133 research outputs found

    Opravdanost upotrebe dodataka ishrani u populaciji trudnica

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    Pregnancy is one of the most nutritionally demanding periods in a woman's life. During pregnancy there is an increase in nutritional requirements in order to support fetal growth and development. Maternal metabolic demands and tissue development specific to reproduction are also in a need for additional nutrition. Increased need for macro- and micronutrients can be achieved by well-balanced and varied diet. Dietary supplements may be used when it is not possible to have adequate diet due to subjective or objective reasons such as nausea and vomiting. Dietary supplements are defined as concentrated sources of nutrients and other substances with nutritional or physiological effect in pharmaceutical dosage forms. Supplements that are most commonly used in pregnancy are folic acid and iron. Substances that do not occur in sufficient amount in food, such as vitamins and minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids n-3 series, diatary fibers, may also be added to a diet in a form of supplements. Different countries have different recommendations regarding use of dietary supplements in pregnancy, which indicates that the use of supplements largely depends on demographic, social and economic parameters. In Serbia, supplementation is based on recommendations from gynecologists and individual choice of a pregnant woman as there are still no national recommendations, except for supplementation of folic acid.Trudnoća je nutritivno jedan od najzahtevnijih perioda u životu žene. U toku trudnoće rastu nutritivne potrebe kako bi se obezbedio fetalni rast i razvoj i podržale metaboličke potrebe majke i razvoj tkiva specifičan za reprodukciju. Preporuke su da se povećane potrebe za proteinima, ugljenim hidratima, mastima, kao i potrebe za vitaminima i mineralima zadovolje dobro balansiranom i raznovrsnom ishranom, a tamo gde to nije moguće postići, iz subjektivnih ili objektivnih razloga (mučnina, povraćanje), koriste se dodaci ishrani (dijetetski suplementi). Po definiciji, dijetetski suplementi su proizvodi koji predstavljaju koncentrovane izvore nutrijenata i drugih sastojaka sa fizioloÅ”kim ili hranljivim efektom u doziranom farmaceutskom obliku. U periodu trudnoće najčeŔće se suplementiraju folna kiselina i gvožđe kao i drugi vitamini i minerali ukoliko se ne unose hranom u dovoljnim količinama, polinezasićene masne kiseline omega-3 serije i dr. Različite zemlje imaju različite stavove i preporuke u vezi sa primenom dodataka ishrani u trudnoći, Å”to nam ukazuje na to da upotreba suplemenata u velikoj meri zavisi od demografskih, socioloÅ”kih i ekonomskih parametara. U Srbiji, izuzev preporuka za suplementaciju folne kiseline, joÅ” uvek ne postoje preporuke koje bi se odnosile na primenu određenih suplemenata u trudnoći, tako da je to uglavnom prepuÅ”teno preporukama od strane ginekologa ili individualnom izboru trudnice

