46 research outputs found


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    Bee pollen is popular nutraceutical and remedy used in traditional medicine since ancient times. Although it has indisputable beneficial action on human health, in recent years some issues regarding its safety have been raised. Mainly, they are a result of human actions, either indirectly (usage of pesticides, pollution with toxic trace elements) or directly (microbial contamination during handling). This review summarizes findings regarding safety aspects of bee pollen for human consumption

    Eye and the influence of light on eye

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    Tema završnog rada je oko i utjecaj svjetlosti na oko. Osim šta nam pomaže da vidimo, oko prima više od 80% osjetilnih podražaja i na taj način obavlja vrlo važne funkcije u ljudskom tijelu. Oko ima kompleksnu građu i razne funkcije. Proces vida započinje kada svjetlosna zraka, koja se odbija od objekta i putuje kroz oko, refraktira i fokusira u žarištu. Žarište se nalazi na mrežnici. Mrežnica ima mnoštvo stanica koje hvataju slike na isti način kao i film u fotoaparatu pri izloženosti svjetlu. Te slike se zatim šalju prema mozgu putem vidnog živca i tamo se interpretiraju. Tako vidimo. Oko nije savršeno i nekada se mogu dogoditi poremećaji u akomodaciji oka kao npr. dalekovidnost, kratkovidnost, mrena itd.Beside helping us to see, eye receives more than 80% of sensory stimuli and in that way performs very important function in human body. It has complex structure and various functions.The process of vision begins when the light beam, that is reflected from the object, travels through the eye and refracts in the focus. The focus is on the retina. Retina has many cells that capture images in the same way as a film camera when exposed to light. These images are then sent to the brain via optic nerve and are interpreted there. That is how we see. Eye is not perfect and sometimes there are disorders in accommodation of the eye, for example farsightedness, nearsightedness, cataract and so on


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    Zadatak rada bio je odrediti fizikalno-kemijske parametre meda od vriska (Satureja montana L.) proizvedenog u jadranskom dijelu Republike Hrvatske. Uzorci meda prikupljeni su kroz nekoliko proizvodnih sezona, a uzorcima su određeni sljedeći fizikalno-kemijski parametri: udio vode, električna provodnost, pH vrijednost, slobodna kiselost, udio ugljikohidrata, aktivnost dijastaze i udio HMF-a. Rezultati električne provodnosti (0.155 - 0.456 mS/cm), slobodne kiselosti (16.1 - 35.8 mEq/kg) i aktivnosti dijastaze (16.3 - 45.8) kretali su se u velikom rasponu. Fruktoza/glukoza i glukoza/voda odnosi upućuju na umjerenu brzinu kristalizacije meda od vriska.The aim of this work was to determine physicochemical parameters of winter savory (Satureja montana L.) honey produced in the Adriatic part of Croatia. Honey samples were collected from several production seasons and following physicochemical parameters were determined: water content, electrical conductivity, pH value, free acidity, sugar content, diastase activity and HMF content. The results of electrical conductivity (0.155 - 0.456 mS/cm), free acidity (16.1 - 35.8 mEq/kg) and diastase activity (16.3 - 45.8) varied in a wide range. Fructose/glucose and glucose/water ratios indicate moderate crystallisation rate of the honey


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    Introduction and objective: Milk and dairy products are an important source of many nutrients that are known to have many beneficial effects on human health. On the other hand, milk and dairy products can cause allergies and intolerances. Allergy is caused by milk proteins that lead to immune reactions, while intolerance is caused by the milk sugar, lactose, due to reduced activity of enzyme lactase which digests it. To avoid the unpleasant symptoms, lactose intolerant persons can consume fermented milk products that are known to have reduced lactose content. The aim of this study was to determine the content of lactose in commercially available fermented dairy beverages by HPLC method and to assess their adequacy in diet of lactose intolerant persons. Methods: Altogether 21commercially available type of fermented milk products was analysed of which 13 were plain yogurts, while remaining 8 belonged to the group of functional products. Lactose content was determined by HPLC method. Lactose detection was achieved by refraction index detector and its quantification by external standard method. Results: Lactose content of analysed products ranged from 2.65 g/100 g up to 4.05 g/100 g in plain yogurts, and from 2.61 g/100 g up to 4.63 g/100 g in functional products. Conclusions: Based on determined lactose content and a presumption that most of lactose intolerant persons can digest up to 6 g of lactose on a daily basis without obvious symptoms it is assessed that daily acceptable amount of the analysed products ranges from 130 to 230 g

