356 research outputs found

    Strengthening the Social Sustainability of Super-Blocks: Belgrade's Emerging Urban Hubs

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    Focusing on the social aspect of sustainability, this article provides insight into the process of spatial and functional reconsideration of open public spaces in two selected super-blocks in Belgrade, Serbia. Although their spatial typology is similar, one of them was created during the 1960s in New Belgrade, a new administrative center of the city based on the principles of functionalism, while the other one was built during the 1970s, as a part of urban reconstruction conducted in the central areas of Belgrade (Vračar municipality). The beginning of the 21st century has brought new challenges to open public spaces, reflecting the post-transitional changes of the Serbian socio-economic context, as well as the contemporary urban needs of inhabitants. Consequently, both blocks have developed new gathering places for their local communities, although applying two different approaches, spontaneous/informal (New Belgrade) and formal (Vračar). Considering the specificities of both initiatives and the relationship between local communities and the open public spaces of super-blocks, the comparative analysis is conducted in order to identify the occurring social, spatial, and functional modifications, and the achieved level of social sustainability

    Stanje oralnog zdravlja dece obolele od nasledne distrofičke bulozne epidermolize

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    Background/Aim. Epidermolysis bullosa is a group of rare, genetic connective tissue diseases that cause blisters in the skin and mucosal membranes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the oral health status of patients with epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica and level of knowledge and opinion of parents about the implementation of preventive measures and quality of dental care of affected children. Methods. This study included a group of 17 patients from Serbia suffering from dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa and matched control group. Dental caries status was assessed using the Klein-Palmer index. Oral hygiene status was verified with oral hygiene indices, simplified plaque index, and calculus index as described by Green and Vermillion. The gingiva was assessed as healthy or inflamed (gingivitis) on the basis of any changes in color, shape, size and surface texture. The condition of oral mucosa has been registered on the basis of inspection of the lips, tongue, a floor of the mouth, mouth vestibule and palate. The level of knowledge and the impressions of parents about the application of preventive measures were investigated through two questionnaires specifically designed for this study. Results. In both dentitions, there was the highest percentage of caries teeth. In primary dentition average value of the modified plaque index was 1.4 ± 1.14 and modified calculus was 0.7 ± 1. On permanent teeth average plaque index was 2 ± 0.4, and average calculus 1.6 ± 0.6. Statistically, significant higher values were found in permanent dentition in percentage distribution of decayed, missing, filled teeth and also for plaque and calculus indices between affected children and the control group. Most common findings on mucosa were microstomia (76.5%) and ankyloglossia (88.2%). Conclusion. The absence of protocol between the treating physician and the dentist and not sufficiently informed parents are leading to inadequate dental care. The implementation of preventive measures is of most importance to decrease the risk of severe complications that are difficult to be managed.Uvod/Cilj. Bulozna epidermoliza je grupa retkih, genetski predisponiranih bolesti vezivnog tkiva koja se karakteriše formiranjem bula (mehurova) u koži i mukoznim membranama. Cilj rada bio je da se ispita stanje oralnog zdravlja dece obolele od distrofične bulozne epidermolize, kao i nivo znanja i mišljenje roditelja o primeni preventivnih mera i kvalitetu stomatološke zaštite obolele dece. Metode. U studiju je bilo uključeno 17 bolesnika sa distrofičnom buloznom epidermolizom iz Srbije i odgovarajuća kontrolna grupa. Stanje zuba ustanovljeno je Klein Palmerovim indeksom karijesnih, ekstrakovanih plombiranih zuba - KEP indeksom. Stanje oralne higijene analizirano je indeksima oralne higijene (pojednostavljeni plak indeks i indeks zubnog kamenca po Green-Vermillionu). Stanje gingive je na osnovu inspekcije ocenjivano kao zdrava gingiva ili gingivitis, u zavisnosti od toga da li su joj bili promenjeni boja, oblik, veličina ili struktura. Stanje oralne sluzokože evidentirano je na osnovu inspekcije usana, jezika, poda usne duplje, vestibuluma, plika i frenuluma, kao i mekog i tvrdog nepca. Nivo znanja i utisci roditelja o primeni preventivnih mera i kvalitetu stomatološke zaštite dece obolele od bolozne epidermolize, ispitivani su kroz dva upitnika specijalno dizajnirana za potrebe ove studije. Rezultati. U obe denticije bilo je najviše karijesno obolelih zuba. Za mlečnu denticiju prosečan modifikovani plak indeks iznosio je 1,4 ± 1,14, a modifikovani kalkulus indeks 0,7 ± 1. U stalnoj denticiji vrednosti prosečnog plak indesa i kalkulus indeksa redom su bile 2 ± 0,4 i 1,6 ± 0,6. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u procentualnoj zastupljenosti karijesnih, ekstrahovanih i plombiranih zuba stalne denticije između dece obolele od bulozne epidermolize i kontrolne grupe, kao i za vrednosti plak i kalkulus indeksa. Najčešće promene oralne sluzokože bile su mikrostomija (76,5%) i ankiloglosija (88,2%). Zaključak. Odsustvo protokolarne saradnje između ordinirajućeg lekara i stomatologa, kao i nedovoljna informisanost roditelja, glavni su razlozi lošeg stanja oralnog zdravlja. Primena preventivnih mera je od najvećeg značaja kako bi se sprečio nastanak komplikacija koje je teško sanirati kod ove grupe bolesnika

