50 research outputs found

    Bubrežno oÅ”tećenje u dvjema različitim populacijama endemskoga žariÅ”ta [Kidney damage in two different population of endemic focus]

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    Background and objectives: Improvements in agricultural practices in Croatia have reduced exposure to aristolochic acid viacontaminated flour and risk for development of endemic (Balkan) nephropathy. Therefore, due to reduced exposure to aristolochic acid, it was hypothesized that Bosnian immigrants who settled in an endemic area in Croatia 15 ā€“ 30 years ago would be at lower risk of developing endemic nephropathy. To test this hypothesis, past and present exposure to aristolochic acid, proximal tubule damage as a hallmark of endemic nephropathy, and prevalence of CKD in Bosnian immigrants were analyzed. ----- Participants, and methods: In this cross-sectional observational study conducted from 2005 to 2010, overall 2822 inhabitans of the villages were enrolled, and 2161 eligible farmers were divided into groups: indigenous inhabitants from endemic nephropathy and non ā€“ endemic nephropathy villages and Bosnian immigrants; Ī±1 microglobuline to creatinine ratio 31.5 mg/g and eGFR < 60 ml/min per 1.73m2 were considered to be abnormal. ----- Results: CKD and proximal tubule damage prevalences were significantly lower in Bosnian immigrants than inhabitants of endemic nephropathy villages (6.9% versus 16.9%; p<0.001; 2.0% versus 6.2%; p=0.007, respectively); 20 years ago, Bosnian immigrants observed less Aristolochia clematitis in cultivated fields (41.9% versus 67.8%) and less seeds among wheat seeds (6.1% versus 35.6%) and ate more purchased than homemade bread compared with Croatian farmers from endemic nephropathy villages (38.5% versus 14.8%, p=0.001). Currently, both Croatian farmers and Bosnian immigrants observe significantly fewer Aristolochia plants growing in their fields compared with 15ā€“30 years ago. Prior aristolochic acid exposure was associated with proximal tubule damage (OR, 1.64; 95% CI, 1.05 to 2.58; p=0.03), whereas present exposure was not (OR, 1.50; 95% CI, 0.93 to 2.41; p=0.98). Furthermore, immigrant status was an independent negative predictor of proximal tubule damage (OR, 0.41; 95% CI, 0.19 to 0.87; p=0.02). ----- Conclusions: Bosnian immigrants and autochthonous Croats residing in endemic areas are exposed significantly less to ingestion of aristolochic acid than in the past. The prevalence of endemic nephropathy and its associated urothelial cancers is predicted to decrease over time

    Obesity and systolic blood pressure in young adult men born small for gestational age [Pretilost i arterijski tlak u mladih odraslih muÅ”karaca rođenih nakon intrauterinog zastoja u rastu]

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    Individuals born small for gestational age (SGA) are supposed to be at higher risk to develop cardiovascular disorders, and recent report showed that concurrent obesity influences blood pressure (BP) in SGA children. Our aim was to investigate the impact of obesity and birth weight on blood pressure values in young adult men born SGA and controls born after normal pregnancy, Normotensive, non-treated adult men were enrolled (N = 185; mean age 21.29 +/- 0.9 years). Birth parameters were obtained from medical records and SGA was defined as birth weight (BW) under 10th percentile for gestational age and obesity as BMI > 25 kg/m2. According to the presence or absence of obesity and BW the subjects were divided into four groups: (1) non-obese with normal BW (N = 50), (2) non-obese SGA (N = 67), (3) obese with normal BW (N = 40), (4) obese SGA (N = 28). BP was measured using Omron M6 and Spacelab 90207 device following the ESH/ESC guidelines. Systolic BP, 24-hour BP variability and pulse pressure were significantly higher in SGA subjects than in those with normal BW (p 0.05). In addition to BW and shorter pregnancy duration, obesity concurrently and significantly determines systolic BP in young normotensive men and point to a need for more aggressive implementation of healthy lifestyle as early as possible

    Obesity and Systolic Blood Pressure in Young Adult Men Born Small for Gestational Age