    Nitrates in water in Požega-slavonia county as determined by spectrophotometric method

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    Provjera zdravstvene ispravnosti vode za ljudsku potrošnju podrazumijeva redovite analize mikrobioloških i kemijskih parametara sukladnosti propisanih u zakonskoj regulativi. Jedan od obveznih kemijskih parametara koji se prate prilikom redovnog monitoringa jesu nitrati. Za određivanje koncentracije nitrata u vodi korištena je UV spektrofotometrijska screening metoda 4500- NO3NO_{3-}. U svrhu validacije metode provjerena je linearnost, preciznost, istinitost, te granice detekcije i kvantifikacije. Izvedbene značajke pokazale su da je metoda prikladna namjeni. Analiziran je 101 uzorak iz javnog i lokalnih vodoopskrbnih sustava prema godišnjem planu monitoringa Požeškoslavonske županije. Izmjerene koncentracije nitrata u analiziranim uzorcima bile su znatno niže od maksimalno dozvoljenih 50 mg NO3NO_{3-}/L. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, voda za ljudsku potrošnju u Požeško-slavonskoj županiji, gledajući parametar nitrati, udovoljava zahtjevima zakonske regulative.Water safety determination implies regular analysis of microbiological and chemical parameters of compliance which are specified by the legal regulations. One of the obligatory chemical parameters, which are analysed during the regular monitoring, are the nitrates. UV spectrophotometric screening method 4500-NO3NO_{3-} was used to determine the nitrate concentration in water. The method used here was validated through linearity, precision, trueness as well as the limits of detection and quantification. The used method was found to be fit for the purpose. According to the annual water monitoring programme of Požega-Slavonia County, 101 water samples from public and local water supply systems were analysed for nitrates. The nitrate concentrations, measured in the analysed samples, were considerably lower than maximum permissible value that is set to 50 mg NO3NO_{3-}/L. According to the results, water for human consumption in the Požega-Slavonia County, considering the nitrate parameter, is in compliance with legal requirements

