3 research outputs found


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    The article investigates the creation of Louise Bourgeois, which is called the encyclopedia of modern art. Her works influenced the leading artistic movements of the twentieth century such as cubism, futurism, surrealism, constructivism, abstractionism and conceptualism.The artist Louise Bourgeois was born in France but the most part of her life she spent in the United States of America. The aim of the research is to study and to make the analysis of contemporary art and the participantion of the artist in world’s most famous exhibitions and biennales.This topic is actual not only for analysis of world tendencies in contemporary art but it also demonstrates the sphere of contemporary Ukrainian art.The information is about Louise Bourgeous as one of the world`s leading contemporary artists and her work. Born in Paris in 1911, she settled in New York in 1938 and began to exibit her work just afterwards. Bourgeois is a sculptor who worked with many materials from marble and bronze to latex, fabric and mirrors. She was worldwide exhibited, producing a beguiling body of work featuring among other things. Spiders, cages were her objects of the sculpture. Her early childhood is a recurring theme that fuels her work. In 1982, Bourgeous was the first woman artist to be given retrospective at The Museum of Modern Art in New York. In 1993, she represented the United States at theVenice Biennale.In the late 1940s Bourgeois produced wooden sculptures, and in the 1950s she began to create works crafted with non-traditional metirials such as latex and plaster. Her work became more explicit in the 1960s and 1970s, and she was paid great attention. The public attitude to her changed due to feminism and postmodernism. She got the international success with "the documenta 9" in Kassel in 1992, and at the Venice Biennale a year later. In 1999, Bourgeois was the first artist commissioned to fill the Turbine Hall at the Tate Modern in London, which held a large retrospective in honor of her 95th birthday. Her works were also exhibited at the Georges Pompidou centre in Paris, in the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, and in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. In 1999, she was honored the Praemium Imperiale by the Japanese Art Association.Her works were very new for modern art world. She changed the traditional sculpture and showed her personal art objects. As a result she was regarded as one of the most successful female artists.Статья посвящена исследованию творчества Луизы Буржуа, которую называют энциклопедией современного искусства. В ее работах прослеживается влияние ведущих художественных направлений ХХ века – кубизма, футуризма, сюрреализма, конструктивизма, абстракционизма и концептуализма. Многочисленные выставки Л. Буржуа стали настоящими культурными событиями для признанных мировых столиц современного искусства. Работы Л. Буржуа представлены в самых известных собраниях искусства XX века: Музее Современного искусства (МoМА), Музее Соломона Р. Гуггенхайма в Нью-Йорке, Галерее Тейт в Лондоне, Центре Помпиду в Париже.Стаття присвячена дослідженню творчості Луїзи Буржуа, яку називають енциклопедією сучасного мистецтва. У її роботах прослідковується вплив провідних художніх напрямів ХХ століття – кубізму, футуризму, сюрреалізму, конструктивізму, абстракціонізму та концептуалізму. Численні виставки Л. Буржуа стали справжніми культурними подіями для визнаних світових столиць сучасного мистецтва. Роботи Л. Буржуа представлені в найвідоміших зібраннях мистецтва XX століття: Музеї Сучасного мистецтва (МoМА), Музеї Соломона Р. Гуггенхайма в Нью-Йорку, Галереї Тейт у Лондоні, Центрі Помпіду в Парижі

    Septicaemia models using Streptococcus pneumoniae and Listeria monocytogenes: understanding the role of complement properdin

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae and Listeria monocytogenes, pathogens which can cause severe infectious disease in human, were used to infect properdin-deficient and wildtype mice. The aim was to deduce a role for properdin, positive regulator of the alternative pathway of complement activation, by comparing and contrasting the immune response of the two genotypes in vivo. We show that properdin-deficient and wildtype mice mounted antipneumococcal serotype-specific IgM antibodies, which were protective. Properdin-deficient mice, however, had increased survival in the model of streptococcal pneumonia and sepsis. Low activity of the classical pathway of complement and modulation of FcγR2b expression appear to be pathogenically involved. In listeriosis, however, properdin-deficient mice had reduced survival and a dendritic cell population that was impaired in maturation and activity. In vitro analyses of splenocytes and bone marrow-derived myeloid cells support the view that the opposing outcomes of properdin-deficient and wildtype mice in these two infection models is likely to be due to a skewing of macrophage activity to an M2 phenotype in the properdin-deficient mice. The phenotypes observed thus appear to reflect the extent to which M2- or M1-polarised macrophages are involved in the immune responses to S. pneumoniae and L. monocytogenes. We conclude that properdin controls the strength of immune responses by affecting humoral as well as cellular phenotypes during acute bacterial infection and ensuing inflammation

    The Chemical and Biological Properties of Propolis

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    The term propolis comes from two Greek words, pro (which means for or in defence of) and polis (which means the city); thus, propolis means in defence of the city or beehive. Propolis is a sticky resinous substance, which is gathered from buds and the bark of trees. It is also known as "bee glue" as bees use it to cover surfaces, seal holes and close gaps in their hives, thus providing a sterile environment that protects them from microbes and spore-producing organisms, including fungi and molds. It can be considered to be a potent chemical weapon against bacteria, viruses, and other pathogenic microorganisms that may invade the bee colony. Also, bees use propolis as an embalming substance, to mummify invaders such as other insects, that have been killed and are too heavy to remove from the colony. Thus, propolis is important for bee health but it also has activity against many human diseases. It is a powerful anti-oxidant and can modulate the activity of reactive oxygen species within the human body. The most studied aspect of propolis is its anti-bacterial activity, which is almost always present at a moderate to high level depending on the exact type of propolis. It is in general more active against Gram positive than Gram negative bacteria, but activity against Gram negative bacteria has been observed. Propolis has been found to be active against a range of viruses and also is almost always active against protozoa such as Tryanosoma brucei and Leishmania donovani. Propolis also shows activity against cardiovascular diseases and diabetes and has immunomodulatory effects. Anti-cancer activity has also been observed. In summary, propolis is remarkable for its range of biological activities and for the variety of its chemical composition. It may be of great importance both to bees and humans