251 research outputs found

    Ferveur religieuse et convictions politiques : la transformation de la culture politique saskatchewannaise

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    Le paysage politique dans la Saskatchewan a bien changĂ© ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. Autrefois symbole du « socialisme agraire », la province est devenue un bastion du parti conservateur. Ce basculement politique s’est accompagnĂ© d’un autre changement au niveau des pratiques religieuses. Les grandes Ă©glises protestantes, autrefois proches du CCF/NPD, subissent les effets de la sĂ©cularisation tandis qu’un renouveau religieux bĂ©nĂ©ficie aux petites sectes protestantes dont les valeurs politiques se situent Ă  droite. Cet article cherchera donc Ă  corrĂ©ler ces deux phĂ©nomĂšnes pour avancer que la transformation de la culture politique rĂ©gionale est liĂ©e au changement des pratiques religieuses. Aujourd’hui, comme par le passĂ©, la ferveur chrĂ©tienne se rĂ©vĂšle ĂȘtre un Ă©lĂ©ment important de la culture politique saskatchewannaise.The political landscape in Saskatchewan has greatly changed in the past few years. The province used to be seen as a symbol of “agrarian socialism” but it has become a Conservative Party stronghold. This political swing has been accompanied by another change with regard to religious practice : the mainstream Protestant churches that used to support the CCF/NDP are suffering from the secularization trend while a religious revival has been benefitting the small Evangelical churches which espouse conservative political values. This article will attempt to correlate these two phenomena and will show that the transformation of the regional political culture is linked to the changes in religious practice. Today, as in the past, Christian fervor is an important element of Saskatchewan’s political culture

    Pan-Canadian nationalism since 1867: precarious nation-building revisited in light of the writings of George Grant and Eric Hobsbawm

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    The author here proposes a broad study of pan-Canadian nationalism that demonstrates, first, that economic forces were the dominant structuring element in the nation-building narrative, thereby reinforcing the neo-Marxist theses of Eric Hobsbawm and Ernest Gellner. Secondly, the article revisits the thesis presented in George Grant’s seminal work Lament for a Nation, and concludes that his writing on pan-Canadian nationalism was remarkably premonitory.Cet article propose un retour sur le nationalisme pancanadien dans ses grandes lignes qui dĂ©montrera dans un premier temps que les forces Ă©conomiques ont toujours Ă©tĂ© l’élĂ©ment structurant du nationalisme canadien, renforçant ainsi les thĂšses nĂ©o-marxistes d’Eric Hobsbawm et Ernest Gellner. Ensuite l’auteur revisite la thĂšse prĂ©sentĂ©e par George Grant dans son livre influent Lament for a Nation, et tire la conclusion que ses Ă©crits sur les limites du nationalisme pancanadien sont remarquablement prĂ©monitoires

    Donald Abelson, Northern Lights : Exploring Canada’s Think Tank Landscape

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    Scroll down to find a succinct English version of the French language book review below Northern Lights, de l’universitaire canadien Donald E. Abelson, se targue de dĂ©cortiquer le rĂ©seau des groupes de rĂ©flexion (Think tanks) au Canada. On garde malheureusement un sentiment d’inachevĂ© de cette esquisse malgrĂ© sa longueur. Les groupes de rĂ©flexion se sont installĂ©s durablement dans le paysage politique en Occident, et ils jouent aujourd’hui un rĂŽle important aussi bien pour façonner l’opinion ..

    Electric motors for the farm

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    20 pages; includes photographs and drawings. This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu

    Shared decision making:a need for honesty?

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    In this analysis we challenge the conceptual honesty of ‘shared decision-making’, arguing that whilst it is held up as an ideal decision-making standard, it is used too often to describe (and justify) decision-making practices that are not shared at all. This is problematic because if the legitimacy of a decision relies on it being ‘shared’, but it is not in fact shared, the decision loses legitimacy, or is falsely legitimised by the appearance of being shared. We argue that the realities of clinical practice mean that genuinely shared decision-making is not completely impossible but difficult to achieve in a sincere and just manner. We articulate an intentionally controversial stance, with the aim of generating thought and debate

    Pulmonary Cystic Echinococcosis in a Child Presenting in the United Kingdom with Fever and Chest Pain: A Brief Report and Discussion on Management

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    Cystic echinococcosis is a zoonosis caused by the larvae of Echinococcus granulosus. Pulmonary disease may be asymptomatic until the cyst ruptures or becomes secondarily infected. We report a case of pulmonary cystic echinococcosis presenting in the United Kingdom, with discussion on management: optimum antihelminthic agent, length of treatment and type of operative intervention. Treatment should be individualized to the clinical scenario

    Differential power of placebo across major psychiatric disorders: a preliminary meta-analysis and machine learning study

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    The placebo effect across psychiatric disorders is still not well understood. In the present study, we conducted meta-analyses including meta-regression, and machine learning analyses to investigate whether the power of placebo effect depends on the types of psychiatric disorders. We included 108 clinical trials (32,035 participants) investigating pharmacological intervention effects on major depressive disorder (MDD), bipolar disorder (BD) and schizophrenia (SCZ). We developed measures based on clinical rating scales and Clinical Global Impression scores to compare placebo effects across these disorders. We performed meta-analysis including meta-regression using sample-size weighted bootstrapping techniques, and machine learning analysis to identify the disorder type included in a trial based on the placebo response. Consistently through multiple measures and analyses, we found differential placebo effects across the three disorders, and found lower placebo effect in SCZ compared to mood disorders. The differential placebo effects could also distinguish the condition involved in each trial between SCZ and mood disorders with machine learning. Our study indicates differential placebo effect across MDD, BD, and SCZ, which is important for future neurobiological studies of placebo effects across psychiatric disorders and may lead to potential therapeutic applications of placebo on disorders more responsive to placebo compared to other conditions