    Stabilizzazione del grasso d\u27oca con antiossidanti e sinergizzanti

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    Tijekom proizvodnje, skladištenja i toplinske obrade guščja mast podliježe oksidacijskom kvarenju. U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj dodatka prirodnih i sintetskih antioksidanasa te sinergista (ekstrakt ružmarina, ekstrakt zelenog čaja, ekstrakt kadulje, alfa tokoferol, mješavina tokoferola, propil galat, limunska kiselina, askorbinska kiselina, kofeinska kiselina, ružmarinska kiselina) na oksidacijsku stabilnost guščje masti. Oksidacijska stabilnost masti, sa i bez dodanog antioksidansa i sinergista, ispitivana je primjenom Schaal Oven testa. Rezultati testa prikazani su kao vrijednost peroksidnog broja nakon određenog vremena držanja masti pri temperaturi 63 °C. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da dodani antioksidansi i sinergisti uspješno stabiliziraju guščju mast, osim α-tokoferola. Od prirodnih antioksidanasa najveću antioksidacijsku aktivnost u guščjoj masti ima ekstrakt zelenog čaja. Postigao je najveću efikasnost zaštite od oksidacijskog kvarenja. Ekstrakt ružmarina u kombinaciji sa sinergistom pokazuje veću razinu zaštite masti od oksidacije u odnosu na čisti ekstrakt ružmarina. Dodatkom mješavine tokoferola postignuta je bolja stabilizacija masti u odnosu na ekstrakt kadulje. Sintetski antioksidans propil galat uspješno je povećao stabilnost guščje masti.During production, storage and heat treatment, goose fat is subject to oxidative deterioration. This paper investigated the influence of natural and synthetic antioxidants and synergists (rosemary extract, green tea extract, sage extract, alpha tocopherol, tocopherol mixture, propyl gallate, citric acid, ascorbic acid, caffeic acid, rosmarinic acid) on the oxidative stability of goose fat. Oxidation stability of fat, with and without added antioxidants and synergists, was investigated using the Schaal Oven test. The test results are presented as the value of the peroxide number after a certain time of keeping the fat at a temperature of 63 °C. The results of the study showed that applying antioxidants and synergists successfully stabilises goose fat, with exception of α-tocopherol. Of the natural antioxidants, green tea extract has the highest antioxidant activity in goose fat. It achieved the highest efficiency of protection against oxidative deterioration. Rosemary extract in combination with a synergist shows a higher level of fat protection against oxidation compared to pure rosemary extract. By adding a tocopherol mixture, a better stabilization of the fat was achieved compared to sage extract. The synthetic antioxidant propyl gallate successfully increased the stability of goose fat.Während der Herstellung, Lagerung und Wärmebehandlung unterliegt Gänseschmalz einem oxidativen Verfall. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von natürlichen und synthetischen Antioxidantien und Synergisten (Rosmarinextrakt, Grüntee-Extrakt, Salbeiextrakt, Alpha-Tocopherol, Tocopherol-Mischung, Propylgallat, Zitronensäure, Ascorbinsäure, Kaffeesäure, Rosmarinsäure) auf die Oxidationsstabilität von Gänseschmalz untersucht. Die Oxidationsstabilität von Schmalz, mit und ohne zugesetzte Antioxidantien und Synergisten, wurde mit dem Schaal-Ofen-Test untersucht. Die Testergebnisse werden als Wert der Peroxidzahl nach einer bestimmten Zeit der Lagerung von Schmalz bei einer Temperatur von 63 °C angegeben. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen, dass die Anwendung von Antioxidantien und Synergisten Gänseschmalz erfolgreich stabilisiert, nicht aber α-Tocopherol. Von den natürlichen Antioxidantien hat Grüntee-Extrakt die höchste antioxidative Aktivität in Gänseschmalz. Er erreichte die höchste Schutzwirkung gegen oxidativen Verfall. Rosmarinextrakt in Kombination mit einem Synergisten zeigt im Vergleich zu reinem Rosmarinextrakt einen höheren Schutz von Schmalz gegen Oxidation. Durch Zugabe einer Tocopherolmischung wurde eine bessere Stabilisierung von Schmalz erreicht als mit Salbeiextrakt. Das synthetische Antioxidans Propylgallat erhöhte erfolgreich die Stabilität von Gänseschmalz.Durante la producción, el almacenamiento y el tratamiento térmico, la grasa de ganso está sujeta a deterioro oxidativo. En este trabajo se analiza la influencia de la adición de antioxidantes y sinergistas naturales y sintéticos (el extracto de romero, el extracto de té verde, el extracto de salvia, el a-tocoferol, la mezcla de tocoferoles, el galato de propilo, el ácido cítrico, el ácido ascórbico, el ácido cafeico, el ácido rosmarínico) sobre la estabilidad oxidativa de la grasa de ganso. La estabilidad a la oxidación de la grasa, con y sin antioxidantes y sinergistas añadidos, fue investigada mediante la prueba del Schaal. Los resultados de la prueba se presentan como el valor del número de peróxido después de un cierto tiempo de mantenimiento de la grasa a una temperatura de 63 °C. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que los antioxidantes y sinergistas agregados estabilizan con éxito la grasa de ganso, excepto el α-tocoferol. De los antioxidantes naturales, el extracto de té verde tiene la mayor actividad antioxidante en la grasa de ganso. Logró la más alta eficiencia de protección contra el deterioro oxidativo. El extracto de romero en combinación con un sinergista muestra un mayor nivel de protección de las grasas contra la oxidación en comparación con el extracto de romero puro. Al agregar una mezcla de tocoferoles, se logró una mejor estabilización de la grasa en comparación con el extracto de salvia. El antioxidante sintético galato de propilo aumentó con éxito la estabilidad de la grasa de ganso.Durante la produzione, lo stoccaggio e il trattamento termico, il grasso d\u27oca è soggetto a irrancidimento ossidativo. In questo lavoro, è stata studiata l\u27influenza dell\u27aggiunta di antiossidanti e sinergizzanti naturali e sintetici (estratto di rosmarino, estratto di tè verde, estratto di salvia, alfa tocoferolo, miscela di tocoferoli, gallato di propile, acido citrico, acido ascorbico, acido caffeico, acido rosmarinico) sulla stabilità ossidativa del grasso d\u27oca. La stabilità ossidativa del grasso, con e senza l\u27aggiunta di antiossidanti e sinergizzanti, è stata studiata utilizzando il test Schaal Oven. I risultati del test sono presentati come il valore del numero di perossidi dopo che il grasso è stato mantenuto per un certo tempo alla temperatura di 63 °C. I risultati della ricerca mostrano che gli antiossidanti e i sinergizzanti aggiunti stabilizzano efficacemente il grasso d\u27oca, ad eccezione dell\u27α-tocoferolo. Tra gli antiossidanti naturali, l\u27estratto di tè verde ha evidenziato la più alta attività antiossidante rispetto al grasso d’oca; ha raggiunto, infatti, la massima efficienza di protezione contro l’irrancidimento ossidativo. L\u27estratto di rosmarino, in combinazione con un sinergizzante, mostra un livello di protezione dei grassi contro l\u27ossidazione più elevato rispetto all\u27estratto di rosmarino puro. Aggiungendo una miscela di tocoferolo, si ottiene una migliore stabilizzazione del grasso rispetto a quella ottenuta con l\u27estratto di salvia. L\u27antiossidante sintetico gallato di propile ha aumentato efficacemente la stabilità ossidativa del grasso d\u27oca