    Applying Recommender Systems and Adaptive Hypermedia for e-Learning Personalizatio

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    Learners learn differently because they are different -- and they grow more distinctive as they mature. Personalized learning occurs when e-learning systems make deliberate efforts to design educational experiences that fit the needs, goals, talents, and interests of their learners. Researchers had recently begun to investigate various techniques to help teachers improve e-learning systems. In this paper we present our design and implementation of an adaptive and intelligent web-based programming tutoring system -- Protus, which applies recommendation and adaptive hypermedia techniques. This system aims at automatically guiding the learner's activities and recommend relevant links and actions to him/her during the learning process. Experiments on real data sets show the suitability of using both recommendation and hypermedia techniques in order to suggest online learning activities to learners based on their preferences, knowledge and the opinions of the users with similar characteristics


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    This paper presents the modeling procedure of one real technological system. In this study, thecopper extraction from the copper flotation waste generated at the Bor Copper Mine (Serbia), werethe object of modeling. Sufficient data base for statistical modeling was constructed using theorthogonal factorial design of the experiments. Mathematical model of investigated system wasdeveloped using the combination of linear and multiple linear statistical analysis approach. Thepurpose of such a model is obtaining optimal states of the system that enable efficient operationsmanagement. Besides technological and economical, ecological parameters of the process wereconsidered as crucial input variables

    Relationships Between Bone Treatment Conditions and Co2+ Sorption Capacities

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    Co-60 is an important radionuclide in spent nuclear fuel and liquid radioactive wastes. For the purification of water containing Co2+, ions sorption on hydroxyapatite (Ca-10(PO4)(6)(OH)(2)) can be applied. The process is particularly cost-effective if biological apatite from animal bones is utilized. In this study, dependence between bovine bone treatment conditions and Co2+, sorption was investigated as a function of initial metal concentration. Eight sorbents were previously prepared using fractional factorial design, by simultaneous variations of five process variables between two levels: factor A-the type of the chemical reagent (H2O2 or NaOH), factor B-reagent concentration (0.1 mol/L or 2 mol/L), factor C-reaction temperature (20(o)C or 60(o)C), factor D-contact time (1h or 3h) and factor E-sample annealing (without or at 400(o)C). At this point, the effects of treatment factors on Co2+, sorption efficiency were evaluated using statistical analysis. Amounts of Co2+ sorbed, amounts of released Ca2+ ions and final pH values were considered as system responses. The results showed that the impact of various treatment factors was different for different starting concentrations of Co2+. Consequently, no statistically important relations could be established between treatment conditions and Co2+, sorption from 10(-4) and 5*10(-4) mol/L solutions, whereas thermal treatment at 400(o)C was the only statistically significant factor influencing sorption from the most concentrated solution (5*10(-3) mol/L). Depending on initial Co2+, concentration, various factors had statistically significant effect on equilibrium pH values, whereas no relation was found between bone treatment conditions and the amounts of Ca2+, released during the sorption.3rd International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD), Jun 08-12, 2015, Budva, Montenegr

    Effects of recrystallization annealing on mechanical properties of cold-rolled PdNi5 wires

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine the influence of the recrystallization temperature and recrystallization time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the PdNi5 alloy subjected to cold deformation in the process of rolling at a constant deformation degree. The samples of PdNi5 alloy were recrystallization annealed within the temperature range of 200-1000 ºC and annealing time range of 20-45 min after cold rolling with deformation degree of 97%. The tensile test was carried out using universal material testing machine. The hardness was also measured on the combined device for measuring Vickers and Brinell hardness. Metallographic observations were performed on an optical microscope. The analysis of the results of investigations regarding the microstructural changes and corresponding mechanical properties of cold-rolled PdNi5 strips shows that annealing temperature of 500 ºC was sufficient to activate the energy for various recrystallization processes causing a change in the mechanical properties of cold-rolled PdNi5 strips. The annealing time, at constant annealing temperature, almost did not affect a recrystallization temperature and the mechanical properties of the cold-rolled PdNi5 strips

    Način nasleđivanja i kombinacione sposobnosti broja redova zrna na klipu, broja zrna u redu i prinosa zrna kukuruza (Zea mays L.)

