7 research outputs found

    Mokytojo minkštųjų įgūdžių tobulinimas naujoje švietimo paradigmoje: kompetencijos, vertybės, rodikliai, rezultatai

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    This paper deals with theoretical models of soft skills development in teacher education. The immediate purpose of this consideration is to develop a model for the development of a teacher’s soft skills as a competent, innovative, motivated, and competitive specialist in the labor market in the present time. The role of soft skills in the process of professional development of employees in all organizations has been increasing in recent times. However, the importance and necessity of teachers’ soft skills and, therefore, their formation among students studying in pedagogical areas are not yet adequately realized by many participants in the educational process. This paper examines the concept of soft skills and identifies the importance of these skills for the development of a specialist in the pedagogical field. In addition, a comparative analysis of hard skills and soft skills was conducted, and their components, namely competences, values, and behavioral indicators were evaluated. An analysis was conducted to assess the labor market needs for new qualifications. This made it possible to design a model of the modern teacher with skills reflective of their real environment. The results of this study can be further used in the improvement of lifelong learning and adult education.Straipsnyje nagrinėjami teoriniai minkštųjų įgūdžių tobulinimo modeliai mokytojų rengimo srityje. Tyrime pirmiausia buvo siekiama sukurti šiandienos mokytojo, kaip kompetentingo, novatoriško, motyvuoto, konkurencingo darbo rinkos specialisto, minkštųjų įgūdžių modelį. Pastaruoju metu organizacijose pastebimai didėja minkštųjų įgūdžių vaidmuo profesinio tobulėjimo srityje, tačiau daugelis švietimo proceso dalyvių dar nesupranta mokytojų minkštųjų įgūdžių svarbos ir to, kad juos būtina formuoti pedagoginių studijų studentams. Straipsnyje pateikiama minkštųjų įgūdžių samprata ir atskleidžiama šių įgūdžių svarba ugdant būsimus pedagogus. Atlikta lyginamoji kietųjų ir minkštųjų įgūdžių analizė bei įvertinti jų komponentai, kuriuos sudaro kompetencijos, vertybės ir elgesio rodikliai; atlikta ir naujų darbo rinkos poreikius tenkinančių kvalifikacijų analizė. Visa tai leido suprojektuoti modernaus ir realybę atitinkančių įgūdžių turinčio mokytojo modelį. Tyrimo rezultatai gali būti naudojami tobulinant visą gyvenimą trunkantį mokymąsi ir suaugusiųjų švietimą

    The Factoring as an Effective Mechanism for Receivables Management: the Accounting-Analytical Aspect

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    The article is aimed at substantiating the expediency of using factoring as an efficient instrument for managing accounts receivable and business financing. The article is concerned with the theoretic-methodical bases of factoring application, in particular: the approaches to interpretation of factoring are considered, the specificity of factoring mechanism is defined and the key aspects, which characterize it, are allocated; advantages of factoring application are proved; the types of factoring that have a direct impact on the accounting-analytical support are allocated; the main objects of accountance and economic analysis of factoring are identified; the general directions of analytical provision of factoring usage in activity of both factor and faktorant are suggested

    Estimation of the Effect of Temperature, the Concentration of Oxygen and Catalysts on the Oxidation of the Thermoanthracite Carbon Material

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    The effect of temperature, oxygen concentration and gas-air mixture flow rate on the oxidation efficiency of thermoanthracite carbon granular material with the formation of carbon monoxide and dioxide is considered. The modeled installation implies heating of the carbon material sample in a heat chamber with constant passing of the gas-air mixture obtained by adjusting the supply of air and carbon dioxide through the heating zone. The temperature range was 20–850 °C.It is found that noticeable oxidation of carbon material in a heat chamber during purging of gas-air mixtures with an oxygen content of 8–21 % begins at temperatures above 500 °C, and significant concentrations of carbon monoxide are formed at temperatures of 600–800 °C. It is determined that, at an oxygen concentration of 14 %, the content of carbon monoxide in flue gases is minimal in the chosen range of oxygen concentrations of 8–21 %.It is shown that the use of the gas mixture saturated with water vapor increases the efficiency of carbon monoxide reoxidation at temperatures of 650–850 °C, but when using the manganese catalyst, the catalytic effect of water vapor is not observed.The use of the manganese catalyst applied as microcrystals on the carbon material surface is proposed, which provides a significant reduction of CO concentrations at temperatures of 500–850 °C. The disadvantage of the process is a 1.6–2.0 times increase in carbon material losses due to the acceleration of coal oxidation to CO and CO2.The possibility to create certain conditions for the technological process of oxidation of thermoanthracite carbon granular material at enterprises to provide a reduction of the carbon monoxide content in oxidation products is presente

