trace metals on different land uses. Investigation of overall soil quality between forest and agricultural soils indicated no soil degradation. Nevertheless, for some soil properties we can see the degrading influence of agriculture, specifically for bulk density (BD) and organic matter (OM). In addition, from trace metal availability point of view, the trace metals will be more available in forest due to soil properties controlling its solubility (pH, DOC and CEC). The study has also showed no difference between total concentrations of trace metals between land uses. Therefore, we can say that agriculture practices did not cause excessive input of trace metals (since the total concentrations were the same in forest and agriculture), and in addition, trace metals were less available in agricultural fields than in forest (mainly as a result of the differences in soil properties between forest and agriculture).Jord er en ikke-fornybar ressurs karakterisert ved en kombinasjon av biologiske, kjemiske og fysiske egenskaper. En av jordsmonnets flere økologiske funksjoner er evnen til å bufre konsentrasjonen av spormetaller i jordvæske. Spormetaller kan forårsake giftvirkning når konsentrasjonene er særs høye, eller de av metallene som er essensielle kan forekomme i så lave konsentrasjoner at det oppstår mangel. Selv om tilgjengeligheten av metallene styres av jordas fysisk-kjemiske egenskaper, fastholder mange land, deriblant Kroatia, jordsmonnets totalkonsentrasjon av metallene for å være et mål på maksimalt tillatt konsentrasjon (MPC). På bakgrunn av dette tas det nå initiativ til å inkludere også sentrale jordkjemiske egenskaper når MPC skal bestemmes. Målsetningen med dette studiet er å evaluere jordsmonn i et Kroatisk landbruksdistrikt, Osijek-Baranja fylke (øst Kroatia), med hensyn til hvordan jordas fysiskkjemiske egenskaper styrer spormetallenes tilgjengelighet. Hovedmålet ble løst ved å i) bestemme total konsentrasjonene av metaller i jord og vann ekstrakter av jord samlet i Osijek-Baranja fylke, samt bestemme hvordan forskjellige jordkjemiske parametere styrer likevekten mellom fast og løst fase i jord. ii) Utvikle og optimalisere multivariate regresjonsmodeller som består av forskjellige jordkjemiske parametere for å anslå løseligheten av metaller i porevann. Metallenes tilstandsform i vannekstraktene ble bestemt ved bruk av WHAM/Model VI. iii) Deretter ble disse regresjonsmodellene brukt både direkte samt etter videre optimalisering for å estimere opptak av metaller i planter. iv) Jordsmonnets egenskaper ble til slutt brukt for å bestemme jordas kvalitetsindeks (SQI) som igjen ble korrelert med tilgjengelig metal i jord. Med utgangspunkt i jordsmonnkart, ble 74 jordprøver samlet inn fra øvre jordlag i hele distriktet. Det ble samlet prøver fra både landbruks og skogsjord. Jordprøvene ble ekstrahert med konsentrert HNO3, 0.01M EDTA og H2O for å anslå henholdsvis totalkonsentrasjon, geokjemisk aktivt samt vannløselig metall. Det ble også bestemt pH, SOM, DOC, IOC, TOT-N, AL-P, AL-K, CEC, BD og tekstur. Totalkonsentrasjonene av metaller var under MPC. Samtidig var konsentrasjonene av de essensielle metallene ikke så lave at det er fare for mangelsykdommer. Konsentrasjonen av vannløselig metal i jord styres i liten grad av totalkonsentrasjonen i jord, mens jordas pH og negativt ladde overflater karakterisert ved SOM, DOC og CEC har stor betydning. Ved å inkludere disse parameterne i multivariate regresjonsmodeller, kunne vi estimere total konsentrasjonen av metaller i vann ekstraktene samt aktiviteten av fritt metall (FIA). Det har tidligere blitt fremsatt slike modeller, men de har gjerne blitt optimalisert for forurenset jord. Vi testet slike modeller ved å bruke våre egne målinger. Det var gode korrelasjoner mellom målt og estimert total metal og FIA i jordvann, men korrelasjonene fulgte ikke en 1:1 linje gjennom 0. De opprinnelige modellene overestimerte konsentrasjonen av total metal og FIA i jordvann, sannsynligvis fordi de er optimalisert for kraftig og moderat forurenset jord. Derfor er slike modeller sannsynligvis betinget av hvorvidt jorda er forurenset eller ikke. På grunn av dette var det nødvendig å optimalisere disse modellene på nytt basert på vå re egne målinger. Vi optimaliserte også multivariate regresjonsmodeller for å estimere metal konsentrasjonene i planter. Resultatene viste at metallkonsentrasjonene i planter var bedre korrelert med disse modellene enn med ekstraherbart metall alene. Det samme var tilfelle med FIA og FMI (konsentrasjonen av fritt metal). Metallkonsentrasjonene i planter var bedre korrelert med FIA og FMI enn med EDTA eller HNO3 ekstrahert metall. Konsentrasjonen av metaller i vann ekstrakter var godt korrelert med innhold i planter, men siden pH virker å være nøkkelparameteren som kontrollerer konsentrasjonen av metaller i vann ekstrakter, FMI og FIA vil pH også være en nøkkelparameter for å bestemme innholdet i planter.Betydningen av pH henger sannsynligvis også sammen med at konsentrasjonen av metaller i jord er lav og at det var forholdsvis liten variasjon mellom prøvene. Disse resultatene viser at ved å kontrollere pH i jord kan mangel eller giftvirkning i planter på slik jord i stor grad styres. Resultatene viste også at jordsmonnets fysisk-kjemiske egenskaper, inkludert konsentrasjonene av metaller i jordvann, varierer betinget av ulik bruk. Derfor forventer vi at metallopptaket fra jord også er betinget av bruk. Undersøkelsene viste at jordkvalitetsparametere i skogsjord og landbruksjord indikerte ingen forringelse av jord. Likevel viste undersøkelsene at jordbruk reduserer kvalitetsparameterne som jordtetthet (BD) og innhold organisk materiale (OM). Spormetallene var mer tilgjengelige i skogsjord særlig på grunn av lavere pH. Resultatene viser ikke at bruk av land har påvirket totalinnholdet av spormetaller i jord og derfor er det heller ingen grunn til å påstå at landbruksaktivitet har forhøyet totalkonsentrasjoner av metaller i slik jord. På grunn av at særlig pH er høyere i dyrket jord er tilgjengeligheten av metaller i slik landbruks jord lav