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    Chocolate spread is one of the favourite breakfast meals and snacks among people of all generations. Increased consumption of these kinds of products with high-energy value leads to obesity and several health problems. Many researchers are trying to produce acceptable products with lower calorie values by reducing fat and sugar contents. Oleogels are one of the most explored solutions for the development of low-fat products and products with lower content of saturated fats. In addition, the fat composition of chocolate spreads can be changed to obtain a better fatty acid profile. Products with a low-sugar content have been proven to have sensory acceptability when sweeteners with low caloric value were used. In addition, researchers proved that chocolate spreads could be enriched with many different bioactive components by using by-products and minimally processed raw materials in the production process


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    The aim of this research was to examine the influence of the addition of cocoa shell, xanthan gum, guar gum, gum arabic, and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), as well as drying procedures on the properties of instant cocoa beverages. The cocoa shell was separated from the cocoa bean after roasting, milled, and after milling a fraction smaller than 71 μm was separated by sieving, and used in production. Instant powders were produced by agglomeration and drying (freeze-drying and oven-drying at 40 °C). The results showed that higher content of cocoa shell in instant cocoa beverages increased the wetting time, while the colour of the oven-dried powders was lighter compared to the freeze-dried samples. The bulk density of the powder was higher in samples with a higher content of shell. In samples with a higher amount of cocoa shell, the content of total polyphenols decreased compared to the samples without cocoa shell

    Fizikalno-kemijske karakteristike i antioksidativni kapacitet pčelinje peludi prikupljene na području tuzlanskog kantona (BiH)