    Determination of Parameters of the Carbon­containing Materials Gasification Process in the Rotary Kiln Cooler Drum

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    An assessment of the feasibility of using the existing equipment of a rotary kiln cooler drum for heat treatment of a carbon-containing filler to produce synthesis gas using production waste in the form of a dust fraction of heat-treated petroleum coke or anthracite is carried out. A mathematical model of the process of gasification of carbon particles is formulated in the continuous-discrete formulation, including thirteen global reactions, of which four are heterogeneous and nine are homogeneous. A numerical model of gasification of a dust fraction of a carbon-containing filler in the rotary kiln cooler drum in the axisymmetric formulation is developed. The convergence of the numerical solution of the gasification problem by the grid step is investigated. It is found that the computational grid, which includes 73,620 cells and 75,202 nodes, leads to an error in determining the main parameters of the model of no more than 1–2 %. Verification of the developed numerical model is performed. It is found that the difference between the molar fractions of CO and H2, the values of which were obtained by various software products (Fluent, NASA CEA), is in the range of (2.8...5.8) %. Using the developed numerical model of the process of gasification of a carbon-containing filler in the rotary kiln cooler drum, the quantitative composition of the combustible components of the syngas for different initial parameters is determined. It is found that with the ratio О2/С=(42.7...51.6) %, the predicted quantitative composition of the combustible gases of synthesis gas in molar fractions is СО=(32.8...36.9 )%, Н2=(17.1...18.4) % and CH4=(0.03...0.16) %. The possibility of using the NASA CEA program, intended for operational calculations of equilibrium chemistry, for engineering calculations of the material composition of synthesis gas of industrial furnace equipment, is show

    The Kinetic Parameters of the Smoke Gases Purification Process From Carbon Monoxide on A Zeolite-based Manganese Oxide Catalyst

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    A modified MnO2 clinoptillolite was obtained by using the available zeolite rock from the Sokyrnytsia deposit (Khust district of the Zakarpattia region, Ukraine) using a simple technique of mixing solutions containing separately Mn2+ and MnO4-. It was determined that the total manganese content in the air-dry modified thermally untreated clinoptyllolite was 11.42 mg/g, which is 1.8 % in terms of MnO2.Structural characteristics, namely, the pore size distribution and specific surface area as the main basic characteristics of the catalyst, were studied, which were obtained from the isotherms of low-temperature nitrogen adsorption-desorption. These studies are necessary to determine the limiting stage of CO oxidation.It has been determined that the kinetics of the oxidation process is described by a first-order equation. Based on the obtained characteristics of the catalyst, the kinetic parameters of the process were calculated, namely, the effective and true rate constants and the activation energy, which is 31 kJ/mol. It has been proved that the oxidation reaction of carbon monoxide on an oxide-manganese catalyst proceeds in the intra-diffusion mode. This makes it possible, using the criterion dependences, namely, the Carberry criterion, which is less than 0.05, to assert that the reaction is not limited by the diffusion of CO from the gas stream to the outer surface of the catalyst. It is shown that the transport of carbon monoxide molecules inside the catalyst granules proceeds in the Knudsen regime.The obtained scientific result in the form of a kinetic description of the catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide with atmospheric oxygen on a manganese oxide catalyst based on zeolite is interesting from a theoretical point of view. From a practical point of view, the calculated kinetic parameters of this process make it possible to calculate a catalytic CO oxidation reacto

    Innovative technologies of flue gas neutralization in carbon graphite producing units