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    Individuals born small for gestational age (SGA) are supposed to be at higher risk to develop cardiovascular disorders, and recent report showed that concurrent obesity influences blood pressure (BP) in SGA children. Our aim was to investi- gate the impact of obesity and birth weight on blood pressure values in young adult men born SGA and controls born after normal pregnancy, Normotensive, non-treated adult men were enrolled (N=185; mean age 21.29 Ā± 0.9 years). Birth para- meters were obtained from medical records and SGA was defined as birth weight (BW) under 10th percentile for gestational age and obesity as BMI >25 kg/m2. According to the presence or absence of obesity and BW the subjects were divided into four groups: (1) non-obese with normal BW (N=50), (2) non-obese SGA (N=67), (3) obese with normal BW (N=40), (4) obese SGA (N=28). BP was measured using Omron M6 and Spacelab 90207 device following the ESH/ESC guidelines. Systolic BP 24-hour BP variability and pulse pressure were significantly higher in SGA subjects than in those with normal , BW (p<0.05). The highest 24-hour and daytime systolic BP values as well as 24-hour pulse pressure were found in the sub- group of obese SGA subjects (p<0.001). Significant differences for the above parameters were observed between obese SGA group and non-obese SGA group (p<0.05). Obese SGA subjects had higher 24-hour and daytime systolic BP values com- pared to obese normal BW group. No difference was found in BP between non-obese SGA and non-obese group with normal BW (p>0.05). In addition to BW and shorter pregnancy duration, obesity concurrently and significantly determines sys- tolic BP in young normotensive men and point to a need for more agressive implementation of healthy lifestyle as early as possible

    Statistical Analysis of the Combined ECAP and Heat Treatment for Recycling Aluminum Chips Without Remelting

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    The main aim of this paper is to present an environmentally friendly method for aluminum recycling. Development of new recycling technologies in order to increase scrap reuse potential and CO2 emission savings are of the main importance for aluminum circular economy. In this paper, aluminum chips waste was recycled without any remelting phase in order to increase energy and material savings. The presented process is usually called solid state recycling or direct recycling. Solid state recycling process consists of chips cleaning, cold pre-compaction and hot direct extrusion followed by a combination of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) and heat treatment. Influence of holding time during solid solution treatment and both artificial aging time and temperature on mechanical properties of the recycled EN AW 6082 aluminum chips were investigated. A comprehensive number of the experiments were performed utilizing design of experiments approach and response surface methodology. Regression models were developed for describe the influence of heat treatment parameters for presented solid state recycling process on mechanical properties of the recycled samples. Utilizing novel procedure high quality recycled samples were obtained with mechanical properties comparable with commercially produced EN AW 6082 aluminum alloy in T6 temper condition. Metallographic analysis of the recycled samples was also performed


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    Endemska nefropatija (EN) kronična je tubulointersticijska nefropatija aristolohične kiseline (AAN) koja se javlja u stanovnika određenih sela u dolinama velikih pritoka Dunava na jugoistoku Europe uključujući i Hrvatsku. Oboljeli od EN-a imaju znatno veću učestalost karcinoma prijelaznog epitela mokraćovoda nego opća populacija. Danas se smatra da je A:T transverzija gena p53 Ā»potpisnaĀ« mutacija za aristolohičnu kiselinu koja je uzrok endemske nefropatije. Postojeći kriteriji za EN su zastarjeli, neujednačeni (tri vrste kriterija) te nisu u skladu s novim preporukama za klasifikaciju bubrežnih bolesti. Stoga su na temelju sadaÅ”njih znanja i stručnosti grupe znanstvenika i stručnjaka iz svih zemalja s EN-om, kao i svijeta u kojem je AAN opisan stvoreni novi dijagnostički kriteriji i nova klasifikacija stanovniÅ”tva endemskih sela na simpoziju o EN-u. EN je velik javnozdravstveni problem pa bi nam sadaÅ”nja znanja o ovoj bolesti, kao i novi dijagnostički kriteriji trebali pomoći u njezinu ranom otkrivanju i liječenju, a možda u nekoj bližoj budućnosti i njezinoj eradikaciji.Endemic nephropathy (EN) is a chronic tubulointerstitial aristolochic acid nephropathy (AAN) affecting residents of the certain villages in the valleys of the major tributaries of the Danube river in the south-east Europe including Croatia. Patients with EN have a significantly higher incidence of transitional cell carcinoma of the ureter than the general population. A-T transversion of the p53 gene is now considered to be a mutational Ā»signatureĀ« of aristolochic acid, which is a cause of endemic nephropathy. Currently used diagnostic criteria for EN are outdated, uneven (three types of criteria) and are not in agreement with proposed new guidelines for kidney diseases. Therefore, based on current knowledge and expertise of a group of scientists and experts from all countries with EN as well as world where AAN has been reported, new diagnostic criteria and the new classification of the population of endemic villages were created at a symposium on EN. EN presents a major public health problem and current knowledge about this disease as well as new diagnostic criteria should help us in its early detection and treatment and maybe in a near future its eradication

