116 research outputs found

    Geochemistry, faunal composition and trophic structure in reducing sediments on the southwest South Georgia margin

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    Despite a number of studies in areas of focused methane seepage, the extent of transitional sediments of more diffuse methane seepage, and their influence upon biological communities is poorly understood. We investigated an area of reducing sediments with elevated levels of methane on the South Georgia margin around 250 m depth and report data from a series of geochemical and biological analyses. Here, the geochemical signatures were consistent with weak methane seepage and the role of sub-surface methane consumption was clearly very important, preventing gas emissions into bottom waters. As a result, the contribution of methane-derived carbon to the microbial and metazoan food webs was very limited, although sulfur isotopic signatures indicated a wider range of dietary contributions than was apparent from carbon isotope ratios. Macrofaunal assemblages had high dominance and were indicative of reducing sediments, with many taxa common to other similar environments and no seep-endemic fauna, indicating transitional assemblages. Also similar to other cold seep areas, there were samples of authigenic carbonate, but rather than occurring as pavements or sedimentary concretions, these carbonates were restricted to patches on the shells of Axinulus antarcticus (Bivalvia, Thyasiridae), which is suggestive of microbe–metazoan interactions

    Suprainduction of p53 by disruption of 40S and 60S ribosome biogenesis leads to the activation of a novel G2/M checkpoint

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    Impairment of ribosome biogenesis leads to p53 induction and cell cycle arrest, a checkpoint involved in human disease. Induction of p53 is attributed to the binding and inhibition of human double minute 2 (Hdm2) by a subset of ribosomal proteins (RPs): RPS7, RPL5, RPL11, and RPL23. However, we found that only RPL11 or RPL5, in a mutually dependent manner, elicit this response. We show that depletion of RPS7 or RPL23, like depletion of other RPs, except for RPL11 and RPL5, induces a p53 response and that the effects of RPS7 and RPL23 on p53 induction reported earlier may be ascribed to inhibition of global translation. Moreover, we made the surprising observation that codepletion of two essential RPs, one from each subunit, but not the same subunit, leads to suprainduction of p53. This led to the discovery that the previously proposed RPL11-dependent mechanism of p53 induction, thought to be caused by abrogation of 40S biogenesis and continued 60S biogenesis, is still operating, despite abrogation of 60S biogenesis. This response leads to both a G1 block and a novel G2/M block not observed when disrupting either subunit alone. Thus, induction of p53 is mediated by distinct mechanisms, with the data pointing to an essential role for ribosomal subunits beyond translation

    Special Aspects of Specialist Training for Military Industrial Complex (Incentives, Conception, Integral Quality Indicator and Practical Recommendations)

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    The paper studies special concepts of so-called mentally structured approach to training the elite specialists of technical profile to be employed by the military industrial complex (MIC).Training of MIC-oriented specialists concerns specialties related to its special status of a dual technology “industrial locomotive”. This, in turn, requires specialized teaching aids, which in their harmonized body are capable to provide training the generalists (multi-discipline specialists) to meet a number of specific requirements imposed by this status.One of the features of mentally structured approach that provides the maximum efficiency of training the MIC technical elite is a conceptual statement that it is not only a user or a student (the subjects of the cognitive process) who needs to be fitted in the specialty content of a particular subject matter. The syllabus itself (i.e. the objects of a subject matter) also needs to be finetuned or adapted to psychophysiological capabilities of users (students) in accordance with entitative functioning principles of memory and thinking.In other words, the concept of mentally structured presentation of information materials is that they should not be a projection of subject matter logics only, but also a projection of logics of mental (psychophysiological) capability of users or students being subjects of cognitive process. Stated differently, the bridge needs to be built from two harmoniously augmenting each other sides, both from the side of human mental capabilities and from the side of content complexity of the subject matter studied.For this purpose, a special analysis of the operation aspects of the human brain functional systems has been conducted. It was found that functional asymmetry of cerebral hemyspheres has a fractal-quantum logical structure for processing information arriving at the brain input.Dextrocerebral structural components form, primarily, a logical structure of so-called mental fractals. Mental fractals are semantic frameworks or functional-behavioral frames which repeat themselves on various levels of mental activity being loosely connected to particularities of subject matter. Mental fractals in the essence of their content have subject invariant or intransitive nature and in their majority correspond to what definition.At the same time, sinistrocerebral structural components form, primarily, a logical structure of strictly subject-oriented content which correspond to how definition.It was also found that in order to increase the efficiency of perception and processing of the information flow arriving at the input of the brain it is expedient to present educational texts of subject oriented content filling subject-invariant fractals or semantic frameworks in quantum form. In other words, educational texts should be split into so-called info-quantums, parameters of which should be appropriate in their scale to informative characteristics of psycho-quantums inherent to various kinds of memory or associated cogitation mechanisms.Within this framework, the content of the studied subject matter (learning discipline) or information obtained (from internet, for example) has been already considered not only as a source of strictly professional knowledge and skills a specialist needs, but also as the specialized methodological aids that purposefully form students' ability to think literally (using objective laws of memory and cogitation). The latter, in turn, enables us to process information arriving at the input of the brain with maximum efficiency from the standpoint of its expected final result or given objective function.</p