    The Communities of the Nematodes, Bacteria, and Fungi and the Soil’s Organic Matter in an Agroforestry Ecosystem in Croatia

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    An above‐ground plant diversity affects a below-ground biodiversity. A soil fauna diversity is important for the ecosystems’ sustainability. It reflects both the abiotic conditions and the soil’s biotic activity. This study’s objective was to assess the effect of an agroforestry system on the nematode abundance and trophic group distribution and on the bacterial and fungal abundance in the soil, as well as to analyze the links between a nematode abundance, trophic group patterns, soil’s microbiological status and the organic matter. A field experiment was conducted during two years in three treatments and three sampling periods. The treatments were as follows: an agricultural crop (C), a permanent walnut plantation (W), and a permanent walnut plantation with an agricultural crop (C + W). The nematodes were extracted, counted, processed and mounted on slides and ultimately determined and assigned to the trophic groups. The bacteria and fungi were extracted from the soil, grown on the plates, and counted. Our findings suggest that the studied agroforestry system (C+W) has exerted a positive effect on the soil nematodes, bacteria, and fungi, manifested as the statistically highest abundance of bacteria and fungi, but also as the highest abundance of nematodes and of a diversity of the nematode genera. The highest content of the organic matter was detected in the treatment C + W in the first sampling and in the treatments C + W and W in the second sampling. We have concluded that the combination of an agricultural crop and a permanent plantation has a great potential for better ecosystem stability and sustainability regardless of some deviations in our results. We believe that further research is necessary because the different agroforestry ecosystems may have different impacts on the soil fauna

    Crop Yields in European Agroforestry Systems: A Meta-Analysis

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    Agroforestry is the practice of integrating woody vegetation with crops and/or livestock production in order to strengthen ecological services on farmland and achieve a more multi-functional agricultural system. Crop yields determine economic outcomes when trees are young, but information on yields is scattered in the literature and a quantitative overview of crop yields in European agroforestry systems is lacking. We therefore synthesized published information on crop yields in European agroforestry systems, using meta-analysis. A systematic review of the literature was conducted, highlighting quantitative information on yields is available only for traditional Dehesa systems in Spain and Portugal and for modern alley cropping experiments, mostly in northern Europe. Relative cereal crop yields in alley cropping systems (systems with tree rows with interspersed crop strips) were 96% of sole crop yield at tree planting. Crop yields in alley cropping decreased on average with 2.6% per year over the first 21 years of the tree stand, indicating increasing competitive effects of the trees with their age. On the other hand, studies in traditional Dehesa and Montado systems in Southern Europe showed no negative influence of the trees on crop production, indicating that competition between crops and trees plays a less important role in those systems than in alley cropping. Overall, the systematic review showed a need for more experimental data to further substantiate the benefits of agroforestry and elucidate optimal agroforestry practices under European conditions