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    The aim of this research was to evaluate bee pollen load samples collected in Tuzla Canton regarding physicochemical composition and antioxidant properties, with relation to collecting area and time of collection. Bee pollen load samples were collected in two periods: March/April and May/June at 13 locations, dried and analysed for protein, free fat, ash, moisture, total polyphenol and total flavonoid content, and antioxidant properties. The results showed that bee pollen collected in March/April had lower content of proteins, but higher content of total polyphenols and higher antioxidant activity, while total flavonoid content was not influenced by collection period. The location had significant influence on bee pollen properties.Zadatak ovog rada bio je odrediti fizikalno-kemijske karakteristike i antioksidativni kapacitet peludi prikupljene na području Tuzlanskog kantona u odnosu na razdoblje prikupljanja i geografsko podrijetlo. Uzorci peludi prikupljene su u razdoblju ožujak-travanj i svibanj-lipanj sa 13 lokacija, uzorci su osušeni i u njima je određen udio proteina, slobodnih masti, pepela i vode zatim udio ukupnih polifenola i flavonoida te antioksidativni kapacitet. Rezultati su pokazali da pelud prikupljena u razdoblju ožujak-travanj ima niži udio proteina, ali viši udio ukupnih polifenola i antioksidativni kapacitet, dok udio flavonoida ne ovisi o vremenu prikupljanja. Geografsko podrijetlo nije imalo utjecaj na karakteristike uzoraka peludi

    Impatto degli ingredienti e del processo di omogeneizzazione sulle proprietà reologiche della maionese da insalata con aggiunta di pure

