1,021 research outputs found
Dependence of Nanoparticles Synthesis Energy Consumption in the Gas Spark Discharge on Circuit Parameters
In this paper, we study the specific energy of titanium dioxide nanoparticles synthesis in a spark discharge in the air by varying the parameters of a discharge circuit. The dependence shows a maximum at a capacitor voltage of about 2 kV and a monotonic decrease with increasing voltage
Data on the number and frequency of scientific literature citations for established medulloblastoma cell lines
This article collates information about the number of scientific articles mentioning each of the established medulloblastoma cell lines, derived through a systematic search of Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar in 2016. The data for each cell line have been presented as raw number of citations, percentage share of the total citations for each search engine and as an average percentage between the three search engines. In order to correct for the time since each cell line has been in use, the raw citation data have also been divided by the number of years since the derivation of each cell line. This is a supporting article for a review of in vitro models of medulloblastoma published in “in vitro models of medulloblastoma: choosing the right tool for the job” (D.P. Ivanov, D.A. Walker, B. Coyle, A.M. Grabowska, 2016) [1]
Complex structural-tectonic zoning of the north-eastern part
The large amount of geological and geophysical data obtained in recent decades for the north-eastern part of the Barents Sea shelf makes their visual comparative analysis difficult, and the use of automated classification methods, in particular, multidimensional statistics, become relevant.
The perspectives of the statistical approach to the processing and interpretation of multi-sign geological and geophysical information are considered. The objective performance of the method of identifying classes (tectonic structures) within the studied area is determined by statistically justified methods that are independent of the subjective factor. The structural-tectonic schemes for reflecting horizons are clarified, at the level of which the main stages of large-scale tectonic reorganizations occur
Ground-state properties of the Rokhsar-Kivelson dimer model on the triangular lattice
We explicitly show that the Rokhsar-Kivelson dimer model on the triangular
lattice is a liquid with topological order. Using the Pfaffian technique, we
prove that the difference in local properties between the two topologically
degenerate ground states on the cylinders and on the tori decreases
exponentially with the system size. We compute the relevant correlation length
and show that it equals the correlation length of the vison operator.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure
The electrical properties of coating obtained by vacuum arc deposition
AbstractThis paper investigates the electrical properties of the coating based on Ti–C–B system. The coating was obtained by vacuum-arc method by spraying of multi compound cathode prepared by reactive hot pressing of Ti, carbon black and amorphous B powder mixture.The electrical conductivity of the coating was measured in temperature range of 10–320K which was about σ=4.8·103Ω−1cm−1 in the entire temperature range. The carrier concentration measured was about n=1·1022 cm−3. The charge carriers’ mobility varies between 10 and −7 and changes sign at temperature about T=225K
Nearest-neighbour Attraction Stabilizes Staggered Currents in the 2D Hubbard Model
Using a strong-coupling approach, we show that staggered current vorticity
does not obtain in the repulsive 2D Hubbard model for large on-site Coulomb
interactions, as in the case of the copper oxide superconductors. This trend
also persists even when nearest-neighbour repulsions are present. However,
staggered flux ordering emerges {\bf only} when attractive nearest-neighbour
Coulomb interactions are included. Such ordering opens a gap along the
direction and persists over a reasonable range of doping.Comment: 5 pages with 5 .eps files (Typos in text are corrected
Dependence of Nanoparticles Synthesis Energy Consumption in the Gas Spark Discharge on Circuit Parameters
In this paper, we study the specific energy of titanium dioxide nanoparticles synthesis in a spark discharge in the air by varying the parameters of a discharge circuit. The dependence shows a maximum at a capacitor voltage of about 2 kV and a monotonic decrease with increasing voltage
Close encounters of a rotating star with planets in parabolic orbits of varying inclination and the formation of Hot Jupiters
(abbreviated) We extend the theory of close encounters of a planet on a
parabolic orbit with a star to include the effects of tides induced on the
central rotating star. Orbits with arbitrary inclination to the stellar
rotation axis are considered. We obtain results both from an analytic treatment
and numerical one that are in satisfactory agreement. These results are applied
to the initial phase of the tidal circularisation problem. We find that both
tides induced in the star and planet can lead to a significant decrease of the
orbital semi-major axis for orbits having periastron distances smaller than 5-6
stellar radii (corresponding to periods days after the
circularisation has been completed) with tides in the star being much stronger
for retrograde orbits compared to prograde orbits. We use the simple Skumanich
law for the stellar rotation with its rotational period equal to one month at
the age of 5Gyr. The strength of tidal interactions is characterised by
circularisation time scale, defined as a time scale of evolution of
the planet's semi-major axis due to tides considered as a function of orbital
period after the process of tidal circularisation has been completed.
We find that the ratio of the initial circularisation time scales corresponding
to prograde and retrograde orbits is of order 1.5-2 for a planet of one Jupiter
mass and four days. It grows with the mass of the planet, being
of order five for a five Jupiter mass planet with the same . Thus, the
effect of stellar rotation may provide a bias in the formation of planetary
systems having planets on close orbits around their host stars, as a
consequence of planet-planet scattering, favouring systems with retrograde
orbits. The results may also be applied to the problem of tidal capture of
stars in young stellar clusters.Comment: to be published in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom
The multibeam linear ion accelerator: calculation and experiment
The accelerating structure consisting of cylindrical screen with electrodes of coil types radialy disposed, which
the current-conductive annuluses with tubes of driftage disposed azimuth of annulus are attached has been
suggested. By way computer simulation were received the base-frequency of structure, shunt-impedance,
distribution of field in the accelerating gaps. The experimental researched of frequencies generation coil in screen
and field distribution functions were made.Пропонується прискорююча структура, що складається з циліндричного екрану з радіально
розташованими електродами спірального типу, до яких кріпляться струмопровідні кільця з трубками
дрейфу, розташованими по азимуту кільця. Шляхом чисельного моделювання були отримані робоча
частота, шунтовий імпеданс, розподіл полів в прискорюючих зазорах. Проведено експериментальні
дослідження частот збудження спіралі в екрані і розподілу полів.Предлагается ускоряющая структура, состоящая из цилиндрического экрана с радиально
расположенными электродами спирального типа, к которым крепятся токопроводящие кольца с трубками
дрейфа, расположенными по азимуту кольца. Путем численного моделирования были получены рабочая
частота, шунтовой импеданс, распределение поля в ускоряющих зазорах. Проведены экспериментальныеисследования частот возбуждения спирали в экране и распределения поля
Two-level Hamiltonian of a superconducting quantum point contact
In a superconducting quantum point contact, dynamics of the superconducting
phase is coupled to the transitions between the subgap states. We compute this
coupling and derive the two-level Hamiltonian of the contact.Comment: REVTeX, 5 pages, reference adde
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