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    Utilization of heterosis requires the study of combining abilities of potential parents. In view of this, the objective of this paper was to study combining abilities and determine the mode of inheritance and gene effects for the main agronomic character, grain yield, and its components, kernel row number and kernel number per row. Six inbred lines were used in the study, three of which originated in the U.S., while the other three were developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. Kernel row number was inherited by superdominance, partial dominance, complete dominance and intermediacy. The mode of inheritance of kernel number per row and grain yield was superdominance. Additive gene action had the greatest influence on the expression of kernel row number, while the other two traits were influenced the most by nonadditive gene.Iskorištavanje heterozisa zahteva poznavanje kombinacionih sposobnosti potencijalnih roditelja. Imajući ovo u vidu cilj ovog rada je bio proučavanje kombinacionih sposobnosti i utvrđivanje načina nasleđivanja prinosa zrna, kao glavne agronomske osobine, i komponenti prinosa zrna, broj redova zrna na klipu i broj zrna na klipu. U radu je korišteno 6 inbred linija, od kojih su 3 poreklom iz SAD, a 3 su razvijene u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Način nasleđivanja broja redova zrna na klipu bila je superdominacija, parcijalna dominacija, puna dominacija i intermedijarnost, a kod broja zrna na klipu i prinosa zrna po biljci u svim hibridnim kombinacijama pojavila se superdominacija. Aditivni efekat gena imao je najveći uticaj na ekspresiju broja redova zrna na klipu, dok je za druge dve proučavane osobine ustanovljeno da je neaditivan efekat gena imao najveći uticaj


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    There is a large number of treatment types offered to parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), but they are particularly vulnerable to the promoters of pseudoscience, which can lead to the use of ineffective types of treatment. This study represents an attempt to document the types of treatments used by parents of children with ASD in the Republic of Serbia. Secondary aim was to determine if certain parent or child characteristics influenced the types of treatments used. Modified version of survey constructed and conducted by Green, et al. (2006) was used. Nearly all (n=85) of the 86 treatments listed in our survey were being currently used or used in the past by at least one parent and the most commonly used treatment is speech and language therapy. The treatments were grouped into ten categories and the most commonly used is other treatments (80.6%), followed by standard therapies (79.2%) and vitamin supplements (65.3%).  It is also of great importance to educate the parents of children with ASD about evidence-based treatments and on how to distinguish them from treatments that do not have empirica

    Genetic analysis of grain yield and oil content in two maize populations

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    Background and purpose: The objectives of this study were to estimate correlations between kernel oil content and morphological traits in two studied maize populations, and to estimate direct and indirect effects of yield components on kernel oil content. Materials and methods: The material for this study was developed by crossing progenies of high oil maize populations with two testers. The traits analyzed were kernel row number, 100-kernel weight, grain yield per plant and kernel oil content. Correlation coefficients were based on the ratio of joint variation and summary of individual variation of two traits (8). Standardized partial regression coefficients and levels of their significance were calculated according to the method of the inverse matrix (10). Results: In B73 testcrosses, oil content was in negative, and medium strong correlations with all studied traits were observed. In the second population, relation between these traits was also negative, but medium strong and weak between oil content and kernel row number, and between oil content and other studied traits. Significantly positive coefficient of correlations was found between grain yield and 100-kernel weight in both estimated populations. Conclusions: Coefficients of correlations between kernel oil content and other traitswere estimated. Significantly negative direct effectswere estimated of all studied traits to kernel oil content but indirect effects were significantly positive and negative

    Uticaj različitih proporcija egzotične germplazme na prinos zrna i udeo vode u zrnu kukuruza

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    Two main questions in programs introgressing exotic maize germplasm into temperate materials are the choice of available exotic sources to work with, and the proportion of exotic germplasm that should be incorporated into adapted germplasm. The objective of this study was to compare effects of different proportions of tropical maize inbred line NC298 in hybrids male parent on grain yield and grain moisture content, using method of orthogonal polynomials. Methods of direct crosses and backcrosses were used to form four hybrid groups (six hybrids each) containing 0, 25, 50 and 75 percent of tropical exotic germplasm, respectively, by their male parent (or one half of mentioned proportions in the corresponding hybrids). The linear components of the germplasm proportions sum of squares, were significant (p lt 0.01) for both grain yield and moisture content and the cubic effect (p lt 0.05) for grain yield only. Results in this study clearly suggested backcross foundation populations with an adapted line to be appropriate selection sources for both grain yield and grain moisture content.Inkorporacija egzotične germplazme u genetički materijal umerenog klimata nameće dva osnovna pitanja: izbor i proporciju odgovarajućih egzotičnih izvora. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio poređenje efekata različitog udela tropske linije kukuruza NC298 u očinskoj komponenti hibrida, na prinos zrna i udeo vode u zrnu, primenom metode ortogonalnih polinoma. Metodom direktnih i povratnih ukrštanja dobijene su četiri grupe hibrida (po šest hibrida u svakoj) koje su sadržale 0, 25, 50 i 75 procenata tropske germplazme, u njihovoj očinskoj komponenti (ili jednu polovinu pomenutih procenata u odgovarajućim hibridima). Sume kvadrata linearne komponente, bile su značajne (p lt 0.01) za prinos zrna i za udeo vode u zrnu, dok su sume kvadrata kubnog efekata bile značajne (p lt 0.05) samo za prinos zrna. Rezultati ovih istraživanja jasno ukazuju da su početne populacije nastale povratnim ukrštanjem sa adaptiranom linijom pogodan izvor za selekciju na prinos zrna i udeo vode u zrnu