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    Reološka svojstva važan su parametar kvalitete majoneze. Poznavanje reoloških svojstava značajno je pri kreiranju željene konzistencije majoneze, u kontroli kvalitete tijekom proizvodnje, skladištenja i transporta. U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj uljne faze, vrste ugljikohidrata, žumanjka jajeta, kaše bundeve te brzine rotora i vremena homogenizacije na reološka svojstva salatne majoneze. Za ispitivanje korištene su razne vrste biljnih ulja: rafinirano i hladno prešano suncokretovo ulje, rafinirano i hladno prešano repičino ulje i visokooleinsko suncokretovo ulje. Žumanjak jajeta korišten je kao svježi, pasterizirani i zamrznuti pasterizirani. Za ispitivanje utjecaja vrste ugljikohidrata na reološka svojstva salatne majoneze korištena je glukoza, saharoza, laktoza, maltoza, inulin HD i cvjetni med. Ispitivan je utjecaj dodatka kaše bundeve (5 %, 10 %, 15 %) na reološka svojstva salatne majoneze. Mehanički proces homogenizacije salatne majoneze (65 % uljna faza) proveden je kod različite brzine rotora (10000, 12000, 15000 o/min) i vremenu (1, 3, 5 min). Mjerenja reoloških svojstava salatne majoneze s dodatkom kaše bundeve provedena su na rotacijskom viskozimetru sa koncentričnim cilindrima pri temperaturi 25 ºC. Iz dobivenih podataka izračunati su reološki parametri koeficijent konzistencije, indeks tečenja i prividna viskoznost majoneza. Navedeni rezultati ukazuju da majoneza izrađena s hladno prešanim suncokretovim uljem ima veću viskoznost i konzistenciju u odnosu na druga ulja. Primjena svježeg žumanjka dovodi do nižih vrijednosti reoloških parametara viskoznosti i konzistencije. Dodatkom maltoze kod izrade ove majoneze dobivaju se veće vrijednosti reoloških parametara. Brzina rotora i vrijeme homogenizacije utječu na promjenu reoloških svojstava salatne majoneze.Rheological properties are important quality parameters of mayonnaise. The understanding of rheological properties is important for creating the proper consistency of mayonnaise, for quality control during production, storage, and transport. In this master thesis the influence of oil phase, type of carbohydrates, egg yolk and pumpkin puree, as well as rotor velocity and the homogenisation period, on the rheological properties of salad mayonnaise have been explored. Different types of vegetable oils were used for testing: refined and cold pressed sunflower seed oil, refined and cold pressed rape seed oil and high oleic sunflower seed oil. Egg yolk was used as fresh, pasteurised, as well as frozen pasteurised. Glucose, sucrose, lactose, maltose, inulin and flower honey were used to test the influence of various types of carbohydrates on rheological properties of salad mayonnaise. The influence of pumpkin puree (5 %, 10 %, 15 %) on rheological properties of salad mayonnaise was tested. The mechanical process of homogenisation of salad mayonnaise was conducted under various rotor velocities (10 000, 12 000, 15 000 rpm) and in different time periods (1, 3, 5 min). The measurings of rheological properties of salad mayonnaise supplemented by pumpkin puree were conducted on the rotational viscosimeter with the concentric cylinder on the temperature of 25ºC. Rheological parameters coefficient of consistency, flow index and the apparent viscosity of mayonnaise were calculated from the obtained data. The afore-mentioned results indicate that mayonnaise produced from cold pressed sunflower seed oil has greater viscosity and consistency compared to other oils. The application of fresh egg yolk results in minor rheological viscosity and consistency parameters. Greater rheological parameters are obtained by adding maltose in production of this mayonnaise. Modification of rheological properties of salad mayonnaise is affected by rotor velocity and by homogenisation period.Rheologische Eigenschaften sind wichtige Qualitätsparameter von Mayonnaise. Das Verständnis der rheologischen Eigenschaften ist wichtig für die Herstellung der richtigen Konsistenz von Mayonnaise, für die Qualitätskontrolle während der Produktion, der Lagerung und des Transports. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss der Ölphase, der Art der Kohlenhydrate, des Eigelbs und des Kürbispürees sowie der Rotorgeschwindigkeit und der Homogenisierungsdauer auf die rheologischen Eigenschaften von Salatmayonnaise untersucht. Für die Tests wurden verschiedene Arten von Pflanzenölen verwendet: raffiniertes und kaltgepresstes Sonnenblumenöl, raffiniertes und kaltgepresstes Rapsöl und Sonnenblumenkernöl mit hohem Ölsäuregehalt. Eigelb wurde in frischer, pasteurisierter und tiefgekühlter, pasteurisierter Form verwendet. Glukose, Saccharose, Laktose, Maltose, Inulin und Blütenhonig wurden verwendet, um den Einfluss verschiedener Arten von Kohlenhydraten auf die rheologischen Eigenschaften der Salatmayonnaise zu testen. Getestet wurde der Einfluss von Kürbispüree (5 %, 10 %, 15 %) auf die rheologischen Eigenschaften von Salatmayonnaise. Der mechanische Prozess der Homogenisierung von Salatmayonnaise wurde bei verschiedenen Rotorgeschwindigkeiten (10 000, 12 000, 15 000 U/min) und in unterschiedlichen Zeiträumen (1, 3, 5 min) durchgeführt. Die Messungen der rheologischen Eigenschaften von Salatmayonnaise mit Kürbispüree wurden mit dem Rotationsviskosimeter mit konzentrischem Zylinder bei einer