    Endemska nefropatija u Hrvatskoj [Endemic nephropathy in Croatia]

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    Endemic nephropathy (EN) is a chronic tubulointerstitial aristolochic acid nephropathy (AAN) affecting residents of the certain villages in the valleys of the major tributaries of the Danube river in the south-east Europe including Croatia. Patients with EN have a significantly higher incidence of transitional cell carcinoma of the ureter than the general population. A-T transversion of the p53 gene is now considered to be a mutational "signature" of aristolochic acid, which is a cause of endemic nephropathy. Currently used diagnostic criteria for EN are outdated, uneven (three types of criteria) and are not in agreement with proposed new guidelines for kidney diseases. Therefore, based on current knowledge and expertise of a group of scientists and experts from all countries with EN as well as world where AAN has been reported, new diagnostic criteria and the new classification of the population of endemic villages were created at a symposium on EN. EN presents a major public health problem and current knowledge about this disease as well as new diagnostic criteria should help us in its early detection and treatment and maybe in a near future its eradication

    Karcinom sabirnih kanalića i endemska nefropatija - prikazi slučaja i pregled literature

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    Although collecting duct carcinoma is a subtype of renal cell carcinoma, several studies implicate association with urothelial carcinoma. The coexistence of collecting duct carcinoma and another renal neoplasm is rare. Endemic nephropathy is a renal disease causing chronic renal failure. It is highly associated with urothelial neoplasm and occurs in endemic villages in Bosnia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. Recent studies have confirmed the important role of exposure to aristolochic acid as an etiologic factor. We present three cases of collecting duct carcinoma with literature overview. In one case, we describe collecting duct carcinoma with metachronous urothelial carcinoma of the pyelon and urinary bladder in an endemic nephropathy patient. To our knowledge, this is the first case report describing this coexistence. Certain similarities between collecting duct carcinoma and urothelial carcinoma were found, e.g., higher incidence in female compared to male, higher mean age, and multifocal and multicentric occurrence of the tumor. Our observations support the hypothesis that collecting duct carcinoma and urothelial carcinoma could be connected.Iako je karcinom sabirnih kanalića podvrsta karcinoma bubrežnih stanica, određena istraživanja ukazuju na povezanost ovog entiteta s karcinomom prijelaznog epitela. Istodobna pojava karcinoma sabirnih kanalića i drugih bubrežnih neoplazma je rijetka. Endemska nefropatija je bubrežna bolest koja dovodi do kroničnog bubrežnog zatajenja. Vrlo je povezana s urotelnim tumorima i javlja se u endemskim selima u Bosni, Hrvatskoj, Bugarskoj, Rumunjskoj i Srbiji. Nedavna istraživanja potvrdila su značajnu ulogu izloženosti aristolohičnoj kiselini kao etioloÅ”kom čimbeniku. Predstavljamo tri slučaja karcinoma sabirnih kanalića s pregledom literature. U jednom slučaju opisujemo karcinom sabirnih kanalića s metakronom pojavom urotelnog karcinoma pijelona te mokraćnog mjehura u bolesnika s potvrđenom endemskom nefropatijom. Prema naÅ”im saznanjima ovo je prvi slučaj koji opisuje ovakvu koegzistenciju. Pronađene su određene sličnosti između karcinoma sabirnih kanalića i karcinoma prijelaznog epitela, a to su veća učestalost u ženskoj populaciji, viÅ”a prosječna dob, multifokalna i multicentrična pojava tumora. NaÅ”a zapažanja podupiru hipotezu o mogućoj povezanosti karcinoma sabirnih kanalića i karcinoma prijelaznog epitela