    Uticaj različitih dijetarnih režima na imunitet

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    Although it is considered that optimal nutrition could provide all essential nutrients and active compounds, various dietary regimes are often not following the relevant recommendations. On the contrary, nutritional status is closely related to the immune system. Namely, insufficient caloric intake or a lack of a nutrient can primarily weaken the immune response. The gastrointestinal tract plays an essential role in the function of the immune system, which is both the place of absorption of nutrients and the body's immune defence. Globally, the most prominent cause of immunodeficiencies is undernutrition and starvation, up to 50 % of undeveloped countries' populations. Undernutrition negatively affects both innate and adaptive immunity; considering these facts, it is clear that a prolonged low caloric intake could affect immunity adversely. Since the sixties, World Health Organisation has considered relations between nutrition and immunity, and nutritional immunology is a newer scientific discipline. Later, the precise relationship between low protein intake and lymphoid tissue involution was defined. Generally, the deficiencies of energy, proteins, iron, iodine, vitamin A, zinc and calcium are the most common. It is estimated that every third person is being affected globally. Prolonged hypercaloric intake and resulting obesity could also exhibit immunocompromising effects through inflammation and hyperactivation of the immune system. The negative impact on the immune system could also be provoked by intense physical activity, infective agents, and emotional stress.Iako se stručna javnost slaže da se odgovarajući unos nutrijenata može obezbediti dobro izbalansiranom ishranom, u opÅ”toj populaciji su zastupljeni različiti režimi ishrane koji u potpunosti ne slede preporuke relevantnih tela. Sa druge strane, nutritivni status je u bliskoj vezi sa imunskim sistemom. Naime, nedovoljan kalorijski unos ili nedostatak nekog nutrijenta prvenstveno može dovesti do slabljenja imunskog odgovora. Važnu ulogu u funkciji imunskog sistema ima i gastrointestinalni trakt koji predstavlja mesto apsopcije nutrijenata, ali i imunoloÅ”ke odbrane organizma. NajčeÅ”cĢ i uzrok imunodeficijencije u svetu je pothranjenost. i to kod čak 50% stanovniÅ”tva u zemljama trećeg sveta. Pothranjenost dovodi do poremećaja i urođenog i stečenog imunskog odgovora. Imajući u vidu ove činjenice, jasno se nameće zaključak da dugotrajni režimi smanjenog kalorijskog unosa mogu ispoljiti sličan efekat. Nutritivna imunologija je relativno mlada naučna disciplina koja se bavi ovom problematikom, a Å”ezdesetih godina izlazi monografija Svetske zdravstvene organizacije na ovu temu. Sedamdesetih je uspostavljena jasna veza izmedju proteinske malnutricije i involucije limfoidnog tkiva, pa i timusa. Globalno, među najzastupljenijijim deficitima su deficit energetskog unosa, proteina, gvožđa, joda, vitamina A, D, cinka i kalcijuma, a procena je da je svaka treća osoba u svetu pogođena nekim od nutritivnih deficita. Dugotrajan prekomeran kalorijski unos kao i posledična gojaznost, takođe mogu ispoljiti imunokompromitujući efekat i to kroz inflamaciju, kao i hiperaktivaciju imunskog odgovora. Negativan efekat na imunski sistem mogu imati i veoma intenzivan fizički napor, kao i psihički stress, i različiti infektivni agensi.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Types of naming errors in the elderly

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    Različiti činioci doprinose tačnosti postignuća na zadacima imenovanja kod starijih osoba. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj starosti, nivoa obrazovanja i pola na postignuće starijih osoba u zadacima konfrontacionog imenovanja. Uzorak istraživanja činilo je 37 ispitanika oba pola, podeljenih u tri starosne grupe. Za procenu imenovanja objekata koriŔćen je Bostonski test imenovanja ā€“ BTI. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da ispitanici stariji od 80 godina ostvaruju statistički značajno manje tačnih odgovora na zadacima imenovanja, ali i statistički značajno viÅ”e greÅ”aka po tipu omisije u odnosu na grupu is- pitanika od 69 do 79 godina. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na činjenicu da je sposob- nost imenovanja relativno očuvana sve do kraja osme decenije života, kada se očekuje značajniji pad u postignuću na zadacima procene navedenih sposobnosti. Analiza polnih razlika pokazala je da žene prave statistički značajno manje greÅ”aka semantičkog tipa, ali istovremeno i statistički značajno viÅ”e gre- Å”aka po tipu omisija u odnosu na muÅ”karce. Pored ostalog, rezultati su pokaza- li da, sa manjim izuzecima, postignuće ispitanika na zadacima konfrontacio- nog imenovanja nije značajno uslovljeno nivoom obrazovanja. Nalazi istraživanja ukazuju da je važno uzeti u obzir polne, obrazovne, ali i starosne razlike kao faktore prilikom procene postignuća na Bostonskom testu imenovanja.Numerous factors contribute to the accuracy of performance on picture-naming tasks in elderly people. The aim of the research was to examine the influence of age, level of education and gender on the achievement of elderly people in picture-naming tasks. The research sample consisted of 37 participants of both genders, divided into three age groups. The Boston Naming Test ā€“ BNT was used to assess naming pictures of objects. The results of the research showed that people older than 80 years achieve statistically significantly fewer correct answers on naming tasks, but also statistically significantly more omission errors compared to the group aged 69 to 79 years. The obtained results point to the fact that the naming ability is relatively preserved until the end of the eighth decade of life, when a significant drop in achievement on these tasks is expected. The analysis of gender differences showed that women make statistically significantly fewer semantic errors, but at the same time statistically significantly more omission errors compared to men. Also, the results showed that with minor exceptions, the achievement on confrontational naming tasks was not significantly conditioned by the level of education. Research findings point to the importance of taking into account gender, level of educational and age differences when assessing achievement on the Boston Naming Test