Temperatur von 25ºC durchgeführt. Aus den erhaltenen Daten wurden die rheologischen Parameter Konsistenzkoeffizient, Fließindex und die scheinbare Viskosität der Mayonnaise berechnet. Die vorgenannten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Mayonnaise aus kaltgepresstem Sonnenblumenöl im Vergleich zu anderen Ölen eine höhere Viskosität und Konsistenz aufweist. Die Verwendung von frischem Eigelb führt zu geringeren rheologischen Viskositäts- und Konsistenzparametern. Höhere rheologische Parameter werden durch den Zusatz von Maltose bei der Herstellung dieser Mayonnaise erzielt. Die Veränderung der rheologischen Eigenschaften der Salatmayonnaise wird durch die Rotorgeschwindigkeit und die Homogenisierungsdauer beeinflusst.Las propiedades reológicas son parámetros de calidad importantes de la mayonesa. La comprensión de las propiedades reológicas es crucial para lograr la consistencia adecuada de la mayonesa y para el control de calidad durante la producción, el almacenamiento y el transporte. En este trabajo fue investigada la influencia de la fase de aceite, el tipo de carbohidratos, la yema de huevo y el puré de calabaza, así como la velocidad del rotor y el período de homogeneización, en las propiedades reológicas de la mayonesa para ensaladas. Se utilizaron diferentes tipos de aceites vegetales para realizar las pruebas: aceite de semilla de girasol refinado y prensado en frío, aceite de colza refinado y prensado en frío y aceite de girasol alto en oleico. Se utilizó yema de huevo fresca, pasteurizada y congelada pasteurizada. Glucosa, sacarosa, lactosa, maltosa, inulina y miel de flores se utilizaron para probar la influencia de varios tipos de carbohidratos en las propiedades reológicas de la mayonesa para ensaladas. Se probó la influencia del puré de calabaza (5%, 10%, 15%) en las propiedades reológicas de la mayonesa para ensaladas. El proceso mecánico de homogeneización de la mayonesa para ensaladas se llevó a cabo a diversas velocidades del rotor (10,000, 12,000, 15,000 rpm) y en diferentes períodos de tiempo (1, 3, 5 minutos). Las mediciones de las propiedades reológicas de la mayonesa para ensaladas complementada con puré de calabaza se realizaron en el viscosímetro rotativo con cilindro concéntrico a una temperatura de 25ºC. Los parámetros reológicos, el coeficiente de consistencia, el índice de flujo y la viscosidad aparente de la mayonesa, se calcularon a partir de los datos obtenidos. Los resultados mencionados anteriormente indican que la mayonesa producida a partir de aceite de semilla de girasol prensado en frío tiene una mayor viscosidad y consistencia en comparación con otros aceites. La aplicación de yema de huevo fresca resulta en parámetros reológicos de viscosidad y consistencia menores. Se obtienen mayores parámetros reológicos al agregar maltosa en la producción de esta mayonesa. La modificación de las propiedades reológicas de la mayonesa para ensaladas se ve afectada por la velocidad del rotor y el período de homogeneización.Le proprietà reologiche sono un importante parametro di qualità della maionese. La conoscenza delle proprietà reologiche della maionese è fondamentale per stabilire la consistenza desiderata del prodotto, per il controllo di qualità durante la produzione, per lo stoccaggio e per il trasporto. In questo articolo è stato studiato l\u27impatto della fase oleosa, del tipo di carboidrati, del tuorlo d’uovo, della purea di zucca, della velocità del rotore e del tempo di omogeneizzazione sulle proprietà reologiche della maionese da insalata. Per i test sono stati utilizzati vari tipi di oli vegetali: olio di girasole raffinato e spremuto a freddo, olio di colza raffinato e spremuto a freddo e olio di girasole alto oleico. Riguardo ai tuorli d\u27uovo, sono stati impiegati tuorli d\u27uovo freschi, pastorizzati e pastorizzati congelati. Per testare l\u27impatto del tipo di carboidrati sulle proprietà reologiche della maionese da insalata sono stati utilizzati il glucosio, il saccarosio, il lattosio, il maltosio, l\u27inulina HD e il miele millefiori. È stato testato, inoltre, l\u27impatto dell\u27aggiunta di purea di zucca (5%, 10%, 15%) sulle proprietà reologiche della maionese da insalata. Il processo meccanico di omogeneizzazione della maionese da insalata (fase oleosa al 65%) è stato effettuato a diverse velocità del rotore (10000, 12000, 15000 giri al minuto) e con diversi tempi di omogeneizzazione (1, 3, 5 minuti). Le misurazioni delle proprietà reologiche della maionese da insalata con l\u27aggiunta di purea di zucca sono state eseguite mediante un viscosimetro rotativo a cilindri concentrici a una temperatura di 25 ºC. I dati ottenuti sono serviti a calcolare i seguenti parametri reologici: coefficiente di consistenza, indice di fluidità e viscosità apparente della maionese. Dai risultati di cui sopra risulta che la maionese prodotta con olio di girasole spremuto a freddo ha una viscosità e una consistenza più elevate rispetto alla maionese prodotta con altri oli. L\u27utilizzo di tuorlo fresco abbassa i valori dei parametri reologici della viscosità e della consistenza. Aggiungendo maltosio durante la preparazione di questa maionese si ottengono valori più elevati dei parametri reologici. Anche la velocità del rotore e il tempo di omogeneizzazione influenzano il cambiamento delle proprietà reologiche della maionese da insalata