5,596 research outputs found

    Emerging coordination mechanisms for multi-party IPR holders: linking research with standardization

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    The standards setting process relies to an increasing degree on successfully integrating up-to-date research and development results (R&D). The successful interaction between research and standards can provide important social benefits. But, to do so, a number of challenges need to be faced. One key and persistent challenge is to provide the conditions in which the cross-purposes of formal standards-setting bodies and intellectual property rights can equitably be accommodated. This means balancing the collective gains to be reaped from the elaboration of a common standard against the individual gains to be allocated to relevant individual rights-holders. This discussion paper focuses on approaches to the reemerging tension between intellectual-property-rights and standards. It points to the importance that successful approaches can have to improve the interaction the between research and standardization activities. It then goes on to consider the (re)emergence of two approaches that are indicative of the changing relationship between intellectual property rights and standards-setting bodies

    Introduction du cocotier dans les systèmes culturaux de la Moyenne Côte-d'Ivoire : analyse d'une opération de développement de 1976 à 1980

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    Kontrollundersøkelsene i Follavassdraget i 1988 viste at forurensningssituasjonen er stabil. Påbyggingen av slamdammen i 1988 har hittil ikke ført til noen endringer av betydning i tilførslene fra deponeringsområdet. Avgangsdeponeringen foregår fortsatt tilfredstillende. Tungmetalltilførslene fra Folldal sentrum er som tidligere år betydelige og sterkt varierende i løpet av året.Folldal Verk A/

    Phenolic compounds and disease resistance of 5 blackcurrant varieties in an organic growing system

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    The field resistance and the concentration of phenolic compounds of five black currant varieties grown under organic conditions were compared. Significant differences between varieties were seen for all of seven quantified hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives. The variety 'Intercontinental' clearly contained the highest level of hydroxycinnamic acid esters and at the same time was the most resistant variety. There seems to be a connection between the content of a caffeoyl-di-quinic acid ester and coumaryl-quinic acid ester and disease resistance under field conditions. The effect of four different growing conditions was much less evident. Analysis of the content of these phenolic acids might be a tool to help choosing the disease resistant varieties that are suitable for organic growing

    Kartlegging av forurensningstilstanden i Meråker gruvefelt

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    Avrenning fra kisgruvene i Meråkerfeltet påvirker fortsatt vannkvaliteten i vassdragene i nedbørfeltet selv 100 år etter at gruvedriften opphørte. Største forurensningskilde i området er Lillefjell gruve som bidrar med ca. 80 % av kobbertilførslene til Stjørdalselva som er ca. 3 tonn på årsbasis. Gilsåa og Dalåa er mest belastet med tungmetaller, men vassdragsreguleringen som er foretatt, kan ha bidratt til en forverret vannkvalitet i Torsbjørka nedenfor inntaket til kraftverket. Undersøkelser av bunnfaunaen viser klare påvirkninger i Dalåa, mens det var en naturlig bunnfauna i nedre del av Torsbjørka og i Stjørdalselva. Burforsøk med ørret viste en høy dødelighet i Gilsåa/Dalåa. Det ble også påvist at ørreten i Torsbjørka var metallbelastet

    [Corrigendum to] Effects of small-scale turbulence on lower trophic levels under different nutrient conditions [vol 32, pg 197, 2010]

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    Small-scale turbulence affects the pelagic food web and energy flow in marine systems and the impact is related to nutrient conditions and the assemblage of organisms present. We generated five levels of turbulence (2*10 29 to 1*10 24 W kg 21 ) in land-based mesocosms (volume 2.6 m 3 ) with and without additional nutrients (31:16:1 Si:N:P m M) to asses the effect of small-scale turbulence on the lower part of the pelagic food web under different nutrient conditions. The ecological influence of nutrients and small-scale turbulence on lower trophic levels was quantified using multivariate statistics (RDA), where nutrients accounted for 31.8% of the observed biological variation, while 7.2% of the variation was explained by small-scale turbulence and its interaction with nutrients. Chlorophyll a, primary production rates, bacterial production rates and diatom and dinoflagellate abundance were positively correlated to turbulence, regardless of nutrient conditions. Abundance of autotrophic flagellates, total phytoplankton and bacteria were positively correlated to turbulence only when nutrients were added. Impact of small-scale turbulence was related to nutrient con- ditions, with implications for oligotrophic and eutrophic situations. The effect on community level was also different compared to single species level. Microbial processes drive biogeochemical cycles, and nutrient-controlled effects of small-scale turbulence on such processes are relevant to foresee altered carbon flow in marine systems

    The invisible maze task (IMT): Interactive exploration of sparse virtual environments to investigate action-driven formation of spatial representations

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018. The neuroscientific study of human navigation has been constrained by the prerequisite of traditional brain imaging studies that require participants to remain stationary. Such imaging approaches neglect a central component that characterizes navigation - the multisensory experience of self-movement. Navigation by active movement through space combines multisensory perception with internally generated self-motion cues. We investigated the spatial microgenesis during free ambulatory exploration of interactive sparse virtual environments using motion capture synchronized to high resolution electroencephalographic (EEG) data as well AS psychometric and self-report measures. In such environments, map-like allocentric representations must be constructed out of transient, egocentric first-person perspective 3-D spatial information. Considering individual differences of spatial learning ability, we studied if changes in exploration behavior coincide with spatial learning of an environment. To this end, we analyzed the quality of sketch maps (a description of spatial learning) that were produced after repeated learning trials for differently complex maze environments. We observed significant changes in active exploration behavior from the first to the last exploration of a maze: a decrease in time spent in the maze predicted an increase in subsequent sketch map quality. Furthermore, individual differences in spatial abilities as well as differences in the level of experienced immersion had an impact on the quality of spatial learning. Our results demonstrate converging evidence of observable behavioral changes associated with spatial learning in a framework that allows the study of cortical dynamics of navigation