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    Various extraction methods are used to predict plant uptake of trace metals. Most commonly it is total concentration that is used for risk assessment and evaluation of trace metal availability. However, recent studies showed that total concentration is a poor indicator of availability while concentrations in soil solution show good correlation with plant uptake. Present study was conducted on magricultural soils with low levels of trace metals where 45 soil samples were collected from different soil types. The main objective was to compare four different extraction methods and examine how total and reactive (EDTA) trace metal concentrations correlate ,with soil solution concentration (in this study determined by water extraction). The samples were analyzed by four extraction methods: strong acid extraction (ultra-pure HNO3 extraction and aqua regia), weak acid extraction by EDTA and the most available fraction, fraction in soil solution, were represented by water extraction (weakest extractant). Five elements were investigated (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn). Water extraction significantly correlated with EDTA extraction for Cu, Fe and Mn, while total extraction (HNO3 extraction and aqua regia) correlated significantly with water extraction only for Cu. No correlation between water extraction and total extraction confirmed poor role of total concentration as an indicator of availability. EDTA extraction can be used to represent reactive pool of trace metals in soil but it should be also taken with caution when using it to describe available fraction.Ukupne koncentracije metala u tragovima u tlu se vrlo često koriste kao indikatori rizika i procjene raspoloživosti metala. Međutim, novija su istraživanja pokazala da je ukupna koncentracija loš pokazatelj raspoloživosti, dok koncentracije u otopini tla pokazuju dobru korelaciju s koncentracijama u biljci. Glavni je cilj istraživanja bio usporediti četiri različite metode ekstrakcije metala u tragovima i korelacije među njima. Istraživanje je provedeno na poljoprivrednim tlima Istočne Hrvatske (Slavonija i Baranja). Prikupljeno je 45 uzoraka tla s oraničnoga sloja (0-25cm). Uzorci su analizirani sljedećim metodama: ekstrakcije jakim kiselinama (HNO3 ekstrakcija i aqua regia), ekstrakcija slabom kiselinom (EDTA) i najslabija ekstrakcija, koja predstavlja najraspoloživiju frakciju, frakciju u otopini tla, vodotopiva frakcija. Uzorci su ispitani za pet elemenata (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn i Zn). Vodotopiva je frakcija pokazala najbolju korelaciju s EDTA ekstrakcijom (Cu, Fe i Mn), dok su ukupne ekstrakcije (HNO3 i aqua regia) korelirale s vodotopivom frakcijom samo za Cu. Nepostojanje korelacije između vodotopive frakcije i metoda za ukupne koncentracije potvrdila je lošu ulogu ukupne koncentracije kao pokazatelj raspoloživosti. EDTA ekstrakcija se može donekle koristiti za predstavljanje dostupne koncentracije teških metala u tlu, ali ju se, također, treba uzeti s oprezom kada se koristiti za opisivanje raspoloživoga dijela

    Modelling the yield and profitability of intercropped walnut systems in Croatia

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    In Croatia, farmers are showing increasing interest in establishing walnut orchards for nut production on arable land due to higher anticipated net margins. One way to address the lack of profitability in the initial years when nut yields are low may be to plant arable intercrops. The anticipated impacts of this practice were assessed using a biophysical simulation model (Yield-SAFE) to determine the growth and yield of crops and trees in arable, orchard, and silvoarable systems, and an economic farm model (Farm-SAFE) was used to assess their profitability. The walnut orchard and the intercropped orchard systems were simulated assuming tree densities of 170, 135, and 100 trees ha−1, to determine the profitability and break-even date of the systems. The biophysical simulation predicted a decline in arable intercrop yields over time in all tree density scenarios. However, analysis of productivity of intercropped systems showed that intercropping was more productive than separate arable and walnut production for all tree density scenarios. From financial aspect, the return from intercropping helped to offset some of the initial orchard establishment costs and the arable intercrop remained profitable until the sixth year after tree planting. The modelling predicted that a system with 170 trees ha−1 that included intercropping for the first 6 years provided the greatest cumulative net margin after 20 years. The financial benefit of intercropping over the first 6 years opposed to monoculture walnut fruit production appeared to be consistent across the three tree densities studied. These results suggest that silvoarable agroforestry is profitable approach to establishing walnut orchards