    Primena AHP metode viŔekriterijumske optimizacije za izbor krana na velikim investicionim projektima

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    Izbor krana na velikim investicionim projektima predstavlja rizičnu aktivnost za postizanje osnovnih ciljeva projeka. Kao posledica loÅ”eg izbora krana mogu se javiti kaÅ”njenja zbog loÅ”e organizacije, kao i prekoračenje budžeta. Ustaljena peraksa je da se izbor krana vrÅ”i na osnovu najvećeg tereta koji se podiže i najvećeg radijusa dejstva krana, iako je to često predmet kritike istraživača, kao i lica koja se time bave u praksi. Problem izbora krana treba posmatrati kao problem viÅ”ekriterijumske optimizacije. U ovom radu za izbor krana na velikim građevinskim projektima koriŔćena je AHP metoda. Predloženi model primenjen je na studiji slučaja izgradnje industrijskog objekta i dati su rezultati sa diskusijom

    Lexical processing skills in the elderly

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    Podaci iz dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja sugeriÅ”u značajnu semantičku razgradnju u starijoj životnoj dobi, međutim, nije joÅ” jasno da li ona sledi postepen linea- ran tok ili u nekom periodu dolazi do većih promena. Cilj naÅ”eg istraživanja je poređenje leksičkog procesiranja na uzorku ispita- nika starosti od 60 do 85 godina, koji su podeljeni u tri starosne decenijske grupe. Suptest semantičkih asocijacija Sidnejske jezičke baterije koriŔćen je u svrhu procene leksičkog procesiranja. Rezultati su ukazali na značajano loÅ”ija postignuća ispitanika starijih od 80 godina u poređenju sa ispitanicima u Å”ezdesetim i sedamdesetim godina- ma. Takođe, rezultati su pokazali da ispitanici koji imaju samo osnovnu Å”kolu imaju značajno loÅ”ija postignuća u poređenju sa ispitanicima koji su zavrÅ”ili i srednju Å”kolu ili su visokoobrazovani, dok se postignuća nisu razlikovala u odnosu na pol ispitanika. Rezultati naÅ”eg istraživanja su pokazali da dolazi do značajnije seman- tičke razgradnje posle 80. godine. Međutim, kako grupe ispitanika nisu bile usklađene prema nivou obrazovanja, potrebno je kontrolisati ovu varijablu u cilju izvođenja pouzdanih zaključaka.Data from previous studies suggest a significant semantic deterioration in older age, however, it is not yet clear whether it follows a gradual linear course or major changes occur in some period. The aim of our research is to compare lexical processing in a sample of participants aged 60 to 85, divided into three decade-age groups. The Semantic Associations subtest of the Sydney Language Battery was used for the purpose of lexical processing assessment. The results indicated significantly lower achievements of participants over the age of 80 comparing to ones in their sixties and seventies. Also, the results showed that participants with only primary school have significantly lower achievements comparing to ones with secondary school or highly educated, while the achievements did not differ regarding the gender. The results of our research showed that a significant semantic deterioration occurs in the eighties. However, as the groups were not matched according to the level of education, it is necessary to control this variable in order to draw reliable conclusions

