2 research outputs found

    Samarbete på bolånemarknaden - Ett vinnade koncept?

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    Att en mäklare samarbetar med en bank är idag mer regel än undantag. År 2011 trädde den nya fastighetsmäklarlagen i kraft som möjliggjorde för mäklare att få ersättning för förmedlandet av bolånekunder med villkoret att ersättningen skall vara av en obetydlig summa. Vi har undersökt ett samarbete mellan en bank och en bolåneförmedling. Bolåneförmedlingen är dotterbolag till en fastighetsmäklarbyrå. Genom samarbetet kan banken nå ut till fler kundsegment och skaffa sig större marknadsandelar. Bolåneförmedlingen sitter på samma kontor som fastighetsmäklarna och kan erbjuda snabb handläggning vid en försäljningsprocess där köparna behöver hjälp med finansiering till sin nya bostad. För att detta samarbete ska fungera bra är det viktigt att bolåneförmedlingen och banken har en väl fungerande kommunikation samt att kundens behov tillgodoses. Det är även viktigt att bygga kundrelationer. Vårt syfte är att se vilka fördelar och nackdelar detta samarbete innebär för alla inblandade parter genom att genomföra intervjuer med mäklare, bolånerådgivare som sitter på bolåneförmedlingen samt kredithandläggarna som sitter på banken. Resultatet visar att samarbetet innebär många fördelar för alla inblandade samtidigt som banken och bolåneförmedlingen ibland kan stöta på svårigheter, vilket i värsta fall skulle kunna drabba inte bara dem själva utan även kunden. It ́s common that banks are cooperating with real estate agents. In 2011, a new law started to apply and it allowed real estate agents to receive compensation from banks for mediation of mortgage customers, with the condition that the compensation shall be of an insignificant sum. We have investigated a partnership between a bank and a mortgage broker. The mortgage broker is a subsidiary of a real estate agency. The cooperation will enable the bank to reach more customer segments and thus gain a greater market share. The mortgage agency works in the same office as the real estate agents and can offer fast processing on a sales process where buyers need help with financing their new home. In order for this cooperation to work well, it is important that the mortgage broker and the bank has an efficient communication and that the customer's needs are accounted for. It is also important to build customer relationships. Our purpose is to find out which advantages and disadvantages it imposes for all parties involved by conducting interviews with real estate agents, mortgage advisors who works the mortgage intermediation and credit officers working in the bank. Our results show that the cooperation offers many advantages for all involved. The bank and mortgage mediation can sometimes encounter difficulties, which in the worst case could affect not only themselves but also the customers.

    Increased diagnostic sensitivity of palpation-guided thyroid nodule fine-needle aspiration cytology by BRAF V600E-mutation analysis

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    Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common type of thyroid cancer and its incidence is increasing. Preoperative diagnosis is warranted in order to avoid two-stage procedures that are associated with additional costs and higher radioactive iodine remnant uptake. In the setting of thyroid cancer, somatic BRAF V600E-mutations are highly specific for PTC and can be analyzed in aspirates from fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). The gold standard to perform FNAC is ultrasound guidance. Here, we analyze whether adding BRAF V600E-mutation analysis could be of value in palpation-guided FNACs. A total of 430 consecutive patients were included. Ultrasound-guided FNACs were performed in 251 patients and 179 patients underwent palpation-guided FNACs. BRAF V600E-mutation analysis was performed using two methods, an allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyzed by capillary gel electrophoresis (PCR/Qiaxcel), and a droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) assay. A total of 80 patients underwent surgery, and histology revealed 25 patients to have PTC. Of the 25 PTCs, 23 (92%) showed a BRAF V600E-mutation. Both mutation analysis methods (PCR/Qiaxcel and ddPCR) produced concordant results. In the ultrasound-guided group, the preoperative diagnostic sensitivity of FNAC using the Bethesda classification alone was very high and additional BRAF V600E-mutation analysis added little to the preoperative diagnostic sensitivity. By contrast, in the palpation-guided group, by adding BRAF V600E-mutation analysis, eight instead of four patients were diagnosed of having PTC. This increase in the diagnostic sensitivity was statistically significant (p &amp;lt; 0.05). The costs per sample were as low as 62 USD (PCR/Qiaxcel and ddPCR) and 35 USD (PCR/Qiaxcel only). Ultrasound-guided FNAC should be aimed for when dealing with thyroid nodules. However, if palpation-guided FNAC cannot be avoided or may be required due to resource utilization, adding BRAF V600E-mutation analysis using the methods described in this study might significantly increase the proportion of preoperatively diagnosed PTCs. The additional costs can be considered very reasonable.Funding Agencies|Medical Research Council of Southeast SwedenUK Research &amp; Innovation (UKRI)Medical Research Council UK (MRC) [FORSS-648671, FORSS-861891]</p