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    Background: Psychiatric hospital "Sveti Ivan" in Zagreb, Croatia, offers an outpatient Early intervention programme for patients with psychotic disorders (RIPEPP), consisting of psychoeducational workshops and group psychodynamic psychotherapy. The aim of this study was to describe sociodemographic and baseline characteristics of the participants, in order to provide better understanding of this population, and to assist with the development of more effective therapeutic approaches. Subjects and methods: Since 2008, a total of 245 patients with first episodes of psychosis and their family members participated in the programme. They filled out several questionnaires within the framework of the programme evaluation, but for the purposes of this study, only data collected on sociodemographic questionnaire and the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) are presented. Results: Majority of the participants were male (66%), at the average age of 28 (SD=6.6), living with their parents (73.5%). Most of them finished secondary school (45.7%) but almost a quarter of the sample (23.7%) is currently studying at university. The average duration of untreated period was 101.60 days, with a median of 30 days. According to results of HONOS questionnaire, upon entry into the programme, the patients most often listed cognitive functioning (attention, concentration, memory) and professional issues (performance of work tasks and activities tied to work) as the most problematic areas. Conclusion: The findings of this study provide more detailed description of the beneficiaries of the RIPEPP programme, which can contribute to forming future programmes for the prevention of psychotic disorders

    Value creation and ecosystem services of European Seaweed industry by reducing and handling potentially toxic elements from breeding to soil

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    Projektni zadatak su analize tla i morske trave kao poboljšivača tla, dakle podaci koji će se prikupljati su rezultat standardnih analiza tla i supstrata (pH tla, humus, AL-P2O5, AL-K2O, ukupni N, disanje tla, hidrolitička kiselost, tekstura tla, struktura tla, volumna gustoća, pH morske trave, volumna gustoća morske trave). Morska trava će se analizirati i za mikrobiološka svojstva. Ukupno će biti obrađeno pet uzoraka morske trave iz Norveške i Irske te dva tla iz Hrvatske i dva tla iz Estonije. Navedeni uzorci tla i morske trave kombinirati će se u 60 različitih kombinacija gdje će se pratiti disanje tla s umiješanom morskom travom u različitim dozama

    Value creation and ecosystem services of European Seaweed industry by reducing and handling potentially toxic elements from breeding to soil

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    Projektni zadatak su analize tla i morske trave kao poboljšivača tla, dakle podaci koji će se prikupljati su rezultat standardnih analiza tla i supstrata (pH tla, humus, AL-P2O5, AL-K2O, ukupni N, disanje tla, hidrolitička kiselost, tekstura tla, struktura tla, volumna gustoća, pH morske trave, volumna gustoća morske trave). Morska trava će se analizirati i za mikrobiološka svojstva. Ukupno će biti obrađeno pet uzoraka morske trave iz Norveške i Irske te dva tla iz Hrvatske i dva tla iz Estonije. Navedeni uzorci tla i morske trave kombinirati će se u 60 različitih kombinacija gdje će se pratiti disanje tla s umiješanom morskom travom u različitim dozama

    Land and Water Productivity in Intercropped Systems of Walnut—Buckwheat and Walnut–Barley: A Case Study

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    Intercropping arable crops in orchards is a sustainable land use for intensifying agricultural production, under the condition of plants’ complementarity in sharing resources. This study investigated the aspects of water use and yields in intercropped systems of walnut and crops. To assess possible temporal complementarity between crops and trees, a summer crop—buckwheat—and a winter crop—barley—were intercropped in walnut orchards. The land and water productivity were studied under two designs: in an older, denser orchard and a younger one, with wider tree spacing. The results showed a reduction in yields and water productivity (WP) of intercrops due to the competition with walnut trees, with the exception of buckwheat in the younger orchard, where this summer crop surprisingly achieved the highest yield and WP. Nevertheless, in the system with mature fruiting trees, intercropping with winter barley was 53% more productive per unit of land and 83% more water-productive than growing walnut and barley separately but also 48% more land-productive and 70% more water-productive than the walnut–buckwheat system. Our results indicate positive effects of trees on microclimates but also emphasize the importance of species selection and systems design on the overall productivity of intercropped systems