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    Innovative technologies of flue gas neutralization in carbon graphite producing units = Інноваційні технології знешкодження димових газів вуглеграфітових виробництв / O. I. Ivanenko, M. D. Gomelya, Y. M. Panov, G. G. Trokhymenko, S. V. Plashykhin, T. A. Overchenko, T. V. Krysenko, S. D. Dovholap // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2021. – № 4 (487). – С. 82–91.я. Рекомендовано широке використання для очищення димових газів промислових виробництв від монооксиду вуглецю та летких смолистих речовин діоксидмарганцевого каталізатора на носії з природного цеоліту-кліноптилоліту, враховуючи його доступність та екологічну безпечність. Екологічну безпечність застосування діоксидмарганцевого каталізатора на цеолітовому носії можна аргументувати не тільки можливістю отримання каталізатора з відпрацьованих сорбентів для очищення марганцевмісної природної води, а й безпечністю захоронення відпрацьованих каталізаторів. Цеолітовий каталізатор запропоновано розміщувати в контейнерах у каналах камер із температурою 320–390°С печей випалювання електродних заготовок, що є інноваційним технічним рішенням проблеми очистки димових газів від монооксиду вуглецю. Запропоноване науково-технічне рішення з використання контейнерів із каталізатором безпосередньо в камерах печі випалювання не вимагає значних капітальних витрат на переоснащення виробництва та будівництво окремих споруд каталітичного газоочищення. Проте облаштування контейнерів та заміна каталізатора після його відпрацювання вимагатиме підвищення терміну простою на підприємстві вуглеграфітового виробництва між кампаніями випалювання. Найбільш раціональним новітнім технічним рішенням є застосування газобетонних блоків із каталізатором, які швидко та зручно можуть бути розташовані безпосередньо на вуглецевому матеріалі пересипки електродів у підсклепінному просторі камер печей випалювання. Перевагами використання феритного матеріалу як активної речовини пористих каталізаторів поряд із високою ефективністю є їх інертність та стійкість у довкіллі, що не створюватиме проблем з утилізацією каталітичних систем після відпрацювання. Показано високу ефективність застосування цеолітових та блочних пористих каталізаторів під час окиснення летких смолистих речовин. Визначено, що діоксидмарганцевий каталізатор на газобетонному носії має вищу окиснювальну здатність порівняно з діоксидмарганцевим цеолітовим каталізатором. Визначальною перевагою застосування блочних газобетонних каталізаторів поряд зі зручністю встановлення є довготривалий термін їх експлуатації, після завершення якого можлива утилізація блоків на підприємствах електродної промисловості, що призведе до зниження матеріальних затрат на виробництві, а також збереження природних ресурсів.It is recommended to use extensively manganese dioxide catalyst based on a carrier of natural zeoliteclinoptilolite for purufucation of industrial flue gases from carbon monoxide and volatile resinous substances in view of its availability and environmental safety. The ecological safety of using manganese dioxide catalyst based on zeolite carrier can be justified not only by the possibility of producing the catalyst from spent sorbents for purifying manganesecontaining natural water, but also by the safety of disposal of spent catalysts. The zeolite catalyst is proposed to be placed in containers in chamber passages with a temperature of 320–390°C in kilns for electrode blanks, which is an innovative engineering solution to the problem of purification of flue gases from carbon monoxide. The proposed scientific and engineering solution for using containers with a catalyst directly in the kiln chambers does not require significant capital expenditures for production re-equipment and construction of individual catalytic gas treatment plants. However, the installaition in containers and the replacement of the catalyst after its being spent will require an increase in the downtime of the carbon graphite producing plant between kiln operations. The most rational recent engineering solution consists in the use of aerated concrete blocks with catalyst, which can be quickly and conveniently placed directly on the carbon material of electrode charge in the sub-basement space of the kiln chambers. The advantage of using ferrite material as active substance of porous catalysts, along with high efficiency, is their inertness and stability in the environment, which does not create problems with the disposal of catalytic systems after being spent. High utilization efficiency of zeolite and block porous catalysts in oxidation of volatile resinous substances has been shown. It is established that manganese dioxide catalyst based on aerated concrete carrier has a higher oxidizing capacity as compared with manganese dioxide zeolite catalyst. The defining advantage of the use of aerated concrete block catalysts, along with the ease of installation, is their long service life after which the utilization at units of electrode industry is possible which will reduce material production costs and will conserve natural resources