    Lexical processing skills in the elderly

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    Podaci iz dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja sugeriÅ”u značajnu semantičku razgradnju u starijoj životnoj dobi, međutim, nije joÅ” jasno da li ona sledi postepen linea- ran tok ili u nekom periodu dolazi do većih promena. Cilj naÅ”eg istraživanja je poređenje leksičkog procesiranja na uzorku ispita- nika starosti od 60 do 85 godina, koji su podeljeni u tri starosne decenijske grupe. Suptest semantičkih asocijacija Sidnejske jezičke baterije koriŔćen je u svrhu procene leksičkog procesiranja. Rezultati su ukazali na značajano loÅ”ija postignuća ispitanika starijih od 80 godina u poređenju sa ispitanicima u Å”ezdesetim i sedamdesetim godina- ma. Takođe, rezultati su pokazali da ispitanici koji imaju samo osnovnu Å”kolu imaju značajno loÅ”ija postignuća u poređenju sa ispitanicima koji su zavrÅ”ili i srednju Å”kolu ili su visokoobrazovani, dok se postignuća nisu razlikovala u odnosu na pol ispitanika. Rezultati naÅ”eg istraživanja su pokazali da dolazi do značajnije seman- tičke razgradnje posle 80. godine. Međutim, kako grupe ispitanika nisu bile usklađene prema nivou obrazovanja, potrebno je kontrolisati ovu varijablu u cilju izvođenja pouzdanih zaključaka.Data from previous studies suggest a significant semantic deterioration in older age, however, it is not yet clear whether it follows a gradual linear course or major changes occur in some period. The aim of our research is to compare lexical processing in a sample of participants aged 60 to 85, divided into three decade-age groups. The Semantic Associations subtest of the Sydney Language Battery was used for the purpose of lexical processing assessment. The results indicated significantly lower achievements of participants over the age of 80 comparing to ones in their sixties and seventies. Also, the results showed that participants with only primary school have significantly lower achievements comparing to ones with secondary school or highly educated, while the achievements did not differ regarding the gender. The results of our research showed that a significant semantic deterioration occurs in the eighties. However, as the groups were not matched according to the level of education, it is necessary to control this variable in order to draw reliable conclusions

    Types of naming errors in the elderly

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    Različiti činioci doprinose tačnosti postignuća na zadacima imenovanja kod starijih osoba. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj starosti, nivoa obrazovanja i pola na postignuće starijih osoba u zadacima konfrontacionog imenovanja. Uzorak istraživanja činilo je 37 ispitanika oba pola, podeljenih u tri starosne grupe. Za procenu imenovanja objekata koriŔćen je Bostonski test imenovanja ā€“ BTI. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da ispitanici stariji od 80 godina ostvaruju statistički značajno manje tačnih odgovora na zadacima imenovanja, ali i statistički značajno viÅ”e greÅ”aka po tipu omisije u odnosu na grupu is- pitanika od 69 do 79 godina. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na činjenicu da je sposob- nost imenovanja relativno očuvana sve do kraja osme decenije života, kada se očekuje značajniji pad u postignuću na zadacima procene navedenih sposobnosti. Analiza polnih razlika pokazala je da žene prave statistički značajno manje greÅ”aka semantičkog tipa, ali istovremeno i statistički značajno viÅ”e gre- Å”aka po tipu omisija u odnosu na muÅ”karce. Pored ostalog, rezultati su pokaza- li da, sa manjim izuzecima, postignuće ispitanika na zadacima konfrontacio- nog imenovanja nije značajno uslovljeno nivoom obrazovanja. Nalazi istraživanja ukazuju da je važno uzeti u obzir polne, obrazovne, ali i starosne razlike kao faktore prilikom procene postignuća na Bostonskom testu imenovanja.Numerous factors contribute to the accuracy of performance on picture-naming tasks in elderly people. The aim of the research was to examine the influence of age, level of education and gender on the achievement of elderly people in picture-naming tasks. The research sample consisted of 37 participants of both genders, divided into three age groups. The Boston Naming Test ā€“ BNT was used to assess naming pictures of objects. The results of the research showed that people older than 80 years achieve statistically significantly fewer correct answers on naming tasks, but also statistically significantly more omission errors compared to the group aged 69 to 79 years. The obtained results point to the fact that the naming ability is relatively preserved until the end of the eighth decade of life, when a significant drop in achievement on these tasks is expected. The analysis of gender differences showed that women make statistically significantly fewer semantic errors, but at the same time statistically significantly more omission errors compared to men. Also, the results showed that with minor exceptions, the achievement on confrontational naming tasks was not significantly conditioned by the level of education. Research findings point to the importance of taking into account gender, level of educational and age differences when assessing achievement on the Boston Naming Test