    Short communication: Pepino mosaic virus, a new threat for Serbiaā€™s tomatoes

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    Aim of study: To report the occurrence of Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) on tomato in Serbia and to genetically characterize Serbian PepMV isolates. Area of study: Tomato samples showing virus-like symptoms were collected in the Bogojevce locality (Jablanica District, Serbia). Material and methods: Collected tomato samples were assayed by DAS-ELISA using antisera against eight economically important or quarantine tomato viruses. Three selected isolates of naturally infected tomato plants were mechanically transmitted to tomato ā€˜Novosadski jabučarā€™ seedlings. For confirmation of PepMV infection, RT-PCR was performed using specific primers PepMV TGB F/PepMV UTR R. Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree was constructed with 47 complete CP gene sequences of PepMV to determine the genetic relationship of Serbian PepMV isolates with those from other parts of the world. Main results: The results of DAS-ELISA indicated the presence of PepMV in all tested samples. Mechanically inoculated ā€˜Novosadski jabučarā€™ seedlings expressed yellow spots and light and dark green patches, bubbling, and curled leaves. All tested tomato plants were RTPCR positive for the presence of PepMV. The CP sequence analysis revealed that the Serbian PepMV isolates were completely identical among themselves and shared the highest nucleotide identity of 95.1% (99.2% aa identity) with isolate from Spain (FJ263341). Phylogenetic analysis showed clustering of the Serbian PepMV isolates into CH2 strain, but they formed separate subgroup within CH2 strain. Research highlights: This is the first data of the presence of PepMV in protected tomato production in Serbia. Considering increased incidence and rapid spread in Europe, the presence of PepMV on tomato could therefore represent serious threat to this valuable crop in Serbi

    Determination of bioactive components in different tomato lines: Physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity

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    Tomato, one of the most produced vegetables in the world, is experiencing continuous global increase in both production and consumption. Fruit quality traits are important for fresh market tomatoes as well as for the processing industry. Despite the growing demand for both fresh and processed tomatoes, consumers are not satisfied with the quality of available fruits. The main objectives of the present work were to determine the physicochemical characteristics [pH, total soluble solids (TSS), total titratable acids (TTA), TSS/TTA ratio, DMC, lycopene, Ī²-carotene, vitamin C, and total phenolic content], as well as the antioxidant activity of 13 different tomato lines, and to identify the most promising ones in terms of fruit taste and quality. Antioxidant activity was determined using the ABTS and DPPH methods with Trolox used as the standard compound. PCA analysis was conducted to identify group patterns. The results of PCA analysis indicated a specific genotypic response in all investigated physicochemical traits. Genotypes 2, 10, and 13 were identified as the best for fresh consumption, as they exhibited the highest levels of compounds crucial for good taste, nutrition, and human health benefits. The most promising genotype related to fruit quality attributes was genotype 10 with the best TSS and TAA content and TSS/TAA ratio, which is important for overall taste perception. On the other hand, genotype 9 showed promise for industrial purposes due to its ideal pH value in the juice and good soluble solid content. High antioxidant activity was characteristic of genotypes 1 and 2, and their consumption as fresh tomatoes can be beneficial to human health. They also should be considered for further evaluation as potentially interesting genotypes for abiotic stress research and selection programs which can lead to the development of both superior fruit quality and stress tolerant genotypes