    Specificity and sensitivity of three pcr-based methods for detection of erwinia amylovora in pure culture and plant material

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    Three PCR methods, referred in this study as,conventional" "nested" and,chromosomal" PCR and suggested for routine detection of Erwinia amylovora in pure culture and plant material, were evaluated according to their specificity and sensitivity. Specificity of PCR methods was analyzed by using 42 strains of E. amylovora, originating from different locations and plant species, with diverse PFGE profiles, representing distant populations of the pathogen. Sensitivity of PCR protocols in pure culture was studied by using nine different concentrations of E. amylovora in sterile ultrapure water as a template in PCR reactions. In order to study inhibitory effect of plant DNA and other inhibitors on sensitivity of the three PCR methods bacterial dilutions were mixed with plant macerate of pear, apple and quince prior to the PCR reaction. In specificity assays, tested PCR protocols were able to detect all E. amylovora strains regardless of the host of the strain, its origin or PFGE group, indicating primer specificity. On the other hand, sensitivity among tested methods varied, depending on bacterial concentration and selected plant material used in the PCR. When working with pure cultures nested PCR showed the greatest sensitivity by detecting 1.9 bacterial cells per PCR reaction, followed by detection limit of 9.5 cells per PCR reaction with conventional PCR and 1.9.105 cells/PCR reaction with chromosomal PCR. In spiked samples plant inhibitors either did not affect or they decreased the sensitivity of the PCR reaction, depending on the protocol and/or type of plant macerate. In our experiments, inhibitors from pear and quince macerates did not affect sensitivity of nested PCR, while apple macerate reduced its sensitivity by a factor of 10. Conventional PCR protocol was able to detect 95 cells/PCR reaction in pear and apple macerate, but only 9.5.103 cells/PCR in quince macerate. Greatest decrease in sensitivity of the PCR method was observed in spiked samples with chromosomal PCR since bacterial DNA was not detected in each of the spiked samples. Our research shows that all three PCR protocols are specific for detection of E. amylovora, but nested PCR proved to be most sensitive when working with pure cultures and plant material

    Nusproizvodi agro-industrije kao izvor održivih sastojaka za proizvodnju funkcionalne hrane i nutraceutika

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    The disposal of waste generated in the agri-food industry is one of the greatest challenges in achieving sustainable development. Although agri-food residues are a potential source of bioactive compounds with proven health benefits, they are largely unused and disposed of as organic waste. The recovery of bioactive compounds from agri-food waste to obtain products with high biological value, such as functional foods and nutraceuticals, is an idea that stems from the concept of bioeconomy and combines environmental issues with economically viable production. Some of the main agri-food wastes in Serbia that have the potential to be recycled into value-added products are apple, plum, grape, tomato, and beet pomace, and oilseed cakes. Bioactive compounds isolated from these wastes include polyphenols, fibers, essential fatty acids, minerals, various volatiles and pigments. This article focuses on the most common food wastes and the potential reuse of these undervalued material to produce value-added products such as functional foods, nutraceuticals or food additives.Odlaganje otpada koji nastaje u prehrambenoj industriji jedan je od najvećih izazova u postizanju održivog razvoja. Iako su nusproizvodi koji nastaju u prehrambenoj industriji potencijalni izvor bioaktivnih jedinjenja sa dokazanim pozitivnim zdravstvenim efektima, oni se uglavnom odlažu kao organski otpad. IskoriŔćenje bioaktivnih jedinjenja iz ovih nusproizvoda u cilju dobijanja proizvoda sa dodatom nutritivnom i bioloÅ”kom vrednoŔću, kao Å”to su funkcionalna hrana i nutraceutici, ideja je koja proizilazi iz koncepta bioekonomije i kombinuje ekoloÅ”ki aspekt sa ekonomski održivom proizvodnjom. Neki od glavnih nusproizvoda koji se generiÅ”u u Srbiji sa potencijalom da se iskoriste u proizvodnji proizvoda sa dodatom vrednoŔću su trop jabuke, trop Å”ljive, komina grožđa, trop paradajza, uljane pogače i dr. Bioaktivna jedinjenja izolovana iz ovih otpada uključuju polifenole, peptide, vlakna, esencijalne masne kiseline, minerale, različite isparljive materije i pigmente. Ovaj članak se fokusira na najčeŔće otpade prehrambene industrije i potencijalnu ponovnu upotrebu ovog joÅ” uvek neiskoriŔćenog otpadnog materijala za proizvodnju proizvoda sa dodatom vrednoŔću kao Å”to su funkcionalna hrana, nutraceutici ili aditivi

    Nutraceutici u prevenciji i tretmanu COVID-19

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    The immune system defends the host from many pathogen- ic microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi, including a large number of specific cell types, inter- related molecules, and biological responses. Due to infec- tions, heightened immune system activity is accompanied by expanded metabolic activities, requiring appropriate energy supply, precursors for biosynthesis and regulatory molecules. Numerous vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in supporting bodyā€™s immunity and fighting against viral infections. Other bioactive compounds like omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics and antioxidants (alpha-lipoic acid, quercetin) are also important in the immune response. CO- VID-19 may develop mild symptoms to severe damage of the respiratory epithelium followed by a cytokine storm. Many studies show that vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and selenium are critical in defending against SARS-CoV-2 infection. Intestinal dysbiosis is a feature of many infectious diseases, including COVID-19, so dietary approaches to establishing a healthy microbiota are essential for improving immune function. This paper reviews the data on the roles and potential effectiveness of selected nutraceuticals in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.Imunski sistem Å”titi organizam od brojnih patogena (bakterija, virusa, gljivica, parazita) uključujući veliki broj specijalizovanih tipova cĢelija, komunikacionih molekula i funkcionalnih odgovora. Pojačana aktivnost imunskog si stema usled infekcija pracĢena je povecĢanim metaboličkim aktivnostima, Å”to zahteva izvore energije, supstrate za biosintezu i regulatorne molekule. Brojni vitamini i minerali imaju ključnu ulogu u podrÅ”ci imunskom sistemu i smanjenju rizika od infekcija. Ostale bioaktivne komponente kao omega-3 masne kiseline, probiotici i antioksidansi (alfa-lipoinska kiselina, kvercetin) takođe su od značaja u imunoloÅ”kom odgovoru. COVID-19 karakteriÅ”u kliničke slike od blagih simptoma do teÅ”ke infekcije respiratornog epitela praćene citokinskom olujom. Pokazano je da starije osobe sa hroničnim bolestima imaju smanjenu aktivnost odbrambenog sistema i neadekvatan nutritivni status, zbog čega postoji veći rizik za pojavu fatalnih ishoda. Ispitivanja ukazuju da su vitamin C, vitamin D, cink i selen posebno važni u odbrani od infekcije SARS-CoV-2. Disbioza creva je karakteristika mnogih zaraznih bolesti uključujući COVID-19, zato su dijetetski pristupi za uspostavljanje zdrave mikrobiote važni u poboljÅ”anju imunoloÅ”kih funkcija. U ovom radu prikazan je pregled literature o ulozi i potencijalnoj primeni odabranih nutraceutika u prevenciji i tretmanu COVID-19
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